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In this episode, Chelsea talks to content creator and comedian Brittany Broski about going viral, the reality of making money online, and the fears and anxieties that come with having a public persona.

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Hello everyone, and welcome back to a brand new episode, of The Financial Confessions.

We have a guest today that I am particularly interested in talking to because, in all my 10 years of making media on the internet, which in internet years is literally centuries, I've not yet talked to someone who got their start in creating digital content, yes we'll have to use the word content, I have mixed feelings about it myself, via going viral. And, I think there are so many elements of that particular experience, that are incredibly fascinating and something that I think we often don't really touch on.

I think now, the culture is becoming more aware of the fact that often young people, and it's often women and people of color, who create these massive moments online, that get used and appropriated for all kinds of purposes, should also really be getting in on the spoils of that financially. But for many people, going viral can have a ton of different impacts. It can mean losing your day job, it can mean having to move, it can mean your life being completely upended and possibly not even getting compensated in the process.

So, I'm extremely excited to welcome someone to the show today, who did start off by going viral, and experienced a lot of that which we'll talk about. But who then, parlayed it into becoming an incredibly successful and sustained digital content creator, with over six million followers on TikTok, which is frankly incredible. I've still not quite used TikTok, but I know for a fact that that's impressive from what I hear.

And, has so much to tell us all about both becoming famous online, and sustaining that slash, turning it into something that is an actual profitable business. So without further ado, I would like to welcome Britney Broski to the show. Hello. [GIGGLES] Thanks for having me.

Thanks for coming on. So, I must say for those who are wondering-- I'm sure everyone probably knows how you became virally famous initially, but if you wouldn't mind explaining exactly how most of the internet came to know you, for the maybe two people out there who don't know. Sure.

Well, I can give you the whole back story. Because, it kind of goes into where I am today. So, I graduated college 2018, degree in communications and Spanish.

Graduated, didn't have a job. As most college grads do, and took the first job that came to me. Worked in insurance, was miserable, horrible.

Got fired, moved to a bank, and it was OK. Around this time, literally in the office, it was just me and my boss who was like 59. didn't know what YouTube was, kind of like wasn't online at all. Like I thought to my benefit.

Around this time, TikTok was becoming like close to what it is today. Kind of not really respected, but more like, all right what's going on over here. I kept seeing ads for it on Snapchat.

And I was like what is this? It was like furries, and cost players. And I was like, I need to, I need to check this out. [LAUGHS] So I downloaded it, and got addicted, as most people do.

And I started uploading, just for shits and giggles, old Snapchat that I had made for my friends. And you know, I've got about a couple I had at the time, a couple of thousand people on Snapchat. Because, it became this thing in college, where I would just-- I was posting the same shit that I do today, but in college.

And it was on Snapchat instead of TikTok. So like I've been doing this. Just kind of shit posting online.

So, I was downloading videos and uploading them to TikTok. The first one that I ever uploaded, was a depression meal check. I shared my recipes for some of my depression meals, the first one being dry chocolate chips, and brown apples that had been sitting on my counter for forever.

And, it was just me hysterically laughing. Because it was so sad looking. And, like i have this weird laugh and it was shaking the bowl, and it was just, it was a funny video, but it's really sad. [LAUGHS] And, that video I posted that it like 9 PM on a Tuesday, got up for work the next morning around like 8:00 AM, and I had like 30,000 likes on the video. 30,000 likes!

That's not even the views. And at the time it TikTok I was like, Oh my God! Because the numbers that people pulled today, was not the same you know back then.

Like this is July 2019. So, that went viral on TikTok. And the only reason I knew that, because I didn't check out.

Like I wasn't checking TikTok. Was my friend sent me a link from Reddit. Someone had downloaded my video, uploaded it to Reddit on r/contagious laughter.

And that was kind of my first instance of virality, where I was like Oh damn. Because like when you put it online, it no longer belongs to you, it belongs to the people. So, that happened, then early August, is the infamous kombucha meme, I uploaded a video of me test tasting kombucha, which is disgusting-- You guessed it, to TikTok.

Didn't do well on TikTok, it did not do well at all. It was just kind like Oh OK, she's making some Jim Carrey faces. Somebody again downloaded it.

This time uploaded it to Twitter, where all memes go viral, that's where all memes start. And, gay Twitter got a hold of it. And just went crazy with it.

And I was so honored because the tweets i was seeing, were so funny but so gay. And it was so great, because like to see people having fun with my content. But it's also like, you know, my face when I tasted ash for the first time or whatever.

It's like [LAUGHS] seriously, I'm not posting these things. But they're funny in and of themselves. So like I was seeing them go viral and I was like, Oh my God this is insane.

After about two days, I was like, Oh so this is happening. I was seeing it everywhere. Fast forward two weeks, I was seeing it on climate change posters in New Zealand, I was seeing it in Arabic, I was seeing in Russian, girl I don't know what it was saying.

But I'm sure it was pretty funny. But like I was, it became a global thing. Which I never could have predicted.

Like of all the videos that I've ever posted online, that one, and then shortly it became-- it's a full 60 second video. They cut it down to 15 seconds, and then eventually it just became the side by side meme, of like disgusted and then maybe. And, so that was kind of the hype was in August.

Early September, my boss pulled me into her office and she's like, you need to decide if you want to be a corporate professional and do well with this company, or if you want to be an internet person and be a meme. She didn't know what it meant, but she's sneaky. She had at the time like when she pulled me into her office for this meeting, she had found my TikTok, my Twitter, my Instagram, my YouTube, my snap-- she had found it all.

I said now that's pretty sneaky for someone who didn't know what YouTube was three weeks ago. she knew what digging. She was commenting on my-- she was like, 'You use pretty nasty language in your videos'. And I was like, Oh my God!

Not my boss talking to me about my TikToks. But it happened and it was humiliating. Two days later, she pulled me in and she was like, 'We're letting you go'.

And they said that the reason was because I was on my phone too much during business hours. Girl! In Texas, it's an at will employment state so the first 90 days that you're hired at a job, they could fire you because you're ugly.

And it's literally they could let you go for whatever reason, and you can't pursue legal action against them. They fired me on the 89th day. Wow!

They got as much work out of me as they could, but they let me go. But you know what, I genuinely think things happen for a reason because, two weeks later, I got my first brand deal. I was flown out to LA.

And things just have not slowed down since then. I slowly accumulated a team of people working behind me. And, it's pushed me to do.

