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A weekly show where we debunk common misconceptions. This week, Elliott discusses some misconceptions about appliances.

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    Hey there! I'm Elliott, and this is Mental Floss on Youtube. Today I'm going to talk about some misconceptions about appliances.

[Mental Floss Intro]

    Misconception number one: "The refrigerator blows cold air."
   So how does it keep your food cool? Well, a refrigerator contains coils on the outside and inside. Within the coils on the outside, a vapor becomes a liquid, which flows into the coils on the inside, helping to cool the fridge and freezer. The refrigerator also stays cool because warm air on the inside is absorbed by that liquid. Eventually, the liquid evaporates, goes through a compressor, and the cycle repeats. It's all science.

    Misconception number two: "Dishwashers waste water, so you should wash dishes by hand."
    Actually, modern dishwashers only use around nine liters per wash. That's about 2.4 gallons, which is less than people typically use when washing by hand. In fact, according to a 2006 study done by the University of Bonn, which examined 2000 households, most could save around 11,000 liters (a.k.a. 2900 gallons) every year by using a dishwasher instead of washing by hand. 

    Speaking of which, misconception number three: "You don't need to wash your coffeemaker."
    Okay, some people think that the hot water going through the coffeemaker disinfects it and kills bacteria, but that's not the case. In 2011, NSF International tested 22 household coffeemakers and found that half had yeast and mold growing in them. Even worse, they had more germs on them than toilet seats. Basically, the moist coffeemaker is a place where germs can thrive and get to know each other. Experts recommend that you clean your coffeemaker daily and, once every few months, run some vinegar through it for a really good clean.

    Misconception number four: "Metal gets really hot in the microwave."
    The metal actually does not get hot before it starts sparking. Metal doesn't absorb microwaves like plastic and glass do, Instead, it reflects them, so when placed in a microwave, metal won't heat up like other objects, and it might start sparking as the electrons in the metal make their way into the air. 

 Misconception number five: "If you want your clothes clean, you should not set your washing machine to use cold water."
     Actually, thanks to modern washing machines and laundry detergent, washing your clothes in cold water will get them perfectly clean. Plus, it even has some benefits compared to hot water, like your clothes are less likely to shrink, and, compared to hot water, the cold water may even do a better job at preventing things, like blood and sweat, from staining. 

 Misconception number six: "You can put your knives in the dishwasher."
  No. Experts recommend that you wash your knives by hand, rather than in the dishwasher, cause the combination of dishwasher detergent and other silverware shaking around puts your knives at risk of becoming dull. Just use some soap, and some water, and a sponge to clean your knives. And then dry them right away.
   Misconception number seven: "Hair dryers dry your hair evenly."
   Actually, a lot of them have hotspots. One solution for this is getting a ceramic hairdryer, because they're able to heat more evenly than a regular one. Now you know.

    Misconception number eight: "There's no way to make your refrigerator more efficient."
    You can keep your running as possible by vacuuming it's coils every 12 months. To do this, turn off the circuit breaker and water supply lines, then vacuum the condenser coils with your regular vacuum. But make sure that it's far enough away so it doesn't ruin the coils. And brush away the extra dust that the vacuum doesn't pick up.

    Misconception number nine: "Vacuum cleaners suck up everything on the floor."
    Not necessarily. And if certain items can make their way into the cleaner, it can have even more trouble picking stuff up. This includes  toys, tacks, nails, and coins. Before you vacuum, you should pick these items up by your hand, or you risk breaking your vacuum. And those suckers can be expensive.

   Misconception number ten: "Water at the bottom of your dishwater means it's broken."
   There actually should be water at the bottom of your dishwasher after a load. That water serves an important purpose. It keeps a little bit of moisture in the appliance so that the seals don't crack, which could cause actual leaks and real problems.

   Hey! Thank you for watching Misconceptions on Mental Floss on YouTube which was made with the help of all these nice people. If you have a topic about Misconceptions that you would like to see, leave it in the comments and I will see you next week.
