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COVID-19 Voting Update: Virginia has suspended its witness requirement for absentee voting in the 2020 general election. Any registered voter is eligible to vote absentee without an excuse. Voters were able to do this prior to the pandemic. The deadline to register to vote has been extended to October 15 at 11:59 p.m. for both online and in-person registrations.

[updated October 14, 2020]


Check your registration status:

Register by mail:

Register online:

Absentee eligibility:

Request absentee ballot:

Track your ballot:

Find your polling location:

Find your sample ballot:

Campus Vote Project:


MediaWise is a nonprofit, nonpartisan project of the Poynter Institute and supported by Facebook. Complexly is an MVP partner, as are Campus Vote Project and Students Learn, Students Vote.
Hey Virginia!

If you want to vote, first you need to make sure you’re registered. There’s a link in the description where you can check your registration status right now.

If you aren’t registered, or have moved or changed your name since the last time you voted, you can register online using the link in the description as long as you have a Virginia driver’s license or state ID. If you don’t have a Virginia license—maybe you don’t drive or you’re a college student from another state— you’ll go to the same registration website to fill out a form, but at the end, you have to print it out and mail it in. Whichever way you register, you have until October 13th if you want to vote in the November general election.

Great. So you’re registered. Now you get to vote.

In most cases, you’re going to be voting in person on November 3rd. But you can vote absentee by mail if you will be out of state on election day, or if you have an illness, disability, work shift, or religious belief that prevents you from going to the polls. If any of those apply to you, you can request a ballot using either the online or mail in form below.

You can request your ballot any time between now and October 27th, but the sooner you get your request in, the longer you will have to look it over, research candidates, and vote before you send it back before November 3rd. If you qualify to vote absentee by mail, you can also go vote in person at your local registrar’s office between September 19th and October 31st. There’s a link below to find the early voting locations and hours for your county.

And or the rest of you, you can head to the polls on November 3rd from 6am to 7pm. And there’s a link in the description you can use to find out where to go to vote. You’ll need to bring an ID with you, too.

A Virginia Driver’s license, state ID, passport, military or tribal ID, or student ID from a college or university in Virginia all work. You can also go to the same website you used to check your registration and voting location to find a sample ballot. Your sample ballot tells you everything that you’ll be able to vote for in this year’s election.

You don’t have to vote for every single thing on the ballot, but if you want a chance to do some research on the candidates in your local elections, it’s a good idea to look at a sample ballot first. You can even fill it out and bring it to the polls with you, so you can be sure you remember how you want to vote. The best thing to do if you want to vote this year is to make a plan to vote right now.

From what day you’re gonna register to whether you are going to vote in person or absentee. What kind of ID are you gonna use, and where is it? Even what time you’re going to vote and how you’re going to get there.

Write it down, put it in your notes app, text it to your friend, just make a plan so that nothing unexpected stops you from being counted on November 3rd. There will be links for everything you need to get registered and find your polling location in description. Thanks for being a voter.

How To Vote in Every State is produced by Complexly in partnership with The MediaWise Voter Project, which is led by The Poynter Institute and supported by Facebook.