I never would have done this as a career. I always thought about it, oh it would be so fun to do SNL it'd be so fun to make people laugh for a living, it'd be so fun to whatever. But, it's not attainable, I'm not going to put all my eggs in that basket, I need to pay my rent sort of thing.

Right It's such a blessing to be able to do this, and make money. Like making money doing this. I feel like a scammer [GIGGLES] I once experienced the very lame and unsuccessful version of that similar thing, where I worked I was a receptionist at a job, where you were not supposed to use your work computer for anything besides work.

And, they had that tracking software that would track any non-work thing that you did. And one time, my boss pulled me into her office, and she like held up this piece of paper with a bunch of URLs on it. Is like maybe I don't know, like 50 or something, and she was like, this is what an average receptionist browses online in a single month?

And then she felt, like she had like a stack of paper. She had literally gone to the printer to print out every URL. Weekly girl Looked like a waste of paper!

If anything, but she was like this is what you've been doing online. And I got fired shortly thereafter, which was also probably for the best. I did not parlay it into viral fame at the time.

But, it was still for the best. Fortunately. That is, you know what, to think that for eight hours a day we're supposed to just be monkeys, chained to a desk, it's ridiculous.

It's. Ridiculous Genuinely. And also now that I work like ever since that, when I have worked quote unquote white collar corporate jobs, where you are in front of a desk like, they don't give a fuck what you do all day.

And the number of times a day I check Twitter, I check Instagram, I just browse random articles. Like you have total freedom. It's only in those type of jobs where you're completely micromanaged, even though at the quote unquote, you know big impressive jobs, where you're being paid a lot more, you end up probably goofing off way more than people do at more strictly managed jobs Absolutely.

I mean there was-- between my two jobs which were both white collar before all this, and I still am a licensed insurance agent. Look at me, hey! I'm your insurance agent. [LAUGHS] Not a bullet.

My first job it was like that, it was like-- if you, --they timed you on your lunch, your bathroom breaks, if you were late, you got a demerit, a demerit. I'm an adult. [LAUGHS] A demerit. Like go on.

I literally, like if I was taking a call, or if I was trying to do adult stuff during my lunch break, that's the only time I got. Like a minute to five minutes late, they'd be like, we're going to pull you in, we need to talk to you about time management, is this really the job for you? I'm like Linda, I'm two minutes late.

Like, I was on the phone with my bank. Like really? There's no room for like humanity, in this sort of job Yeah It's very like, It's so degrading and inhumane to treat someone like literally you would a kindergartener.

Literally. So, I'm curious when you first went viral. So, just from how explosive that kombucha meme became, although you did end up getting brand deals after that fact, were you able, did you see any money from your images going zero Nada?

You know what something too? At the time, I was really on Twitter. Twitter was where it was all happening, because all Instagram is just a screenshot, and tweets that have went viral.

I was on Twitter, there was a day in like August of 2019 that I gained like 96,000 followers in one day. Like there was so much attention on me and my account. I didn't know what to do with it, but I knew I had to keep up that momentum.

And I tried because i know how meme work, I've been on the internet for like you said, it feels like eons. I've grown up online, I've seen the time span or the lifespan of these sort of things. So, I knew that there was going to be an end point.

So when I was seeing brands. I mean big brands use my meme, because it's some 18-year-old intern running the Twitter account, trying to fit in, trying to be relatable, I would DM them, or I would comment under there. Hey, this is me, can you credit me.

I would DM them, hi insta brand here, that's me. You know, like fill in the blank, do it right to compensate me, in some way give me a gift card bitch something, give me some free pizza. They would either delete the tweet, block me, [GIGGLES] or the few who would respond and be like, Hi Britney, we love your meme, give us the best address to send you a care package.

That's how you do it. If you don't want to pay me, girl send me some free shit. Because you're literally using my likeness to promote your brand.

And I think there's a real ethics thing online about that, and I don't know how I feel about it. Know like I'm sitting in my apartment now jobless, [LAUGHS] I do not have an income, and you're literally benefiting off of my face, to promote your product and I get no part of that. So it was very frustrating at first.

But shortly thereafter, a management company who I'm no longer with, reached out to me and they were like, we want to help you start monetizing your presence online. And I was like thank you. And shortly thereafter, I started getting brand deals and now that I've kind of been in it for almost two years, [GIGGLES]..

This time passed so fast. They took advantage of you. Oh girl!

These brands, they low ball you, because you don't know what you're doing. I mean I was making $38,000 a year working at this bank, like it wasn't, you know what, I didn't know what these mega influencers were making. So, you definitely get low balled, but it's all a learning process.

And it really, really depends on who you have behind you, I couldn't do this alone. Oh my God. If I didn't have a team behind me, and I mean like business manager, lawyers, agents, all of that, you need all of it.

It takes a village. I would literally be working at Outback Steakhouse. I would be, there's no way, because it's like they prey on that innocence of you not knowing the business side of it.

Absolutely. And even then, I have never been in all of my years in media-- first working for another publication as a staffer and then owning a media company, --i've never been in the position of being just a creator who's sort of an island, who then has like all of their satellites around them as far as their team, and like you're saying, without good ones you can't do it at all. But those team members can also themselves be incredibly predatory, and can also be a huge part of creators even if they are for example, getting a really good deal with a brand.

According to many contracts, they may not even know what the brand was paying the agency. They get their check from the agency, they're not able to see the contract on both sides, their financial manager might not be managing their money, as well as they should be. And we, for example, have worked with third party agencies in the past to help bring supplemental brand deals to our content, to our videos, things like that, and we could do a one to one to one comparison, where what our internal sales person was getting for a brand deal.

It was 10 times in many cases what these agencies were going to be placing an ad for. Because their goal is just to place as many as possible and they don't really care. So, how did you find the right people to work with, and you say you're no longer with a management company, obviously don't have to go into any more detail than you're comfortable with.

But like, what was that learning process, how do you find the right ones? Look, if it's a good management company or agency, they will find you, and it took a month or two into the kombucha thing happening for an agency to reach out. And then after, I was no longer with that first one.

I had one kind of lined up that had expressed interest before, so I was lucky enough in that regard, that it's kind of just happened naturally for me. And I think, ego aside, the fact that this isn't some viral TikTok boy hotness, like it will go away eventually, like the fact that I'm a funny person, not to toot my own ego but like, there is talent there. I think that's attractive for a lot of representation as well.

That talent isn't going to go away, just because you're the hottest person on x app at x time you know like it's a different. So they see longevity in working with you. And obviously that's good for me, because I'm like hell Yeah, but Yeah.

