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View count: | 99,322 |
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Duration: | 8:08:34 |
Uploaded: | 2021-02-13 |
Last sync: | 2025-02-17 23:30 |
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MLA Full: | "Project for Awesome 2021 Kickoff!" YouTube, uploaded by vlogbrothers, 13 February 2021, |
MLA Inline: | (vlogbrothers, 2021) |
APA Full: | vlogbrothers. (2021, February 13). Project for Awesome 2021 Kickoff! [Video]. YouTube. |
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vlogbrothers, "Project for Awesome 2021 Kickoff!", February 13, 2021, YouTube, 8:08:34, |
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NewSection (5:53)
H: Umm... I was shocked. I don't know why I didn't think it was starting right now, but it is. John -
NewSection (5:56)
J: I can hear a little echo of myself.
(06:00) to (08:00)
J: which is a little annoying but it's okay it's okay it's gone it's passed it's over
H: okay
J: wow, look at this fancy all these fancy Hank look at who's in the background look it's you
H: oh man
J: it's Harry Styles.
J: Shout out to these project for awesome balloons which survived since the 2019 project for awesome without ever being reinflated.
H: What?
J: It's one of the great miricles in the history of ballooning.
H: Yeah. It's like that. What's that what's that thing that happened where like where like the oil lamp just kept burning? It's like that. It's not quite like that.
J: Let's not go religious on it. Kapow! It's the 2021 project for awesome!
H: John, I want to I want to see if something works If I push this button, What do you see?
J: Oh I see a I see a Furbee made out of beans??
H: That's great. That's excellent news. My technological advancement has just gone way way up.
J: Why do I see that? Kapow! I got a lot of these things. It's going to be a long 48 hours, Hank. Everybody better get ready. We've raised 336,000 dollars already to Save the Children and Partners in Health. Two organizations devoted to improving the educational and healthcare opportunites and access for the most vulnerable people in the world.
Thank you to Save the Children and Partners in health for more than 10 years now of getting to work with them in the P4A. It's one of the most fullfilling relationships we have in our lives. I mean ceartinly the most fullfilling relationship we have with an institution other than Hank's relationship with TikTok.
H: I don't uhhhhh I don't feel like my relationship with TikTok is is ultimately the institution of TikTok is that rewarding not nearly as rewarding as our work with Save the Children and Partners in Health.
J: I have a pretty good relationship with Penguin Randomhouse after 20 years, but for me it's still Partners in Health and Save the Children.
H: ummm I would like
(08:00) to (10:00)
H: uhhhh a Project for Awesome Shirt with some like styling over it that's very exciting
J: just just layering for warmth in my case
H: yeah, so the uhh
J: so this is the Project for Awesome t-shirt the 2021 Project for Awesome t-shirt look at it It's it's it's magnificent.
H: it is
J: and it's availible right now at along with many many many other perks
H: look at I love I love the little people poppin up. Thanks to DFTBJames Thanks to Rose. The donations are coming in very quickly right now.
J: Yeah, they're coming in very fast
H: anonymous just donated a hundred and seventy-five bucks
J: $175 Thank you Anonymous. There's a few things we should go. Oh boy there it is again. Hey Hank, what is that and can you make it a project for awesome perk?
H: No! It's mine!
J: Oh, okay
H: I can maybe talk to someone else should talk to the artist who made it about making another one
J: okay, so let's let's put that aside for the moment and let's go through some of the perks that are currently availible at but first off we should just say a thank you to everybody who's already donated because we've already raised almost 350,000 dollars
H: yeah, John jeeze
J: which is truly remarkable. Like I think that's the largest number we've ever had going into the project for awesome so thank you to everbody who has already donated. Um you can donate at If you're not, If you're a project for awesome veterin it's going to be a little bit of a it's gonna be a little bit of a change, but it's mostly good change
H: slightly different, yeah
J: The we're working with tiltify now which means lots of great things including you can check out with paypal! a problem we've had for 13 years. So we're really excited to solve that problem. Ummm there's so many great perks that you can get. The uh as always the best deal the best perk deal availible in the world today is unquestionably um the digital download bundle. the digital download bundle
H: yes, correct
J: is an incredible perk because you
(10:00) to (12:00)
J: get all of the digital perks for 60 dollars. That's everything from Hank dancing to tiktoks
H: Rebecca just got it. Samantha just got it. they're coming in. Dave just got it. They know what they need. They know what they want
J: Hank Hank is gonna do this TikTok dance that I don't know what it is called SpaceGirl.
H: Yeah
J: You can get the digital download of my, I don't want to brag, my incredible, relitively short, but incredible cookbook. It's extremely profane and it's for adults who don't like cooking but understand that they have to. It's got some really good recipies
H: That sounds like a book you should just publish
J: Nah nah no. I'm just going to do it for the p4a. It's got some recipies in it like my old standards. It's got a uh good vegetarian chili recipie in it. But the main thing that makes the main thing that makes the recipie book enjoyable is how much I hate cooking and how little I can hide of my hatred.
um, but there are also lots of physical perks that you can get including, this is gonna take a while so prepare yourself, yeah, we've got like foreign editions of my books you don't know what language you're gonna get, but it's gonna be a language, probably a weird one that you can't read in, but I'll sign the copy of my book for you and you will get a foreign edition of my book. You can also get one of my sharpies. Hank, keep talking about perks while I grab my sharpie.
H: Wow, I mean, John is signing 250000 books right now, so I imagine he's going to go through a fair number of sharpies. I have quite a stack myself. That I have like a sharpie drawer in my in my what is it called? bookshelf. uhh, but these ones are the ones I didn't end up using because I think I might be a little less less precious than john about sharpies. He seems to be well and truly gone, so I will tell you about some of my perks, I did a uh, he's back. I did some art that's on the ground over there. you can't actually see it. you will when it's full screen me. And uh I'm also gonna be hosting a trivia night that will
(12:00) to (14:00)
H: be it's a hundred bucks, but the prizes will be spectacular. will they include a baked bean furbee? I don't know, I love it so much.
J: uh, I am also including some art. for those of you who don't know I've been drawing circles in an attempt to understand the number 170,000. As a result um I will eventually have made 10 circle drawings. you don't know which one you're going to get, but together they form 170,000 circles-ish. I mean I wouldn't say that I've been counting exactly necessarily. Those are very expensive, but to be fair, they do take like 100 hours apiece. Um, you can buy one of the sharpies. So Sharpie sent me, in the worst brand deal ever, I was like hey Sharpie, I use your product more than anyone alive in the world and also I'm a relentless evangilist for the quality of your product. And they were like, oh thank you so much. We'd really like to sign you to a brand deal, and what that brand deal is gonna entail is that we're going to send you 95 sjharpies free "free"
H: "free"
J: that all say John Green's #1 Marker.
H: yeah, and not like in the most low effort way possible. They didn't even do a design they just had somebody. Yeah.
J: yeah. It's the worst font. I could I mean I could've printed John Green's #1 Marker
H: the turning is bad
J: on a sharpie better than that. I used all these sharpies already to sign copies of the anthropocene reviewed book, but now one or more of them can end up with you if you make a donation at where just now Chloe has gotten the digital download bundle writing "Hello Tuitaria also trans rights are human rights". Leigha just got just donated $100 for Alaska for Looking
H: woah
J: which is my first novel looking for Alaska but rearranged in alphabetical order. So that it's uh so that it's completely unreadable except as like a beautiful art project.
H: Is it a physical copy?
J: huh?
H: Is it it's a physical copy?
J: I think so?
(14:00) to (16:00)
J: Let me ask in the chat. Let me ask in the slack. By the way in the slack zuleikha writes "John's video quality looks so much better than usual". Thank you Zuleikha, I got a new computer just for the project for awesome.
H: nice, and it's not gonna come in handy for anything else
J: no, I will use it for all the other things as well. so yeah
H: yeah
J: so I think to that is possible. Jessica just donated $30 and said "lol" about my #1 marker. So you say lol now, Jessica but wait until you get a hold of this #1 marker. You've never seen a marker like it.
Litterally, they only made these for me.
H: wow. that's. I love that because uh cause cause it's that money just for the joke. And that
J: yeah yeah
H: I'm very much in favor of. If we hit 400,000 dollars you know I'm going to turn that baked bean furbee on again, and we're on our way were were were headed there fast.
J: Well I mean I've got more than enough of these mofos to to to get us through how ever many 100,000 dollar barriers we break through. I should also meantion that there in the back are you see a cardboard cutout of my brother Hank Green, and he's kind of pointing his thumb at Harry Styles like "Hey there Harry Styles". Harry Styles is staring at you so smolderingly. I mean, it's impossible it's impossible to capture at a distance the quality of Harry Styles's smolder, but it's unlike anything I've ever experienced in my life.
We also have Jimin who's availible. Both the non-Hank Green cardboard cutouts are availible as if you want to make a very generous donation to Partners in Health and Save the Children. Now is your opportunity to get Harry Styles.
I don't know if you want me to sign down by his feet, but I will if you want me to. But if you want just like an unadulterated Harry Styles or an unadulterated Jimin that's also fine. But they're both availible.
I'd say that they're one of a kind, but I believe actually that they're more than one. But there's only one that's been in my basement, that's for dang shure.
H: We're about to hit 400,000. We just did! (unintelligible bean noises)
J: Whoa!
H (as bean furbie): "Hello everybody hello congradulations on 400,000 dollars"
J: Pa Pow! (party popper) That was good.
(16:00) to (18:00)
J: Now that's that's the business right there. Okay, I got a little in my mouth. I'm sure it's
H: Thanks Jimmy Horner
J: yeah, and thanks. So many people are donating it's hard to say thanks to everybody
H: The donations are coming in way fast. I think tha... Oh Melissa five hundred dollars!
J: Oh, wow! thank you!
H: was that the last I think that was probably the last was that the last of your circle drawings? were those $500?
J: I think they're $750 actually
H: oh, wow, okay. well they're all gone
J: Yeah, well, like I told you they take a long time
H: they're gone. we sold all of them
J: oh we sold all of them? huh
H: we sold all of them
J: jeeze
H: yes, wow
J: um, well, thank you. maybe we'll put some more up later. I got to have a conversation with my hand though.
H: yeah I don't
J: those ones, they hurt
H: I don't know how we're doing. Oh my gosh we've raised $91,000 of our $300,000 goal through the tiltify campaign. That number's being multiplied many times over by matching donors, and also we've had raised money before the project started.
J: yes so the matching donors both both projects both Projects in Health and Save the Children secured matching donations for the project for awesome this year. Thank you to them. Also just in general thank you to them for their amazing partnership we'll be talking over the course, I mean it's a 40 hour live stream, so we'll be talking with a lot of people, but we're going to be meeting both with peope from save the children and with Dr. Mukherjee of Parners in Health who's the chief medical officer there which we're very excited about. Many of you who've been part of the p4a for a long time know about the the work save the children and partners in health have done as a result of the money that's been raised during the p4a. It really is extrodanary, and it's a big part of the reason why, until recently, so much progress was being made in child health and in improving the educational opportunities for children as well. This year has been a huge huge setback. It will probably be the first year when child mortality goes up in thirty, thirty-five years, and that's a real
(18:00) to (20:00)
J: uh it's it's it's devistating, but it is also it is also a problem that can be addressed meaningfully with resources. like We can we can have a world where that progress continues. Even amid Covid, so we just have to fight to bring about that world, and that's why we're raising money this way, so thank you for donating everybody. Really appreciate it. And we're gonna be here for 47 hours and 45 minutes, so you can be here with us for as much of that time as you want. you can also like take breaks, but if you wanna. Don't hang out for the whole 48 hours, you'll get really tired.
H: um the trivia party has also now sold out. so, if you're gonna, If you're gonna.
J: Heckin' trivia party! Heckin' trivia party!
H: I I did not realize that that would be so. I mean, maybe I should do one a month. just make 12 of those because I have plenty of time!
J: make but make do do one more, but make it way more expensive so it takes a long time to sell out, that's the key.
H: yeah, yeah
J: I can't believe all these people are making high dollar donations, but uh Harry Styles is still sittin on the sidelines, just waiting for a $5000 donation.
H: I remember the the year on the project for awesome we mystery guitar man put a guitar up and somebody bought it, and it's just so hard to ship a guitar
J: yeah
H: and now I look at I look at Harry Styles and I'm like how do you get a Harry Styles across the country without damaging him? but there are ways, there are ways,
J: that's why we got a high high dollar value on Harry, so that we can pack him in a million pounds of um
H: yeah
J: I'm sure compostable recycleable material
H: we'll pack him like fine art because it's not like people don't pack fine art
J: they do
H: you put him in a fine art packer because he is fine art
J: yeah, he is fine art. um so many so many donations are coming in that it's hard to thank everybody. um but lots of people getting the digital download bundle lots of ya'll getting the project for awesome t-shirt which is gonna be a great like throughout the year
(20:00) to (22:00)
of the magic that is the project for awesome. It's also really good. Thank you to ShutupAndTakeMyMoney who just donated $60 for the digital download bundle. So if you go to tiltify it can be a little bit confusing if you're new to the platform like I am, um so what you do is you uh just scroll down there, and you can see.
H: no, first you have to, you have to click on the thing that says rewards
J: right
H: which is just above the video
J: right
H: and then, then you can scroll down and click on show more rewards and then continue to scroll and you have to click on show more rewards about four or five times before you get all of them maybe seven
J: maybe that's while Harry Styles hasn't sold. It's just so many you have to click on rewards so many
H: he's also also a lot of money
J: well, He's worth a lot of money hank, and I won't hear differently. um a couple other a couple other perks that I want to call attention to um real quick. Hold on uh. uh a couple other things I want to call attention to real quick are you can get a personal message on everybody's second favorite brother's hosted advice podcast dear hank and john where we will read a message of your choosing.
H: uh huh
J: Last year one of the best things that happened in all of 2020 for me hank, I don't know about you, was when we read the message from the two people who were like "today's the day you find a way"
H: yeah, yeah
J: "to go into the ocean" and then they sent us a video of themselves going into the ocean when they heard that project for awesome message, and it made me so happy to know that there are still some things that can be done. umm, also want to
H: I'm just checking the chat and it's looking like we just a little bit broke Tiltify. but it's seems like it's you can still get stuff we just can't update stuff which is... very project for awesome of us becasue
J: yeah
H: look there are a lot of charity livestreams now, and I don't want to take credit, not sayin' that we were the first, but we
(22:00) to (24:00)
H: were and not saying that every charity livestream is inspired by us, but ehhh?
J: They, no, they aren't they aren't first of all you you act like we invented the genre where like Jerry Lewis had been doing this for 55 years before we got ahold of it
H: yeah, yeah
J:So We we, all we did all we did was put it on the internet. Um I also want to call attention to a couple other perks. my workout playlist, it's so much better than you think it is and also so much diffrent from what you think it is, and I'm excited to share it with you. It's gonna It's gonna help you get big gains, big gains.
H: oh, I'm not really here for big gains. will it help me uh will it help me stay fit uh and protect me from potential injury? because that's what I'm here for.
J: I've got, Hank I've got two workout playlists. I've got a workout playlist that's called Chillaxing workout for Hank and Others, and then i've got a workout called Push it to the Max for fitness expert John Green.
H: uh huh, okay. PUSH IT TO THE MAX,
H: yeah, good job. got to say it that way. We're on our way to 500,000 dollars raised. John, that's half a half a million dollars and we're
J: That's so fast
H: a total of 18 minutes into the live stream
J: It's only been 18 minutes! It's almost too much! one other thing I want to call attention to though is my wife Sarah has been making these incredible collages using old magazines from the 50s and 60s. First off, Hank, I don't know if you've read a magazine from the 50s or 60s, but life used to be different and worse. The good old days that we're harkening back to were horrible. In every way. Like social justice wise, but also like the quality of their technology sucked. Um yeah, as did like the quality of understanding of gender roles. Anyway
H: yeah
J: Sarah has been using these old magazines to make these astonishing I mean.
(24:00) to (26:00)
J: They're so much better than any other art that's gonna be that like Hank or any of the art Hank or I make.
H: That may be a part of this, yeah
J: they are really phenominal, and I can not recommend them enough. If you can make a big donation to Partners in Health and Save the Children, that is the one that I would get. In fact, I already got one just because I wanted to lock one in
H: Nice, nice
J: yeah
H: Thanks for the $300 CJewell, um and we are now near (stalling noises) 4000 dollars away from half a million dollars.
J: now, now just 2500 dollars away.I have a I have a champaigne popper ready I said I had plenty of champaigne poppers, but I might have over promised. We'll see. We're just gonna get through this the best way we can.
H: (streaching noises) I have a I have a. Sorry
J: Valerie2776 just donated!
H: Thanks Val And....
J: And we did it!
H: (bean noises) aaah, I haven't worked out the voice for the furby yet, but maybe it's like this? I don't knowwwwww.
J: I don't like that voice, come up with a different one. That's amazing. Half a million dollars just 20 minutes into the Project for awesome. This is ridiculous. Thank you to Pulloma who just donated and Shannon and Felix they're coming in way too fast to say everybody's name and I apologize about this. (gags agressively on confetti)
H: John, oh my god, WOW! he he ate some of it! oh gosh that's great. well, while he's recovering I assume that so one of the
J: it went so deep It went into my lung. I don't know what happened
H: No, it went into your trachea. but it got close to your lung
J: It went so deep. I was like it was like pulling a clown car emptying out. It just kept happening. Is it okay that it went so deep inside of my throat?
H: It's not ideal, no, but like it's okay, you'll you'll you'll be fine.
(26:00) to (28:00)
H: um you know
J: are you sure?
H: yeah, I mean there's a there a look look my I'm not gonna say what okay now I have to, okay, so there's a verry small. so like in general it's good not to have foreign objects go down there because they can deliver a little bac bacteria where it shouldn't be. but I think that was a very clean party popper.
J: What if I have COVID now. What if I got COVID from swallowing a piece of confetti.
H: yeah, I think that
J: that would be that would be egh.
H: that is the least likely outcome
J: Okay. I'll move on
H: I part of the digital download bundle, John, is that I make a lot of TikToks that I don't publish.
J: thank God for that
H: yeah so for example this one
J: uh huh
H: I don't know, that was just the one that was on top, and
J: yeah
H: there's just I have a var I have maybe between 70-100 TikTok drafts that I'm going to just release, and
J: oh boy
H: look I'm not saying it's high quality content, but it is stuff that I decided not to put on the internet
J: Can I tell you why I'm drinking Diet Dr. Pepper right now? It's cause I had this idea in my head that maybe the Diet Dr. Pepper could kill whatever was in that thing I just breathed into my lungs
H: yeah, that's a great idea, all you have to all you have to do is breathe the diet dr pepper in.
J: I should I should do that
H: which would also be bad! yeah
J: Oh! we should say one other thing! that the Digital Download Bundle also comes with the April May short story uh
H: yeah
J: exclusive which somebody just got but it's scrolling so fast I can't see it. but I'll just thank someone else. Daniel didn't get that he got "Bean Furby is terrifying" he got my number one marker. But uh but but so tell tell us about this uh this story that you can only get by donating to Parters in Health
H: sure
J: and Save the Children right now through the project for awesome.
H: yeah or you could get it you could get it tomorrow, but you can
(28:00) to (30:00)
H: only get it through the project for awesome for sure. And uh the basic so April May has you know she's had had quite a life and in the midst of her uh you know success a vidcon happens and she goes to that vid-con and is invited and is an invited guest to Vid-Con. to get a little bit of the behind the scenes look at that but then a famous internet pig named Bonker is kidnapped
J: oh yeah. hmm
H: and April has to find out what happened to Bonker? Am I in the book? yes I am. Do I have a conversation with a character I created? yes. Does this make this technically a self insert fan fic? Kinda? But It's not but I don't care and I love it. um. so she she's yeah
J: Sean says "I've been here for every project for awesome the hype is real" thank you Sean. It's been a long, strange 14+ years, so thank you. Hank let me ask you a more important question.
H: okay
J: Is your Vid-con co-founder and brother and long-time collaborator most important collaborator outide of your marriage I think it would be safe to say. Does he make any kind of appearance in this April May story?
H: yeah, I think you know I could write you in if you're really sore about this. you could be at the the the the story starts at a party. you could be at a party. Maybe She's talking to a beauty influencer when the party starts, so maybe she could be talking to you. you want me to throw you in there? you can be the beauty infuencer.
J: yeah just like one just like one sentence where I'm like "hey, congrat-" what would I even say to April May in real life? I the truth is Hank if I saw April May in real life at that point in her celebrity I would never walk up to her. Cause I'm not I I don't I'm not I'm not a walker uper.
H: yeah and the other thing is is I have been given the chance to sort of interface with with young people who are um you know part of important pollitical movements, and I always feel like I don't want to
(30:00) to (32:00)
H: encourage this. It's just so much it's so hard and so like often times I'm like "I don't know I'm just gonna stay out of it" uh like I will be supportive from the sidelines, but I I kinda can't almost can't condone it becasue it is so hard but uh mostly I talk with April about pigs, so..
J: great, great, I think that my experience about putting yourself in a novel is that the more you can make fun of yourself the better, and the more you do anything other than make fun of yourself, the worse. so like my advice for
H: yeah
J: if you're gonna put yourself in a novel is making yourself a reclusive alcoholic living in amsterdam who's really really unpleasent to people.
H: thousand dollar donation from anonymous!
J: That way you don't overstay your welcome. That way also lower people's expectations when they meet you. they're like ah well you know he wasn't that bad.
H: exactly
J: Thank you Sahel as well for who who got the digital download bundle but donated 40 extra dollars in getting it which is really appreciated. And we should emphasize a couple of things. One, in the US your donations are tax deductible, and Two.
H: emm, they aren't they aren't they are but they aren't so so it depends
J: They are tax deductible over the value of any perk that you get
H: correct
J: like anything else tax deductible in charity. yes, good point Hank. And and two, all of your donations right now are being matched. There's a matching fund uh that Hank and I and some other people in nerdfighteria built up together that is around 350,000 dollars there's also right now durring the first 100,000 200,000 dollars or so that's raised on tiltify a project for uh Save the Children and Partners in Health donors are also matching your donations, so that's a big part of the reason why you're seeing the number go up so fast right now is that we are getting lots and lots of matching money coming in alongside your donations.
H: yes
(32:00) to (34:00)
J: but we are almost, just in the first 30 minutes almost to 500 actually just passed 550,000 dollars.
H: I just found Ceri's uh Ceri's meme that she put in the project for awesome slack and I'm gonna put it on twitter because it is ever so good.
J: okay
H: I think, could I put it on. um let's see.
J: try to put it on the screen, let's get advanced. let's do advanced
H: I'm trying to
J: I keep feeling if I just like show more of Jimin and Harry Styles that somebody is going to be like I want that, I want that and I want to make a 5000 dollar donation to the project for awesome that's completely tax deductible. Except for whatever we decide the market value of that Harry Styles is, and I'll like it's think it's a little bit below that. Are you doing it hank? is it working?
H: I'm trying, but it does not appear to be working
J: okay, well, life is full of dissapointments
H: It's weird because because my button uh wait, what's this button, there it is
J: What's this button. What's this button do?
H: What's this button?
J: It's been a long time since I like looked down at a keyboard and thought like ah, who knows what this one does. gee Hank
H: It wasn't that it's a button on tiltify
J: lot of potential down there. okay, I see
H: It did not work, It still did not work
J: um well, if you go to which is the place to donate. you will see lots of amazing perks when you click the rewards button and then you can scroll down and see all of them. Now some of them are very inexpensive. The best value is undoubtadly the digital download bundle, and the great thing about that is because everybody donates their perks and we don't have to ship any physical goods. There's also like almost no overhead associated with getting the digital download bundle out to you. Plus it comes all throughout the year, or even past the end of the year sometimes. And then that means that you get full suprises over and over and over again. We've also got the project for awesome socks this year. high quality p4a socks as usual. There's the project for awesome commemorative
(34:00) to (36:00)
J: coin which is always one of my favorites. There are people who have collected every single one of the commemorative coins we've released over the last like 10 or 11 years. So that's if you want to start building out a collection or continue a collection, I always recommend that project for awesome coin. And of course you can get my book "Looking for Alaska" but rearranged in alphabetical order thanks to the creator of that project. whos name is ryland and is one of the last people I spoke to. maybe the last person I spoke to before *gestures broadly*.
H: I've put the image on my computer screen in the background. It's the lady from glee and she says I'm going to donate to a project that is so for awesome.
J: that's a good. That's a good me. a good memeing. good memeing. I wanna say mie says thank you or miah? says "thank you to this wonderful community kept my spirits up especially during this weird time in human history, best wishes". Thank you for donating an extra $10 to get the digital download bundle and also thank you for keeping our spirits up durring this weird time in history. One of the things the p4a can do this year is give us a sense of togetherness and belonging that for a lot of reasons we just can not have in person or many of us anyway cannot have in person right now, and so yeah we really are hoping that this can be a time of of connection to the other people in the chat. And every year lots of long like lots of friendships evolve from the p4a. occasionally a marriage evolves from it, so that's always wonderful. No pressure! No pressure in the chat, ya'll.
H: yeah, right
J: I'm just saying it does happen. it does happen.
H: uh that 1000 dollar donation we got a while ago from anonymous anonymous said " it has been a rough year, but vlogbrothers always gives me hope and keeps me moving
(36:00) to (38:00)
H: forwards". Paid 1000 dollars for the Digital Download Bundle. Which is not necessary, but is very great
J: Wow! That is $940 extra and we really appreciate it. Again, all of this money, lest if you get a physical perk, there's cost associated with manufacturing and shipping your physical perk. But other than that all of the money that comes in to the p4a during this, the first half of the project for awesome, will be split between save the children and partners in health.
