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Sex Fruit, Robocop, Nutella... all real names people have tried to name their babies. Luckily (or, unfortunately, depending on your opinion) governments around the world have stepped in to prevent these absurd baby names, along with many others. Which do you think is the most outrageous monicker?

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In 2014, a family in Iceland was told they couldn’t renew their 10-year-old daughter’s passport. The problem? It listed her name as Stúlka, Icelandic for “Girl.” The family had a similar issue with their 12-year-old son’s passport, which listed his name as “Boy.”

Icelandic parents must name their children an approved name in the National Register of Person. In addition to not being a potential source of humiliation (so presumably no FartFace Gunarrsons are running around Reykjavik), the name must also meet criteria that’s more specific to Iceland. It can only include letters in the Icelandic alphabet and must be able to conform to the language grammatically.

The name “Harriet,” which is what “Girl” actually went by, fails on that second front. And there’s no letter C in the Icelandic alphabet to correctly spell “Duncan,” her brother’s given name—hence the passport that listed his name as “Boy.” Or, more accurately, its Icelandic equivalent: Drengur. Apparently being a boy named Boy did not  register as a potential source of humiliation.

Hi, I’m Erin McCarthy. Welcome to the List Show. “Harriet” and “Duncan” (or is that “Boy” and “Girl”?) are by far the  most innocuous of the banned baby names we’ll be discussing today. We’ll go over  some of the most delicious, punctuational, and flat-out bizarre names people have tried  (and often failed) to name their kids. Let’s get started.

[Upbeat theme music]

In 2015, a French couple apparently wanted their daughter to grow up to be sweet and popular, so they decided to name her Nutella. One French judge wasn’t having it, insisting that the name could lead to  “mockery and disobliging remarks.” It was ruled that the child’s name be shortened to the considerably less tasty sounding “Ella.”

Speaking of naming children after food, a couple  in New Zealand intended to name their twins “Fish and Chips.” I see nothing wrong with this. Who wouldn't want to be in a room with fish and chips?! Maybe I'm just hungry.

Either  way, New Zealand prevented the couple from giving these names to their kids, marking a rare  occasion when two names were banned as a pairing.

The name “Spinach” is outlawed in Australia. For  the record, “Kale” appears to be acceptable. But please, parents, if you're going to name  your kid Kale, remember to give them a little massage before you add them to a salad.

No, wait, I'm definitely hungry.

In January 2015, a French judge intervened  when a couple attempted to name their child   “Fraise,” the French word for “strawberry.”  The judge claimed that Fraise was an unfit name because the child could become the butt  of some jokes. Figuratively speaking.

The idiomatic phrase “ramène ta fraise,” means  something like “get over here.” The parents, having insisted that they were only trying  to give their daughter an original name, opted for “Fraisine” instead.

Maybe Spinach  and Fraisine’s parents have the right idea. If you’re going to name your kid after food,  might as well go for a healthy option. Unless that healthy option is “Sex Fruit,”  which was almost the name of a very unlucky child before the New Zealand government came to  their rescue. (Though being raised by parents who thought that was a good idea in the first place probably presented its own set of challenges.)

“Anal” was another entry on New Zealand’s list  of banned names. If there’s a story there, I’m afraid to hear it. Let’s hope it was an  Alan who just got auto-corrected. Or maybe the parents were going the Nutella route and wanted  their kid to grow up with a type A personality.

In 2014, officials from Sonora, Mexico, compiled a list of banned baby names from the state’s newborn registries. One of  the unfortunate names that made the cut  (sorry) was “Circuncisión,” Spanish for  circumcision. The officials snipped that, uh, nipped that in the bud, deciding to  ban the name from that point forward.

“Robocop” also made the list, and while  citizens are no longer allowed to give this name to their children, I’d like to  believe there’s at least one kid out there channeling Peter Weller at any given moment.

Completely unnecessary sidenote: In researching this script, our fact-checker  Austin discovered that, after making it as an actor, Peter Weller went back to school and got a Ph. D. in Italian Renaissance Art  History. Dr. Robocop, we salute you.

Denmark is another country with  a pre-approved baby name list. If a parent wants to name their kid  something outside the approved list, they need explicit permission from the  government. Each year approximately 250 potential names are rejected—among them,  the moniker “Monkey.”

You won’t find any Prince Williams  in France unless the Prince of Wales himself is on vacation. A French court barred a couple from southern France from giving the name to their child in 2015, saying that the name would cause harm to the child and be a heavy burden. Sorry to the future king, I guess.