I have had my share of negative experiences with Hollywood representation, and it's an abuse of trust. Is what it is. And it's a lack of experience, that's kind of what I dealt with.

It was over promising and under delivering. Letting email slip slip through the cracks for weeks on end, missing deadlines that I had no idea of because I was trusting these people to manage my career, and my opportunities. And, they bit off more than they could chew.

And I think they really underestimated me as well. They saw me as, Oh she's this meme and it'll be over and then we'll get her like a fashion nova deal. And i was like, I'm so much more than that.

And I don't think that they saw that in me because they were used to working with, not talented people, [LAUGHS]. You know what I mean. But like, it was-- I don't think they knew how to deal with me.

So where I'm at now, I'm so happy, and they value me, and we're working towards, I have a lot of big end goals, and they align very well with who I'm currently partnered with. So, I'm very lucky in that regard. But I used to get a lot of messages of like, hey, I just need a million TikTok, how do I get a manager.

And I'm like, girl, first of all, you don't need a manager. you need an agent. Second of all, like you don't it's just difficult because, I did not reach out to these people, it kind of just happened naturally. And I feel like that's how it should happen, because if you're meant to be.

If you're meant to be creating content for a long time, the people will let you do it. You trying to force it, won't. So I don't know.

It's a very fine line between capturing the virality and making it work for you, and also committing to doing it for a long time. Like this isn't just going to be, Oh it's one month I'm going to make X amount of thousands of dollars and then I'm done. It's like no girl, you're doing this for as long as you can, and it's tiresome, and it's I have burnout all the time.

Like it's a hard job but I am so lucky that I get to do it. Every job is hard. You know every job has its pros and cons.

So, it's the business side of it man, crazy crazy. Well. It is an interesting difference that you happened to go viral for something kind of almost like by accident, but you actually had.

Yeah. But you had comedic chops, although I do feel that now we at least are getting to a place of-- as I was mentioning, in the intro of cultural awareness and societal awareness --that these people who are generating massive, massive attention and cultural capital for these big brands that are utilizing them, one of them that comes to mind recently is the guy who went viral for I think he was at a Hyundai dealership. And he was like, where the money reside, where the money reside.

I'm not going to do it. But, he went viral for that, and everyone was really encouraging him to meet with Honda, to trademark it. Like and he was like posting the other day.

Secured the bag? Yes. Secured the bag.

Like he posted the other day a thing addressed to where the money reside LLC, and I was like yes, yes. [GIGGLES],, And the thing is, that it should be on us as a culture. Like, it seems like Honda is paying him, because they know what's good for them. But if they weren't paying him, like so many brands have done, and I'm sure did like you were saying with you, people should shame the shit out of that.

They should be like stop cashing in on this person and then not compensating them. No. It's literally like this is an age old thing of like pay artists.

You know what I mean? It's the same sentiment, of like people steal other people's art all the time, put it on t-shirts, whatever monetize it, they get all the money in it. It's like what about the person that literally is the spine of your business?

Like that is still what we're dealing with. But it's now just in the form of video content. So it's a plague.

But honestly, people in the comments and it's usually it's young people, being like, yes. They're very supportive of-- I'm speaking from personal experience --they're very supportive of me, whenever I post a brand bill, or whenever I post, it's clear that it's a sponsored post, or it's something that I have to do to I don't know eat, they're like, yes get your bag, get your money, look I'm liking this twice, because I know you got to eat [LAUGHS]. They're very supportive.

It's no longer like sellout. They recognize that. They're supporting me and this is how I make a living, and it's very nice.

So, I feel like that integrity comes from of all things, the comments section and the viewers, more so than the brands. Oh Yeah. And how do you decide because like especially when it comes to these newer platforms, where traditionally a lot of the more, a lot of the older brands like the brick and mortar stuff, like they can be really skittish about investing in these new platforms.

They can be very, I mean, it's just very touch and go. So often, what you'll see for these younger creators, emerging creators, and these newer platforms, is like the funkier brands, that you may not necessarily want to align yourself with. And you can see some just really unfortunate brand collaborations happening.

And I always am of the opinion-- like --I mean I'm always of the opinion generally of like get your money, like you deserve to be paid, I don't care, I like it twice like you said, but you seem to be at a place now where you can be more discerning about the brand deals you do and don't take. So, I have a two part question on that. Number one, how do you decide which brands you take, and don't take.

And how do you get them to understand your value, and the value of your platform when it might be totally new to them? It's a very good question. So the first one, what brands do I choose to work with and what's kind of the criteria.

You have to be so hyper aware of the scandals and culture around a certain brand. There are some that if you're working with a clothing brand for example, and it's fast fashion, you can almost guarantee that the comment section is going to be full of like, yes where that child labor sweatshirt? Like, these kids are aware of how abusive these companies are, and then how inhumane the workers are treated and all that.

Sustainability is another one. If you're working with a company that is so excessively wasteful, you will be called out for it. Skincare brands.

If it doesn't work, if it's a scam, if it's overpriced, they will call you out for it. So the way that I choose, pick and choose, CSR is really big to me. Corporate Social responsibility.

I want to be able to go on their website and see what are you doing to reduce waste and emissions. Are your products and recyclable bottles all of that, especially with beauty shit, especially with beauty brands. Is like, I'm going to be clocked and also it doesn't sit right with my soul. [GIGGLES] If I'm promoting something that's-- if I'm over here talking about climate change, and then I'm like by this non-recyclable bottle, it's like I need to align myself somehow.

So that's one side of it. But the other side is just like, are these companies that I like, are these huge companies. Are these like, damn, she got a brand deal with blah blah blah.

So, that's it's literally a one by one decision, but the overarching things are I have to be aware of what these companies have done, because guess what, if I get a check from them, I'm now the scapegoat. So if they have donated to something, guess what, now I'm somehow responsible for it, because I accepted a check from them. So it's very weird.

But again, it's these comments section is keeping everybody in line. Sometimes it's a little bit too much, but sometimes it's like thank you I didn't know that. That's kind of the first part.

Second part is you asked how do I get them to see the value in partnering with me? And, partnering with you specifically and also working with these platforms that might not be like understandable to them. Sure.

It has been a struggle. These it is so funny to me, because these brands are clueless. Especially like early 2020 when people were like, Oh so TikTok is like the thing now.

And brands were like, we're going to try to jump on TikTok. So they would come up with these, it's a bunch of like 40-year-olds in a room coming up with these TikTok campaign ideas. And they're horrible and bad.

Horrible bad. And then they're pitching that to me and I'm looking at the check number, and I'm like Yeah, I'll do whatever you need me to do. But then when it comes down to actually like me, I'm like this is the most horrible, cringe, stupid idea I've ever seen in my life.