And we you lots of people know about our our project with partners in health where we're working on a five year plus project with them in supporting the government of Sierra Leone in building a maternal center of excelence at Koidu Government Hospital, but PIH works around the world from the Navajo Nation to Peru to Russia to Rwanda and and to Hati and everywhere they work they do they save lives every day and they also I think critically push forward the idea that all people deserve access to quality healthcare. And as a result of pushing forward that idea they have lead the charge to treat multidrug resistant tuberculosis, they have lead the charge to get anti-retroviral therapy to people living in poverty and and who also have an HIV diagnosis, and and that work is just hugely important. Save the Children, if you have traveled in a disaster zone, you have seen Save the Children present there from the United States to the refugee camps outside of in Jordan.
Save the Children is just a hugely hugely influential and impactful organization as well, and again one that we've worked with for more than ten years. So you can also have trust that like yes we're having fun, but your money is gonna go to really make big differences in the lives of
(38:00) to (40:00)
J: people who really need it.
H: um the chat is going off of course. Mary says something that shocked me a little. "This is the first time I actually remembered to watch the livestream". Mary you've got a full 48 hours to think one time "I remember". Oh 600,000! 600,000!
J: 600 Thousand!
H: lodollodollodollodollodol...
J: oh it's a dud a dud. I just made a little smoke come out.
H: what. ooh yeah, didn't work that was a dud.
J: just got a little just got a little fire there. hold on this one's gonna work great.
H: okay. I lodollodollodollodollodol...
That was great, good job
J:whoop whoop. Alright
H: Oh I just realized that the furby wasn't coming up. I was just making a funny noise.
J: yeah we didn't see the Furby, but we were we were enjoyying whatever you were doing. you know
H: okay, okay
J: by the way, Hank, on this topic this topic yesterday my my beautiful daughter who who I love very much and who I believe loves me said. uh I was wearing a hat, and she said "dad, why is all the hair white?"
H: (as bean furby) lodollodollodollodollodol...
H: There we go. sorry
J: she said why is all that hair grey, it's all grey in there. I was like what do you think Alice? It's because it's been a stressful year. very stressful year.
H: it's cause it's cause you're old.
J: I was already heading in this direction Alice and then there were circumstances that contributed.
H: where as I have maintained my completly complete lack of grey hair by not having a stressful year at all. It's been just smooth
J: I know, that's the way to do it. that's the way
H: no problems, no problems
J: so uh so so many people in chat it's a little hard to follow what's going on, but Hank you're a faster reader than I am. tell me what's happening in chat.
H: that is definitely not true. (inaudible)
J: oh, yeah that's true.
(40:00) to (42:00)
J: Now that I've said it out loud, I've realized that it doesn't hold up to scrutiny.
H: I apologize for interupting your story with baked beans but I figured out what the problem was.
J: Sarah just donated $100 to get Alaska for looking and says from DFTBA from nerdfighter siblings
J: Stephanie just donated to get the Project for Awesome 2021 laptop decal you can get all this stuff in Project for right now and we should add that it's all of this is only available. Anonymous says Why can't I buy multiple perks in one order? Well anonymous because nothing is perfect in this broken world.
H: Yeah, we we were hoping to get that to work but we didn't it So look, you're gonna spend a little bit of your money you're gonna spend a little bit of your time those things.
J: Way to swing it around, Hank. I love it
H: This is a volunteer effort is clicking more.
J: David just donated $420 to get the digital download bundle, which is seven times more than necessary. And I appreciate that very much David.
And and also says "john a bit late but Peter van Houghton and TIFF iOS is a self insert?" I mean, not literally, obviously. But yeah, you know, like, I, here's what I'll say about this, and then we can move on.
I have a lot of I experienced the thing that Peter van Houghton experienced a lot where people would ask me like, what happens after the end of your book? And I would be like, I'm gonna disappoint you. And they would be like, but you know, and I would be like, No, I don't.
So like that parts of self insert. And then you know, a little bit the, like, I can see my life going that way is what I'll say about it. Right?
Like, David, I'm like two, um, two maybe even one significant bump in the road away from becoming a recluse, which is fine. I don't I I wouldn't mind. I think Hank could do 100% of the non reclusive part of Vlogbrothers work.
And I would just do the behind the scenes stuff.
(42:00) to (44:00)
H (42:02)
The the Project for Awesome lapel pin thing this year is gorgeous. I love it. It's beautiful.
J 42:09
It is. It is really good.
H 42:11
I just got that one. And
J 42:13
Do we know who designed it?
H 42:15
I don't have that information. In my head.
J 42:20
Okay, no worries. No, well, that's fine. I there's a lot of things that I don't know.
H 42:24
If you sign in if you sign into tilta phi, you don't Oh, it's designed by Lucas from DFTBA. Thank you to Lucas. If you
H 42:33
if you sign into tilta phi, it will remember your address and you will be able to check out faster, but
J 42:39
okay, great
H 42:40
You know, you don't have to do
J 42:43
zoleikha reports that Save the Children is in the chat. Um, oh. And also, it's worth noting, Maryann points out that people can get a 2020 coin even though there wasn't a 2020 P4A in abundance with the 2021 coin so that you can keep your coin streak alive.
H 42:43
J 43:02
Also, somebody asks, How much would it cost for me to be the officiant at their wedding?
H 43:10
Oh, boy. I mean, there is a price
J 43:13
a lot. I mean, there's a price for everything, but like, oh, a lot. Like, let me ask you a question. Are you like a Kardashian wedding?
J 43:21
I don't know. I'm not I wouldn't be a good officiant at your wedding. I would be bad. I wouldn't be good at that job. I'd be very stressed. Look at me. I can't I can barely handle doing a live stream in my basement. I I can't handle that stress of marrying you.
H 43:33
Straight out freaking out right now.
J 43:35
I'm freaking out just thinking about the possibility of marrying people. It's too much. I can't and I can't handle that kind of responsibility. I don't know. I can't do it. I can't do it. Hank, we've got 22 minutes left if your time before you depart to I don't know what are you going to do? Go to a party.
H 43:50
Uh, I'm going to work on some Project for Awesome stuff. JOHN.
J 43:59
H (43:59)
during during this one.
(44:00) to (46:00)
H: Some of my other breaks I will be. I'm hoping to go ice skating though. It is very cold.
J 44:06
Oh, really. I during my breaks, this is going to shock you. I'm going to be signing my name. In fact, I was thinking that maybe I'll just leave my last stream on and just like sign my name and collaboration with whoever's actually hosting the browser. Yeah. Just just in like a small window on the bottom. Yeah, totally. Totally. I don't know if that would actually work. But that's my current. That's my current thought. Um, we seem to have like a little bit. Okay, so I want to thank some donors
H 44:33
I did that. That's one thing I did.
J 44:36
What thing? What did you do? I mean,
J 44:41
it only took 20 20 minutes but you did it. It looks great. I also I really liked it the project it says project for awe and the some is cut off which is kind of great. I do want to I do want to donate to a project that is so for awe like I'm heavily in favor of awe
H 44:59
Yeah, well hey, maybe we'll get a little bit of that during the product for awesome this year little bit of awe
J 45:04
what I usually do we usually get at least some
J 45:10
hoof mate Nathan says thank you to john Calvin encouraged me to go through my do my own mental health and get help from therapists. Thank you to Hank for always lifting my spirits in teaching me about the wild world we live in what it is a wild world. And thank you Nathan for donating thank you to Alberto who also just donated and Megan and Jeffrey and Kristen and owl lover and Mark Bernardino and Arden and Emily and Allie and gretta and Seb and Danielle it's coming in 478 Snickers bars just donated
J 45:40
which is that's a really good username. Um, 478 Snickers bars is a deep cut and it makes me yearn for the days when Snickers sent me 478 Snickers bars.
H 45:51
Gosh. Oh man.
J 45:54
Oh man. Yeah, Shawn says the Shawn just donated with no perk
(46:00) to (48:00)
J: $150 to say I have also blamed my new gray hairs on the last year so I'm glad I'm not alone. Yeah.
H 46:09
I I'm just playing around with my with my software and making gifs come up.
J 46:15
Okay, well, that's that's a, that's a great use the other so the other thing I want to emphasize, if you're not able to do anything, the project for awesome. Like we've been talking a lot about donations and donating. And we are very grateful to everybody who can donate. But there are lots of ways to be involved with the p4a that do not involve donations. And the biggest one is to go to Project for watch project for awesome videos and vote on the videos that you think should receive grants. So right now during the first half to pay for a we raise money for Save the Children and Partners in Health. But in the next half beginning tomorrow at noon, we're going to be raising money for charities that are chosen by the community. And that means that your votes, how you vote, which videos you watch which videos you support with by voting at Project for, help our group of nerdfighter I don't know what their technical name is the committee of Nerdfighters who make the final decisions, use those votes to help them make those decisions. So please go to project for awesome .com even if you can't donate and watch some p4a videos, find great charities to support and learn more about different ways that people are trying to approach and solve the biggest problems that we face together.
H 47:26
One of the other perks we haven't mentioned yet, that is one of my favorite parts every year is the the Nerdfighter perk. So
J 47:33
It's the best
H 47:34
people have made lovely things, and you don't know exactly what the lovely thing is. But that's what makes it good. Like you pay for someone's art that they created. And then you get that art delivered to you. And it's like, I don't know, it's like nothing else. What like just getting, like not knowing what the sort of lovely thing is going to be and then having it arrive and yeah, it's just like a gift. It's like a like Santa. Almost.
(48:00) to (50:00)
And yeah, except that it's like, you know, actual well, original Santa when he was an artisan and he made stuff instead of just acquiring a lot of video games to then redistribute he's just a middleman now.
J 48:14
It's Hanks weird Santa take aside, um, it's a really wonderful perk. It's, for me. Because because you don't know what you're going to get. But But you know, we've had more than 1000 pieces of nerdfighter art sent into the DFTBA warehouse this year. And that in and of itself is such an act of generosity, people work really hard to make something really cool. And then they donate it to us and they don't know where it will end up. But it's lovely. It can be just a lovely point of connection in in the world in an unexpected way to a person you know whose work you never would have maybe never would have seen otherwise. I get it every year and every year it's one of the highlights of the p4a for me so you can get that a project for awesome .com/donate, you click up there at the top on rewards and then you scroll down. And how much is that? What what kind of donation? Are we looking for it for that nerdfighter art project? Hank?
H 49:14
I don't know.
J 49:15
We don't know,
H 49:17
I don't know. No. I
H 49:21
40 $45 it's 45 bucks a steal at twice the price, frankly. Um, yeah. I think sometimes we've had it twice the price. Sorry, I love this so much. I can't take it down.
J 49:34
Oh, you can I would like to see your face again. I miss it. We are once asking for your financial support.
H 49:41
That's from that's from Payton made that looks like
J 49:44
that's very good Payton. That's good memeing.
J 49:47
The power of memes if we've learned anything in the last four years, it's the memes are the most powerful form of discourse ever created in history.
J 49:57
Which, you know, it's got some upsides and some downsides.
(50:00) to (52:00)
H 50:02
Yeah, and look, we could have this or we can have this what would you prefer? (bean noises)
J 50:09
I prefer to look at your beautiful face for the last 15 minutes of the first hour of the project for awesome. There he is!
H 50:15
J 50:17
I love your setup, Hank. It's, it's, it looks like like like you're almost a professional streamer. Not.
H 50:24
That's what I was going for
J 50:26
You got way more HD. You know, I feel this individual pores on your face and everything but short of that. You look very, very pro.
H 50:35
Yeah, I was I was absolutely going for like, Look, Hank Green tried to look like he was a professional streamer. That was my that was the vibe I was going for
J 50:47
Oh, yes. That's like that.
H 50:50
Just like he can't have the you can't have the like the lights. Like he's got Christmas lights instead of like the strip LEDs that they all have. And they're like, diagonal instead of straight and hidden. All of them.
J 51:02
Right? Right.
J 51:05
Well, it's working. It's working. We're now just $20,000 away from $700,000. Wouldn't it be amazing Hank to get to that $700,000 mark in the first hour of the Project for Awesome I think that would be truly truly phenomenal. To get there we would need to raise because all your donations that Project for Awesome .com/donate are currently matched, we would need to get another like six or $7,000 in donations. Let's thank some recent donors including Shan and Emily and Emily, a different Emily and Victor and Heather and Sarah and Rachel and Rachel and Gabby, and Wendy and Sarah manual long time nerdfighter who paid extra for the digital download bundle. Thank you, Sarah.
J 51:48
And blue chamomile. Also an old an old friend who just got the pressed pennies. I don't like pennies. So every year we have this thing
(52:00) to (54:00)
where we take a group of pennies, and people physically with their arms at the DFTBA warehouse, mostly volunteers, thank you volunteers turn those pennies into a beautiful Project for Awesome memorabilia.
H 52:15
JOHN, this is my co2 meter. And we find that already the amount of talking I have done has made it unhealthy in here, I it's really a problem. It's such a problem for me to have gotten the co2 meter because now I know that I am never in my office when it is not over 1000 parts per million of co2.
J 52:35
Why is that?
H 52:36
Because well in the winter, because it like all of the everything is closed and I can't open anything.
H 52:43
And there's no ventelation in here.
J 52:44
given me two new things to worry about first inhaling these things which can't possibly have been good for me. And now I've got a whole new I've got a whole new indoor chemical to worry about. I already had radon and carbon monoxide. Now I've got a new chemical to be anxious about just what I needed.
H 53:03
Apparently, Charlie pressed all of the Project for Awesome pennies, which is a tremendous amount. And I feel like this is a thing that that should eventually be automated. But thank you so much to Charlie for doing that work. I'm sorry if your arms are lopsided now.
J 53:20
Yeah, hopefully you went back and forth, you know, back and forth.
J 53:25
Lots of people still getting the digital download bundle and lots of people donating a little extra to get things which is really nice. So thank you, um, and donation margins coming in. Oh, watch on. Go ahead.
H 53:39
someone named watching since 2007, just donated $60 it says you give me hope. Thank you and got no perk. So hopefully you meant to get no perk. And thank you for watching since 2007. That's impossible. It's not of course, but I mean,
J 53:54
yeah, it's just it's it's really mind blowing to think that people would give us a seat at the table in their lives for for that long.
(54:00) to (56:00)
You know, like I was talking to rosianna about this. And she was pointing out that, you know, there are some people in our community for whom they have been part of the community for more than half of their lives and rosianna is one of them.
J 54:16
And that's just hard to get your head around.
H 54:20
J 54:22
So thank you. Thank you to everybody who has been been part of this with us. And if you're brand new, that's great, too. You are also very welcome. We'd love to raise $12,000 in the next 11 minutes. It's a little bit of an ambitious goal, but whatever we we've already met all of our goals. Oh, and Chris just donated an extra $1,000 to the digital download bundle to become the biggest donor to the Project for Awesome so far. Wow, Chris, thank you. He says an absolute remarkable thing was the first novel I've read a long time and I started flossing thanks to your warning on Dear Hank and John. We did it we changed someone's life.
H 55:00
The true the true definition, what we've really actually been going for all this time. I know I guess if we could convince me to floss, that would be amazing. Like,
J 55:11
I constantly wonder like, has my work been a net negative or a net positive in human experience? And honestly, hearing that I made somebody I encourage somebody to pick up the habit of flossing, like makes me think that maybe that alone is enough. Maybe
H 55:30
maybe finally.
J 55:32
Um, but yeah, thank you for thank you for flossing. It's so important. Take it Oh, we hit $700,000. While I was talking about flossing, we saw that
J 55:43
this is a Dud again! disaster, what are we gonna do?
H 55:47
(bean noises)
H 55:53
There's a good one.
J 55:55
I got it with my head and everything. I did a really good job that time. I forget what an
(56:00) to (58:00)
absolute pain in the ass is to clean up after this every year.
H 56:03
I know! I still have confetti on the ground from last year.
J 56:10
Oh, Hanks, take us through a couple more perks while I text my wife.
H 56:15
There's a there's a crack in my office down here. And it's just full of Project for Awesome, like, the detritus of Project for Awesomes passed. There's this like six inch wide space between my wall and turn the Furby cam back on their my wall and my desk and it's just, it's never gonna stop being what it is.
J 56:36
Eventually, eventually, it'll be the great thing is eventually it'll just become made of that. And that will be a sort of material in and of itself. It'll just be that's what the wall was made out of.
H 56:49
Yeah, yeah. Well, okay, thank you, I appreciate that
J 56:54
just trying to cheer you up,
H 56:56
it will say well, Phil all the way up. And then it'll be a project for awesome perk, this is a, these are some of the spray painted Hanklerfish arts that we that I made with some friends.
J 57:06
Very Pretty
H 57:07
I like them a lot. This is the smaller size that's available right now. And then there's a larger size that I don't have an example of, but they look like this, but none of them look the same. Basically, like it might look like that it might look, you know, be different colors, etc. But that's what they look like. And I love that we had so much fun making them and I and and unlike previous years, I made them before the Project for Awesome. So now they're just available and we can send them immediately.
J 57:34
That is good.
H 57:35
I'm proud of myself
J 57:36
Oh, we have a new we have a new largest donor. And I feel like I should read their message because they donated $5,432.10, which is a great number. And they know they must know how happy that number was going to make me an independent of the other. You know the other things.
J 57:54
"Few people when given a platform to seek to do the most good. Seek to do the most good that can be done with it
(58:00) to (1:00:00)
"you two, and everyone in Nerdfighteria have inspired me to be a better person. And I hope we can inspire many, many more people to follow in kindness."
J 58:04
That's very kind Ben, and thank you so much for your donation. We really really appreciate it. That is why we why we went over all Hank, all the stretch Canvas anglerfish art is sold out. We've got it where we've sold a lot of perks. And so we have to, um,
H 58:22
there were like, it was like half sold out last time I checked, which was like 20 minutes ago.
H 58:30
We've also raised $197,000, or $300,000 goal on tilta phi. Right now
J 58:35
That is Phenominal
H 58:37
So I think it's, I mean, it's it's funny, and I don't know, like, I don't know how to like to say this the right way. But we are always a little bit concerned. When we are starting the Project for Awesome that like john and i are always like, is 300,000 too high? Like we don't want to not hit the goal. And so thank you for making it so that we're not having that concern.
J 59:01
Yeah. This is not like a I mean, there's a lot there's, I don't know how to say I also don't know, say this in the right way. But like,
H 59:11
J 59:12
there is a lot of wonderful energy and activation energy in our community. And that's what makes it so extraordinary, I think and that's what makes it you know, fundamentally different to me than a lot of other online video projects. Like it's definitely not us because I've seen our videos. And, um, but every year we worry like Well, we're a year older, like we spent seven months doing a Smash Mouth related joke.
H 59:48
That was one joke. That was really just one joke. That took seven months
J 59:53
We devoted like 90 videos to a joke and and you and I Yeah, I do often feel like Gosh,
(1:00:00) to (1:02:00)
J: Gosh, I, you know, there, there might be fewer people, there might be fewer people who who want to donate. And also, I mean, I know many of you have been, there are 1000s and 1000s of you who are monthly donors to the project in Sierra Leone. And so who have gotten a situation where, where, you know, partners in Sierra Leone's able to break ground on the maternal Center of Excellence because we've raised $20 million.
J 1:00:26
And so we were thinking, you know, this is probably going to be different just because so many people have already given so much. And we are completely astonished to be over $200,000 raised at tilta phi in the first hour of the project for awesome. That is strange and wonderful development. So thank you so much.
H 1:00:49
The one perk that has not sold as well as I might have expected is, is is shtonk Volume Two. So shtonk is a perfume that I created and it's and it is a it is a perfume that has a it's not a It's It's fine. It's good. It's a good perfume. Is it Adam Levine for men mixed with Adam Levine for women. No for legal reasons. It is not at but like I was surprised by how good stronk effort hit by Hank smells. And we've sold four of them. It's a lot of work to make shtonk by Hank. I have to I have to drill out some bottles. I can't tell you what exactly what bottles I'm drilling out. But I but I had a bunch of extra stock for Hank this year. And I put it in a diffuser. And I actually like make my office smell like shtonk by Hank. And it's good. I like it. Now. Now again, I have to reiterate, it is not Adam Levine mixed Adam Levine for him mixed with Adam Levine for her. It is more complicated than that. But it is a perfume. And it is not again not Adam Levine for her mixed with Adam Levine for him
(1:02:00) to (1:04:00)
J 1:02:03
it's definitely not it's definitely some other thing because and even if it were Adam Levine for her mixed with Adam Levine for him it would have it would have some kind of other odors to make it especially special because I listen, I have smelled it. It's a good it's a good scent
J 1:02:27
I don't know if you call it I don't know if it's a perfume. I don't know what to call it. But like it's I would
H 1:02:32
it smells kind of Apple-ly. And it's like I was surprised to find
J 1:02:37
I would get it right here without a second thought.
H 1:02:39
I was surprised to find that it did kind of get a little bit more gender neutral in the process of making a making out making my name stuck by him by Hank by him shtonk by him.
J 1:02:54
Can I get you on this? real quick?
H 1:02:56
Yes, please.
J 1:02:56
I'm just getting some feedback. I'm getting some feedback from the chat.
H 1:03:01
J 1:03:01
This is my this is my question for you. Would you be able to add a second trivia night at a higher dollar number? Can you do two trivia nights?
H 1:03:12
I think that I will do that. I think that I will I have to figure out my the the schedule because I want to schedule it. Like there have been a number of times that I have during the Project for Awesome made promises that have turned out to be difficult to do. Yeah, so I'm gonna I'm gonna put it on the schedule before I make that perk live.
J 1:03:33
Very easy to overcommit in this world. actually durring a project for awesome because right now I feel so good. Like this is the best I've felt in months
H 1:03:44
Yeah, for good reasons.
J 1:03:46
And so if I felt this way, if I woke up every Friday and I felt this way, then yes, I could do 20 Circle drawings, but I don't I wake up every other day and I feel like oh, here we are March 13 volume 296 so excited.
(1:04:00) to (1:06:00)
H 1:04:05
oh God I have so many bad so many bad tik tok dances that I've not put on Tick Tock that you're going to get to look at if you get that digital download bundle
J 1:04:14
that's true but well yeah, but that said I really want to do I also I want to get in on this did I want to get it on this trivia night? Um
H 1:04:23
Oh, okay, and you didn't
J 1:04:25
huh? Yeah. I didn't I didn't I didn't get a slot and I think I could win you know who would definitely win Stan
H 1:04:35
J 1:04:36
yeah, maybe we'll maybe we'll do a trivia night with Stan let me text Stan.
H 1:04:45
Oh, well, look, hey, we're already coming up with new perks because
J 1:04:53
you've got two minutes before you got to go sell sell some do do your thing.
H 1:04:58
I will Project for Awesome has commemorative coins every year we set kind of did, we didn't do a predator awesome in 2020, because we moved it into the instead of late 2020. We did it early 2021. But because we have had so many Project for Awesome coins over the years, and people, including myself have collected them all, we made it both a 2020 coin and a 2021 coin, they are both available, you can get them as a bundle. So together alone, you can get 2021 for $20, you get both it's 30. So that is available. I also would like to say that a number of people have made
H 1:05:32
have, oftentimes people will get the digital download bundle, and they will give us $100 instead of 60. And I can't tell you why because they're not even asking me to say things on the live stream. But Caroline did that and said, "from my junior year of high school to my first ever adult solo apartment eight years later, thank you for being an inspiration and a consistent source of chuckles" if we are nothing but those two things, it will have been worth it.
J 1:05:57
All I want to be is a source for chuckles,
H 1:05:59
(1:06:00) to (1:08:00)
H 1:06:00
Brandon got a monster doodle from me. So Brandon says, I've watched you all for years. And I've gotten so much joy from your random knowledge. Thank you for all you do and the joy you bring to the world. I did a bunch of doodles last year. And they were really fun. But I just said I will draw you something. And what I ended up drawing was a number of different things, but a lot of monsters. So I've decided to go all in on monsters this time. In fact, that might be what I do during one of my breaks is just draw some monsters.
J 1:06:27
That sounds lovely to me, Hank, thank you so much for joining us for the first hour of the Project for Awesome, I am going to take it from here for the next hour. next two hours actually. You go take a break, figure out some high dollar project for awesome perks that you can make because all of our high dollar sold out.
J 1:06:45
They were supposed to last 48 hours to solve that problem during your break. I love you. Goodbye.
H 1:06:52
J 1:06:55
Dammit I said I love you.
J 1:06:59
I didn't do that on purpose. It just came out. Just I'm overwhelmed with feeling y'all. I am I it's been a hard. I mean, just to state the obvious It has been a hard year. And I know the way that it's been hard for me has been different from the way that it's been hard for lots of other people. And I'm I know that I have a lot to be grateful for. As I write in my gratitude journal, that my friends at kurzgesagt got me every day. But it has been a hard, hard time. And I am really so glad to be here with y'all. And I'm so glad that you're here with us. And we need to take a moment I think just to acknowledge that victory. Um, of course, this isn't over. And of course, there's still a lot more to endure and to move through and to get through. But we made it to this moment. And that is wonderful.
J 1:07:55
And I I am reminded that even in really difficult times
(1:08:00) to (1:10:00)
there can be really lovely, really lovely moments and so I was overcome with happiness and, and gratitude. And so it just slipped out. It just slipped out that I love Hank.
J 1:08:14
But I do I do very, very much so so thank you to everybody who's donating Bradley just donated $120 to get the digital download bundle and says "I haven't missed a stream since 2007 when I was an awkward teen and now I am an awkward adult." You and me both Bradley except I was an awkward 29 year old and now I'm an awkward 43 year old. So again everything you can we are close to maxing out all of our first half matching Is that correct?
J 1:08:50
Hold on.
