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Last sync:2024-09-21 12:45
Click the "join" button below to become a member of The Society at TFD! Members will receive:

🎟 50% off tickets to all TFD workshops and events
⭐️ Custom badges and emojis (Momamojis!) to use in the comments section
👩‍💻 Members-only "office hours" with TFD founder Chelsea Fagan
🎉 Monthly freebies
💁‍♀️ Exclusive designs from TFD co-founder Lauren Ver Hage
✔️ & more!

The Financial Diet site:

Hey, everyone.

It's Chelsea from The Financial Diet. And I am here today with some very, very, very, very, very exciting news.

Which is that, for the first time here at TFD, on our YouTube channel right here, right below this video, we are launching a membership program. All you do is click that little Join button next to the Subscribe button, and sign up for what, I think, is a pretty amazing membership. It's just $4.99 a month.

And for that price you get all of the following, these adorable little badges, and Mona Moji to use in the YouTube comments and live chats. 50% off of all TFD events and workshops, and yes that includes things like our big summits and all day conferences. A monthly goodie bag that includes round ups of things like remote job listings and freebies. As well as a custom and exclusive monthly design from our co-founder, Lauren Ver Hage, which you can use as a screen background or print out to put up somewhere in your home, or just look at and think about how beautiful it is.

I am also, and perhaps this is the most exciting part, going to be hosting bi-monthly office hours. 45 minutes each, where I'm just interacting with the members directly in a live chat. Answering your questions, talking to you about whatever's on your mind, or mine, discussing news and breaking events, and just generally shooting the shit. And if you can't make the office hour time, you are also more than welcome to watch it after the fact.

You'll be sent a link to the video. But beyond all of that awesome stuff that you will get every single month as a member of our channel, you're also doing something that I think is quite important. And not just because I'm speaking about myself and my own company.

And that is a supporting independent media that you love and consume already. TFD is totally independently owned and staffed by a team of eight women who work every day to talk about money in a way that, I hope and maybe think, changes all of our relationships to it. The media game is a difficult one.

And competing in the content world with some of the big publishers who have endless resources can be tough. But it also makes us more flexible to offer you things like this amazing, in my opinion, membership program. So click that Join button to learn more, and I will hopefully see you at my next office hours.

And as always, thank you for watching. And don't forget to hit the Subscribe button and to come back every Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday for new and awesome videos. Goodbye.