Is it worth the money? Sometimes I literally say no, because the idea is so stupid and they're not willing to bend on the creative. I'm like I'm no, like it's not worth the money to me.

Because this is going to live on my page forever. Right So, I feel like, and every time I have a Skype call with executives at a brand or whatever, I try to communicate that of like, if you want to partner with me, if you want to partner with a creative funny person, and not just someone who can dance with your product in the background, treat it as that. I'm not just another number in the TikTok machine.

I have a lot that I could offer and bring to your brand, by letting me be creative with whatever you're trying to promote. And I feel like a lot of people don't understand that, and I also don't get paid as much as the people who can literally just dance with the product on their hand, which is kind of backwards, but it's just, State of the Union sort of thing. I try to tell them, I understand that you have this campaign going on, but could I do this instead because this fits in more with my brand and my content, and the stuff that lives on my page?

Sometimes they say yes, it's, a great partnership, and they're like this amazing. Sometimes they say no and I do it anyway. And my comments are like Britney girl, what is this. [LAUGHS] Britney girl, we're going to go ahead like this?

But what is it? So, I feel kind of guilty sometimes, but it's just an ongoing thing. It's just this it's a lack of understanding on the brands part, and I guess on my part too, because I don't know, how many rounds of approvals they've had to go to before it gets to me.

Oh totally. You know what mean, like that it has to be so frustrating. So, it's hard.

I feel like a lot of people who consume content online and see brand placements that are cringey, do not understand how much these creator's hands are tied and they need to eat. And we, so all of the brands that we work with, you're perfect and wonderful and have the best creative. Never change.

But we often will receive RFP or Request For Proposal or brand sort of briefs, from other brands that we don't end up working with. And you cannot imagine the extent of not only cringe worthiness in the creative, but also the extent to which you would like nuke your relationship with your audience. I will not divulge any identifying details here, but we received a brand like request for pitches from a brand that's like, let's just say, a consumer product, food product.

Nothing related to money. And their request for us was that, we do a bunch of like teaser videos, being like we have a really hot money tip for you. Stay tuned like logging in this time.

And the money was essentially like, buy this product. And was like, we're going to get reported to the FTC for like fraudulently offering people financial advice. [LAUGHS] Like what? That is such a bad look.

And there was like you were saying, there was like no room for negotiation. It was like either do that. And I'm like it's just not, I don't care how much money it is.

It's not worth like pages of your audience screaming at you. Exactly, exactly, exactly. Well and it's also like, I feel like if you are trying to reach an audience onto TikTok up which yes, TikTok the demographic is large and wide.

Now, now. Because everybody's grandparents and parents are on TikTok as well. Back at this time when it was like early 2020, late 2019, it was all Gen Z, it was ALL Gen Z.

Like if you were 26 on TikTok it was like old. You know what I mean. Like it was such a different culture than it is now.

The accepting, loving, happy, joyful environment that TikTok is. It used to be really toxic. Because it was doing that transition from musically to TikTok.

So at that time, it was these brands pitching these ideas, meant for like-- I don't even know --like TV commercials, now it was it was similar to a-- not even I don't want to say GEICO, because GEICO commercials are funny. Just I don't know what they were pitching. And it's clear that it was people who didn't know the culture of TikTok, didn't know what was funny to the upcoming generation, and we're just generally out of touch.

It's like have a 16-year-old, on your creative board, and that brand will do amazing, It's like people don't understand that, they think because they've been in the industry for so long, that they know what's going on. Girl you have no idea what's going on, especially not TikTok. Not at all.

Also like it's often the thing you'd never expect. I'm sure that poor girl who I think is OK now, like gluing her head shut was probably the best thing to happen to Gorilla Glue in years. Oh absolutely.

Well, which is surprising because it was such a negative thing. I know. But people are like that's shit works.

So, we have some questions from our audience that I'd love to get into. I'm very curious about this two. Does being internet famous translate offline?

Like do you get recognized a lot? What's that like? Do your family members and other people, especially the older people like do they understand what you do?

Like what is life like offline? I do get recognized in public a lot, especially on airplanes. I always get recognized on airplanes and it's humiliating, because I always look bad.

Like I don't want to take a picture, like no, I look like Owen Wilson. But I do, because like these people pay my bills. I appreciate them.

My family is very supportive. My family is addicted to TikTok. They love TikTok, they eat it up.

And every time I go home, my mom's like, having a favorite tick TikToker? And it's like somebody's grandma who cusses. And I'm like mom, so it's like there's content for everybody on TikTok.

My parents try to be as understanding as they can be, of what it is I do in a day, how I make money. If I'm secured with the IRS, and all that. If my spirit is sitting well, all that sort of stuff.

But my grandparents, they are just concerned if I'm able to pay my rent. Every time I go home, my papa is like you need a $20 bill? I'm like, no I'm [LAUGHS].

But I appreciate it. They will never truly understand what this is like. Having a following solely online that sometimes translates into real life.

I feel like that's the best way to describe it. But Yeah it's weird. And my friends too, my friends from college, they bully me all the time.

They're like, Oh is it really hard sleeping until 2:00 PM? Yeah it is. Because I was up till six AM filming TikToks.

It's so laughable what I do in a day, because it seems so stupid. But like I mean, when you think about the ripple effect of it the ripple effect is, I would like to think I'm bringing joy into a rather dark and joyless place, which is the internet. So if I can do that, and my lifestyle is kind of fucked up because of it, not only am I very lucky.

But I'm very happy to do that, I'm very happy to make people laugh. I've always made people laugh, and the fact that I get to do it on a worldwide scale now is insane. I have followers in like Saudi Arabia.

Love from Saudi Arabia. Are you kidding me dude? Why like that's insane.

That I can reach someone like that, and make them laugh. That is literally insane to me. So I'm very, very fortunate that I get to do what I do, and that kind of makes it easier when my friends bully me, because it's like I know the impact of what I'm doing.

So Yeah Going back to your point about getting recognized on a plane and you're like, please give me peace. Which I think the opposite type of digital exposure, in that our following is almost exclusively like 30-year-old women who are interested in like setting up multiple retirement accounts. So even if they do recognize me, I think nine times out of 10, they're just going to be like, Oh good for her, but they're not going to talk to me.

Like they're just a different demographic, and a smaller one it should be said. But, the funny thing is I do always feel like it happens at the most unappealing moments, like I'll be completely hung over, walking out of like a McDonald's. It's never when you look good.