J 1:08:56
We're working on we're working on the math mathematics of matching which are a fascinating struggle every year but the long and short of it is that your donations are still being matched for the time being and will be matched for at least a little while longer. And then after that when you donate $1 to save the children and Partners in Health it will count is just $1 to save the children and partners and health or 50 cents to save the children and 50 cents to partners and health which is still great and but yeah we're working on figuring out the match so that we can have all of the behind the scenes numbers working correctly. Um I I feel like I said I feel very lucky to be here and be able to celebrate this somebody says that they're donating plasma while watching which is like decreasing world sec suck inception. Right like you're you're decreasing world suck while you're decreasing world suck.
(1:10:00) to (1:12:00)
J: while you're decreasing world suck which is pretty cool. So thank you for doing that.
Um... Oh I'm also way behind on chat because people are talking about me officiating the wedding. But boy would I be bad at officiating a wedding. I mean, I'll do it, if it's an emergency, you know, but I wouldn't, I'm not sure I'd be great at it, that's all I'm saying.
Um, Mary and Seamus just donated to get the Project for - the, the digital download bundle. I thnk I know Mary and Seamus, so hi. Um, Lucas just donated, Anthony just donated, Morgan(?~1:10:32) just donated, Tony just donated, and said we're here because we're here.
I've also seen several people donating with reference to sycamore trees, which is very kind, and makes me tear up a little bit, um, making that - writing that essay and then putting it on YouTube were, I guess, moments of vulnerability for me, and the way that y'all have responded to it so generously and kindly has meant a lot to me, and so thank you. Um, thanks for watching that little video and a huge thanks to Nadim Silverman for doing the art, I think, which is what made the video so good.
Uh, alright now we're caught up. I don't know why we didn't make a Project for Awesome gratitude journal, but maybe that's something we'll think of next year.
I wanna go over, so I wanna emphasize a couple things real quick. We are gonna feature a video, we're still gonna be doing that this year. We're gonna feature around one video per hour, at least during this part of the Project for Awesome, and then we'll figure out the rest later. But we've had 4,000 total votes at
So the way this works is you go to, it's very searchable, you can either search for a charity, there's a list of charities that you can look for, so for instance I'm gonna look for This Star Won't Go Out, which was the charity that was founded in memory of my friend Esther, who died when she was 16 of cancer, and This Star Won't Go Out provides direct support to families of children with cancer.
(1:12:00) to (1:14:00)
J: So there's This Star Won't Go Out videos, and I can click on one of them, and I can watch the video, which I can't do right now, but I will leave this screen up so I watch it later, and then I just, I can click vote, there's a red button right there and I click vote, and now that is me having now voted for this charity, This Star Won't Go Out.
You can do that for any of the charities that have uploaded videos to, and there are lots and lots of them, a huge array of different organizations that you can support, and your job, whether you can donate to the P4A or not, is to help us make better decisions when it comes to charities we are gonna support with the money raised during the second half of the Project For Awesome.
So today, if you can take a few minutes to go to, watch some videos, or even a bunch of minutes to go to, watch some videos, and vote, it really does make a big difference, because a lot of times, I mean, we're probably talking about tens of thousands of dollars that will go to each of the charities that are selected, and so we wanna make good choices, and we feel like, in the same way that we're crowdfunding most of the donations, we should also seek input from the community on which organizations you would like us to support, and so thank you for voting, and thank you for going to and watching P4A videos and supporting them, commenting on them, liking them, and encouraging people to make more P4A videos in the future!
So that's just something that I wanted to emphasize because I know a lot of people who are watching the stream right now can't afford to donate, and that's okay. Maybe in the future there will be an opportunity to, maybe not, but for now, I a hundred percent, we all, of course understand that this is an incredibly difficult time for a lot of people,
(1:14:00) to (1:16:00)
J: and lots of people aren't in a financial position to donate, and that's okay, there are other ways, really critical ways, to participate in the Project For Awesome, and help decide where the money that gets raised during the second half of the P4A goes, so thank you.
Boldislove(?~1:14:15) says, "Convincing my mom to use her card this fine Friday morning has been the highlight of my year." Well, good work, I'm glad that you asked permission, that's very key, and I see that you got as your perk my workout playlist. I don't wanna brag, but my workout playlist, it's so good. Maybe you won't like it, but I think it's very good. And most of all, it contains a lot of music that you would not believe that I would make - or that I would listen to.
Ok, hold on a second. Can we, um... ok (typing noises) Sorry, just a little business to take care of. I'm not just a Project for Awesome host, I'm also the least important member of the behind the scenes team. Speaking fo which I also want to say a quick thank you to the behind the scenes team. I wanna say a quick... oh.
Alright, I do wanna say a quick thank you to the behind the scenes team, there are so many people who volunteer for the Project for Awesome, including lots of Esther's friends from Catitude, who still are part of the P4A all these years later. Also a lot of people who work at Complexly, including Niki Hua, Rosianna Halse Rojas, Monica is here, Marie Ann is here, Julia, who's new to the team, is here, Paola is here, who many of you will know,
(1:16:00) to (1:18:00)
J: and Valerie, and Zulaiha, and everybody who is working on making the Project for Awesome work, we are very very grateful, it would not work without the dedication of all of these volunteers working together to make all the behind the scenes stuff work, to make sure that the perks work, so that when you go to, you can get all the perks that you want. Hopefully, a lot of them have sold out because we, I mean, I, I will just be honest, like, we did not anticipate anything like this, but there are lots of great perks still available, and we're - and don't worry, we will, um, f-, um, we will keep releasing perks, as we always do, throughout the P4A so there will be lots of new stuff coming, uh, down the pipe. But I wanna highlight just a few things, um, that are digital because I love the digital perks, because they don't have- it's- I, I don't wanna discourage people from getting a physical perk, um, they can be great, and there's something wonderful about having a Project for Awesome commemorative coin, or this amazing Project for Awesome t-shirt, which is also quite light, so it's inexpensive to ship, um, and, uh, we price things appropriately so that we still get plenty of donation dollars for every, every, every physical perk, so don't worry about that, get your physical perks and don't feel guilty about them. But the great thing about digital perks is that they don't cost anything to distribute to you, um, so I think that that's something that, you know, has- you, you get to maximize the value of your donation. So, some of the digital perks I like are, um, my adult cookbook. I have written a cookbook for people like myself who are grownups, and don't particularly love cooking. Uh, I've got a recipe for new potatoes that's uh, I think is very very good, and extremely profane. Uh, I've got a recipe for a vegetarian chili. again, very, very good, extremely profane. I got a white rice and black beans recipe for
(1:18:00) to (1:20:00)
rice and beans, tacos, very good, extremely profane, I think you'll enjoy my cookbook. It is definitely only for grownups because cooking makes me mad and frustrated. And also I let myself like really kind of let myself go and do what I wanted with this. Another thing that I want to highlight one of my favorite things that comes to our house every year is Kurzgesagt's calendar, their human era calendar. So in the the Kurzgesagt world, we're not in the year 2021, we're in the year 12,021. Because kurtsan is putting the human calendar in the human context. So it's a really great calendar. It's really beautiful. It's one of the most physically beautiful things that I own, our kids love them. And this year the calendar goes like all throughout human history and then into imagining the human future and it's just phenomenal. You can get a signed physics girl poster, you can get the Project for Awesome socks. Again, the Nerdfighter art perk is one of my favorites every year people from all around the world mail their art into the DFTBA warehouse, and then the and then someone will pick one of those works of art for you pack it up and send it to you. You don't know what you are going to get. It could be a drawing, it could be jewelry, it could be 3d printed art, but you know it's going to be phenomenal. I get it every year every year it's just like a surprise delight that it will arrives in the mail. And plus I know that I did some good in the world. My circle drawings have sold out ridiculously Um, so now that means that you can still though get a print of one of my circle drawings. So this is a print of my favorite of the original circle drawings that I've made. It has about 18,000 circles in it and it's part of my attempt to count to 170,000
(1:20:00) to (1:22:00)
And you can get that at Project for just by clicking on rewards. And then you got to click like show more rewards and show more rewards. But that part's kind of fun. It's just It's all I find it's a good feeling just to click and click and click it makes me feel happy before you did I do a lot of clicking to get down there to the john circle drawing print. But I think that I don't does that also come with the digital download? bundle? I don't know. I don't know. Does it someone will tell me in the in the chat. Okay, great. And memories pillow just sold out. You can also get my wife Sarah, your screens beautiful, phenomenal, original collages from old magazines. They are just, I mean, they're so much better than my circle drawings. It's not even funny. And lastly, I will emphasize the cardboard Jimin and in the cardboard Harry Styles, both in the background of this very video. They've been parts of project for Awesome's past, but now we think it's time for them to find a home. And if you make a truly extraordinary donation to the Project for Awesome, remember it's tax deductible, then we will we will send one of those or both of them your way if you're in the market for both. Don't be afraid Don't be afraid to we're now over $763,000 which is just amazing. Hopefully we'll run right past $766,000 because that's just kind of a stressful number for me. I don't know about you guys. I just get stressed out by certain numbers. Good news, I found another collection of party poppers which that had also been a source of anxiety for me. So that's that's really good news. I'm going to Okay, so we're gonna we're gonna feature a video now it's over at project for and it is a video for this start won't go out it's the first video that we're going to feature again if you want to vote for this vide
(1:22:00) to (1:24:00)
if you want to vote for This Star Won't Go Out to receive a portion of the money raised during the second half of Project for Awesome just right over there. By the next just to the right of the video you see a red thing that says vote that's where you click and that counts as a vote this is by Alex bar for This Star Won't Go Out and if everybody is ready, oh the circle print is not in the digital download bundle as it is physical. It is a physical print that arrives at your house if my favorite circle drawing that I have done so far. And I hope that you like it. And it is a physical thing, which is what I did not understand. So that answers that question. Um, is it okay to feature a video? Alright.
Um, so we're gonna we're gonna feature this video very shortly. Um, I think unless Yes, okay, so we're gonna feature this video, everybody go to together. We're going to watch this video together and then on the other side, we will discuss it and I guess Nikki will mute me now.
NewSection (1:23:11)
NewSection (1:29:20)
Laurie thank you for making that video and for being part of the project for awesome and for carrying on Esther's memory and legacy and such a deep, deep way we are really really grateful to you thank you for being part of the Project for Awesome with us and for sharing the work that that you're doing at this star won't go out to help families of kids with cancer not have to live with the you know the daily compounded stress of financial insecurity alongside such a
(1:30:00) to (1:32:00)
serious diagnosis in one of their kids. Really, it's really amazing work. And following the work that This Star Won't Go Out has done over the last decade has been really inspirational for me. And it's just an incredible testament to the kind of people Wayne and Maury are and the kind of volunteers and staff members they, they attract.
So the other people who work on this star won't go out. The volunteers are also just just amazing, just wonderful, incredible people. If you want to go for this star won't go out.
And I hope you will just click vote next to Lori's video there at project for But yeah, Laurie, I know, I think you're in chat. And I miss you. And I wish that I wish that we could be together.
And yeah, I just I it's thank you for being here. And I you know, and I wish Esther I wish Esther was here.
I have to make a transition now. Um out of that. But again, yeah, thank you, Laurie, and to the whole Erl family for just doing this hugely important work. That helps families who otherwise just wouldn't wouldn't have access to the kind of resources that that you help them get to.
We have a significant fundraising update, which is maybe you were maybe you like me, were stressed out about the possibility of hitting $766,000 because you don't want sixes in a row if you can avoid it. But what happened is that we updated the matching fund because the matching fund needed to be updated, because we've had incredibly generous people come in
(1:32:00) to (1:34:00)
and join the matching fund, and also because some of the money that Hank and I are putting up wasn't counting, so we've had this huge sudden jump to $846,000.
I'm just gonna kind of walk you through really quickly where that money is coming from. So, $248,000 is coming through the Tiltify.
That money is being matched by community-matching donors. I want to thank four of them right now. I want to thank Bryce, Vision from Texas, Michael from San Francisco and Anonymous.
Thank you, Anonymous. Anonymous is having a great Project for Awesome, as they do every year. But thank you to Bryce and Vision and Michael and Anonymous for joining the matching fund this year.
We're gonna split up our matching donors every hour, so we're gonna thank different matching donors every hour. So, right now, I guess, this hour of matching has been brought to you by Bryce and Vision and Michael and Anonymous. Then also, Hank and I have put up some matching money as well.
For the first $350,000 that's raised through Tiltify: that money will be matched. We kind of... part of the reason that this has shifted is that we kind of thought that we might not hit all that $350,000 during the first half of the P4A, but now we think maybe we will. So, that would be really exciting.
Please take all of the matching money. Please get all of it off the table. And then there's also money that was already in the Foundation to Decrease Worldsuck bank, that comes from a lot of different sources.
A big source of it is Tab for a Cause. Tab for a Cause is a wonderful tool that I think was built by people in Nerdfighteria a long, long time ago. And basically it allows you to raise money for charity by having ads running in the background while you're surfing the web.
And it's really grown a lot, and it's become a significant source of revenue.
(1:34:00) to (1:36:00)
Also a chunk of the Vlogbrothers ad venue goes a uh to the foundation to decrease world suck so if you watched an ad or watched a Vlogbrothers video while being a YouTube premium member, uh, in the last year, you are part of this fundraising so thank you. Um, and then we have matching donations from Save the Children and Partners in Health, but we've maxed out those matches already, which is amazing, and great, and thank you, and wow. So, um, it's just, it's really, this is a first hour and a half of the project for awesome, like I cannot remember ever having seen, um, and now we are at eight hundred and fifty eight thousand dollars. I wont lie, there's a little part of me that would that would love to get to a million dollars before my my brother comes back, because then I can take full credit. Umm, of course the vast majority of the credit goes to you, haha, but that's not gonna stop me! Haha, I wanna thanks some of our recent donors as well. Ah, oh gosh, yeah, and ah, thanks everybody in chat who is explaining stuff, uh, explaining how stuff works, and uh answering questions from people who may be new. If this is your first Project for Awesome, some of this may not may not make sense initially, so I'm very grateful for everyone in chat who is, uh, just being supportive and helping everybody, uh, learn together. Emily says thank you for, uh, for the years of joy of the Project of Awesome. Uh, thank you Emily for donating 60 dollars to this years P for A. Natalie donated 60 dollars too and said 'fur bean'. Tyler donated 20 dollars and said, uh, so thankful to have found this community, and secular worldview, It's brought so much joy. I mean sometimes some of us are religious, Tyler, some of us are secular. Umm, uh Julius says the past year and last month especially have really challenged my optimistic view of humanity. Yeah um, but uh, but thank you thank you Nerdfighteria so much for being living proof of the goodness of people. Yeah, It has -
(1:36:00) to (1:38:00)
It has definitely been a challenge. I think that big disruptions to the social order are hard, um, and this one in particular has involved just a tremendous amount of loss, and that loss has come in many different for, most viscerally in the forms of, you know, millions of people who have lost their lives to COVID-19, but also, um, there's just been a lot of -- there's been a lot of loss. You know, I think for most of us there's been some loss. Most of us have lost people, I think at this point, many of us have lost people to the pandemic, and there's the loss of having your life put on hold, losses of jobs, uh, losses of dreams, losses of plans, and it is really really hard. But it is not final. I often think about the Liberian proverb that last mile health uses in talking about community health workers that "no condition is permanent." And that includes this condition. When I was talking to my therapist yesterday and I was just saying that I just felt like this was never going to end and I just couldn't see how we were gonna get out of this, and it just is so hard to endure something when you don't know how or if or when it's gonna end. And my therapist said "well everything else has ended," and I found that very helpful because it was the kind of hope that isn't BS, because everything else has ended, and this will too. And no condition is permanent, and we - and that's I think, we have to work for each other and we have to work for ourselves to -
(1:38:00) to (1:40:00)
-hang around and to get to the other side of this and, for me at least, this, the little live streams I've been doing where I just sign my name over and over again, have been such a gift because they've made me feel - it's just so isolating, I know it's very isolating for a lot of you as well - and it's made me feel connected again. It's reminded me of like the deep connections in Nerdfighteria, and how real they are even though many of them are virtual, how important they are to people and how important they are to me! You know, I mean, Esther's friend group met in the chat after our blog TV shows would end, which is sort of our first place where we hung out on the livestreaming part of the internet was this place called Blog TV. And , you know, they made those friendships when they were teenagers, in some cases young teenagers, and now they're grown ups, and they're still friends. Like I followed one of them on TikTok and I was delighted to see that my TIkTok recommendations was the rest of them because they all follow each other on TIkTok and they're still friends and they still find ways to collaborate together even, you know, after more than a - you know, more than a decade of knowing each other. So, uh, this is not real life, and like, real life is not easy right now,and I hope it gets easier soon, and I don't want to pretend that this is a replacement for real life, but, the feeling of connection - I hope that the feeling of connection that you feel is as real as the one that I feel. THat's all I can say about it, so thank you and thanks for being with us and getting through this as best you can. Sydney just donated $250, did you even get a perk, Sydney? You did, you got the pressed pennies, which cost much less than that. Rachel just donated $1000 to get the digital download bundle, which -
(1:40:00) to (1:42:00)
- is a significant overpayment Rachel, thank you very much.
Emma donated to say "thanks for everything you do". Erika donated to say that "this has brought some joy into our lives".
Taylor donated to say "thank you for your vulnerability and optimism". Jenny - nerdfighter since 2007 - Jenny thank you for sticking with us through all of these years, what a long 14 years it's been, just look at my hair color. Also, part of the 2007 club Lu(?~1:40:29) also donated.
I think that there should a part of the 2021 club, like "I started watching vlogbrothers 6 hours ago and I love these guys". But yeah, thank you to all the long time people who've been donating. Oh look, here's Ashley saying "first P4A where I actually have money to donate, 10 years in the making", Ashley thank you sticking with us all that time.
And Morgan says "I love this community for over a decade". Thank you Graham(?~1:40:55), thank you Carol. Talin(?~1:40:57) thank you so much. And Justin, and Emery(?~1:41:01), and Begonia(?~1:41:03) - that's a great name - Noah, Robert, Freya, Colin.
I'm never gonna be able to thank all the people who are donating, cause it's coming in so fast, but I am very very grateful, and we are now at 875,000 dollars, and we're only 1 hour and 36 minutes into this party. We've got 46 and a half hours to go, so pace yourselves friends, pace yourselves.
It's okay. There are some people in the 2021 club. There are some people in the 2020 club in chat, which is nice to see. 2019 nerdfighter here reports vigilant cosmic penguin - that was not an easy word to say.
I am part of the 2007 club but I dropped out of the community for a while, like, in like two thousand... I'd say like 2014 I wasn't super present, so I don't know maybe I need to like re-up my subscription, and say that I really really rejoined in 2015. But it's so great to see all the years when y'all became part of this community, it really is lovely.
(1:42:00) to (1:44:00)
J: I like the idea that it's all different clubs, and I have seen a couple 2021 Clubs and 2020 Clubs, which, thank you for finding our channel and for joining us in this delirious mess. It's gonna be great! I hope you enjoy it here as much as I do.
So, I'm gonna go through a few more perks real quick. And I should say again, if you can't afford to donate, and we know the vast majority of people in comments can't afford to donate, first off just thank you for being here. Thank you for making this part of your day, but if you can't afford to donate, there are really important ways to be involved in the Project for Awesome. is where you go to watch Project for Awesome videos, like them, comment on them, and also vote for them. So if there is a charity that you care about the way that so many people in nerdfighteria care about This Star Won't Go Out, you can find that charity and you can vote for it, and you can reach out to other people and ask them to vote for it, and that can be a great way to participate in the P4A regardless of whether you are able to donate financially.
But if you are able to donate financially at there are all kinds of great perks. We're now using Tiltify which has some things that are different for those of you who are like old long-time nerdfighters like me, there are some things that have changed, but there are also some things that are really really helpful, and the thing that is most helpful is that for the first time in fourteen long years we can accept donations via PayPal so all the people who live in places where it is not common to have a credit card can donate via PayPal and also that means that those people will stop sending me emails. Although that's not the main thing, I love hearing from you. But yeah, I'm really excited.
(1:44:00) to (1:46:00)
One of the things that I'm excited about this year is the April May short story. This comes as part of the Digital Download Bundle along with so many other great perks. Hank wrote an extension of the Absolutely Remarkable Thing world in which April May goes to VidCon and meets Hank, so it's a little meta-fictional. It's a little bit like when Kurt Vonnegut put himself in Breafast of Champions.
You can also get some exclusive podcasts that come with the Digital Download Bundle, including an exclusive episode of Dear Hank and John where we only answer questions from people who donated to the Project For Awesome and got that perk or the bundle.There's also Dear Katherine and Sarah - our wives annual amazing advice podcast, that is so much better than Dear Hank and John, and should become its own real podcast but never will because nothing that beautiful can survive in this world. And I don't think it's listed here for whatever reason, but Sarah and I are also doing a podcast. And you get that with the Digital Download Bundle. It's a Sarah and John original podcast.
Also if you want to make a significant donation - Oh! We just put up a new perk, which I'm very excited about. So, let me tell you a story. In 2011, I posted an ad on Craiglist (remember Craiglist? I don't know, for all I know it still exists). I posted an ad on Craiglist that said "I need an assistant to help me edit these videos where I play Fifa," and like two people replied, and one of them was Stan Muller. And Stan did help me edit the videos where I played Fifa, but he was also a historian, and a trivia buff, and a brilliant person, and an amazing editor, and the kindest person I know -
(1:46:00) to (1:48:00)
And so Stan, when we were pitching YouTube the idea of Crash Course, Stan was like "I'd like to be involved in this, I quite like history." And Stan became, really, the co-founder of Crash Course History with me, and it has been an amazing, amazing journey with him, being able to work with him, someone I admire personally so much but also professionally so much, over the last 10 years. Stan knows more about trivia than the vast majority of Jeopardy champions. Taking him to Pub Trivia when that was a thing, was like a cheatcode. So Stan and I are going to host a virtual trivia night that you can be part of. Stan and I will write the questions and we'll host the trivia night. We'll have a good time together. We'll have some soft drinks or other beverages if you want to and it will be a blast and if you donate $250 to the Project for Awesome, you can sign up for that right now at I'm such a fan of Stan. Don't tell him that the Anthropocene Reviewed book is half dedicated to him, but he is amazing. He's just an amazing, amazing guy. And it will be really fun to do a trivia night with him, because I know from having done many trivia nights with Stan that it's an absolute blast, so...
I would say that I stan Stan. I do. You know, I didn't even know about that verb until long after I got to know Stan, but I do. I do think very, very highly of him.
"How's the CO2 level in the room?" says Everlyn. I don't know because I don't have CO2 monitor because I didn't know until like 30 minutes ago that that was something that I should have in my room, and I don't know if it is something I should have in room frankly because there already is too much -
(1:48:00) to (1:50:00)
-- too much information happening in the brain, you know, there's a lot happening in here. It gets pretty intense! I'm not sure that we need to make it necessarily vastly more intense.
Alright, I'm gonna check in on - the dynamic counter is frozen. I don't know what that means, but they're working on it. The dynamic counter is frozen, but they're trying to fix it.
Cameron just donated, as did Oliva, and Lauren, and StackingKeys who is gonna be part of that trivia night with me and Stan, so thank you I'm looking forward to it. I think Lauren is as well so thank you Lauren. Grace just donated. Also we've got donations coming in from Maria, and Amy, and Anonymous who just donated to get part of that trivia night with me and Stan. It's gonna be a blast! Mark just donated $1000 saying "Thank you for being awesome and helping me to feel okay-ish during this gestures broadly." I hear ya, I hear ya. It's difficult, it's difficult. I feel like I should acknowledge that I got the - people act like the 'gestures broadly' joke is mine, but I stole it from someone in YouTube vlogbrothers comments. And I don't, unfortunately, don't know who so I feel real bad about this.
But Vanessa and Miles also just donated to be part of the trivia night, so thank you. That's going to be fun. As did Jesse and Catie. Laurie says "Hi John, could you please say "Hi" to my best friend Adam." Hi Adam! Yes, of course I can. I mean, if I happen to see your comment amid the endless stream of comments. I apologise to everybody whose comments I'm not reading. Emily who was on actual Jeopardy says, "I thought there would never be a better trivia experience than being on actual Jeopardy but I think this will top that." I mean, well okay, now there's a ringer in the room y'all. There's a Jeopardy contestant who's in the room.
(1:50:00) to (1:52:00)
So you may want to reconsider whether or not you want to do Trivia Night with John and Stan now that there's a ringer in the room. There's going to be good prizes, but they may all go to Emily.
Sarah says, "Thank you for all the positivity you spread with your tiktoks. I'm sorry I can't donate more but exchange rates." I totally understand and also thank you so much for donating regardless of the amount. It means a lot. So thank you.
Amy is donating in love of nerdfighter moms, including the nerdfighter mom who is currently upstairs I assume, so she may be down a little bit later, and Alice is very excited for the Project for Awesome this year. She wanted to know if she could do Sharpie Face, when she could do Sharpie Face how much Sharpie Face could she do, and can she do Sharpie Face, and will I have a moustache. So a lot of questions from Alice about which versions of humiliating yourself John are you going to be taking on, and the answer is I don't know. I don't know yet, okay!? It's too much pressure. Let's wait and see how it happens.
Where is that? Everything is reversed which makes it impossible for my brain to know where the confetti is.
Woah, I think we are getting close to - woah, woah, woah! Very just blew passed $913,000. I've got to celebrate this the only way I know how, with a party popper. Woah! That was very violent. It's a huge range of quality of party poppers in this particular box. Usually you get a certain level of consistency. It's either all duds or they're all medium. That one was too power. It was so powerful that the party didn't actually get to pop; they all just kind of came out as circles. So, here we go. $916,000. We still got an hour and fifteen minutes left in my session of hosting, and boy how great would it be if we've raised $1,000,000.
(1:52:00) to (1:54:00)
I'm gonna ask if Hank is next.
(Typing) Is Hank next?
