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Last sync:2024-09-22 11:30
Featured channels: (our new member)


P4A info:

Watch the live stream on YouTube Saturday December 18th from 4 to 8pm Pacific time, 7 to 11 Eastern. It will be linked from the YouTube homepage. Guests include almost everyone from The Station (Timothy DelaGhetto is traveling), plus
Kina Grannis
and a bunch more.


Host with the most:

Guest-host with the best nose:

Guest watcher John Green of

Submit your favorite channel like this:

Style: Math/Art
233 subs
Watch: Doodling in Math Class: Snakes + Graphs
Show to: vlogbrothers
She creates awesome, fun art and music from her deep knowledge of, and obvious passion for, mathematics.

 Intro (0:00)

The station is watching you, they're watching all the things you do, so comment below and put on a show 'cause Station's watching you.

 Main (0:13)

Kassem G: Hey, thanks, MadoxTV, for the intro, that was great.  You guys, of course, are watching The Station is Watching You. It's the every Sunday show that spotlights smaller YouTube channels that we find together, and today with me, is one of my favorite channels, and I'm such a huge fan of...this is Good Neighbor, ladies and gentlemen. They are a sketch group based out of Los Angeles, here.

You guys are gonna see Good Neighbor workin' with us on a lot of sketch on my channel, with the Station and they're gonna have a lot more videos coming out. And ironically enough, Good Neighbor is one of the channels that you guys recommended that we check out, so look at that.  We're here!

The first video I saw of your guys' was "The Unbelievable Dinner..."

Kyle Mooney: We've got chicken, ribs, spaghetti, mashed potatoes, ice cream, Jujubes, and Skittles.
Kassem: And I'm a big hook fan, one of my favorite movies.

Beck Bennett: Oh yeah. Yeah.

Nick Rutherford: Stop it! Stop ..I don't see any... there's nothing here!
Kyle: Just because you don't see something doesn't mean it doesn't exist!
Beck: Exactly.
Kassem: And then I saw "Is My Roomate Gay?"

Beck: I didn't mean to sneak in on you 

Kyle: Oh don't worry about it man. I was just trying to check my email and then this came up on the why

Beck: Oh really

Kyle: Yeah! Of course, man.

Beck: What is this stuff, dude?
Kyle: This is..what is this, like strong guys or something like that?
Beck: Yeah, I guess.
Kyle: That' weird!
Kassem: And then I just literally watched all your videos. What I liked about your videos was they all stood on their own and they were all funny for their own reasons.

Kyle: [unintelligible talking]. Thanks, man! I'll be right back!

Cameraman: What the fuck!
Kassem: It's such an amalgam of talent that you guys have.

Kyle: I think you've done some interesting things.

Kassem: Do not lie to my face. It's embarrassing.

Nick: I think you're on the right track.

Kassem: I think things are gonna pick up for you pretty soon.

Beck: Yeah, I think things are gonna pick up for you too.

Kassem: Yeah. This is gonna be great.

Kyle: We are sorry about what we've been sayin' about you.

Beck: Yeah, it's kind of fucked. 

Kassem: Oh what? I didn't-

Kyle: Yeah, just some things goin' around in the office.

Beck: Yeah, we've been spreading around the office some rumors, and stuff. So we're sorry about that, but..

Kyle: Wha!

Kassem: Take a moment. Check out their channel. But they're also gonna show us a channel they thought was really interesting.