Yeah. It's always at the worst moment. But I'm curious and this is maybe a petty question, but I have to ask it.

You always like obviously you're very good at makeup, you're always serving looks when I see you nowadays. [GIGGLES] How did it feel to go viral specifically in a t-shirt, no makeup, like I don't I would feel like some type of way about that. Yeah. I was, what's the word, humiliated.

Let's go with that. Because I looked like fucking George Washington in the video. But I feel like it kind of gave me the upper hand, because I looked so normal.

Some people were like, is this a girl? And I was like, thanks guys. I looked so normal in the video that every time I post like, me in full glam or me with in a cute outfit or whatever they're like, OK Kombucha girl. [LAUGHS] Come on.

So, I don't know. I feel like I was starting at ground zero. So any time I glue on a lash, they're like, Yes!

So I don't know, is soft though. And it sucks bad because I had men coming up to me like, just saying like a really mean thing. So I don't think they meant it to be mean, but it's like Yeah things.

I don't know, I hated it. And when I went to the Subaru commercial. When we filmed it.

I was like. Oh my God. I want to be a Super Bowl commercial, I'm going to be full glam.

Like let's do this, they said, OK let's tie your hair into the ponytail that you had and we're going to wipe all your makeup off, and we're just going to-- and I was like Oh we're recreating kombucha girl. Damn like damn. Because I had worked so hard to get away from that branding.

But it's a Super Bowl commercial dude. I'll go naked if you want me. I don't care.

So, it was kind of like, Oh. But I was very, I mean, a real commercial like come on. But to have them be like, Yeah we're just going to put on a little baby coat of mascara and send you out there. [LAUGHS] That would be.

Yeah. You're a stronger woman than I am, because I don't know if I could do it. Just like I guess, whatever.

I'm very, I have to say before I move on to more of these questions, how was it doing a Super Bowl commercial, was that just the craziest experience? We did about 52 takes of me biting into a strawberry with chocolate hummus on it, and not a single one made it in. [LAUGHS] No. I did 50 spit takes of a strawberry chocolate, and they decided to use what I just do, not me biting into it I was so it was fun.

It was definitely an experience, but I was like all that word. I was there for like an hour and a half, shooting that little two second clip. It's insane how much they had a set fully prepared, they had a wardrobe for me, it was crazy.

It's so much goes into that. And so many approvals. That is like, and you really slip that experience and under the COVID wire, it was like a month before the world shut down.

It was December 2019 we filmed it, and then it came out obviously February. so you know. So, one of the things this question has come in a couple of different forms. But, you talk about the longevity of the work you're doing, the sort of your brand but also, how you're positioning yourself obviously you're on YouTube, as well as TikTok, you're a comedian, you're doing a lot of different things.

So, A, what is your long term strategy as far as remaining relevant and evolving with the time, and your own age obviously because you don't want to be doing the same stuff at 30 as you did at 22? And what do you see as sort of the wrong path-- I don't want to see wrong path, because it sounds like I'm being critical of a lot of the people who become viral, or who get famous for a second on the internet and don't do anything with it, that you alluded to earlier. But what are you doing right essentially and planning out your long term future that a lot of people are maybe not doing right?

I think at the moment of virality, that is when I was doing a lot of planning. Because like I said, I've been online for so long, I know how these things go. And I was like, I just lost my fucking job.

Like if there was ever a time to dance, monkey dance it's now. So at that time, while I knew like all these people were looking at me, I was posting accents, I was posting impressions, I was posting little skits, I was engaging with my audience creating a fan base, I was doing all the necessary steps that I thought about it. And I was like all these people that have gone viral.

You know, Alex from Target and all this. It's like you think back to these people, it's like, wonder what happened to them. I was like, I don't want to be one of those people.

So, I made it a point to engage with the people that were engaging with me. And it has paid off tenfold. I mean like I have such a personal relationship with my fan base, and I like it that way.

Some people don't. Some people don't like that personal connection. And sometimes they overstep the boundaries for sure.

But I would rather have people find comfort and solace in me, the way that I have found comfort and solace in other creators, Jenna Marbles being one. And to answer your first question, I see, well I have a lot of long term goals in terms of like, I would love to be on SNL, I would love to be in a Disney Pixar film, I would love to host the Tonight Show, a lot of things like that. But in terms of internet, if we're only talking about the internet, Jenna Marbles is such an idol of mine.

She has been online for almost what 15 years. And she is still when she posted her out of here goodbye, the internet was so shaken, we were so sad. And so to be 15 years later still creating content that is so comforting, and so lighthearted, and such an escape for so many people, that is so inspiring to me because that's what I want to do for people.

And I feel like I do a little bit of that right now, but she was so many people's comfort person. And I think she knows that, I hope she knows that. And I would love to do that.

If all that ever comes out of this is just I'm making YouTube videos till I'm 30, we saw to Jenna Marble's and she made a beautiful life out of it. I don't actually know a ton about that situation. Is she just not making internet content anymore?

Yeah. People were, I mean in the height of cancel culture, bringing up videos that she had made in like 2009, that were kind of racially insensitive, and telling her to apologize for them. And so she did, she brought them up, and she was like this is disgusting.

I don't know why I made these, it was the shock humor of the time, and I'm going to be removing myself from the internet. And she no longer makes YouTube videos. And people miss her.

And it was this weird, it was this weird thing where the internet is so demanding of apologies, and demanding of absolving your sins and all this stuff that when someone actually expresses remorse. And it's like I'm so, I'm humiliated that I did this. I don't deserve a platform anymore.

And they did platform themselves. People are like well no we didn't, we didn't mean, come back, come back. So that's like you don't really know what you want when you're asking for these people's crucifixions.

So, she was kind of the first example of like you all got what you wanted. And now so many people are left without their favorite person now. But I think I don't know.

I don't want to speak over certain communities. Because if there were communities offended by her content she did need to apologize. I talk about this for a long time.

I am so glad you said that because my next question was specifically going to be on this topic. I think that we probably have a similar view on it. I had an interesting experience where in my first year writing for the internet back in 2011, I wrote an article that was very, very insensitive.

It was very misogynist and stupid and I got immediately what we would say today canceled. It went viral, I was being dog-pile on every social media platform, I was getting all kinds of hate letters. But I had the really lucky opportunity, of I still was able to keep working, and keep writing.

And then a year after that, I wrote like a reflection essay on the year anniversary, sort of looking back on it and now it's 10 years ago. And I feel like I have a unique perspective on it because of that experience. But the number one takeaway for me was that, if the idea is that we want to create better people, we want to create a better society, we want to give people the opportunity to understand why something is wrong, and to not do it again, the answer can't just be punishment.