Okay, we're also very close now to the $300,000 milestone at Tiltify. We're at $283,556. All of your donations will be matched up to, I think, $350,000 at Tiltify, so you still, if you want to have the joy of being matched, you need to get in in the next $73,000 or so. After that $1 donated will count as $1 donated to Partners in Health and Save the Children, but until then.
Okay so we're gonna... Yes.
(Typing) But is Hank at 3?
So, I'm gonna be joined pretty soon by Dr. Joia Mukherjee, the Chief Medical Officer of Partners in Health, and a long time supporter of the Project For Awesome. We're gonna talk about all manner of the work that is being done in terms of Covid relief, and trying to address the Covid crisis which is something that Partners in Health is involved with from Sierra Leone, heading up the contact tracing there, to the state of Massachusetts where they are also heading up the contact tracing process. So Partners in Health has been hugely and of course, as many of you will now, the Navajo Nation has been among the hardest-hit communities during the Covid crisis and PIH is very active and has been for a long time; has deep roots in that community and so has been working on that.
After we hit $300,000 do we need to change the goal or can we just keep rolling through? That's what we usually do. After we hit the goal we usually just blow past it and keep going on and on forever and ever.
(1:54:00) to (1:56:00)
...that would be my ambition anyway.
So, we're gonna be joined... Okay so, some people are asking about the cardboard cut-outs behind me. They are both available, and by both, I mean Harry Styles and Jimin. Hank is not available. But they are both available for a tax-deductable donation to Partners in Health and Save the Children. If you want me to, I will sign either or both of them. If you don't want me to because you don't want me to sully it with my J-Scribble, I won't sign it. They're both available, they're both expensive. But I mean, what a value proposition. There's only one of them! You know. It's an incredible opportunity I would say.
$923,000 raised. Tina just donated to say that it's the first time that they've made it to a Project for Awesome livestream so it's cool to be here. Thanks for being here and thanks to everybody for donating. So many donations are coming in at the same time that it's hard to say. It's hard to say thanks to everyone.
Anonymous says, "Paper Towns has changed my life, as has this community." Thank you, thank you, and thank you for getting the Digital Download Bundle. This has been.... this is just amazing. This is amazing, this is amazing this year the number of comments that are coming in, the number of people that are watching right now, all 5000 of you "Hello!", and I did. I don't have a lot of Diet Dr Pepper right now because, as I'm sure you're aware, there is a Diet Dr Pepper shortage in the country, of cans anyway, but I figured I'd bring it out for this. I've sort of started to break my diet soda habit as a result of the pandemic but, you know, at this point you rely on your old habits, and, for me, those old habits include Diet Dr Pepper. What it takes to get you through, you know.
(1:56:00) to (1:58:00)
Yeah, so I am excited that there's so many comments coming in.
Yeah, so we're going to be joined pretty soon at at 2pm. Eastern by Dr.
Joia Mukherjee. Between now and then it would be amazing. The donations keep coming in, like they come in so fast that that they come in like 30 or 40 a minute, which is mind blowing.
And I don't even know how to make sense of why this year's Project for Awesome is off to such a roaring start. I guess that I don't know, I don't know why I'm just extremely grateful. So thank you.
Again, we know that lots of people aren't aren't in a position to donate and that's totally fine. There are lots of other ways to be involved in the P4A. I should also mention that some nerdfighter communities like I know the Nerdfighter community in Brazil and in a few other places they pull money together and get the digital download bundle and then like share all the digital download bundle stuff together which I always think is really lovely.
So if you want to do that, and you know a couple of nerdfighter friends are you on whether it's on Facebook or on Reddit or wherever you have a few or discord there's you know a lot of different nerdfighter groups if you happen to be part of one of those groups you can also maybe do that. Anonymous says "For Narnia and Aslan!" to get the digital download bundle and Marshall says "Thank you for a beautiful event year after year." I don't know about that. Marshall there's some there's always some there's always some ridiculousness alongside the beauty but there's a bit of beauty.
Hopefully anyway, we definitely try try try to include the beauty. Lady Anne Elizabeth Margaret Brailsford which is quite a name just got the pressed pennies. Onika just got the digital download bundle., and Margo just got the digital download bundle.
Stan just donated $20.21 to celebrate
(1:58:00) to (2:00:00)
this year hopefully being an improvement over previous previous years, on average at least.
And Lauren who's been watching for since 2008, just donated as well as did Inbali. Thank you first time donating to P4A.
They say thank you so much. You got my my adult cookbook. I apologize in advance for how how profane it is, but I can't I can't do much about it.
Braun says I mostly did this for John's workout playlist. But also to help people sure that to Braun, you're gonna never regret getting my workout playlist, it's actually two workout playlists. It's a workout playlist for like when you things are relaxed, and you're just, you know, doing some maybe something like interval training, but nothing that's too extreme.
And then there's one for you where you're just like trying to run as hard as you can for as long as you can. Until the anxiety releases. It's a feverish grip on you, which is how I usually work out.
Sort of, that's sort of how that's sort of what drives my, my fitness levels is I'm going to go outside and run until I don't feel like this anymore. That's my... There have been several times in the last couple of months where I said to Sarah, like, I'm going on a run, I could be back in 20 minutes, I could be back in like an hour and 40 minutes.
I'm just gonna run until I feel differently. And that has been very helpful for me. I recommend running or walking until you feel differently as a strategy.
Cecily just donated $50 on behalf of people who can't this year, which was very, very cool. Andrew says shout out to all my old friends in my pants. good old days. Leslie says the world.
The world does suck right now, so hopefully this decreases at some. But yeah, thank you to everybody who's donating.
(2:00:00) to (2:02:00)
We now we're closing in on $950,000.
And all of your donations are still being matched by, by donors to people who signed up for the matching fund. And we're just $4,000 away from reaching our $300,000 goal, the last time that we did this, that took like a, like eight or 10 hours, I think, and this time it has taken one hour and 55 minutes, we might do it within two, the two hour window, the lots of great perks avaible at Project for, lots of them have gone fast, I'm trying to create a false sense of urgency, Harry Styles is waiting for you, if only you put the dollar on the dotted line.
We are very close now to $300,000 raised, which is just... at tiltify, which is just phenomenal. And if you count all of the matching funds that we have, that means that we're really close, we're really now quite close to a million dollars, which is just a little bit mind blowing, to be honest with you. Way, way, way beyond what we expected for this year's P4A.
I don't know if it's because more of you are in town because we're not doing the project for awesome in the middle of the Christmas season or if it's just because people are moved to generosity by the broader circumstances or what but Gosh, thanks, yay. Um, hopefully we'll get to, we'll get to a million.
My I'll be I'll be very upfront about my goal. I would like to get to a million before my brother comes back on. Not that it's a rivalry because it's not it's a cooperation. But um, but yeah, this is, this is truly incredible.
And thanks to all the 5000 people who are watching us again, just now, a couple minutes before we're going to have a great conversation with Dr. Joia Mukherjee. This is one of my favorite parts of the Project for Awesome every year getting to learn from Dr. mukajee about the work that pih is doing, and the big challenges that we are facing.
(2:02:00) to (2:04:00)
not just in impoverished countries, but also in rich ones when it comes to health care access and health and equity in health care access, which is what Partners in Health is committed to, they are committed to what they call a preferential health care treatment option for the poor.
So you know, the lack of health care access is really like really deep down the leading cause of death in the world is the lack of health care equity and health care access, and pih is leading the charge and has for over 30 years to change that and to make it so that more people, all people and can access health care in reliable safe sanitary settings, and and can be in can be treated appropriately by people who are appropriately trained and supported and supplied. And we've seen that our community has seen that up close with the maternal center of excellence at Kodu government hospital, which is a project that pih is collaborating with the Sierra Leonean government to create a vastly improved maternal health care system so that children and mothers can experience safe childbirth, one in 20 women in Sierra Leone can expect to die in childbirth, which is an unconscionably high number.
And, and we know that it doesn't need to be that way. We know that the world does not need to be be that way. And pih's commitment to bringing about a world that where that where that kind of horror, the horror of maternal death is rare, is is really inspirational to me.
And something that I know a lot of people in our community have gotten behind, there have been many 1000s of donors to that project. And largely thanks to you, alongside really, really generous partners and health donors, we've now raised over the $20 million that we need to break ground on the maternal Center of Excellence
(2:04:00) to (2:06:00)
it's going to break ground this spring.
It's really exciting. But right now, we're raising unrestricted funds for Partners in Health, because we also think it's really, really important to do that. pih knows where they need money to go better than we do.
And so we want to listen to them and support them in an unrestricted way so that they can move money around to the places where it's most needed in any given moment. And so that's why we're raising unrestricted funds right now for both Partners in Health and save the children. So I'm going to, okay.
Okay. So we're going to be joined by Dr. Mukherjee.
Very shortly. And in the meantime, I just want to say a huge thank you to everybody who just got us over $300,000 raised to tilta phi, which also means that we are over $950,000 raised overall that's, you know, over 400 $75,000 for both Save the Children and Partners in Health, which is really, really amazing. Just so exciting.
Gosh, I can't believe that we're only two hours in.
NewSection (2:05:14)
John (J):
Um, hi!
Dr. Mukherjee (Dr. M):
john, how are you?
Oh, it's great to see you.
Dr. M:
Great to see you, too.
Thank you so much for joining us. And for again, being part of the Project for Awesome with us.
Dr. M:
It's, it's always truly, truly awesome. And I saw the numbers even before I got on, and then you announce them again. And I am just so touched by the generosity of this group this these amazing nerdfighters and I couldn't be prouder to be a former nerd current nerd. And, and really, I just, we can have another world, we can fight for another world and you guys are doing it. And thank you for supporting Partners in Health in your efforts. I'm getting teary eyed.
(2:06:00) to (2:08:00)
I think that is a really good way of saying it. We it's important to understand the extent to which we choose this world and the extent to which we chose this world. Like the way that poverty is distributed in the world today. And I learned this from your book, an introduction to global health care delivery, there's a quote from it, that I keep with me at all times.
I'm going to read it if that's okay. But we we choose this world, and we can choose a different world and understanding that was really the moment of understanding for me this moment of clarity in my life when I said oh, like I'm not helping choose a different world. And I can.
And it's not some like deep, difficult mystery of how to choose a different world. There are people out there who are already already doing the work. And so my opportunity is to support them.
This is the quote, a child born today in Japan will live to the age of 83, whereas a child born in Sierra Leone will only live to the age of 50. These differences in life expectancy are not caused by genetics, biology or culture. health inequities are caused by poverty, racism, lack of medical care, and other social forces that influence health.
Turns out our genetic code is all the same, right? And when you look at a biology like COVID, virus COVID is pretty much the same. I mean, there are mutations, we know that. But the same virus that hit a meatpacking plant in Nebraska is the same virus that hit the town of Brookline, where I live in this beautiful, sunny house.
And the outcomes are vastly different. And that's not biology, that's not genetics, that is just the social forces. And social forces are something that we all can do something about, we can do something about them through our votes, we can do something about them, where we put our money.
(2:08:00) to (2:10:00)
And you know, how we live our lives and what we choose to do and what we choose to focus on. And I'm just always so amazed with people in their teens and their 20s. Like, dude, just you guys are a different breed. You know, there are plenty of people. Alright, my age I'm older than you. Yeah, that are good, too. But I see a change, brewing and people sort of really living living through their values and with their values up front. And I'm just so happy about that.
Yeah, and consuming with their values as well like trying to be more intentional and thoughtful about consumption. I also just see a lot of a lot of young people who refuse to accept these inequities and structural injustices that we have been for so long taught are natural or inevitable, or, or even just and seeing, I have to say, I've been very encouraged by that. Like, I've been very encouraged. People I see who are just like no more. Yeah. I wonder if you can talk a little bit about pih's role in responding to COVID. Because I know that it's been a huge part of what you what you've had to do and what you've been doing in the last year, and now it's different in different places.
Yeah, thanks for that, john. So you know, just as I was saying, the virus itself is neutral. It doesn't have a preference for people, countries, migrants or anything, but what we really see is it's driven by the social, economic and political forces that we choose. That we as human beings choose to not fairly distribute, to not believe in science. Do you know so there are all these social and political aspects that we've seen. So at person health we really look at human rights
(2:10:00) to (2:12:00)
And the right to health as a two part kind of solution is to provide health care public sector because it's government that respect, protect and fulfill rights. And we certainly have seen that when, when the US government, respect, protect and fulfill rights and what happens in terms of COVID.
But the second is how community participates in that, and demands the rights and organizes. And, you know, you tell such a beautiful story about one of our community health workers in Sierra Leone, and and making sure that community health workers are part and parcel of the solution. community members, patients themselves. So that two part government respecting, protecting, filling and then communities participating is really how we think about fulfilling the right to health.
And then of course, the third and overarching pieces, you need money to do that, because the health systems in places like Sierra Leone, and by the way, in very impoverished communities in the United States as well are impoverished. They're not accidentally without oxygen or without PPE, they've been impoverished by a variety of political decisions and social forces. So we understood, yeah, so just to get to COVID, quickly, but so we understood that COVID would hit the communities we serve, and started to assure that we had community health workers trained to do contact tracing reach out, trying to get testing into the hands of our health workers, ppe and oxygen, like we really saw that.
And the governor of massachusetts approached us and said, Why isn't that community planning and that public health planning happening here? We don't know. And he asked us to help the state do that.
(2:12:00) to (2:14:00)
Dr M:
And the public health department in Massachusetts is extraordinary, but had been underfunded based on political decisions, was not at scale to meet this terrible crisis and was not able to focus on communities and equity in the same way that needed to be done.
So, that's the work that we've been doing in Massachusetts, training people to do contact tracing, case investigation and resourcing the poorest - food, transportation etc. - and because of that work then we were asked in a variety of cities and states around the country to do the same. So now we are involved heavily in the public and community covid response in the US.
Yeah, and also internationally I mean I know that...
Dr M:
And of course, yes.
Yeah, how important the PIH leading the charge on contact tracing and rapid testing and availability of testing has been in Sierra Leone. I've heard from your colleagues in Sierra Leone how grateful they are and how much they feel like, that, it could have been a very different story or it could still become a very different story if, that, contact tracing and testing hadn't been really robust quite quickly.
Dr M:
Yeah, well, and what's so interesting about Sierra Leone, Liberia, Rwanda, Malawi, you know, Haiti, Lesotho, these countries had over, you know, years that we'd been there worked with communities and worked with governments. They put together actually decent public health programs, so it was not difficult to rapidly sort of give people the knowledge on covid and sort of scale that up. What still is inadequate is the care, you know. (J: Yeah) Many countries in Africa don't have oxygen. I just got off the phone with our Peru team - a middle income country - last night, and the entire country is out of oxygen.
(2:14:00) to (2:16:00)
Dr M:
So, we need to... So, we were able to adapt the lessons from West Africa to apply here in Massachusetts. But we also have to similarly provide that same standard of care, so people don't die for lack of oxygen, which was an intervention invented in 1821.
Right. Yeah, I think that's such a hugely important point, both sides of that. We tend to think of charity or philanthropy as this one-way street, but what we should be thinking of it, of global health, is as an exchange of experiences and expertises, and also as a way of addressing the real ways that historical forces are present in the impoverishment in these communities.
Like Sierra Leone cannot built a healthcare system that has a strong care component because if they spend the same percentage of their GDP on healthcare as the United States does, they have 78 or 80 dollars per person per year to spend on healthcare which is obviously insufficient to build a healthcare system. (Dr M: Right) When, you know, in the United States we spend 12 or 15 thousand dollars per person per year and also don't have equitable healthcare system or anything approaching it.
And so, I think it's really important to understand that like, this isn't just about, you know, rich counties offering their expertise to poor countries, it is really about learning from each other, and it turned out that we had, and have, a lot to learn about contact tracing, about public health initiatives, from countries in West Africa and elsewhere and it turns out that we still are, had these huge failures of 200 year old interventions that we can't get oxygen there, that we run out, like, the idea that of running out of oxygen is just unacceptable.
(2:16:00) to (2:18:00)
Dr M:
The whole country, the whole country
People can't... It's unacceptable that people are dying of COVID not because of any reason that we don't know what to do with, but because they can't get access to oxygen, which as you say is a problem that we first solved as a species 200 years ago.
Dr M:
Yeah, yeah, no and this is the thing that, you know, keeps us up at night, that, that... the problem here is will, you know, the problem here is the will to do it, which resources follow will, and the belief that everyone deserves the same shot at life, you know, not just by that, not only the birth lottery, you know, where you were born, but the way that we have all benefited from the extraction of recourses and people and labour from Africa, Haiti, elsewhere, you know.
I always say each of us has in our pocket a machine that is more powerful than the computing that sent men to the moon. These cell phones we have are just remarkable, right, compared to 60 years ago. And all of that is directly depended on the Congo, you know, which is the only place you can mine coltan, which is in cell phone batteries. And that, think of how life changing that has been in 40 years and somehow we can't get oxygen to people, somehow we can't get the whole world vaccinated. We can make a new iPhone every 6 months but we can't vaccinate the entire population. I mean it's just... it's an absurd failure of imagination and will.
I think that's exactly right, I mean, I think understanding it as a problem of will is really helpful too because it...
(2:18:00) to (2:20:00)
it asks us to not, like, take shelter behind "oh, I don't have the money" or "we don't have the money" or "this would require a huge collaborative effort and I'm just one person". But we do, each of us, have the choice of where we put our attention.
And if were all putting our attention on the fact that every cell phone that's made is contingent upon resources extracted from the Congo and almost none of the value of those resources ends up with Congolese people. If we were all putting our attention toward the fact that 1 out of every 20 women can expect to die in childbirth in Sierra Leone, those problems would go away very quickly. And I know they would because I had seen what we accomplish when we put our attention in one direction.
Like, when we decided to, you know, when we decided to do something together we are incredibly good at it, like, (Dr M: Yeah) that's kind of a superpower of humans. But it's also one of the, like, great weaknesses of humans, is that we often struggle to understand that people who may live far away from us or may live different lives from us are... have lives that are as valuable and complex and multitudinous as anyone else's.
And overcoming that empathy gap, I think, down that path lies, hopefully, that shared sense of will that we have, we do have the global resources to solve these problems. We have the global resources to end poverty, we have the global resources to achieve these, you know, goals that we set for ourselves for 2030, we just have to decide to do it, we have to decide to prioritize it.
Dr M:
Yeah, absolutely, yeah, absolutely. And that's what's so encouraging about the Project for Awesome is that we don't have to suck, you know
(2:20:00) to (2:22:00)
we can really choose to be awesome, we can choose to harness our resources, we can choose to support the right thing.
And, you know, not buy into the foolishness that other people don't matter, or that we just can't do it. You know, the crazy things that we prioritize, you know... military, wars, etc.
You know, the vaccine thing is something that I'm really, all of us, are losing a lot of sleep over. As slow as it's been in the United Stated, you know, across the African continent almost no one's been vaccinated. And in the meantime, it now appears that the main vaccine that we had our hopes on for Africa, the AstraZeneca vaccine, is not effective against the South African variant of the virus.
And, so, now what do we do? (J: Yeah) I think it was a mistake to think we were going to get away with some different thing over here, cheaper thing and thing, we have to mass produce a vaccine for everybody, and we've got to get it out now. But, as it is it may be 2024 before people are vaccinated.
And not only does it "put us all at risk" it's just deeply unjust, you know, (J: Yeah) I think there is this thing that yes, it puts us all at risk but we also know it doesn't really put us all at equal risk (J: Right, right) We have to do it because it's a matter of justice.
Yeah, and, that's one of the things that I've learnt from Partners in Health and from books written by your staffers and your founders is that healthcare equity is not, it involves real
(2:22:00) to (2:24:00)
it has to involve real systemic change. Like, it has to involve long-term systemic change and it is never... it's never as simple as anything, like, (Dr M: Yeah) systems are so unsimple, right? (Dr M: Yeah, yeah)
So, you want this straightforward narrative of like "oh there is a shell stable vaccine and we don't need to worry about cold chain storage (Dr M: Yeah) and it's great and we don't need to improve any of this crappy infrastructure, we don't need to invest (Dr M: Yeah) in any of this stuff because we are going to do it with this, you know, vaccine that's not quite as good, but it's still good"
And then it, yeah, it appears to be completely ineffective at least at preventing mild and moderate disease with the variant, and again we are in a situation where we didn't approach this question from a real point of equity. (Dr M: Yeah) We didn't start out by saying "we should really be equitable in vaccine distribution" and "who's gonna suffer the most from that, who's gonna be disproportionally affected by that", the same people who are disproportionally affected over, and over, and over again by these systemic failures.
Dr M:
And the very people also who have no safety net, you know, have to go to work every day, have no possibility of social distance, work from home, I mean, it is just such a deeply inequitable situation and, you know, some of the work we've transferred one place to another is the work we are doing in Immokalee, Florida, which is a community of farmworkers.
We are very pleased to be invited by the coalition of the Immokalee workers and it's actually one of our most senior physicians from Haiti, that's leading that project and working with the farmworkers, and training people to be community health workers in Haitian Creole, and in Spanish, and in Mam (?~2:23:56) and really trying to advocate
(2:24:00) to (2:26:00)
for farmworkers to get the testing, and the support that they need, and vaccines because otherwise they would be just completely left out. So it's very similar kinds of lessons from everywhere in the world.
Yeah. Yeah, and I think that's one thing that's really important for people who aren't as familiar with Partners in Health is how geographically dispersed your work is from Rwanda... from East Africa to West Africa, to Haiti, to the Navajo Nation, to Peru, I could go on and on, but also, (Dr M: Kazakhstan, Russia) what's that? (Dr M: Kazakhstan and Russia) Russia, Kazakhstan.
But also sharing expertise with all those people, so, you know, there is a Haitian physician in Liberia, or there was like heading up the Liberian program (Dr M: Yeah, still) for a long time. And that datability to transfer and exchange knowledge and experiences, I just think is such an important part of why PIH has been so effective.
Dr M:
Yeah, we do try to live by the notion of decolonization, and saying that expertises everywhere, and the sharing of knowledge can be great between Haiti and Sierra Leone, just as it can between, you know, Malawi and the United States. And really try to honour and value the expertise from all over the world in solving these really tricky and difficult but super important problems.
Yeah, well, I really appreciate you taking time to be with us Dr Mukherjee. (Dr M: Thank you, John) We are about to hit 1 million dollars so if you would stay for like
Dr M:
Yeah, I know, I was trying to stick on to get to a million and I wanted to be on
Maybe we'll get there if somebody's feeling like making a donation. We are getting like very very close now, just 600 dollars remain
Dr M:
Oh god that should be fun (?~2:25:57)
(2:26:00) to (2:28:00)
J: Umm, yeah, let's-
M: Five...
J: Let's go for a million dollars while we still have Dr. Mukherjee with us. We can all celebrate together. Umm, we--
M: I'm watching it out of the corner of my eye, the little ticker.
Both: *laughter*
J: On a personal note, we feel so grateful to be able to--our community, to be working with you on the project in, um, Sierra Leone, but also just to be fans of what you've done over the last thirty years and I can't wait to see what you do in the next thirty years, and, just, so lucky to be a part of it.
M: It's definitely mutual, John. And I'll let you go, I won't hang around on the line until we reach a million, but we're alreaady there. *clapping* So thank you everybody!
J: Alright, we did it! Thank you Dr. Mukherjee, great to see you.
M: Bye!
J: Take care.
J: We did it! Poooowwwww! Oh my goodness gracious! A million dollars raised for Partners in Health and Save the Children in two hours and twenty-two minutes, that's a very fortuitous number as I'm sure you're all aware. Two-- *strong exhale* --I'm again risking inhaling that stuff--two hours and twenty-two minutes into the twenty-twenty-one Project for Awesome and we've already raised a million dollars, what?! What?! What?! How?! Goodness gracious, thank you all. Umm, this is just unbelievable. I hope that they're celebrating in--I hope that they're cele--okay, people are celebrating in the, in the uh, the volunteers are celebrating as well. Umm, thank gosh. Wow. Unbelievable. Truly. Thank you Dr. Mukherjee for joining us, I'm glad you didn't have to see me party--shoot a party popper on--*soft laughter* But yeah, uh, this is incredible. Ah, Rebecca just donated and said, "The lightsoaked days are coming," which makes me cry.
(2:28:00) to (2:30:00)
J: The lightsoaked days are coming, friends. Oh my gosh a million dollars. Wow. Wow, wow, wow. So there's still a little bit of matching funds left. Umm, I feel a little bad leaving my brother with no matching money, but, but, whatever! That's okay! That's not the end of the world, I guess. Umm, I'm gonna be your host for another thirty-seven minutes, I'm gonna take you into that, uh, into that three o'clock hour, where Hank is gonna, is gonna, umm, is gonna be your host again, but we did it! We raised a million dollars! Unbelievable. Two hours in, wha-how? Oh my God. I don't even know where it can go from here. I have no, I have no sense of appropriate expectation but we have raised, umm, a million dollars.
I saw--I see in comments a couple people asking how we, umm, how we get to that number so let me explain it. We have, umm, three hundred and fifty thousand dollars in matching funds, uh, a lot of that--some of that comes from Hank and me, some of it comes from people in Nerdfighteria who wanted to, uh, join the matching fund so that your donations now can go further, we are so grateful to those people--I think I have a new group of people to thank. I will get their names soon. And, ah, we had fifty-one thousand dollars in the bank to start the Project for Awesome. That money comes from--some of it comes from Vlogbrothers ad revenue, so if you've ever watched a Vlogbrothers video and an ad, or you had Youtube Premium on or whatever, thank you. Umm, we had matching donors for Save the Children and Partners in Health both, so individual anonymous matching donors, thank you, I--they're not anonymous to me, so, I know who they are, they may even be in chat, if they are, thank you very much. Umm, and then we have this three hundred and fifty thousand dollar matching fund from our community (2:29:57)
(2:30:00) to (2:32:00)
J: Then we've had three hundred-over three hundred thousand dollars now--donated at Project for Awesome dot com slash donate. So with all those matching numbers combined, and all the people who donated at Project for Awesome dot com slash donate, umm, helping their money go further through matching donations, that's how we're over a million dollars raised in the twenty-twenty-one Project for Awesome after just two hours and twenty-five minutes. A very--I, I, I, I'm not sure, it's been a while since I did this, but I would assume that's a record. It certainly feels like a record.
