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COVID-19 Voting Update: Voters in Arkansas can now cite COVID-19 concerns as a valid reason for requesting a mail-in ballot. Applicants concerned about COVID-19 should select the illness/disability box on their application.

[updated September 4, 2020]


Check your registration status:

Register by mail (English):

Register by mail (Spanish:

Request a registration form in the mail:

Request an absentee ballot:

Track your absentee ballot:

Find your polling location:

Campus Vote Project:


MediaWise is a nonprofit, nonpartisan project of the Poynter Institute and supported by Facebook. Complexly is an MVP partner, as are Campus Vote Project and Students Learn, Students Vote.
So you want to vote in Arkansas?

Well first, you’ve gotta make sure you’re registered. You can check whether you’re already registered using the link in the description, but if you’re not registered yet, or you’ve moved or changed your name since the last time you voted, you’ll need to fill out a new registration form.

The only way to register in Arkansas is with a paper form, which I know is a pain, but you can download and print the form using the link below and mail it in by October 5th if you want to be registered in time for the November elections. You can also go to your county clerk’s office, the DMV, your public library, or a disability agency and fill out a form in person. Once your registration is processed, you’ll get a confirmation letter from your county clerk’s office.

So if it’s getting close to election day, and you still haven’t gotten that letter, make sure you use that link below or call your county clerk to confirm that you’re registered. So now you’re registered. Awesome.

You now have a couple of different options for how you can vote. If you want to vote early, you can go to your County Clerk’s office. This starts October 19th and goes until November 2nd.

Your early voting location will be open from 8am to 6pm Monday through Friday and 10am to 4pm on Saturday. Yep, you can vote on Saturday if you want to. You can also vote absentee by mail, but only if you’ll be unavoidably absent from your county in Arkansas on the day of the election, or if you have an illness or disability that prevents you from getting to the polls.

If either one of those situations apply to you, you can print off the application using the link below and mail it to your county clerk’s office no later than October 27th. They’ll send you a ballot, and all you have to do is fill it out at your own pace and send it back by November 3rd. On election day, you can head to your polling location between am and pm.

If you don’t know where to go to vote, you can look up your polling location using the link below. If you didn’t provide some kind of ID with your voter registration form when you registered, you’ll also need to bring some form of ID with you, like a valid photo ID, utility bill, bank statement, or paycheck with your name and address on it. Before you head to the polls, it’s a good idea to look at a sample ballot.

As the election gets closer, you can check your County Clerk’s office to download one. It’ll tell you everything that you’ll be able to vote for on November 3rd. You don’t have to vote for every single thing on the ballot for it to count, but looking at that sample ballot ahead of time gives you a chance to research all the candidates in those really important local elections too.

You can even fill it out and bring it to the polls with you, so you can be sure you remember how you want to vote. The best thing to do if you’re planning to vote in this election, is to make a plan to vote right now. All the way from what day you’re going to register to whether you're going to vote in person or absentee.

What kind of ID are you going to use, and do you know where it is? Write it down, put it in your notes app, text it to your friend, just make a plan so that nothing unexpected stops you from being counted on November 3rd. There will be links for everything you need to check your registration, vote early and find your polling location in the description.

Thanks for voting. How To Vote in Every State is produced by Complexly in partnership with The MediaWise Voter Project, which is led by The Poynter Institute and supported by Facebook.