There has to be rehabilitation. It can't be offered their heads. Yeah.

And also, I think the thing is that like you were saying, it's not even really clear what the outcome is, because if the answer is that anyone who's ever done anything problematic needs to remove themselves entirely from public life, you would basically have no more public life because everyone's done something problematic. So my question for you was going to be on that topic, do you fear getting canceled, do you fear backlash? Every waking second of every waking day.

Are you kidding me? That's all I think about. It's all I think about, because it is such a sensitive place that we're in as creators, where we have the ability to affect culture, and affect change if we really want to.

But we also have the potential to do so much harm. So much harm because we have so many people looking at us. So, I don't know, I talk about this with, I am so lucky to have a network of creator friends, who understand the specific type of pressure that's put on a creator shoulders, that you should be so aware of every single tragedy that's happening in the world, and you should have a statement on it, but don't speak over certain people, you should be donating all the time, post petition's, this, that, and the other.

Like basically become a political activist. But at the same time, there's a whole other side of the internet that's like she's come Kombucha girl, why is she posting about climate change. So, it's like people don't want to hear that shit from me.

Look at me, I mean do I look like a politician? No. So, it's this fine, fine line of people follow me for me.

So I'm going to post what I want to post. I'm not going to feel pressured into posting anything and I have done that before. Posting on things that I had no business posting on.

Posting on things that I was not educated on. But because I felt peer pressured by the internet to do, it because I had a platform. And that's the whole thing of like intent versus impact.

I'm trying to show that I care about these people, and I care about these things because I do. But the way that I'm going about it, sometimes can be harmful. So, it's been a very arduous learning process, Talking specifically about cancel culture, I have a spiral a week, I'm about to start therapy, because I take the world's problems on my shoulders, I can't fix them.

I understand that my position as a white woman online with a check mark, people don't like me regardless. You know what I mean. It doesn't matter if people think that I'm funny or people think that I'm deserving of a platform.

To a lot of people I'm just another white woman, and that's valid. And with that, I tried to be very mindful of what I do and what I post online. The other side of it is jealousy.

It's a lot of 13, 14-year-olds who want to be an influencer so fucking bad, that they will call me a fat ugly bitch every single day, until I get off the internet. Because it's, they're jealous. And it's like I didn't ask for this.

I feel like that's the main distinguishing point. Is a lot of people, were 14 years old in their bedroom, hey guys, what's up, welcome back to my YouTube channel. And that's all they've ever wanted to do.

And they found internet fame. For me girl! I got fired.

You think I wanted to get fired, you think I wanted that? No. And so that's the difference.

I feel like is this kind of happened to me versus it being a dream. And I don't want that to be misconstrued as I'm not grateful for where I'm at. Because this was a push that I needed to pursue comedy in a professional way.

But man, when you look at these people's profiles, it's like an animated profile picture, 14 years old, freshman in high school, it's like girl. I'm letting a 14-year-old dictate my self-worth. Oh no man.

Yeah and like you were saying though, I think that's so true. That dynamic of like you're expected to speak on all these topics that you are probably not an expert on, and also it's an incredibly complicated topic in many cases, and it's also a topic where even the people who are experts on the topic maybe don't necessarily agree with each other. So, speaking on the topic in and of itself is going to be a minefield.

And it's probably inevitable that you'll say something wrong, or misrepresent something, or you'll give an imperfect explanation of something, and then that's going to be a reason to attack. But if you say nothing, then that's silence on any given issue. And obviously in addition to that, on any given day, there are probably hundreds issues that you could speak to with that same urgency.

There were so many things happening concurrently with Black Lives Matter last summer, where I tried to make my profile solely BLM. But as all the eyes were on that movement, a lot of other movements were arising as well, you know what was happening in Latin America. At the time, free Palestine, all of these things and it's like, I don't know next to anything about these issues, because I live in the American bubble.

Where all that matters is American issues. And I'm very thankful to the internet and to my followers for snapping me out of that bubble and being like, open your fucking eyes. You're not the only country in the world.

Which like, you know that, but when these things trend on Twitter, and there's info graphics on Instagram, it's like Oh shit, I didn't realize it was that bad. And now I'm taking that issue and putting it on my back as well. Let's talk about free Palestine.

Why am I talking about free Palestine? Look at me girl. Look That's what it became.

And like you said, where even if I am speaking on it there's a flip side of it where people are going to call me X, Y and Z insult, because I took that position on that issue. It's just like you can't win. And then at the end of the day, when I tell you I spiral about this, I spiral about this.

I feel like I'm not doing my duty as an influencer-- I hate that word, --without talking about certain things, but who am I to talk about these things. And I think the solution is a lot of white people online give their platforms for like a day or a week to a person of color, and they'll be like you talk about X issue, and promote X thing and it's yours for the week, you know or whatever. I think that's a beautiful thing to do.

And it's sharing the microphone, and it'll be a break in our regular content of me doing poo poo poo fart I'm on the toilet, so let's talk about this issue. I would love to do that someday. It's just a matter of picking the creator that you want to give the mic to, have they been involved in any scandals?

You have to be so aware of everything. Yeah. No it's true, and you're right in the sense that, like your first and foremost a comedian who became famous for having a facial reaction to a beverage, like your not to your point a politician, you're not someone who should be accepting-- Of me being like you need to vote no on Proposition. [LAUGHS] --yeah.

I have such complicated feelings about cancel culture, because I think the people who are always railing against cancel culture as a concept, are often, it's mostly just an issue of they're not used to being held accountable for saying and doing really harmful shit like that. And that's a huge part of it. But on the other hand, ultimately if there's not an element of-- if it doesn't come fundamentally from a place of assuming good faith and giving people empathy, and being understanding that most people are trying their best, then really I mean not to reference another meme, but it's just that office thing where they're all pointing like handguns at each other.

Like everyone's just holding each other in this sort of weird position, where anything they do at any point can destroy their lives, or at least destroy their credibility with very few avenues to actually make positive changes which theoretically should be the goal. Absolutely. And you know what else, is a dark side of it is whenever it happens rarely, you know like when I'm nominated for an award, or when I'm I have any victory, quote unquote, there's always comments or the replies under the tweet, that's like, hey this the girl that blah blah blah, bringing up all of my transgressions previously.

And it's like, damn. If you've been online since you were 14 or 13, and in my case, I was like 12 when I had Facebook. 12 years old. You're holding people accountable for those things, Oh my God!