I wanna thank, uh, our matching donors for this hour. One of whom I know, two of whom I know in real life. Maybe all four of whom I know in real life, but two of whom I know I know in real life. Moors Myers--ah, Moors has been an incredibly generous member of our community for a long time, but also just--you need people, um, ah, I think everybody who watches Vlogbrothers videos knows, uh, our community is not primarily about the incredible quality of Vlogbrothers videos *laughter*. I don't know how else to say that. Um, and, and, for this community to really thrive, um, we need people who lead the way, who show us how to be part of the community. I need those people too, to show me how to be part of the community, to show me how to be a good member of it, and to kind of reflect the values of the community back to me, and ask me to try to, you konw, try to reflect them in turn. Umm, and there are many people in Nerdfighteria who, have, I mean--thousands of people--who have done that, and that's why our community is strong. It's nothing Hank or I did. And I often think about people like Julie Harick(?~2:31:47) and Martha and Julie Stroud (?~2:31:48) and, and, so many--there's so many other people, it's almost like if you start naming people, then you think of all the people you're not naming. Anyway the point that I was getting to is that Moors is very much one of those people,
(2:32:00) to (2:34:00)
Thank you Moores for being part of the matching fund. thank you also to zac havens for being part of the matching fund.
And to team rainbows smash, you know who you are. To Claire and the rest of team rainbow smash who are part of not just the project for awesome but also really important members of the matching fund for the Sierra Leone project, thank you, and anonymous.
Anonymous again having a phenomenal project for awesome as they do every year. I don't know who they are but my gosh do they have a lot of resources and are they generous with them. Apparently there are still three of the circle drawings left - of my original circle drawings.
They are one of a kind and I can't make more of them cause they hurt my hand too much to make so that is back on the menu if anybody is interested. is the place to go to get rewards. You can get anything, there are so many different rewards. The best deal every year is the digital download bundle.
That's all of the digital rewards together, including lots of-lots of-lots of cool stuff this year. But there are also many other different kinds of that you can get, most notably the cardboard cutout of Harry Styles. I won't stop talking about it until we sell it.
You can also get a physical print of one of my circle drawings or there are a couple of the original circle drawings left although they are expensive. Project For Awesome socks every year. The Project For Awesome T-shirt which I'm wearing right now - what a phenomenally good t-shirt! I don't know, I don't who to thank. I don't know who designed it. But it look-look I can't find where my face is--there it is! Look at this t-shirt! It's so good! It's just excellent! And yes I'm wearing sweatpants. I've really embraced the athleisure world of 2021. I'm-I'm in-I'm in heaven in this - I mean, I'm not in heaven in general.
(2:34:00) to (2:36:00)
But when it comes to athleisure, this suits me just fine. But yeah, it's a great t-shirt, you can get it right now at Remember, today, you can also get the Profect for Awesome commemorative coins. We didn't have a P4A last year for the first time in 14 years, but don't worry, if you get the Project for Awesome commemorative coins, you get both the 2021 coin and the 2020 coin, so you don't have to live without one or the other.
I think I hear my family upstairs, so I'm going to make a quick phone call because I would like to talk, if she's interested, to my daughter. So I'm just going to make this quick phone call to make sure that she's around and that she's available and that she wants t-.
Hello? I think I hear you upstairs? Is Alice here? Does she want to come say hi?
Ok, yeah. Have her come down if she wants to come say hi. Don't feel like-. She doesn't have to, it's just if she wants to. All right, bye.
All right, maybe we'll- maybe we'll have an Alice visit a little bit later. That would be exciting. That would be fun. And we have hit a million dollars. I mean, we haven't even had any like uh, there hasn't even been time for challenges. It's just been nonstop.
I think the only reason Alice is going to come downstairs is because it's a way to not practice piano and like- Here she comes. I can tell. I can tell from those footfalls. Maybe she's going to have to practice piano first. I don't know.
A: Hi dada.
J: Hey! How's it going? Do you wanna come say hi? You don't have to if you don't want to.
A: Hi.
J: Can you show off her tooth. Look, Alice lost a tooth! Hey, look how much money we raised. Can you even- Do you even know how big that number is?
A: No.
J: You don't know what that is? It's a million dollars.
A: [Gasp] You popped them?
J: I did. Do you want me to pop one again? Right now?
A: Yes.
J: Ok. You wanna do it, or should I?
A: You.
J: But okay you come here so it lands on your head.
(2:36:00) to (2:38:00)
J: so it lands on your head. Ready? Three...
A: Two, One.
J: Oh we got it on your head! Perfect look.
A: Grunts
J: You gotta turn around
A: Oh okay
J: There, yup there it is. How are you doing?
A: Good
J: Did you have a good day today?
A: Yeah
J: Did you hang out with Luna?
A: Yeah
J: Everything is good?
A: We went gator sledding
J: You went gator sledding?!
A: MmmHmm
J: Oh the greatest of midwestern activities.
A: uhuh
J: did you? Was it fun or was it scary?
A: Fun!
J: Oh good not too frightening? Do you see the uh, do you know who this is Alice, do you recognize this beautiful face?
A: no
J: You don't know who this is?
A: no
J: It's Harry Styles, do you know who Harry Styles is?
A: No
J: Great, do you know who this is?
A: No
J: It's Jimin, from BTS
A: That's cool
J: You know BTS, right?
A: No
J: You know who this is?
A: Yeah
J: Who is that?
A: Uncle Hank
J: And what is he up to?
A: I don't know
J: of the three guys which one do you think is like, the most handsome probably? "John Pointing at Hank"
J: Oh she just made a face, we aren't playing that game.
A: mumbles
J: I was just trying to make fun of Uncle Hank that is all, as I usually do. Are you going to help me pick up all of this confetti off of the floor and everything that it sticks to? Are you going to be down here with me on Sunday and Monday just like picking up individual pieces
A: no
J: oh no I just got confetti thrown at me! Oh no! Agh thrown confetti, you little confetti thrower! I will throw it back at you. Alright Alice, I gotta lock back in on fundraising. You want to do any perks this year?
A: What?
J: no no no, you want to like, you want to like provide a perk like sign a, like make art with ten pieces of paper or something?
A: Sure
J: You will? WIll you work on it right now?
A: Yeah
J: Oh great okay great! You got 28 minutes Alice, huh?
A: Use what?
J: Use some of the two hundred and sixty five thousand sheets of paper that Dad has sitting around. And do you need a sharpie?
(2:38:00) to (2:40:00)
J: Yeah, that one'll work, do you need a different color though?
A: No, I'm fine. I won't [unintelligble] (?~2:38:05)
J: Are you sure? I saw some here. I'l g--I got a bunch of colors, so I'll just give em to you, in case you want em, okay?
A: Okay.
J: That way you have--you have some flexibility. Will you put a book underneath it, so that it doesn't bleed through too much?
A: Okay.
J: Like, that Arab Street Art book maybe? That's perfect.
J: Hello, friends. Okay. Um, Alice is---everybody's saying that you're big now, which is true. Okay, draw, make s---draw some art! Um. Okay. So, thank you everybody, uh, for being here, again, and for donating now over---
A: I'm gonna make ten kitties!
J: Ten kitties? That's perfect. Oh my gosh, that's gonna be really perfect.
J: Um, "gator sledding" is where you go sledding but you---you are---
A: You're on a gator while you do it.
J: You are, um, it's sort of like water-skiing, um, but you're being towed by a, uh, uh... like a-an ad-- an advanced golf cart, I think I would say. Um...I would call it an advanced golf cart. Uh, so, save your money, because Alice is about to provide some kitties. If---once you finish one of them, Alice, can I show it off, to show off what they look like? And then I'm gonna ask the folks---I'm gonna ask our incredible volunteer staff to put this up if they can. Um. Let's see if I can find out where it is. Okay, there we go. Um...
A: Here you go.
J: Oh, wow! That's excellent! Geez! Okay, so, first off, will you sign them? Do you mind signing them? I think it's better---I think they're better autographed. Like, I find that people value autographed stuff. Um... Alice, they want to know if you can make ten.
A: I can.
J: She can.
A: [I can make ten.]
J: She will make ten. She will make ten!
(2:40:00) to (2:42:00)
A: I made twenty--I made twenty last year. So I can probably make twenty this year.
J: You made twenty last year?!
A: Yeah.
J: Well, let's start with ten, okay? Let's not lose control. Um, and-and then we'll---if-if you make more in the future, that's great.
J: I wanna thank Fiona and Allison and Support Local News "exclamation point" who just got the Project for Awesome 21---2021 t-shirt. Thank you. This is what Alice's art looks like. Um, this is a kitty, and---they're actually---if you get The Anthropocene Reviewed book, there are some of them that are signed with these kitties. But, um, this is, um, I-I just think this is beyond excellent. This is incredible. Um... Huge progress, since Alice's p- kitties from a year and a half ago. And, I think that you will agree with me, that whatever they cost, they are worth ten times as much. I'm gonna buy one, Alice. Uh, so, yeah, you can get---uh, soon, at, Alice's art will be available as a perk.
A: And square-head kitty!
J: And square-head kitty. She's going to be doing some square-head kitties, as well. And uh, so that'll be available at Right now at projectforawesome/donate you can get socks, or you can get the t-shirt which I'm wearing right now, and I can---I-I feel like I can say with some authority is a very good t-shirt. You can get the pressed pennies--I hate pennies, and uh, hard-working volunteers---in this case uh, just one volunteer---is gonna turn them into beautiful P4A designs designed by Nerdfighter Katie Hamburg(?~2:41:31), mmm... Katie, thank you very much! And also I---while I'm saying "thank you's" real quick, I wanna say another "thank you" um, to the people in--who are making the Project for Awesome work in the background: Niki, Paola, Rosianna. Um, there's a huge group of people, uh, who work together on, uh, finding videos to feature and going through Project for Awesome videos and making sure that everything's appropriately sorted, uh, and it's almost all volunteer work.
(2:42:00) to (2:44:00)
J: Zuleyha's here as well, as is Monica, and Julia. It's just, uh, it's really really wonderful to have so many---the Project for Awesome couldn't be what it is without the support of volunteers. Those volunteers include the mods who are in chat right now who are doing---Oh my god!
A: It's [unintelligible](?~2:42:16)
J: It still is not signed, I can't help but notice, which is where all of the value--people love a signature, have you learned nothing else from your father?---um, including all of the mods in chat, uh, right now, like it is hard to moderate a chat - even a chat of really lovely people - when there are 5200 people present, and, uh, the mods are working really hard, doing a great job, so thank you. We really appreciate it. Um, and, uh, and thank you for making it so that this can be a safe and pleasant commenting experience for lots of-lots of...for currently over 5000 people.
We've got another--one more Alice artwork coming up right now. It's gonna be very good, and they are live at, so if you want one, go get one right now. Alice, they're gonna sell out immediately. You know why? Because you're a genius. Hm. Can I see it? Is it ready? I'm excited. Oh, whoah! whoah! You did it! You did extra special signing!
A: Uh, my teacher.
J: Whoah!
A: ... my teacher told me um, um.
J: It's like you have a signature now! You've gone from just being able to write to having your own particular Alice signature! Is that?
A: Well we have the same writing book every year.
J: You have the same writing book every year?
A: So it's not very cool.
J: Yeah. Well that makes sense. We're almost at 1.033 million dollars, I can't wait to tell my brother Hank about this news when he becomes the host of this livestream in uh 22 minutes, and I go take a bath.
A: How much paper--
J: You can take as much paper as you want, honestly, Alice.
(2:44:00) to (2:46:00)
J: Because like there's no way that... They don't-- when they give me the papers, they don't actually count the number of papers in there, there's always a bunch of extras, it's fine. Don't worry about it. Take all the papers you want, ma'am. Um the worst that could happen is that they need to send me another box. Which I'm sure that they'll be happy to do based on the fact that they keep sending me boxes. (laughs) So. Alright, to give you an update before I have to start going, is where you go to donate, is where you go to watch videos and vote on videos, which si really essential work. Because that helps our community of people who choose our -- I can't remember what it's called. The advisory board, the nerdfighter advisory board, decide where the money that's raised during the second half of the project for awesome goes, so please go to and vote for videos. We are very very close to maxing out the whole -- the entire first half match, we are only $7000 from maxing that out. How hilarious would it be that the moment my brother takes over at 3:00 is the moment there's no more matching funds. How great would that be. For me. It'll go so much slower for him. No, I, I'm not rooting for that, but I am rooting for that. Actually you know what, secret, if you do it, if you get to that before Hank takes over, I will surprise Hank by adding to the matching fund. That will be fun. That will be cute, I think. I will add to the matching fund so he can have a little bit of a match for a little bit of time. I have to text, um, my financial co-CEO to make sure that that's ok. (chuckles)
Ok. Sorry.
(2:46:00) to (2:48:00)
J: So is the place to go to donate right now.
A: A valentine's kitty.
J: You have another valentine's kitty? Let me see. Oh.
A: It's one. It's two papers.
J: It's two papers?
A: no.
J: Oh. Whoah! You don't know which of these you're going to get, but you know you're going to get one of them, and you know it's going to be amazing. I mean, look at that! Look at that! Alice, great job! Do you really think you could make 7 more for me?
A: Yeah.
J: Great! By all means.
A: (unintelligible)
J: Huh? By all means, keep it up, you've got 19 minutes.
A: I took 5, so.
J: Okay.
A: Wait, one. I mean 6! Because I'm doing one right now.
J: Okay, great! is where you go to donate, uh, you click Rewards there at the top of the page. Finally, you can donate to the P4A via Paypal--
A: Still have this one
J: --after 14 years. Huh?
A: Still have this one.
J: I know, it's very sticky, that stuff. There are so many, uh, there are so many great perks that you can get. The best perk value by far is the digital perk bundle, because you get all of the digital perks together, from exclusive podcasts to all kinds of wonderful, wonderful things. And there will be more that gets added throughout the coming days to the digital download bundle. So everything from playlists to my profane cookbook-- Alice, do you know what the word "profane" means? (pauses) Great. And um, it's my cookbook for people who do not like to cook and are not particularly good at it, and need just some grown-up, regular recipes, I think it's 7 recipes. Grownup, regular recipes for "I gotta make dinner and I'm not that enthusiastic about it, but I'm gonna do it." Alice, is Dad a good cook?
A: Not that.
J: Not that. Not that good. So. It's true. And I appreciate your honesty very much.
(2:48:00) to (2:50:00)
J: Because it would have been easy in that position to be like "yeah he's great" but you know, I'm not. So, fair enough.
A: Here's a dog.
J: Here's a dog?
A: That says woof.
J: That says woof? But where does it say Alice? Alice just keeps forgetting to sign her own work because you know, it's not really about that um..
A: But I sign my papers at the (?~2:48:22) school.
J: Alice, Rachel says about you, "we love an honest queen." Do you, do you think it would be fun to be a queen?
A: No.
J: What about princess? (pause) No? You're just not interested in royalty at all? (pause) Fair enough, man, me neither, really.
A: Seems boring.
J: Seems boring, I yeah, I kinda agree, it seems like a lot of boring work. You know? Where you gotta go and be seen. Attend parties in the evening. I do not like to have more than one social thing on my calendar per day. You know?
A: And he has a floating cloud.
J: The dog has a floating cloud? Or the king?
A: No the dog. Look.
J: Oh, wow, cool! Ok, so here it is, this is another work of Alice art, there are only 10 of these available right now. She's made 4 of them so far.
A: I can make more.
J: And this dog, I mean look at that--
A: I enjoy making them.
J: You do enjoy making them. That's good to hear. Um, this dog is floating on a cloud. You can tell, there's the ground. Very good, very good minimalist capture of the ground, I think, by the way. And you know that it's a dog because it looks like a dog and also because it's saying woof. Really good, Alice. I just need 6 more of those, no pressure, I feel like I a little bit relying on child labor to raise money for a charity, but it's ok. It's ok, right?
A: Yeah.
J: Ok, as long as it's ok with you.
A: I like signing these.
J: You like doing it.
A: I don't care (unintelligible)(?~2:49:53)
J: Ok great. Um, that's wonderful to hear, well you've already raised quite a bit of money, Alice.
(2:50:00) to (2:52:00)
J: We are now just, so in the next 15 minutes, if we raise $3500, we will have maxed ou the match for 20-- for the first part of the project for awesome. is the place to go and donate, again, we are just $3500 away now. I'm gonna thank some of our recent donors, if I can find that tab. Let's see here, oh, somebody just donated $150, Sternenblumen just donated $150 just to get a participation award. Thank you! I grant you that participation award. Brooke donated to get the exclusive episode of Dear Hank and John, ZonkedSloth donated to get that P4A 2021 T-shirt, "the threshold to decrease worldsuck feels low this year, we got this." I agree. James just donated to get some Alice art, saying it'll be a fine addition to my drawings collection. Christina just donated to get a print of my circle drawing. Thank you Christina. Alice, you've seen my circle drawings, haven't you?
A: I don't think so.
J: The ones that are just like a big piece of paper with tiny little circles on them?
A: Oh yeah!
J: What do you think of them?
A: They're fine.
J: They're fine. Thank you. I appreciate that. Rydell says, "This community has meant a lot to me for the last 10 years, Nerdfighters helped change the way I think about the world (Alice interrupts) more complexly and be a better person." You gotta sign that name.
Katya just donated $20 for the P4A poster? I haven't even talked about the P4A poster, it's amazing! Um, Lizzie, Laura, LouellenTheGray, Anonymous-- again, Anonymous is having a great P4A-- this is Alice's new work of art. It's brand new, it's never been seen before, and I love it. It might be my favorite so far. 5 more, Alice! No pressure.
(2:52:00) to (2:54:00)
J: but I do need 5 more because that is the commitment that I made to these people. And also--
A: I just need one--
J: And also I think most of them have sold, there's only--
A: I don't care about (unintelligible) I want to make 20 anyway.
J: You want to make 20 anyway? Great! I think there's only 3 left of the 10. So if you wanna make 20, we'll definitely support it.
A: I will.
J: Okay, oh-- well, I love a commitment! Alright, so. We've now raised $349,059, just $1000 away from maxing out the original donation, the original matching donation, just in the first three hours of the P4A which is just absolutely mind blowing and wonderful and heartening and everything else I can't find words for. Closing in on $1.05M raised in the 2021 P4A.
I wanna thank a few of our newest donors, but gosh it's coming fast. Oliver just donated to get the Dear Hank and John personal message on our podcast Dear Hank and John, it's way lower than our ad rate, so it's a good deal. Anonymous donated to get my adult cookbook.
Leanne donated to get Sarah and I's podcast. I keep forgetting about that. For $7 donation to the P4A, you can get a podcast.
It's a secret podcast that Sarah and I do once a year. Sometimes it's about art, I think this time it might be about art, and life, and how art and life are connected to each other. And how art can be helpful to us in our lives.
But I dunno, maybe it'll be about somethign else. Maybe it'll be like advice. Who knows?
Hannah, Martha, Mary, Emma, Mary Grace, Natasha, Joy, and Keira, Hannah, Emily, JimJam, Laura, Amwood, Veronica, Immanuel, Tobias, Annie, Tim, Malcom, Grace, thank you all for donating. Shelby from Tuataria donated, Anonymous has donated twice in just a few seconds, very kind of you Anonymous. Max and Laura just overpaid for the digital download bundle and said "Thank you John and Hank for making communities and connections in a year of isolation."
(2:54:00) to (2:56:00)
J: Alice, what's missing? Dangit! So close! Whoah! Greg and his minions just donated $1,000 for the digital copy of a perk! Thanks! "A collection of IT nerds, we're so grateful to you." StargazingWithToast also just donated.
A: How many more do I have to do?
J: Well, how many more do you HAVE to do? I um.
A: How much more of 10?
J: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, this is 6. So 4 more.
A: Okay.
J: Yeah?
A: I might have um, 3 papers. So I --
J: Well yeah, just grab an extra-- just grab taht 4th sheet of paper. This is Alice's newest work of art. You don't know which one of these you're going to get, all you know is that it's gonna be amazing. They're all amazing in their own way. I really, I'm tempted to keep these. She's never made art this good, but I have promised them to P4A donors, Alice. We've got 10 minutes left in my time hosting, and have we gotten to -- We've gotten WAY past 300-- Alice come here, it's happening! 3, 2, 1, (pops popper). Whoah that was a really good one! Do you want it in your hair or mine? Why don't you put it in my hair? Excellent. Excellent. We've passed $356,000, which means that we are out of the matching fund territory, but we might get back in the matching fund territory at 3:00. Let me ask them.
A: Dada? Are-- we can't do wethead this year.
J: We can or cannot?
A: Can't.
J: Why?
A: We don't have all the pieces.
J: Oh, that's a bummer. Some of you may remember that we did a game called Wethead that the kids really really loved, and apparently we can't do it this year because we don't have all the pieces. But I bet we'll figure--
A: We might.
J: I bet we'll figure something out, Alice.
(2:56:00) to (2:58:00)
J: I bet we'll figure out some fun stuff to do.
A: I can find something.
J: Yeah you can find some games. I have total confidence in your ability to figure out some very funny way. Alright, so um. Yeah. Ok so we've got just 9 minutes left in my period of hosting P4A, so many of you have donated, it's hard to keep up. But thank you again. Regardless of whether I'm able to say your name, I'm very grateful. There's still a couple of these Alice artworks left, even though Grandma says "Charlie please answer me." I don't know what that's about, but you know, Charlie, listen to your Grandma. Carly just made their first donation, $60 for the digital download bundle. Thank you Carly. Alexa donated, so did Katelyn and Daisy, and an OzzyNerd, and Claire and Jessica and Emily.
A: (unintelligible) (?~2:57:05)
J: Noah-- You didn't like it?
A: No
J: Oh, okay! Well if it didn't live up to your expectations, then it didn't live up to your expectations. We can do it-- you can do it again.
A: So, 4 more?
J: Thanks to the Buzzkill family, Blake, Cole, Sarah, and Tiller. Tiller the dog. They just go Alaska for looking, which is a-- it's like my first novel, Looking For Alaska, but instead of being arranged to have the words tell a story, the words are arranged alphabetically so that they don't tell a story. Or I guess they do tell a story, but they tell a very different kind of story, and it is like I think, really lovely and beautiful, and I'm very grateful to the person who made that art project in the first place. I think it's just lovely. Sarah also donated to get the digital download bundle and actually donated a little bit extra, which we appreciate. That's really kind of you, don't feel obligated to, but certainly if you want to, we're not going to discourage it.
(2:58:00) to (3:00:00)
J: We are now at $1.06M, ok. Ok. And I am going to surprise my brother with a little bit of matching funds, and that'll be good. If anybody else wants to make like a 5-figure donation, you can have that be matching funds or you can just make it, but if you want to make it matching funds, you can email us at...
A: Oh wait, nevermind.
J: Did you forget to sign it? Oh my goodness gracious! Ok so if you want-- I know this is probably not anybody, but if there's anybody who does want to add the matching funds, you can email Aww, is this you?
A: No.
J: Who is it?
A: It's a random person.
J: It's a random person? Cause you know who it reminds me a little bit of?
A: Luna
J: Oh, does it remind you of Luna?
A: Yeah!
J: I was--
A: She was wearing that neck thing.
J: Oh yeah right, Luna wears that necklace. I was gonna say that aside from the necklace, it reminds me of Mommy.
A: Oh.
J: You know. No?
A: I don't think she dresses up. She doesn't really dress up as often.
J: It's true, Mommy does not usually dress up for Valentine's Day. It's not a big holiday in our marriage. Which is ok. Different people feel differently about Valentine's Day, for us it's not a huge deal. But I'm glad, if it's a big deal for you, I think that's fine. Thank you to Grace who just donated, and Farzan, and Spozder, and Mayza, and Quinn, and John, and Leah, and Cammie, and Talia, and Sydney, I don't know if that's my mom Sydney or if it's a different Sydney.
(3:00:00) to (3:02:00)
John: but if it's my mom, hi mom! I hope that you're doing okay! I'm glad you got the first dose of the vaccine. Okay. Sooo, yeah. I can't possibly thank everybody who's donating or all the people who are commenting as well. Hank is being evil...Hank is being evi-- what is Hank doing that I don't know about?! Um...okay, I'm not able to follow this. There's too much going on. But yay for my mom getting the vaccine.
Okay. [typing sounds] Hank's on Instagram Live? Hank's trying to, like, take away from the Project for Awesome livestream by being on Instagram Live? I'm goin' on TikTok Live after this. You can't stop me! I'm going straight from this liveshow to a TikTok liveshow. Um...he sees me. Okay. Alright.'s fine. I'm not gonna go-- I'm not gonna go live on TikTok. I think-- What's on my vision board? The same thing that was on my vision board last week. I'll show you.
Alice: You have a vision board?
John: Yeah, Alice, I--
Alice: That is mine.
John: I know, I took it. We've talked about this. I got you a new one. I got you a new one to replace this one because I need this one for a bit that I'm doing every week of 2021. [pointing at vision board] Repeated autographs, that's to remind me to sign my name--
Alice: (unintelligible)
John: Yeah. Square, that's because this is a rectangle. Investigate the song "Fishy On Me", that's a song that Alice and Henry love.
Alice: Fishy on me! Fishy on me!