The same day that the would-be Prince William made his way into the world,  a couple tried to  name their newborn Mini Cooper—which is, I believe, what British people call the show Young Sheldon. Since the court didn’t allow parents to copy the name of  a notable human, you won't be surprised to learn that they wouldn’t let them name  a kid after a notable automobile, either.

Cyanide could be a lovely name for a baby girl. So  thought a woman from Wales, anyway. She attempted to name her daughter after the poison, explaining  that it was "responsible for killing Hitler and Goebbels and I consider that this was a good  thing." That is a surprisingly sound argument. Still, the Court of Appeals stepped in and killed  that possibility as quickly as, well, you get it.

About a year after the events of 9/11, a  Turkish couple living in Cologne, Germany, felt inspired to name their child after Osama  Bin Laden. German officials, citing the section of their naming guidelines which states that all  names "must not be likely to lead to humiliation," refused to let that happen. What’s more,  German law prohibited foreign names that are illegal in the parents’ home country, and  this particular moniker was illegal in Turkey.

Norway is yet another country that regulates what  parents can name their children. One Norwegian mother was fined about $210 for using the unapproved name  “Gesher,” and sent to jail when she didn’t pay. She protested, saying that she had been instructed  to name her son Gesher, the Hebrew word for bridge, in a dream she had.

I think if some divine dream entity appears telling you to name your kid something, you should get a pass. As long as the  dream doesn’t include the phrase “sex fruit.”

Speaking of the supernatural, one baby born  in Japan in the early 90s was named Akuma, which is Japanese for “devil.” Baby Akuma caused  such a controversy that the Prime Minister’s cabinet got involved. The Justice Minister at the  time spoke out against government intervention, saying, “It is not appropriate to instruct  parents to change children’s names without legal basis.” Regardless, the name Akuma  eventually became illegal in Japan.

The Malaysian government published a list of  banned monikers after receiving an influx of people applying to change their given names. One of the names in question was Chow Tow, which translates to “smelly head.”  Chow Tow’s parents basically did future bullies’ jobs for them with that name.

Someone I couldn’t imagine getting bullied, on  the other hand, is Chief Maximus. Picture this: there’s a playground gang of kids  named Max, and Chief Maximus is their leader. Or at least, he would’ve  been, had Australia not banned the name.

A spectacular name that was banned in  New Zealand is “Talula Does The Hula From Hawaii.” Yes, that’s a six-word name. The New Zealand government hated it so much, they assumed guardianship of the 9-year-old girl  who held the moniker in order to ensure that a more appropriate name was found for her. That’s  right, she went a full nine years as “Talula Does The Hula From Hawaii.” Let’s hope she never  had to fill out her full name on a Scantron.

Among New Zealand’s list of banned names  that people apparently tried giving to their children is “Full Stop,” spelled with  one grammatical symbol and no letters. I’d hate to be the substitute teacher taking  attendance with a Full Stop in the class.

As is the case with many countries, China  doesn’t allow symbols or numerals to be included in baby names. The at symbol  is pronounced “ai-ta” in Chinese, which sounds similar to a phrase meaning “love  him.” One couple felt the symbol was a fitting name for their son. I, personally, applaud the  word play, but the Chinese government disagreed.

Baby names featuring numbers are also forbidden in  many countries. In an attempt to find a loophole, someone in New Zealand tried to name  their child III in Roman numerals. But like many a wannabe singer/songwriter’s third album of the same title, it was unsuccessful.

In 2007, a baby girl from Sweden was baptized  under the name Metallica, but tax officials eventually deemed it inappropriate. Hard disagree. Eventually, authorities came to their senses and let the little girl rock out with  her unique name. Unique for a while, at least—apparently there are now a few Metallicas  running and/or crawling around the country.

Ironically, Sweden is also one  country where it’s illegal to name your baby after the beloved furniture store, IKEA. I wonder if “Billy” is still up for grabs.  “Blåhaj” has a nice ring to it. Djungelskog?

Sweden’s notoriously strict naming laws have been met with protest. One couple decided to retaliate by making their child’s  name a captcha code from hell. This name, defiantly pronounced “Albin,”  was rejected. Eat your heart out, Elon Musk.

The parents later submitted the name  with the same pronunciation but rewritten as “A." That was rejected as well.

What’s the most bizarre baby name you’ve ever heard? Let us know in the  comments below. Thanks for watching!