What you were saying earlier about like, do you really want to see personal growth or do you just want to see these people burn? They want to see us burn, and I know that now, and I didn't know that in the beginning. And it's easier to tune it out now, but it's still like on a daily basis being reminded of every single thing you've done wrong.

No human should have to live like that. Being part of the human experience is being able to live and learn and let go. You can't do that.

People don't let you, they don't allow you to do that. So it is so toxic. And it's going to take not to be dark, but it's going to take a major influencer or person, recognizable person taking their own life to really get people to understand that.

This is so much farther than Oh that's enough Twitter for one day. Like they're bullying me online. You internalize this shit.

And it affects your self-worth, it affects your confidence, it affects should I even be here anymore. It's very dark, it gets very dark and I don't think that the 14 year old's online sending those messages, understand that it has real world consequences. Absolutely.

I was watching just the other day actually kind of by coincidence, some recaps of that whole YouTube drama between James Charles, Tati Westbrook, Jeffrey Starr, all those people. Which by the way, if cancel culture is real, explain to me why Jeffrey Starr is still getting deals after all the shit that that man has done, like in the public eye he's been canceled like 50,000 times. But I was watching videos specifically about that whole thing, where at first everyone was like James Charles is awful, and he lost a million followers, and literally news outlets around the world were trashing him, and it was James Charles is over party trending and all of this stuff.

And then, gradually over the course of the year people started to understand a little bit more nuance to the story, and it came out that the other people in the story weren't looking so good. So he's the victim. It's crazy of the myriad changes.

But one thing that really stuck out to me in one of, I think it was like the woman Tati who kind of kicked the whole thing off, when she did her follow up video. She kind of casually threw in there that before posting the video she was like, I had second thoughts because I knew he was alone on the other side of the world in a hotel in a big tower, and I was worried he was going to do something maybe stupid to himself, but I decided to do it anyway. And it was kind of even a throwaway comment to the context of that video.

But I think you're so right, that eventually because that level of quote unquote cancellation and visibility of being just I mean tormented in the public square at every angle, eventually that is going to lead someone to do something final to themselves. And I think that you're right that that might be the only way that people start to approach it differently. And then all the comments under that eventual news article of XYZ person took their own life, whatever it's going to be, is this what you all wanted with cancel culture you always take it too far.

You know there's no accountability for the people that are actually sending these messages. They're radio silent when it happens. So, it's the people that come out of the wood works to bully you and then they disappear when the effects of bullying are seen.

And it's also like on that scale, it's way different from I mean like, in the grand scheme of things who am I and all of that Kumbucha Girl, yay. When it comes to like James Charles or these like globally famous people, when you have that many eyes and news outlets and people talking about you, looking at you, wishing you ill, like Oh my God. I don't think people really understand when you have 20 million people looking at you, you just think about that for a second.

Because people are really quick to say, you know it's all online, just that was that famous Tyler, the creator quote. How is cyber bullying real, just close your eyes. You know like true to a certain extent, just shut your fucking phone off, but you can't when it's your job.

Like the minute that I start getting bullied if I'm just, Oh screw this and I delete Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok, my careers over. I can't just quit. It's not like I'm some college girl that's just Oh the internet's so toxic I can quit.

And then I can go get a job, this is my job. People don't get that. Also it is such an unrealistic now let's be clear that Tyler, the Creator quote is hilarious.

But, it is such a completely naive like framing of human psychology to think that if you have thousands of people screaming at you, and telling you you're a worthless piece of shit and deserved to die. That you're going to be like, Oh well, I'm just going to wait for this to blow over and I'm just going to go like watch the great British Bake Off or something like, of course you're going to be obsess over it, like it's going to completely torment you. Absolutely.

It's also lastly I just think that there's such a flattening of crimes in this scenario because you have people, many prominent people in like let's say digital spaces who have been incredibly accused of assault. Or have done really, really harmful things on the public stage. And sing on TikTok, with millions of followers and likes.

Dancing on TikTok with followers and also, Yeah they'll probably get their wave of like so-and-so is over, but then you move on. But then Meanwhile you have someone who probably on 99% of how they move through the world and where they fall on certain issues are pretty good and trying their best, who says something wrong about a specific issue, or doesn't say something. And they're also getting a pretty equivalent level of their over party.

And there's just zero differentiation between what we're taking seriously to that extent. Because once it snowballs it's gone. Yeah.

Oh that's a great point. It's very true, are all stones equal sort of thing. In the internet eyes, yes they are.

Well and I also think it's a question of scale, because if one person's yelling at you about assault, versus one person yelling at you about making a stupid hashtag, like OK. Those are different. But if a million people are yelling at you, it doesn't matter what they're yelling at you about, the effect is pretty much the same.

Now we've really on-- I'm side of is like if you do get canceled for a certain thing, yes it probably will blow over in the upcoming months, but you can almost guarantee that every single comment section you are ever going to have from here until the end of time, someone's going to mention whatever you did. And it's like you will know, you can't escape it, you can never escape it. And I don't think that the human brain is prepared to deal with that, constantly being reminded of what you've done wrong.

Yeah. I don't think they can either. I've had to like sort of go M&M in the final rap battle of eight mile with my horrible article, like if anyone brings it up I'll just link to it and I'm like anyone can read it for yourselves.

I'm not going to live in fear of this. So, we've reached the time for our rapid fire questions, feel free to pass on any of these but we'd love to hear what you have to say. And all answers are good.

First one being, what is the big financial secret of your industry? Big financial secret? These companies don't know how much a video is worth.

They don't, they either severely undercharge or severely overcharge. I'm not going to tell people when they're overcharging me. Oh Yeah of course not.

Hell no. Take that corporate coin. What do you invest in versus what are you cheap about?

Well, I recently, if you want to talk big real investments, I recently started investing in like stocks, and all that stuff. I'm about to buy a car, you know like lifelong investments. Versus I'm cheap about, I also invest in food.

When I-- listen, the older I get, and the more that I realize life is meaningless and there's no point. I'm more willing to spend money on experiences, you know like if it's like a nice meal out with all my friends. I'll get the bill, I love that shit, I love spending time with my friends and alleviating that stress.

Because I've been in that position where it's like, my meal was $30 and I have to tip, like fuck, like it's a lot of money. So if I can do that, and I can get the whole bill for the whole table. Because I'm lucky enough to be in that position, [INAUDIBLE] do it.

Like don't feel bad about that. I love to do that versus buying a Chanel bag or something like that. Chanel bags are great.