John: It's very repetitive. New typography strategies??? Beautifully foolish Project for Awesome, so far so good. All Hail West Texas, great Mountain Goats album. Literally nothing more radical right now than radical hope, I believe that.
(3:02:00) to (3:04:00)
John: Cheezy Dibbles...Cheezy Dibbles. Where are Cheezy Dibbles from, Alice?
Alice: Umm...
John: Private...
A: Uh..
J: Skipper...
A: Uh. Penguins of Madagascar.
J: The greatest film ever made. Manifest lower rates of RNA mutation. That's self-evident. Hibernation, question mark? That refers to a conversation Hank and I had on the podcast. Oh, all that's missing is? Your signature. (laughs). Okay. Just three more minutes. Just three more minutes--
A: Can I have more than three more minutes?
J: (choking on party poppers) I got it in my mouth, Alice.
(Alice giggles)
J: It's really gross.
A: Does it taste bad?
J: Yes, it tastes great. It tastes really, um.
A: It tastes great?
J: It tastes bad, but I've been talking for three hours straight, so my words have stopped makign sense, including to me, so uh... Ok. So Hank is pregaming right now with a TikTok liveshow. I might-- I might do a TikTok live show if he doesn't watch out. I like tiktok live as much as the next guy. Alright, so if you go to, you can see that oh-- Here's more artwork by Alice! Alice, this is really good. This is really, really good.
Alice: It's Valentine's.
J: It's very-- it's excellent.
A: (?~3:03:25)
J: Can you really?
A: I could probably 3D print one. (?~3:03:29)
J: You probably could. So we've got one Alice-- right here we've got eight, so we need two more. Can you do two more?
A: Oh yeah, I only got two more papers.
J: Perfect! What a coincidence! Um, so is where you go to donate, and then you click Rewards to find out all the different things you can get for donating. All the money raised right now goes to Partners In Health and Save The Children, two organizations that Nerdfighteria has been working with for more than a decade. We have seen the difference they make at building out stronger healthcare systems and better educational opportunities for vulnerable people around the world.
(3:04:00) to (3:06:00)
J: They are really really extraordinary organizations, and we feel so so lucky to be working with them. Things that you can still get, there are not that many. But you can still get a few of Sarah's collages, which are going to be really, really good. In fact, we are going to see her make some of those this evening on the P4A. You can also get a print mailed to you of my circle drawings, the favorite of my circle drawings, the one I like the most. It's got about 17,000 circles in it.
A: Wow, did you count?
J: Yeah I do count, Alice. Well, it helps me. I know it doesn't help everybody, but I'm a count-y person, I like to count.
A: Well I think math is boring.
J: I know. But you're good at math.
A: I'm good at math, but I think it's boring.
J: And that's fine. You can be good at something and think that it's boring, that's -- I feel that way about a lot of things actually. That I'm reasonably good at. Um ok, we're gonna have Hank Green joining us on the stream at any moment now. And I for one, will welcome him. I'm excited, I-- yes! Let's, we're gonna bring in Hank! Oh, Bryce just added 10..... ok. ok.
J: Hello, Hank! Somebody just added-- so listen, listen, listen-- While you were gone--
H: What.
J: Oh, Elmo's here.
H: Elmo was there.
J: While you were gone, we passed a million dollars.
H: I know, I saw.
J: Phenomenally fast. That also means we've maxed out the matching funds, and so now when you raise a dollar--
H: Oh did we really?
J: It's only gonna be worth a dollar.
H: Did we max out ALL of the matching funds? I thought we weren't gonna get quite there.
J: We maxed out ALL of the matching funds. We're over $350,000.
H: Mm.. Oh well. (does not sound well) Wow.
J: BUT! Look at that.
(3:06:00) to (3:08:00)
H: what's that?
J: That's a beautiful Alice art. All it's missing is?
H: Ohh aww, that's very nice. That's very good.
J: Oh, say hi to your--
A: Hi!
H: Hello Alice! I haven't seen you in way too long! Not fair...
A: I lost a tooth!
J: Show the tooth, show the tooth! He wants to see!
H: Oh my gosh! You sure did, that other one's about ready to come too!
J: It is. I mean, she would just--
A: Don't pull it out.
J: If she would just let Dad get a hold of it for a second, it would be over.
H: Oh don't! Would you let me do it, Alice, can I pull your tooth out?
J: No. Believe me, there's only one person who's allowed to pull out teeth in this family, and it's Mama.
A: Or Henry!
J: Or Henry. Anyone but me!
H: ok.
J: So we have maxed out the matching fund, but we are going to add to the matching fund. Look at that. Another piece of Alice artwork. I think there's a couple of these still available at We are -- Sarah and I are going to add to the matching fund, and we also -- Claire is going to add to the matching fund, and Bryce is also going to add to the matching fund, Hank. So you now have $65,000 new dollars in matching funds to work with as of this moment. Cause I didn't want you to come back on and not have any matching funds and so we got together and that's what we're gonna do. We're gonna give you $65000 of matching funds so you can push to--
H: Alright! Then yeah! This was not planned! Unplanned extra $65,000 so that your money can turn into more money. So please do it and come donate right now. So if you're donating now, your money's going to be double by, Mr. John Green.
J: Oop, not just me, also Team Rainbow Smash and Bryce.
H: Awesome. Thank you to Bryce and Team Rainbow Smash.
J: Team Rainbow Smash. Thank you Bryce. Thank you thank you thank you. And thank you Sarah for being behind this idea.
(3:08:00) to (3:10:00)
J: Ok.
H: Ok.
A: I have one more!
J: One more. This is Alice's last artwork--
H: One more?
J: --for now, that we're going to show off. Whoahhh it's beautiful!
H (a la Owen Wilson): Wowww
J: It's got hearts, it's got stars, there's a lot going on. And it's got the really good signature. So a huge variety of Alice art are available, you don't know which one you're going to get, but you do know you're going to get one. I think there's only one left actually, so thank you Alice for participating in the P4A. Bye!
A: Bye!
H: Bye
J: Hank, have a great afternoon
H: Thank you
J: I will see you in a few hours and I mean I cannot believe how well it's gone so far. So. Just don't let the wheels fall off.
H: Yeah. Well that's my plan, we'll see what happens. Thank you to Reagan O'Shaughnessy for investing in Alice's art career early.
J: Oh, thank you
(Brothers talking over each other)
H: Thanks John, I'll see you soon!
J: You never know what it's gonna be worth eventually. Alright, thank y'all! Happy P4A! See ya in a few hours!
H: Oh, he's gone! Alright hello everyone, I'm here for the Project for Awesome, and in another 10 minutes or so, we're going to be joined by Ettore of Save The Children. They are doing amazing work. And I really am looking forward to talking to him about how they've been handling 2020 as one of the hardest years of public health. And also a -- you know that obviously we sort of have our view of it, wherever we are, but Save The Children has a really comprehensive view. And sort of how the pandemic has affected the whole world. I'm gonna go ahead and throw this meme here. Because I Want It to be up on the... ahh good. Your strange addiction? Constantly donating. That's right. Welcome to the project for awesome, I'm also livestreaming on Tiktok and on Instagram right now. So that I can tell them-- and a lot of people have left the Instagram live--
(3:10:00) to (3:12:00)
H: -- and so have they left the Tiktok live, so maybe they've come over to to donate. Or they've come over to to see what we're doing over there, because you can only see one side of the conversation when it's -- when you're only on instagram. So this is really just-- in fact I should have little signs posted up, and I didn't. Maybe I will next time, that say "Just join us elsewhere, not here." Uh so we have now raised over -- we've raised $1,071,656, thank you to Inbali for that -- and Livia and every time somebody else donates, another one of these things pops up.
Kayleigh, thank you, Ashley, thank you. We've got a uh Dear Hank and John personal message that was purchased, and it says "My 11-year-old and 7-year-old are watching with me and they say hi. Love the podcast." I'm glad you do, we have lots of exciting things planned for the Dear Hank and John podcast for 2021.
I'm looking forward to it. 2020 participation award goes to Anonymous, who says "Thank you for decreasing worldsuck," and the digital download bundle, but extra money paid for it, so $110 instead of $60, says, "thank you for encouraging people to make the world a better place." The digital download bundle this year includes a ton of stuff, a short story that I wrote-- it also includes-- that is-- takes place in the universe of my novels, in which April May goes to Vidcon and has to do some pet detective-ing. There's also um, what else? Uh, all of my tiktok drafts!
So I make a lot of Tiktoks that I don't end up publishing, and because they're embarrassing! Or, uh, you know one reason or another. You know, it's funny, when I was going through all of them, I was like, "Oh this one I didn't post because it was a little bit not nuanced enough." You know?
But so these are designed to not be broadcasted, but I think are fine to be published for the world to see.
(3:12:00) to (3:14:00)
I have to open up Slack and see if I've missed anything. I don't think that I have. That's great. Wonderful. So the Project for Awesome, if you are new here, is a charity livestream, and I don't know that originally it was a charity livestream, I think it was just a charity. It wasn't even! In the very beginning, it was just people making videos about charities. And it has since evolved to be about making videos to promote charities, about raising money and getting great perks in exchange for those donations, and about a 48-hr livestream that's very exciting and fun. We've gone through a lot of our high-value perks already, all of our Hanklerfish art, I think, almost entirely has sold out. We've got a few left, so thank you to everybody. The ones that we have left aren't stretched canvas, they're just printed on canvas board. Well, not printed, but spray painted onto canvas board. Canvas board is just canvas wrapped around a piece of wood, whereas stretched canvas is a wooden frame with the canvas stretched around. Which I mean, do you care? You can frame it and put it on the wall either way. Thank you $200 for uh-- to Heather Brie, what was that for? It was for some Nerdfighter Art, which is $45! You coulda gotten, you coulda gotten 4 of those! But you didn't. And also that money was doubled so thank you, it began $400 for that Nerdfighter art. The Nerdfighter art perk, people make wonderful things. You don't know what wonderful thing you're going to get, we get a bunch of them delivered to our warehouse, and then we send them back out into the world. It's like Santa, except that you don't -- you don't know what you're going to get, but you know that it's going to be some wonderful artisanal something. And yeah. That is the -- that's the thing. That is the thing. The good news is that Ettore has arrived in our waiting room, and it looks like his microphone is working! We are now at 190-- $1,097,000.
(3:14:00) to (3:16:00)
When we hit that million dollar mark, you know what that means, it means we're gonna be visited by uh, our friend the Baked Bean Furby. Who doesn't have a name yet? If anybody has a good name for our Baked Bean Furby, let me know. If you donate and include that suggestion for a Baked Bean Furby name, I will be out there. Thank you to Robert for getting the Sarah Urist Green original art collages; Katherine and I also got one of those, so very exciting. OH we are less than $100 away! Ah! Ooh! Ooooh! Oh, now we're less than $100 away. I was WRONG about that, but now we are. And I'm excited. I'm excited, I'm excited, I'm excited, I have the button to push that takes me-- that takes me to-- AHH there it is! Wooooooo. And then we also hit this one so we can see (garbled scream)
Not got a good sound.
(odd crotchety voice) Ohh, such congratulations!
(to the Furby) Are you British? He is. These Heinz beans or baked beans? that's the question. Are they Bush's baked beans? I think they might be kind of like Heinz beans-y. Nah, they really look more like Bush's baked beans, so I guess. Maybe you should sound like he's just like a sorta classy Southern Gentleman. Um. Ah, gosh. Ah. Ahh--aaah... now that I've said that, I have no idea how to sound like a classy Southern Gentleman! Um, but also for the other livestreams, here's the Baked Bean Furby that I'm talking about.
(attempts an accent) Wha-- Well-- Well now then, what a wonderful-- (stops accent) Oh, gosh, I keep being British! Uh, (laughs) I'm gonna work on it. I'll work on it off the stream, cause it's too embarrassing to work on it during the stream. Maybe he should just be British.
(crotchety British voice) Well now, what a wonderful occasion to have raised over $1.1M, I'm so proud of the Project for Awesome.
(stops accent) Everybody, if you have an idea for what to name the uh, the baked bean Furby-- oh people have been calling the Furby "Furbean" and uh, that has been around for a while, that's not new.
(3:16:00) to (3:18:00)
And Heinz is just a brand of baked beans.
I ... I don't know ..
I don't know. So in England, they have a thing called Heinz Beans. And Heinz Beans-- and I think they just call them Heinz Beans.
They are the baked beans of England. They are less sweet, oh I'm up on the wrong camera. They are still very sweet, and uh-- that's also the wrong thing-- turn that off.
Ok. They're still very sweet, but they aren't like the sort of just ridiculous candy beans that we have in America. And I think that this-- Heinz beans are a bit more red, this is more of a..
This is more of a Bush's baked beans look. It's not just a brand, Heinz's baked beans is a whole thing. It's a whole thing, let me tell ya. Um, Eric says, "Hello retweet this discord!" And Kip says, " Thanks for making the world a better place, for being more and more awesome every year, and--" I need to refresh this page because it's acting peculiarly.
That looks better. Ok. 1.1. Wow.
We've raised another $5,000 real quick, you guys. Thank you for that. Um, Stacy in Green Bay says, "In memory of Tizzy, a long-lived and much-loved cat. 1991-2021." Thank you Stacy, for your donation of even more Hanklerfish art, so we do have some of the Hanklerfish art left, and uh.. thank you for that.. and uh... much love to Tizzy. I know it is hard to lose a pet.
Ah. I'm dealing with that as well, but I am very happy to have the Project for Awesome to take me forward. And bring me joy in hard times.
We all of course, have our own hard times. Thank you to Laura for getting the Glennandale sticker pack, and donating $500. Which is, for a sticker pack, that's not what you needed to pay.
You didn't need to pay $500 for a sticker pack, but you didn't! You just wanted to give to charity.
(3:18:00) to (3:20:00)
So thank you!
We would love to send you that sticker pack. And uh we absolutely will.
Hank is like a soup. We've had this conversation before. Everything is soup if you want it to be soup.
But it kind of does uh, diminish the utility of the word soup if we start to talk about demonstrably non-edible things as soups. And I'm not saying a lake isn't edible. But you can't have the whole thing, and you shouldn't have any of it because it's not good. It's gonna make you sick.
There's a chance. High chance anyway. We got Connor who says "Name that Furbean 'Beanadict Cumberbatch'" -- Cum-FUR-batch.
Beanadict Cum-fur-batch! I dunno, Cum-fur-batch makes me uncomfortable. Uhh..
Beanadict Cumfurbatch... Is your name Beanadict Cumfurbatch? (in an accent) Mm.. I'm not so sure about that, if we're being honest. (without accent) Oh god, never let me do accents. (attempts Cockney) I really don't know, I don't know if I feel good about Beanadict Cumfurbatch.
It's a lot to ask of a man, to just go through life being called Beanadict Cumfurbatch. (without accent) Well, thank you for letting me know, furbean. At least we will continue to call you Furbean. I know that some people aren't a huge fan of teh baked bean Furby, but uh, Beanie Sandfurbs.
I got a text from a friend who says "Beanie Sandfurbs." So. So it's being -- the furby cannot be named Beanadict Cumfurbatch. That is illegal.
I've been informed by the Project for Awesome coord team chat. Allison says, "Every syllable of Beanadict Cumfurbatch hurts my soul." You know, every time you make me say Beanadict Cumfurbatch, it is more likely that is will be the name of the Furby. So I'm sorry, but that's what's happening.
Slowly. This is a crime, Hank. I didn't suggest Beanadict Cumfurbatch!
Whoever -- we just need a better name than that.
(3:20:00) to (3:22:00)
And if another one comes around, then it will.
Pinto the furby, because those are pinto beans. I think they are-- I dunno if they're pinto beans or if they're navy beans.
Uh, in baked beans. Katherine says, Oh she just replied, she's watching and she just yelled "Beanie Sandfurbs" to me. Alright, well we're done talking about uh, the baked bean furby for now, because Ettore is ready to join us, Ettore from Save The Children, who does a ton of amazing work, and if you are watching on Instagram or on TikTok, come over and join us at so you can see both of the sides of the conversation, otherwise you're just gonna hear my bits. And that will be less entertaining.
Ettore, hello! Thank you so much for masking, and also for masking appropriately in a Pizza John mask, I can't believe it.
Ettore: Yeah, it's so I'm safe. And I'm John, your brother! Pizza John, of course! How are we doing?
Alright. Great to see you again, Hank!
Hank: Yeah! Good to see you too! What a year it's been, I haven't seen you in a year, haven't seen you since the Project for Awesome, and we were in a different spot, then!
E: We certainly were. It's really affected all of us, and even though we're having some fun and raising lots of funds, thanks to you and your community, Nerdfighteria, you know, the world has changed, and I don't think we'll ever go back. Right? And uh, but it is in particular changed for the most hardest to reach, and the most marginalized kids, in ways that are largely invisible to us and many of those who are watching.
So we really appreciate you shining a spotlight, organizing a project for awesome, we know it's very difficult, it's been a difficult year for everyone. And we're so grateful and appreciative for doing that. In fact, this year, if Project for Awesome were a child, the child would be a teenager, 14 years old.
H: Gah!!
(3:22:00) to (3:24:00)
Ettore: My daughter, Jasmine, is 15, so she's grown up literally. through Project for Awesome, and uh, if that teenager, it's our mission at Save The Children so that that teenager becomes a thriving and healthy adult. And we aren't there yet, right? Symbolically at least another 4 years to get to 18, so that child survives. And that's sort of a metaphor for all the kids that we work with around the world.
Those pivotal ages. And of course, age 5 is a pivotal year, many kids don't see their 5th or 6th birthday because of largely preventable, treatable causes, like pneumonia, malaria, HIV/AIDS, and so forth. So it's uh, that's the backdrop.
If we zoom in to go micro, Save The Children, we work in 120 countries around the world, including right here in the US. So I'll share a brief story that I think summarizes it, when the pandemic occurred and spread to the US early March last year, and there was the decision to nearly close schools, we made the decision to distribute not only medical supplies, learning materials, and nutritional food to schools themselves, and that distribution fed kids, both their minds and their bellies. And one particular moment in rural America when we serve kids here in the states, it was a Monday morning and administrators were just getting back to school before the shutdown, and we noticed that kids as they arrived, ran right past their administrators into the school and into the cafeteria.
(3:24:00) to (3:26:00)
And so one of our staffers indicated, "I don't remember school lunches being that great when I was a kid," sort of as a joke, and the teacher said uh. "That's because many of these kids, the last meal they had was Friday afternoon, during school, that you guys provided." So we knew that once schools were closed, kids could not have enough to eat.
So in fact, one of our trustees, Jennifer Garner and her friend Amy Adams, conceived of this campaign "Save The Stories," that it helped really elevate awareness and funds and food for kids who were missing out on school and learning materials. So that's been a symbolic story of the year.
H: Yeah, so during this first half of the Project For Awesome, we are raising money for Save The Children and Partners In Health, so the money's going to be split between the two organizations, and you know, that -- it's easy to, to... Like when there's a thing that just doesn't seem like it's a possibility, like the way -- the world that I was raised in, the family I was raised in, there was never a thought that like, you know, there wasn't a thought that we would miss a meal. But for many people, even in this country, there are days sometimes. And that's like, it's deeply unacceptable.
And that's sort of like, that's the hard thing to interface with, when you're like "Ok, but this doesn't seem like it's possible." So if this is impossible, then what could possibly be its cause? So there must be some cause and it must be really complicated, and it must be kind of too hard to fix. Like, if no one's fixed it, it must be really hard.
But you can look at that and say that and yeah, it's not an easy problem, it is hard to fix, or you can look at it and say, like, ok but how do we fix it? It's fixable. There's enough food.
You know? And there's enough infrastructure to provide that food.
(3:26:00) to (3:28:00)
We have all the tools-- like all the tools exist, they're just not being applied to the problem.
And so, that's the problem in America, it's a problem all over the world. One of the things you were just saying about disease, you know I think sometimes we forget that we are still in the midst of a very serious pandemic that *isn't* this one.
HIV/AIDS continues to be a really big deal globally. You know, I have several times heard people saying, "This is the first pandemic of my lifetime" and they're my age, and I'm like, it is not that! Like, do you remember HIV/AIDS?
Even in America? But even now it has continued to be a devastating cause of disability and loss of life and loss of work hours and loss of parents for people all over the world. And again, this is a solvable problem.
Like, we have the resources to solve it. And I'm just so ... you know, I think the hard thing is like, deciding to apply yourself ot these problems. Because there's part of it that's just like, getting the money to do it is very difficult, but part of it is like, do we want to like have that be our like, it's a lot of work.
It's hard to be in other countries, it's hard to be in less advantaged populations in the US. How do-- at what point have you found in your colleagues that people decide to like really apply themselves to these problems? And uh, and how are those decisions made?
E: Based on need. You know, we live in an ecosystem, and largely we've found especially during the pandemic, we've realized that we can't do it all alone. It has to be done through partnerships, with government, private sector, companies, local schools, and that's if we all are in this together, and if we all work together, we can solve the systemic problems.
(3:28:00) to (3:30:00)
But I think it starts with an awareness; John in the stream right before you joined, there's an awareness problem.
People aren't aware of the problem, then no one's really working an organized to help solve it. That's why this event and your social media channels really help elevate awareness for the next generation, who could solve the problems that we're in.
That they've essentially inherited from my generation and others. And to your point, Save The Children makes a calculated decision based on who is under-served. For example, in rural America, in urban America, lots of players, enacters in those spaces.
So we look for the most marginalized kids, who are oftentimes off the grid. So for example, we've all gone virtual. And those of us fortunate enough to have connectivity to the internet, yes it's inconvenient, but it's not completely destructive, and it doesn't necessarily-- isn't hte difference between life and death.
But imagine if you were a child, and you were off the grid. You're not getting proper health information on when the vaccine is available, you're not getting information at all. So our big concern is that we may lose the next generation, in fact the pandemic has caused probably two decades of setback and more.
But there is hope, right? And I think hope like events like this, Project for Awesome, show that the world really does care, and we can raise unprecedented amounts, as evidenced by the million dollar high watermark, so soon in the broadcast.
H: Yeah. Yeah, it's amazing. It's significantly above that now. Um, the uh, are there, I mean, do you find ... uh, well what do you find are sort of the most effective ways to get people who have a lot to give a lot?
(3:30:00) to (3:32:00)
I think we talk a lot about that in those sort of vague ways that there are really, really wealthy people out there.
But I'm curious because I know that one thing that is really amazing to me is, like, when a lot of people come together and like, none of us can give a lot, but all together we give just an amazing amount, enough that like, you continually want to come out and talk to us. Like, this is a big deal, Project For Awesome is a big deal for Save The Children, and that means a lot to me.
But what do you think -- what are the stories that we can use to motivate people who have a lot to uh, to actually think hard and dig deep?
E: Yeah, so I think peer pressure helps.
H: Yeah. Like showing them all of these people together. Yeah. (both laugh)
E: But, I mean, you look at the origin of Project for Awesome. You know, you guys gamed the YouTube algorithm for good. And you've got front page visibility status and it's now created the movement that is going on 15 years old. Like, that happened because you're incredibly connected and smart, and you have a community you've built through these connections.
And even if everyone watching right now can't afford to donate, that's okay, but you could apply social pressure to those who have the resources to be able to do so. That could be through advocacy, social media like tweeting at someone, a representative, so I think that's a way that we can get people aware of it, and then we can get those funds distributed. Sometimes it's a distribution problem.
Like you said, there's enough food, but it's just getting to the right kids at the right time.
H: Mm-hmm. Yeah, I mean, so, Save The Children obviously looks at these problems as solvable. At the same time like, there will always be problems. But what -- and I'm gonna have to let you go here pretty soon-- but I just wanted to ask like, so this has been a hard year.
What have been the things that have brought you hope?
(3:32:00) to (3:34:00)
E: Well I think the generosity of the community has given us hope. It's been a challenging year, you know, I live on the East Coast, and I remember back in the days of Hurricane Sandy, where we were disrupt-- out personal lives were disrupted as humanitarian workers while we were trying to serve the children that our mission serves. And that's happened, but it's now more than entering a first year. And so it is very difficult, but the glimmers of hope, in fact the content that you and John put out, whether it's poignant or whether it's comical, I think people need to laugh because I like to say that two sides of a coin of emotion are crying and laughter.
They're sibling emotions, and I think if you could help elicit either one of those-- and the other thing I will say, to your credit, is Crash Course is a symbol of how we can get out of this together. Think of how many kids are displaced and, absent great content like that, wouldn't be educated. And your story-telling approach, your disarming approach, your comical approach, to education is so important and that is the virtual ladder that can help kids climb out of poverty.
So we believe that education is a solution, and you know, our hope is that together, we can save our education and get kids back to school safely. In fact, from a macro perspective, 1 billion kids are out of school, and 250 million of them are severely at chance of being set back. So there are big numbers, there are scary numbers, but every day in and day out, folks like you, John, and Nerdfighteria give us hope.
(3:34:00) to (3:36:00)
H: That's great, well thank you very much, I appreciate that, I'm glad I really hope that uh, you know. I'm just so grateful for the work that you do, uhm, and I -- it's very kind of you to say that, but I also hope that -- what gives me hope is that likewise, like you. You and your colleagues. You know, having decided to take your life and apply it to these problems that a lot of people see as like, "oh that just sounds too hard." So.
You're doing the hard work for sure. Thank you so much for joining us here for hte Project for Awesome. Everyone, this is Ettore from Save The Children.
Joining us for like the fifth year in a row, or something, I don't know how long it's been, but it's always great to see your face, and I can't wait to see it in real life again.
E: Likewise, Hank, it's a pleasure to be here, and best of luck with the rest of the fundraiser, everybody remember you can donate and if you can't, please share it socially.
H: Absolutely. Yes, yes, yes. Thank you! Oop, and he's gone!
Thank you everybody. So, Save The Children is one of the two organizations that we're raising money for in the first Project For Awesome. They work all over the world.