I love designer stuff but I'm not, that's not as important to me as making memories with my people. So, that's I feel like the stuff that I'm really cheap on is like clothes, and stuff like that. I'll go thrifting, I'll go I order fast fashion sometimes, I don't care for me.

But I'm also like I don't know but I'm definitely splurge on experiences For those of you who aren't watching the video but who are listening, Britney as always has very, very nice nails. How much do those things cost? $25. They're press-ons.

They're press-ons? Duh! Wow.

Look at that, I would have thought that was like a $200 manicure. You would think? And I also have to say for those of you who are not computer girl video historians, if you go back to it you will see that although she is bare face a t-shirt, full set, full set is happening in that video.

Because I got man hands. I got grubby man hands. I need to have these and I am missing a thumbnail. [INAUDIBLE] Yeah.

But you have to. It elongates your fingers, it makes me feel feminine, it's a splurge but also cheap. Yeah.

I'm growing mine out right now. It's a whole thing. I want to be long nails this spring we're re-entering society.

I'm ready to have some claws. It's time for a reinvention. Yes.

What has been your single best investment and why? My apartment. Nice.

I spend so much fucking time in my room, because it's my safe space. I pay a lot of money on rent, me and my roommate do. But we also live in LA.

I live comfortably but it's probably a lot more money than I would have been comfortable spending a year ago. But it's so worth it. It's because I don't leave.

Like I love my house. And especially with coronavirus, we moved over the summer with the pandemic. I was like it's so worth it, because I don't know how much longer this is going to last.

If we're going to be at home, I want to be comfortable in my home and I'm so comfortable. So that's from yeah for sure. What has been your biggest money mistake, and why?

Oh. Honestly probably back when I was first making-- why do I want to call it a mistake and they're all learning lessons. --but like when I had first signed on with management, I was told something was the industry standard in terms of commission and it wasn't, and I didn't know any better, so they were taking way more money than they deserved for doing nothing. And, it was you have to live and learn that.

Also just throughout time of like, what is an acceptable amount for a brand deal or a deliverable? I was accepting things that were just, but the companies were like yes. Like we're paying her drops in the bucket compared to the bigger creators.

So, it's all learning lessons. I wouldn't call them mistakes, but you know it's like I look back and I'm like, damn! They got me.

They swindled me. Yeah and it's worse like you said, when you know that like girls who are like the biggest TikTokers, who just literally do like Ticktock's of their faces lip syncing the videos, going like this, they're pulling-- Millions! --eight figures. Millions of dollars.

Listen, good for them. Everyone should get paid Listen, get the bag, and you would do it too for a check. Absolutely.

Oh Yeah. I would hell Yeah. I would be the third D'Amelio sister.

Dancing around with a bag of Doritos in my hand. In a heartbeat. What is your biggest current money insecurity?

The uncertainty of it all. Somebody could make a fake tweet about me tomorrow. That happens by the way.

Photo shopping tweets. Someone could do that of me saying some just nasty horrible shit, and I can never make another dollar in my life. Sorry?

That is the most horrifying thing I can think about, because I don't have a plan B. I mean I can come up with one, because like I am lucky enough that when this happened to me I had a college degree, I had two years of well 1 and 1/2 years of corporate work experience under my belt. Like I could assimilate back into society if I really needed to like a corporate job, if they would take me from all the shit I've posted online with me on the toilet.

But you know what I mean, like this happened to me as an adult, versus when a lot of people find internet fame they're 16 years old. This is all they've ever known. They drop out of high school for this shit.

High school. So if you were to get cancelled what happens then? You can't go back to high school, do you go to college?

You're 25. So I don't know, it's a weird thing of where I'm at. I forgot the original question. [LAUGHS] Your biggest current money insecurity.

But that's valid. I mean, especially for those children, it's like that movie now with Jodie Foster she's like a wild girl. She doesn't know real society.

It's like those are like those kids if you drop out of school at 15 to be a viral TikToker. Like you can no longer live in the real world. Absolutely.

So Yeah it's definitely the uncertainty of the internet and of money in this space. What has been the financial habit that has helped you the Most? Grocery shop, don't over eat. [LAUGHS] I love [INAUDIBLE].

I love Postmates, I love all of it. But easily if I'm ordering chicken wings from Buffalo Wild Wings, that's $45. $45 to have it delivered to my door. I could get so much food for $45 at the grocery store.

That's so when I can grocery shop, I do. But you know sometimes when you're traveling and all that you can't, have groceries or sandwiches prepared. And lastly, when did you first feel quote successful, and what does that word mean to you?

There was a night in December of 2019, it was the Stremme awards, and right after was the Harry Styles concert at the Forum in Los Angeles. It was the opening performance of his album and I was in the room with the Stremmes, with all of these creators that I have literally watched since I was 12 years old. Standing in the same room as them, and at the time I wasn't nominated for an award yet, I was at the 2020 Stremme awards, but I was just a trophy girl.

And to stand in that room, I was like, holy shit. I'm being seen as a viable legitimate creator online. And that was like, Oh my God.

And then that night like through connections I got tickets to this sold out show. I was like, Oh my God. This is happening, like people I I'm doing it.

And then when the Super Bowl commercial happened, and I watched my face, and I took a screen recording on my phone of that and that evening when I got just text message after text message, it was ping ping ping ping ping ping, and everyone being like, I just saw you in a Super Bowl commercial, and I was like crying, because I was so happy. That was, I was like Oh my God. Not like I made it sort of thing, but like, [SCREAMS] But you did, you made it.

That's crazy to me, still to think that that happened. But that's-- Yeah I feel like that was when I was like, this is success. I am successful on this moment.

As far as the longevity. Everything about success, I don't know. We'll see.

I believe in you. Well, as we've discussed thoroughly on this episode, you have managed to parlay virality into something already wildly more sustainable than the vast, vast majority of people who go viral. Thank you So I'm bullish.

I'm bullish. Well, it has been such a pleasure talking to you Britney, I know it's almost redundant, like everyone knows you. But where can people go to find out more about you and what you do?

I am Britney underscore Broski on all platforms. Please subscribe to my YouTube channel. I'm begging. [LAUGHS] I love, by the way.

That is like people who don't do shit on the internet do not realize how chic it is to have the same handle on everything. Oh Yeah. It's not easy.

It's not easy to find people. Yeah. A lot of people have to have different ones for different platforms, including TFD.

Come on, Twitter let us have the full name. It's one character too long. [LAUGHS] Anyway have a great day. Britney thank you for joining us, and everyone at home we will see you next Monday on a new episode of The Financial Confessions.