They do work in the US, making sure that kids get fed, that kids are educated, they work everywhere. And they do amazing, and they're one of the best, most efficient organizations. Which is why we feature them during P4A and are excited to be giving over $500,000 to them already.
So that's a real big deal, and they do amazing stuff. So you can donate right now, and we see all the people who are donating, like Emily, just probably for $12 got my uh my story that I wrote. Raz, donated $250 I think is what that said?
Anonymous for 12, let's see what that big donation was. Oh, 250 for my Hanklerfish art.
(3:36:00) to (3:38:00)
So thank you very much for that.
Let's do.. What should we do?
Let's do a little Jeff Goldblum dance for that. That's good. Yeah.
Everyone likes that. (laughs) Ah, he's dancing, oh a little shimmy too! Alright, that was a little too much, made my heart go aflutter. Thank you to Shelly D for that $100 donation for Alaska For Looking, which is a John Green book, that's Looking For Alaska, but in -- every word in the book has been placed in alphabetical order.
So. It's not good for reading, but it is very good. If you're wondering-- if you're watching on Instagram or Tiktok, you can join us at, where the real stream is happening, and uh, we have just hit $1,139,000.
So hooray! Um, it's very exciting, Very exciting. And I'm gonna go down here to see if there's any bean furby names that I missed.
There's so many furbean love, Beanadict Cumfurbatch, Pinto the furby, uh... I didn't see a.. a ton more suggestions. My long furby Terrold says hi to Beanby.
I guess Beanby is probably the name. Uh, spectator tickets for the trivia nights. That's a good idea, I don't think it works that way, the service we're using doesn't allow for viewers who aren't players, I think.
I think. I think. I don't know for sure.
Thank you to you guys for teaching us, says AJ. Also uh, and for making the world a better place, and thank you for Hank for signing my Pizza John shirt 5 years ago. You were right, the Hanklerfish never washed off.
Ayy. Is it because you treated it great? Is it because you treated it well, or because it just never washed uh, cause I did something right?
I dunno. What does this say? Somebody just @-ed me.
(3:38:00) to (3:40:00)
Hank. Oh. Uh, we also have our -- so we have matching donors, one of them is John and Sarah Green. But also, our matching donors for this hour are Jazzy from Texas, Henry Packhurst, and Lauren from Philly, and also Anonymous. Who as always, is having a very good Project for Awesome, thank you for all of the money, Anonymous. So thank you to our matching donors, they make it so every time you donate, that turns into $2 or $3 even in some cases? So if you went and you got the $60 digital download bundle, that would become $120 for Save The Children and Partners In Health. And you would get so many different things! You'd get a short story by me, you get all my Twitter-- my TikTok drafts. You get me doing the Space Girl dance, you get.. uh.. episodes like an extra episode of Dear Hank and John, all-- I dunno. It's very deep. There's lots of stuff in the digital-- anything that we have that's a digital download. And if you add all of them up, it's like over $300 of stuff. You can get it for $60. And uh, it's gonna turn into $120! And it'll be all worth it. And if you wanna buy for $100 instead of $60, you can do that! So that Project for Awesome is more capable of doing their work. Now, we are also going to play a video from Ashlyn Rose, it's called Trees for the Future. And I hope that I haven't frozen. I did for a second there. Am I still live streaming? It looks like I'm doing great on uh, instagram and TikTok. Maybe I should turn one of those off. Cuz it looks like I'm doing terrible on -- uh. So if you go to, which I am doing right now, you can go and watch the video that we're going to watch. It's up there right now. It's called Project for Awesome 2021 Trees For The Future. And join us there! Let's watch together. In about let's say 15 seconds, make sure you guys have all the time to do the typing and looking uh to get there.
(3:40:00) to (3:42:00)
And uh, in the meantime, I will say thank you to one more person. Thank you to Anya, who got the Project for Awesome 2021 laptop decal. And it says, "I've been watching y'all decresase world-suck for years, and now I'm finally able to participate!" This is a message I love to get because, one thing that is important about the Project for Awesome is that you should not donate money that you do not have to spend. And so if you can't, if you can't donate this year, that's no big deal! You might be back next year! You might have a better job. You might have A job. You might not be in school anymore, you might be working down your loans. And maybe it's not going to be next year, maybe it's gonna be 5 years from now. But uh, but that absolutely take care of yourself first. And um, and then yeah. And then uh, it works out. The last thing we want is for people to put themselves in a hard spot by donating to the Project for Awesome. We can now watch Trees For The Future at I'm going to do that right now, I've got my headphones on so you will not see or hear it, but we're all going to click together. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.
(3:44:00) to (3:46:00)
H: Hellllooooooo
Ok, well, I'm definitely back now. Uh yeah! So. Ok. Oh interesting. Alright. So. yeah. I think like... agriculture is such an important like.. obviously an important part of human existence. And there are-- there is a very specific idea we have now about how to best do agriculture, but we're going to need some different kinds of solutions, if we're gonna want to balance not just like total productivity, but also resilience in the face of drought or flood. Also-- and also, it's so important to do that because if that resilience isn't there, we're not talking about "oh well we didn't make any money this year" it's like "oh we don't know if like most people in this community are gonna be able to eat this year"
Um, which is terrifying.
But then we also have to prioritize sustainability, so how long does this crop land last and produce for, which we don't tend to think a ton about.
(3:46:00) to (3:48:00)
We also have to optimize for climate change. How do we lock more carbon in the soil. And if we can do that in a sort of like extended way, we actually, there is increasing evidence that we can actually... like create a buffer. Like the kind of buffer we're gonna need when it comes to carbon capture and climate change. In order to you know, make our problems be less than you know... be actually achievably handle-able. Which in the case of climate change is very important and very difficult. So I don't -- I don't love it, how hard that problem's gonna be, but it's gonna be real hard.
Thank you to David for getting Alaska For Looking, and David said shoutout to cardboard Harry Styles. Second only to pregnant Harry Styles. We got a cardboard pregnant Harry Styles, then the world would be complete. I mean, I'm not putting it past us. Uh yeah.
Ah... um what do we got? Can I click on this button and make that go away? I can! Okay good. We're half way to our next $100,000 donated, thank you to everyone who has given, and I -- we are at significantly over our Tiltify goal, in fact, we just hit $400,000 on Tiltify! So holy crap. Um. We honestly were worried about hitting $300,000. There are so many perks available. You have to go to There's things like the Nerdfighter art, which is $45. Beautiful art created and donated by Nerdfighters around the world. Paintings, jewelry, posters, drawings, fabric art, magnets, 3D printed things, stickers. All kinds of stuff. You don't know what you're going to get, but you know it's going to be amazing. One of my favorite perks of the year. So happy about it. And uh, I get like... I personally get like 4 of them because I like to be surprised.
(3:48:00) to (3:50:00)
And they don't all come at once. Sometimes they do, sometimes they don't. And then you get to be surprised throughout the year. Also got Project For Awesome socks. That's $45 because you get 3 pairs. And remember, all this is getting doubled. We've also got the 2020 participation award. These are ribbons that were donated to us and that I uh, am going to be signing and drawing little fish on for everybody. The enamel pin for the 2021 Project For Awesome is absolutely gorgeous, thank you to Lucas for designing it. And our uh, Project For Awesome 2021 commemorative coin, designed by Katie Hamber (?~3:48:40) also looks dope. And I'm excited to get it. We've had a commemorative coin for every single Project For Awesome, and uh, I have... where are they? I have a little place where they go. But my son is obsessed with them, so he always takes them down and plays with them. So I don't know where they are right now. I don't see them! I bet I know where they are. I bet I-- he hides them. Of course he does. Of course he does. Does my video look ok right now? It feels like it does look ok right now. I was getting jerky for a second there, and since I do have three livestreams going on at the same time, it's not shocking. Um. And then let's look at our big donations and see what big donations we've got recently.
Oooooh Ariel with the $500 donation. Thank you. And uh, and then we've got... this is from Xan. "Donated earlier," Xan says, "but had to circle back for one of these wonderful collages."
So Sarah, John's wife, is making these pieces of art from old magazines. And they are really amazing. Katherine and I already got one. But it looks like Xan donated more than he needed to. Or more than they needed to. And it's so great! Thank you for doing that. So Xan donated 23 minutes ago $1500!
(3:50:00) to (3:52:00)
Whereas that perk itself is only $7-- (laughs) only $750! It's expensive! But it is art. It's art. It's art. There's only 155 people watching me on instagram. And uh. Are they. "We stan a multitasking Hank." That's right. People leaving-- the people who are leaving are not true science machines. That's right (chuckles). I don't. Okay.
Am I... "I endorse Beanie Sandfurbs for Furby's name," says Emily.
Um... though I don't know that was an unbiased vote. I'll say that. Cuz I think I know who that is. Um. Laura says, "Project for Awesome is one of my favorite things to be a part of every year, gotta get another Hanklerfish to keep mine from last year company." I don't know how many more of those we have, but those are spray paint art that I've been doing. In one way or another, for several years, after learning how to spray paint a little bit when I was at Vidcon Australia. So I went-- I went on a graffiti tour in Melbourne, and they uh, at the end of the tour they were like "Here is spray paint and stuff to spray paint onto." And we got to make stuff. And every since then-- I lost mine, the thing I made, of course I did, I lose everything-- uh, but I knew enough that I could make spray paint Hanklerfish art, which you can see here, this is one of them. Uh. And this is the other camera, other camera. And these are-- I love them, they are super cool! And they're fun to make, it takes, you know, a while to do. I think it sort of like spend a weekend um, I wanna say "we" I have some friends come out and help so that we can uh. Make it efficient. And it's really fun! I love them! This is the first time we've done them on canvas, and uh, I was really happy with how they turned out.
(3:52:00) to (3:54:00)
Looks like I'm getting a little jumpy here, so I'm gonna turn off Instagram, even though there are now more people in the instagram live stream, so thank you for sticking around, Instagram livestream people. But of the streams, if I'm gonna turn off one, I'm gonna turn off you. Because there's -- I'll just be honest-- the fewest people in this one. I'm sorry. And I see you tapping that heart! They're tapping that heart so fast right now! But the video for the livestream is not good. So I'm gonna turn you off, thank you. Just to save my internet. Good bye! Yes, I'm sure I want to end that video. How do I do it. This button? Ok. Uhhhh great! 160-- no, 16,000 people. Ok. Huh. Ok. I was like, 161,000 people? I don't have that many people following me on instagram. Anyway. Tiktok, you get to stay for now. Let's see how it goes. Uh. Let's just.
Gosh. Man. My internet's not that good! Uh, it-- I mean, it does look like the TikTok livestream is crisp AF. So, I dunno what to say. Um... Oh, I don't have the chat open right now. Yes I do, there it is.
The TikTok stream is like half a second faster. That's not surprising to me. It's just-- the Project For Awesome livestream like goes through several layers of stuff before it gets to where you are. Um. $230 donated by Cara, thank you! That was for John's circle drawing print. Awesome! So good. Glad that he did that. And how many Hanklerfish arts do we have left? I'm gonna check. You can donate and see all of our perks at When you get there, you'll be on a Tiltify page, there'll be a video, and just above that, there's a thing that says Rewards. And you can click on it and see all of the things.
(3:54:00) to (3:56:00)
Things like me doing the Space Girl dance, which you can also get as part of the digital (stutters) digital download bundle! Digital download bundle! You know. You know what I'm talking about. How's it go? It goes....
(sings) Space girl... I saw a lunar eclipse.
That one? That one. People were like, "Hank you need to do the Space Girl." And I was like "I can't do it. In public."
But also, you can get all of my TikTok drafts for $15. Or you can get all of that and so much more in the digital download-- bleh-- digital download bundle. Which is $60. Even more Hanklerfish art, oooh it's gone! I think it's gone! I think that was the last one. So congratulations to anonymous for getting the last Hank piece of Hanklerfish art. Oh man. Sorry!
I really uh, honestly thought that we were-- I was gonna have to like, market those or something, but I really didn't. So $410,000 total donated on the Tiltify. That gets added together with matching donations, which during this hour, are from uh, well-- you know. I would tell you-- Are from Jazzy from Texas, Henry Parkhurst, and Lauren from Philly, and also anonymous. And uh, thank you to all of them. And also some money that comes in before the Project For Awesome, which includes some products we sell at DFTBA, and also money from Tab For A Cause, which is an amazing product that lets you have your web browser donate money to charity, basically. So that's amazing. Look at Tab For A Cause, and that's where some of the money that we've raised so far and the reason why we are at 100-- $1,172,000 is because of that. So! Are we gonna get to $1.2 million during my part fo the live stream? I certainly hope so. I don't know what I'm going to do if that happens.
(3:56:00) to (3:58:00)
I don't have any plans. Except that of course, whenever we hit a one of those, you get a little bit of baked bean Furby time. So. Uh...
Wait what -- what was it? Beanie... Sandfurb? (laughs) Beanie Sandfurb. You know. And uh. Yeah. So we've also got-- I've also got a meme in the back. It says, Chance, Give directly to P4A. Do not pass go. Please donate $200. (laughs)
I've always -- I love my setup. I've got so much that I can do. There's so many options. Uh. Oh no!!! I just got a terrible text message. It's so uh... it's very bad. Uh, how do I save this? (laughs)
Uh ok. (sound of a screenshot) I can do that at the very least, and then I will go over here... whoah whoah. And then I will do this so everyone can see it. Oh man.
I hate him! Beanie Sandfurb! Oh god! Beanie Sandfurbs. Beanie Sandfurbs. Yes. Thank you to Anonymous for the $30 donation. Thank you to Emily for the-- getting that digital download bundle! And thank you also, Anonymous got that laptop decal. And uh... $150 for the digital download, said, Michael says, "So happy to be part of the P4A matching donors each year, am I matching my own donations???" Thanks Michael! Are you? (laughs) That's great. Um. I guess so. You forced yourself to give more money to charity, is what happened. Right? That's all that happened. So, yes.
(3:58:00) to (4:00:00)
Correct. Um.
Doo doo doo.
Cool Cool cool cool cool cool.
Uh, oh! Well this is digital download bundle 6543. Says, "What will you do at 2 million?"
What will we do at $2m? This is a good question. Will I sharpie-face myself? Will John peanut butter face himself? I mean, I got plenty of sharpie right here. There's no doubt about that. One of the things I'd like to do-- so I've got this computer screen behind me, and I'd like to set this up during at some point during the Project For Awesome and I'm gonna try to figure out how to do this. So that members, like, people can just do stuff to it. (laughs)
That's dangerous of course, but uh. I'm gonna trust you. Maybe late at night when there's fewer people around. And uh, and let people have fun there. That's not what I'm gonna do at $2m donated.
We didn't have like-- usually, we have come up with a plan of what to do at 1 million, but it happened too fast! So we went from $300,000 to a million VERY very fast. So. Um.
Then the donations are still coming in very very fast. Like. It's you know, we're getting 20 donations a minute still. So. It's amazing.
Thought Cafe is going to be joining me in 5 minutes. So if you're watching on TikTok, you're going to have to go to to see both sides of that conversation. We love you over on TikTok, but come join us at, and you can also donate at, where there are many perks available, and all the money right now is going to project-- to Partners In Health and Save The Children. Two organizations that are taking on some of the most pressing and most important work in the world right now, and do it extremely effectively and efficiently. So we're so happy to be able to work with them. $20,000 until we get to our next milestone and you get to have a little conversation with Beanie.... Sandfurbs. Beanie Sandfurbs. (laughs)
(4:00:00) to (4:02:00)
I dunno why Beanadict Cumfurbatch is so much easier for me to remember than Beanie Sandfurbs. Um yes. So it is true that Beanadict Cumfurbatch is really does-- every single syllable has another unpleasant surprise for you. Hahaha.
Digital download bundle going to Ryan Smith's husband Danny, who says, So thank you-- so happity-- so happitiby? To be donating every year since 2014. so happitiby? So happitiby. That's a nice... (sings) because I'm happitiby! Clap along if you feel like happitibess is the truth-a! Cuz I'm happitiby! Clap alooong if you feel like a room without a-- (laughs) (stops singing)
Oh my god, no!! (laughs) It never gets old though!
Ah god. I got another meme for you everybody! And it's just gonna join me up here on screen until the good people at Thought Cafe join us. um. Ah.... oh god! Beanie Sandfurbs! He's even wearing a mask! Hahaha.... Ah. You people watching on TikTok aren't getting the full experience! You have to come to to watch the real livestream! Ah god, I love him! And you don't know! You don't know what's happening! You don't know the greatness that we are experiencing right now. Um. Gosh. Oh! I didn't realize I had a picture of actual beanie sandfurbs there. Oh god.
Well, it's all really worthwhile today, isn't it? Uh... Carrie's got the-- Carrie got the Project For Awesome 2021 socks and says, "Thanks! Shoutout to the nerdfighter subreddit! DFTBA!!"
(4:02:00) to (4:04:00)
Um $12 gets you that April May short story, 15 gets you my TikTok drafts, 7 gets you me doing the Space Girl dance. Steven just got the Project For Awesome commemorative coins, both the 2020 and the 2021 ones, why do we have two different coins? Because we pushed the Project For Awesome from late 2020 to early 2021. And so we wanted to have two different coins. You can get one of them, this year's, for $20. You can get both of them for $30. So. It's a steal at twice the price, as John always says. I am really happy to be sharing the stage here with Beanie Sandfurbs, and uh. It's 100% worth it. (laughs) I love him!
Oh god. Where are we at on the CO2 meter? We are at 2100 ppm, almost 2200. I'm really thinking that if I keep this up, I might be able to get it-- cuz it's pretty locked down in here. It's very cold outside, and there is no ventilation. So will we get it up into the 2500 range? Where people start to actually get a little bit loopy? Maybe? We'll see what happens! Already, we are at the part where you get headaches and are irritable. So uh-- luckily the Project For Awesome is preventing that from happening! Because all of the lovely serotonin I have right now. We got -- we've only got 4 donations in the last minute, so right before Project-- the team at Thought Cafe joins us, I just have to say, that if you donate the Project For Awesome not only do you get an amazing perk, like Georgia just did, thank you to Georgia. And like Catalina just did. You will get uh, you will get the opportunity to make the world a little bit of a better place. Now. The digital download bundle -- the great thing about this, is that it's delivered to you all throughout the year.
(4:04:00) to (4:06:00)
So some of those things are done. Like my April May story is done. We have to do some formatting on it, maybe a little copyediting, but it's gonna go out really soon. The Dear Hank And John episode that is going to be part of that isn't recorded yet. My TikToks.. they're -- they're not in a presentable format yet. I need to get them in some way that will be easy to deliver to you. But the great thing is, they will be delivered to you, you will be pleased throughout the year with emails coming to you to make you happier and uh. and satisfied and deliver serotonin to you. And also, because it's digital, there's no cost associated with that perk, so 100% of the donation goes to that thing. Whereas, with a thing like the coins, costs a dollar to make that coin. Now, a dollar isn't that much when you consider it's a $20 item. Because ultimately, you're not buying a piece of metal. You're buying the you know, the collectible coin set that maybe you, like me, you've had stretching back to Project For Awesome I dunno, 2012 or 2011. I dunno when the earliest one I have it. Because my son stole them and he put them inside a box! That I need to get into, and I don't want to take the time to do it right now because I'm talking to you. So thank you.
And I see that a bunch of donation have started to come in, so thank you so much for that. Kaley for getting the bundle, Julie for getting the bundle, Lily for getting Dear Katherine and Sarah, which is also available in the bundle. And uh. Tenlee for getting the Project For Awesome magnetic poetry! And uh. Let's see. And Megan for getting the Hank's TikTok drafts, never did I think I'd be paying for such premium content. (chuckles)
Alright. The team at Thought Cafe, the wonderful people who are the -- who make Crash Course beautiful, they are going to be joining me now, for uh.. you know, 20 minutes, half an hour, to get down and uh. And uh, they usually have something weird planned.
(4:06:00) to (4:08:00)
So I'm looking forward to them joining me, which they should do, probably right now! Oh my god there's so many of you! Hello!
Thought Cafe Team member: Ayyy....
Thought Cafe Team: Hi!
Hank: Hello!
(off screen voice) I'm not even in there!
Suzanna: Hi.
Hank: (laughs) Not even in there. Where are you?
(off screen voice) Um, I don't know
S: Can you see us?
(off screen voice) Hi everyone. It's all good. Suzanne, why don't you introduce everyone?
S: Yeah, working from home edition! Ok, so maybe we'll hi Hank, by the way, and everybody else, so we'll probably go in order and introduce ourselves and say who we are and what we do. So I'm a co-founder of Thought Cafe, and I function as a creative director.
H: And you are Suzanna. Or Suz.
S: Sorry? And I'm Suzanna. Or Suz, yeah, I forgot to say my-- (laughs) did I say my name? I dunno.
(everyone chuckling)
Tyler: My name is You. Um, I also go by Tyler Sammy.
(Hank laughs)
T: I'm the technical director at Thought Cafe, it's great to be back on P4A, decreasing world-suck. We got a lot of fun for you today, Hank.
H: Alright, I'm looking forward to it.
(everyone chuckles sinisterly)
Flavio: I'm Flavio, I'm an animation supervisor, and I'll be illustrating for you today.
Andrew: I'm Andrew, I do animations for Crash Course Organic Chemistry, and I will also be on the stylus.
Xulin: I'm Xulin, I'm an illustrator for uh, Organic Chemistry and some other stuff I can't talk about right now, and it's amazing to be here, Hank!
(all chuckle)
X: This is surreal.
H: Is it me, or is it Beanie Sandfurbs? You don't know. Just.
A: Oh god, that thing.
(Hank laughs)
H: Who else we got?
S: Who's next?
(overlapping voices)
Tully: I'm Tully-- oh uh, I guess I'll go. Uh, I'm Tully, I'm an animator on um. I guess, Zoology now. And yeah! Great to be here!
(4:08:00) to (4:10:00)
S: And then we have Jack
Jack: Um, my name is Jack, uh, I work as an animator for Crash Course, my most recent series I guess was with the ASU projects. Um, ASU data literacy, and ASU algebra before that.
H: Cool
Cody: Uh, I'm Cody. Um. Showrunner for crash course. I do some of the animation as well. Last series I worked on was the linguistics one.
Julia: And I'm Julia, I head the production at Thought Cafe.
S: So I kinda just assumed we'd like, go in order of the grid, but I just realized that all our grids are different, so
(overlapping voices of agreement)
H: Yep!
S: Bravo to just introducing ourselves naturally in some kind of order. So that's all of us here. Alright.
Tyler: It's teamwork
Andrew: Every day's a learning experience.
S: So basically, Hank, we have an audience watching the activity we have in mind for today, if I pull off this explanation. Because as you know, it's always a little bit out there. Um. Is we're going to be drawing a kinda like, mishmash of creatures. So it's gonna be like uh. It'll make sense once you see it, but there's gonna be different quadrants, and each illustrator has a quadrant. And then in isolation, they're drawing a body part that is going to be prompted by you or the audience like questions that we ask you. And then they'll move onto the next quadrant, add a body part, and it'll eventually end up as these weird-looking, hopefully awesome creatures. And that will become a sticker set that'll be a perk.
H: Nice!
(4:10:00) to (4:12:00)
S: That's available. And it'll be like the different body parts so you can match yourself to make even different creatures. Really, it's a very layered explanation, but it'll make sense when we get started.
H: Yeah
S: And the other perk that we're providing is the same thing we did last year, which is the Get Animated perk, so that is for you to be animated and put into an episode of Crash Course. So yeah. And there'll be 20 of those.
H: Sweet. Wow
Tyler: This is where we're drawing.
S: Alright.
Tyler: This is the whole view. You might not see it all at once again. You might not see it like this again.
H: Yeah. Ok.
(all chuckle)
S: Alright. So you can see the quadrant. Are you familiar with this, Hank? Have you done any team drawing with people? Online?
H: No... maybe? No-- not-- not, I don't think I have. I'd like to pretend like I have, but I haven't.
S: Ok. Awesome.
(all chuckle)
T: So let's serve up uh... do we have an order of priority for these questions? I think we gotta get some good stuff
S: We got a little list, so ok. So Hank...
H: Uh huh
S: We have a list of general random questions for you to kind of inspire what the first body part will be. So here's a question. Uh. What animal has the best feet, in your opinion?
H: What animal has the best feet? Uh, I dunno a hor-- horses don't really have feet, which I love, they just sort of have like uh. They just have like a single finger. They just carry their giant heavy bodies around one. But they-- they seem very effective. But I dunno, best feet is probably kitty cat feet.
(4:12:00) to (4:14:00)
Um.. I just love a cat foot.
(general sounds of agreement)
H: Retractable claws, really cute jellybeans, fuzzy... fuzzy lil feet... They got those... they got those perfect little toe pads that you just.. they just look very delicious.
(everyone laughs)
S: I'm only laughing because I know exactly what you mean. They do... They do look... I can't control myself when I'm looking at those little toe pads. They're just adorable.
Tyler: My cat just went to the vet yesterday.
S: Yeah
Tyler: And he has like the nicest feet right now. He always has really sharp nails, and they're just... we were playing, and he was just like kinda giving me a little massage for the first time in a long time.
Tully: Awww
Tyler: Do you wanna see him? He's over here.
S: yeah the little thing they do? It's called kneading, right? Where they're kneading?
H: Mm. Yeah.
S: Or making biscuits, yeah I love that
Andrew: I love that, that's so true
S: So, so anyone here at Thought Cafe, correct me if I'm wrong. So Flavio is drawing, and he's drawing based on the prompt. And the rest of you, so we have um, Xulin and Andrew drawing, and you guys are also drawing the same prompt in your own interpretation, correct?
Andrew and Xulin: Yes
S: We just can't see it yet because we're showing the audience like one thing at a time, and they're not seeing what each other's are, and the next prompt we're gonna move, like switch and add to them. I feel like I'm explaining this in such a confusing way.
Tyler: It's all good. We're literally taking a bunch of prompts from Hank, and then at some point, I think, Hank, we might ask you a question that might be a little too difficult for you to answer just on your own.
S: Ooh yes
Tyler: And you might want to ask this wonderful audience if they have any ideas they want to share. Can you maybe-- you can do some polls, right? Can you poll the audience?
(4:14:00) to (4:16:00)
H: I don't know how to, but I think that it's possible.
Tyler: Okay, we can just have them yell at us.
(overlapping voices)
Andrew: Paw...ssible?
Tyler: Is it paw-ssible?
Andrew: I apologize for nothing
Tyler: It's alright. Yes, everybody's seeing the cat layer, right? The cat foot layer? Sorry, I sent that around the other night, on Instagram, you gotta send it to everyone individually, so we replied, and I replied to everybody, "I think he did it on purr-pose."
(chuckles and groans)
Tyler: And I typed purr-pose with two R's so many times. That I was... it's changed my autocorrect now. And I'm screwed.
Tyler: That's how you like it! That's how you like it, that's what we'll do
S: This paw is looking very floofy. I enjoy it so far.
Tully: Yeah, I'm loving the floof too
S:'s very... looks very um... what's the word... plump. Plump. And round.
H: Plump paws.
S: So do we only-- are we only watching Flavio, Tyler?
Tyler: Yeah I'm setting up some other...
S: Can we move to the next prompt? Like, if we show someone else--
Tyler: Yeah, let's get some more prompts. Yeah
S: Yeah ok
Tyler: We got another one here
S: Ok so let's see here
H: Good good kitty toes.
H: They look cute
S: Ok I'm gonna throw another one at you, Hank
H: Uh huh
S: Zigzags, squiggles, or splotches? Totally random
H: Zigzags, squidgle-- squiggles, or splotch-- squiggles or splatch-- ehh?? I think squiggle.
S: Squiggles. Mmkay. So interpret that how you will to the drawers, illustrators.
(4:16:00) to (4:18:00)
(off screen voice): What is that, what is a squiggle?
Andrew: Do we add that to our cat paws? Is that the idea?
Flavio: I think we should--
S: I think --
F: I think we should move to the next one
Andrew: Ah
Jack: We're supposed to rotate, you guys gotta rotate around.
Xulin: Oh!
(overlapping voices) Sorry sorry. Ok. Yeah
S: ... and then it's squiggles. However you wanna...
X: Which way are we rotating?
A: Clockwise
X: Are we going clockwise? Okay.
F: Gotcha
S: So for everyone watching, the illustrators have now switched quadrants, and they're continuing what's there with this new... right?
(off screen voice): Like when you tell the story, and the next person has to continue the story.
S: Exactly
A: But with drawings
S: Oh it's so cute
(off screen voice) : Ahh interesting...
S: ... interpretation. Yeah.
Tully: We're getting the diversity of squiggle splotch-- splotch and zigzag answers.
T: Wow, the crowd just can't decide.
S: Kind of a tongue twister too, I want us all to quickly -- squiggle-- squiggles splotches or zigzags? Ah I did it. But --
H: Mmhm.... Squiggles are good. Ooh! Ooh okay!
A: Yeah. Hm
H: Very old cat. Or a cat that's been in the water.
S: Actually, it's --
A: Or scared
S: -- if audiences watching have their own interpretation of how you can, you know, translate squiggles into a body part. And like, you can think outside the box, right? Like it's not necessarily a body of any creature we've ever seen. Could be an alien, could be a mix of various living and non-living things.
(off screen voice): Like this one looks
S: Just can go way outside the box.
A: (laughs) Looks like lasagna noodles
(4:18:00) to (4:20:00)
(off screen voice): ... like it's melting
A: Going outside the box is acceptable because I have no idea what I'm drawing over here.
S: Oh yeah.
Flavio: That's the beauty of -- that's the beauty of this
S: Someone's saying this one looks a bit alien-y. Squiggles make a good fur pattern. Little hairs. Tentacles.
H: The one I saw before this looked a little bit like the cat had good feet and then the cat that was on top of the feet had been obliterated. And there was just smoke left.
A: Oh dear
S: I could see that
(off screen voice) Ghost cat?
Andrew: Ghost cactus
S: Lasagna ghost with one cat paw. I like that interpretation. It's awesome
X: The cat paw is like right in the middle, so I was like I dunno.
A: Bear ghost.
S: Ok guys, I'm gonna get us ready for the next prompt.
A: Cool
S: So let's see here. Um. Ok, Hank.
H: Uh huh
S: Removing from your mind the way that we currently picture aliens...
H: Uh huh
S: What do you think aliens look like?
H: (chuckles)
S: And you could focus on like, one particular feature
H: Uh... I -- okay. I mean I've always thought that it's honestly worse the way we do it than the way octopuses do it. By which-- (stutters) By it, I mean hold things. They're just-- they can just grasp better than us. They can do-- they're just more effective. So I've always thought that if there were aliens, there would probably be tentacles. Um. And I'm not saying we aren't tentacled, because depending on your definition of a tentacle, we do have one. It is the tongue. Uh. Which is upsetting.
(sounds of curious surprise)
(4:20:00) to (4:22:00)
H: Yeah
Andrew: I don't like that. I'm not a fan of that fact.
H: It's a-- it's like it happened
Andrew: Arms and legs I could get behind, but tongue is tentacle is not my jam.
H: Hey, I didn't define tongue. Um. And uh... But we can't -- there's not a ton we can do-- I mean there is plenty we can do with our tongues, they are very effective organs. But we can't really hold things with them. Uh, but I think tentacle is likely. Uh. And also, I think we'd hate it a lot. I think we'd hate it so much when we are like oh god now they have tentacles, ugh. But I mean, I could keep on talking. I assume that you guys are already starting to draw your tentacle additions to your kitty feet.
A: That has happened, it's true.
H: Great
S: Yeah I don't think we see a tentacle yet. But I'm excited.
H: Oh wow
Tully: I think sticky tentacles are maybe what you want.
Tyler: Yeah with the suctions, what are they, cephalopods or something?
Tully: Yeah. Is it-- is it -- a tentacle without stickiness is kinda just a wet...
Tyler: A tongue
Tully: ...noodle yeah
Flavio: Or a tail
Tully: Or tail, yeah.
H: It doesn't have to be sticky, it just has to be like, the suckers on octo...pods... on octopuses-- I don't think they're sticky. I think that they are... like muscular. Um and they're just really good at-- wow that-- that, oh man. That one! With the big ruffle tongue. Uh.
H: Is fine! Fine!
A: Hey man, that was entirely your idea!
A: I take no credit for this.
S: I thinking it should be different types of tongues. Yeah.
H: Uh, don't let, don't let--
Tully: I like the cow with the tentacle head.
(4:22:00) to (4:24:00)
H: Yeah. Don't let all this uh, excitement to prevent you from donating, which you can do at Where Anonymous has just gotten the commemorative coin and s-s-s- whoah... Setririon. Has just gotten the digital download bundle, as well as Chris. And as well as Kat. And uh, Crash Course stickers are going to Stargazing with Toast. Uh, it says, "Hank's sticker shall forever don my jade plant henceforth." (laughs) Okay. Um. So yeah. So I guess these stickers are already available. You can go to They are $10. And you can get uh. The sticker pack that we're going to make out of this art that we are making right now.
S: Indeed. And then, I think we're ready for the next prompt, are you guys ready?
Andrew: Yeah, I don't want to keep drawing this tongue, so. Go for it.
S: Ok. So. Ok, so I see that there's going to be a poll. I don't know if it's right now, but maybe in the meantime, I'll ask the next question. So. Hank, what is the best breakfast food?
H: Uh.... it's gotta be biscuits and gravy. Um...
S: Ooh.
H: What are those? Are those donuts or bagels? Or cookies? What are those? Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh god. Oh.
Tyler: It's these cookies. They sent me cookies today!
S: (inaudible)
Julia: Tyler's birthday today!
S: Tyler's birthday!
Julia: We sent him stuffed chocolate chip cookies.
S: Happy birthday
H: I have a button for that
Julia: Surprise pack
Tyler: I'm pretending you're all eating these with me. Pretending you're all tasting this. Delicious
S: Tyler, I want a clip on camera, I wanna see the inside and the chewiness and thickness factor.
Tyler: It's just like super chewy
Julia: Tyler, did you get one with the cherry blasters in it?
(4:24:00) to (4:26:00)
Tyler: With the cherry blaster?
Julia: Yeah. I got sent those last week and... I haven't stopped thinking about it.
S: It has cherry blasters in it? Oh my gosh.
Andrew: Wow
Julia: Yeah. They're all stuffed cookies.
S: Ok well I would like--
Julia: Shoutout to Craig's Cookies in Toronto.
H: Oh my god
S: So biscuits and gravy--
H: Yeah, I felt -- I feel a little bad for not having said Heinz beans, which are a sort of British breakfast thing, which is... it is a close second for me. Heinz beans and eggs. But biscuits and gravy and eggs... I dunno. America really knows what it's doing when it comes to putting a bunch of salt and fat together.
S: Tyler, you're getting lots nad lots of birthday wishes.
Tyler: Thanks, everyone! Um. I made a big Facebook post today. Cuz I, for quite a few years used to do a fundraiser for my birthday, which was always lots of fun. And raised money for breast cancer research. I'd been really busy and hadn't been able to do it in recent years, and the fact that, um, we get to be a part of Project For Awesome today. Just really fulfills that thing that's been missing for me for quite a few years where I haven't been able to do that. Um and so partner up with the Vlogbrothers and all the other people that participate in this wonderful event to decrease world suck. Um. It's like, today's lunar new year, and Friday, and my birthday, and P4A Kickoff, it's just... The stars really aligned for me, and I'm very grateful for the wonderful team at Thought Cafe, the Crash Course, Complexly, and for everybody who's joining us today and pitching in to uh, make the world a better place. Thank you. This is the best birthday.
H: Yeah. Thanks so much!
(overlapping agreement)
(4:26:00) to (4:28:00)
H: We are also about $8000 away from celebrating our next milestone and having a little visit from Beanie -- Beanie Sandfurbs. Ah god, why can't I remember...
H: So this is me. And now you can go ahead and put a little head on me. (pause) Oh gosh.... Biscuits and gravy is not easy to draw.
(overlapping voices)
A: No, I'm a little miffed about this ... it's embarrassing
Flavio: Just drawing the gravy.
Tyler: Oh it's pretty gravy.... check this one out.
S: The gravy is gravy.
H: Oooh!! Yeah. I guess when I say biscuits and gravy, do Canadians know what I mean?
A: I have literally no idea what you mean
X: Yeah.... it's like a...
Flavio: I had to Google. I had to Google.
X: It's like a...
S: It's not as big...
X: Red lobster biscuit? Or like a Popeye's biscuit? That's what I thought about.
(off screen voices) Yea I was thinking Popeye's biscuit. Yeah.
H: Yeah, it's a biscuit...
S: Yeah it's definitely like.
H: Yeah ok that's cool
S: What a Canadian breakfast
H: Yeah, I feel like you guys think the gravy is like Canadian-- like the gravy that you get on poutine. It's a totally different kind of gravy. But that's ok.
S: Really?
X: what's the difference?
A: We're doing our best here.
S: Wait, the gravy on the biscuits is not like a savory gravy?
H: No it is a savory gravy, it's just not like the brown... the brown like turkey gravy. It's sausage gravy, so it's like flour-based. Sorta a off-white....
A: Oh it's white??
(off screen voice) : Oh okay... Yeah. yeah.
F: I saw it on Google.
H: Which is not the most appetizing-looking thing.
A: It even looks chunky.
H: It's chunky. It's got chunks of sausage in it. And I'm looking at pictures right now, and like. Those cookies looked good, but they don't look as good as this biscuits and gravy right here. Ah man.
S: So I believe that the poll going for one question--
(4:28:00) to (4:30:00)
Tyler: Yeah so if I can explain... Yeah the poll's not up, is it?
S: I'm not sure if it is, I don't think it is yet. I just--
Tyler: You can vote with your donations. Vote with your donations on Tiltify.
H: Vote with your donations? Okay. But it's not up--
Tyler: But it's not up yet. It's coming up now.
H: Okay.
Tyler: So Hank, you're gonna choose some answers.
H: I'm gonna choose some answers?
Tyler: Choose some answers... best-- yeah, best useless superpower, and then the audience is going to vote with their donations.
H: Ohh! Okay. Uh, best useless superpower... uh, 1. Being able to turn a spoon into a fork. 2. You can hear -- you can turn off your hearing really easily. Where it's like oh boy, I don't wanna hear that anymore.
Andrew: That's profoundly useful. I like that a lot.
H: I guess it's pretty useful, haha! Okay, maybe--
(overlapping voices)
H: You can't turn it to off all the way, you can only turn it down like 50%. And uh....
Tully: Oh okay okay.
H: Uh, 3. You can temporarily have a third leg but it isn't at all useful. Uh it just sort of like flops around there. You can't-- it doesn't speed you up, it slows you down. Um. And then I don't know if I should have a fourth. The fourth is. uh. Removable fingernails.
(laughing, sounds of disgust)
A: Oh god
H: So not like, technically all fingernails are removable, but just like easily removable.
Andrew: Do they go back on afterwards, or is it a one-way trip?
H: Yeah yeah reattachable. Take em on, take em off.
Tully: People are uh, people are asking--
A: So you're modular!
Jack: so your regular nails are like press on nails.
H: Yeah!
S: Pretty much
Tyler: Let's do five.
(4:30:00) to (4:32:00)
H: It would be way easier
Tyler: I'll do 5.
H: Five? Only one more?
Tyler: Sure! Yeah yeah yeah I think so.
H: Okay. My last one is, um, laser vision but it's just like a laser pointer uh at like a presentation.
Tyler: Great for cat owners. Great for cat owners.
Tully: And businessmen.
Tyler: Yeah, and businessmen!
H: And professional projectors of information.
Flavio: Imagine how much you're going to save.
Tyler: It's ultimately it's perfect for the cat owners
F: Imagine how much you're going to save not needing to use the pointers.
A: It's the perfect TedTalk.
F: Perfect TedTalker.
Tyler: Growing up is tough when you're like "I spy with my little eye... something that is... well it's right here."
H: Ohh!!!!
Tyler: Every time! Giving it away!
Tully: People were asking about the first uh, the first superpower. Can you change the fork back?
H: No. One way.
Tully: Can you change the spoon into a fork, just one way?
(off screen): Definitely less useful.
H: Change fork into spoon. Cannot change spoons into forks.
A: Ah, that's terrible! I would end up with no spoons left, on accoutn of I would try to not wash dishes and just make them into forks.
X: You can make your forks spoons?
Tyler: So while we're waiting for this amazing poll to go, I actually -- I had a feeling that fingernails were gonna come up today. I don't know why. I don't know why, Hank. I feel like we're getting to know each other. Um, so I'm gonna go out with one of our weirdest questions here. Just.. why not. What is the trendiest fingernail color for duck fingers?
H: uh...
Tully: That's two-folded. The ducks--
H: What is the trendiest-- wait, what is the trendiest fingernail color for duck fingers?
(off screen voice) What's a duck finger?
(4:32:00) to (4:34:00)
H: It's a finger of a duck, of course. Um.
(off screen voice) And that would be its wing?
S: I guess--
Tully: I know chickens have fingers, but...
Andrew: I was gonna say, if it's a food. People-- like duck fingers?
H: Oh, whoah! So you can now vote on your favorite one of these things. Um, uh. At Tiltify. So at, there's a poll there. You can donate to decide which of the items is your favorite. Your favorite useless superpower. Currently, having a third leg that slows you down has only -- has gotten basically no donation. Uh. That is not just useless, it is actually harmful. No one wants that. Uh, but uh. Spoon into a fork is doing very well. Ah-- removable fingernails I think people are like oh ok, so that might make it easier to like paint my fingernails. Uh cuz I could take them off, and I wouldn't actually get anything on my skin. Anyway.
Trendiest color for duck fingernails. Um. Uh like a shiny brown??
(off screen voices): ...saw that one coming
H: Like a shiny-- like a orange but not a good orange. It's like a bad orange color.
(off screen voice):... like a dark orange
H: Like a baked bean furby! Like that color.
H: Like that orange but bad.
Tully: A crayola color. Bad orange. That's good... good color.
S: So that's the next prompt for everyone drawing, is ... a bad orange color is the trendiest color on duck fingers. (chuckles) Fingernails.
(4:34:00) to (4:36:00)
Andrew: Yeah
H: Removable fingernails is...
S: Interpret that at will
H: Uh, removable fingernails is sneaking up on being able to turn a spoon into a fork. But uh, being able to turn a spoon into a fork is still winning. I guess we should set some kind of deadline.
(off screen) Yeah
S: Yeah, and I'll keep in mind for everyone voting that this will be a prompt for the next body part that's drawn, or whatever, not necessarily body part. But it will be interpreted into the drawing which ends up as a sticker set of different pieces that you can mix and match to create your own monstrosity. (laughs)
Also, I want to know, Hank, what would you call that nail color? Like, if it was selling in a store?
H: Oh, baked beans, of course! It'd be called Baked Bean.
(off screen) Of course.
The perfect response!
S: Oh
Someone asked if your laser pointer vision is on 100% of the time.
Tully: (laughs) That would be annoying
H: No, I think you can turn it on and off
(off screen) Does that mean you can never make eye contact too?
H: No you can turn it on and off!
(off screen) ... blinding people
H: That would be very bad. Yeah.
S: Someone's trying to--
Tully: You could easily blind your enemies
S: What if you half change the fork so it becomes a spork? I mean that would solve all our problems.
(off screen) Stop your ability mid-way through
H: You gotta-- start doing it and then you throw the spoon as hard as you can! Right in the middle, so you stop doing it.
S: A lot of people are wondering what duck fingers are, and not loving the idea of duck fingers. But.
(4:36:00) to (4:38:00)
Andrew: I think I have a decent interpretation of what duck fingers are over here
H: I mean... if you love anything about the Project for Awesome, it's a deeply uncanny time.
Andrew: That is factually accurate.
Tyler: I started to question with talons, if it was too normal. To like, paint talons.
H: Uh huh. Ooh.
S: I guess the deadline on the vote can be the last-- should it be our last prompt?
Tyler: We should start a new one. Should we do another round, maybe?
S: Yeah-- oh like another drawing?
A: I think that makes sense because these guys seem pretty complete over here.
Tyler: Yeah. They're pretty full. We can color them in later.
H: Ok. Yeah. Being able to turn a spoon into a fork has won.
Tyler: Spoon into a fork. Ok, speed round
Jack: Well good, because they've been drawn.
Flavio: Ok so we're starting new quadrants, right?
S: yeah.
F: I'll move the base up. Ok, illustrators?
S: So we now have 3... I don't know why I held up 10 fingers. Three uh, very all of the place creatures that we have created based on these prompts. There will be a resulting sticker set, as a perk, that will have all these different body parts, which you can see with the different colors like each one is its own thing, that you can mix and match yourself. We're starting a new set right now with new creatures. And the other perk you can also get and donate for is our Get Animated perk, which we're doing 20 of, for the next year. And that is to um, allow yourself to be created into a Crash Course character that will live on in Crash Course forever. Probably enter its own dimension and live its own life that you have no control over.
H: Nice
Tully: It's true.
S: That's a great (inaudible) to invest in
(4:38:00) to (4:40:00)
H: It's pretty cool. I get to be in Crash-- like, I get to be animated into Crash Courses, and it is a tremendous honor.
S: Yeah, and I do wonder if there's just some -- some other universe or dimension that is a Crash Course world, where everything that's been drawn is just living there. You know?
Andrew: I would sure hope so.
Jack: Where there are 90 different version of Hank and John just walking around?
Jack: All different costumes, all different ages
Tully: Hank Citadel
S: The less detailed Hank and the more detailed Hank with like, hair highlights and more texture? That's definitely a thing.
(overlapping voices) Alright so uh... weird shoulders...
Tyler: Hey! Hey hey, there's a list of the new board in Slack. Um, we had four quadrants and we only had three drawings going on. You wanna get up in here? You wanna draw with us?
H: Me??
H: I don't have a tablet!
Tyler: Do you have a friend?
H: I don't know how to draw!
(overlapping voices)
Tyler: I'm just offering, just offering, you don't have to. I don't mean to put you on the spot.
H: Mm... I don't... I... ooh...
Tyler: It's cool
H: I can come up with bad superpowers, but I don't know... I don't know what...
Tyler: We'll keep going
S: Ok, so the prompt for the current quadrant you're all working on is.... forks to spoons, right?
Tyler: Yeah that's what we're going to start with.
H: Oh ok
Flavio: So we're going to start on a new one right?
Tyler: Yeah start a new one, and I put the link in Slack, guys, in the P4A channel
F: Ohh ok ok
Tyler: Yeah
Andrew: It's the one, P4A2, right?
Tyler: Yup
S: mmhmm
Tyler: And maybe let's do a different uh.. let's do a different background color this time. If that's easy to do
F: Sure
(4:40:00) to (4:42:00)
Tyler: Doo doo doo doo doo. And maybe uh... we'll mix it up a little too, and we'll use quadrant like, top right and the bottom ones this time? And I will uh... just. You know, keep it fresh.
S: I love these comments. They're so good
H: Where... where
Tyler: Yeah we raised a lot of money with that last one.
H: Where's the thing? Where's the thing? Where's the thing?
Tyler: Ohh?? Is that a pen in your hand?
H: No it's uh--
S: Are you joining? Are you joining, Hank?
H: I just wanna be able to.. I just wanna be able to open it. Because I'm curious how it works.
S: Ohhh
H: Maybe I'll just draw a butt or something
Jack: That's a good idea
A: Yeah yeah, just prank our drawings, that's perfect
H: Yeah
Jack: Draw the butt. The upper leg.
Tyler: I just sent it over to you, Hank
H: Thank you
Tyler: You're welcome! It's blank right now, so. If you want to go big, now's your chance. Oh too late.
H: Gotcha
S: And for anyone who's just joining and curious what we're doing, we are doing a drawing game. So.. everybody's drawing a body part or part of a creature in isolation, based on a prompt that comes from Hank / you the audience. And it'll be available as a sticker set after. We're starting a new drawing currently, which --
X: Ooh it's blue...
S: And the first prompt it turning forks into spoons as a useless superpower. It's kind of a mind game, interpreting this into something you draw. Is quite a challenge, like I'm... I'm applauding the illustrators for this. Because I would be sitting there, blank, for several minutes.
H: Oh yeah
S: I think, if they were me
H: I uh..
A: Well thank you for validating my artist block.
(4:42:00) to (4:44:00)
H: This is my fault. I wasn't thinking about you when I came up with this fork-spoon ability.
F: It's fine, it's fine.
S: But that's the idea, we're getting outside of the box. Totally outside of the box.
Tyler: Well, what do you think, should we start up a new poll?
X: I already started drawing this, oops
Tyler: Well yeah you need to
S: Oh like in the background
Tyler: Yeah
H: Oh yeah, what's, what poll do you want to start on?
Tyler: How about....
H: What prompt?
Tyler: we go with...
S: Something with eyes
Tully: There's a lot of "butt is legs" comments in the chat
Jack: Oh no...
A: That's my fault, I shouldn't have brought it up
Tyler: What would you tattoo right now? Like during the P4A weekend, if we had a tattoo artist come over what would you get? What would you get inked?
H: Um... possibly um, the... Glen, the king of the Glen, who was a sheep with a crown. Would be fun. Um. Potentially Butt Fartman, who is a space alien who uh, has hands for hands and hands for feet. Um. So. I dunno if that's helpful at all. Potentially Beanie Sandfurbs. Who you've all seen, I think, in one for or another. There they are. Um. Uh. Or uh, what's the third-- what's the fourth thing we're gonna add? That I could get uh-- just a uh... hm... what would I get tattooed on me? Fourth thing. Could it be.... John Green's face with a bunch of peanut butter on it.
Tyler: Where would you get that tattooed though?
(4:44:00) to (4:46:00)
Where would you get that tattooed?
H: Where would I-- where would I get a giant John Green face, probably just on the shoulder like a traditional uh.. you know, brothers-- you know how brothers do, they put their-- each other's faces with peanut butter on them. On their shoulder?
Tully: Oh yeah
Tyler: Right shoulder, right shoulder. Yeah.
Flavio: Classic brothers. Classic brothers.
Tyler: Alright, so the first poll raised over $1200 USD. I say it's USD.
(sounds of awe)
S: Wooow
X: Whoah
Andrew: Hot damn
Tyler: So let's see... let's see what we can do out there. We're on poll #2.
S: Amazing!
Tyler: Vote with your donations.
H: Is it still being up, or -- yeah. Just keep refreshing until it shows up
Tyler: And why don't we check in, why don't we check in with uh. Where we're at on um, the spoon -- it was spoon to fork, right? Spoon-fork going?
S: Fork to spoon, I believe
Tyler: Fork to spoon. So fork to spoon has value. Like if you're trying to have--
A: It was spoon to fork right?
Tyler: It was spoon to fork
S: (chuckles)
Tyler: Ohh? This is nice. I like that. Oh I didn't show that to everyone else. Sorry. Here you go.
H: Oh wow! Take that! It can be whatever you want it to be! Uh, if you donate, you can-- the Tiltify poll is now open and if you click, you don't have to donate, you also can get things in exchange for your donation, I think. I think that's how it works. I think so anyway. I don't know. I'm trying to do it now. But in any case-- yeah you can. Yeah you can donate, and you just have to choose the right amount of money and you can get the stickers that we're going to build out of this very strange experiment.
(4:46:00) to (4:48:00)
Tyler: Like this?
H: Oh no!
Tyler: And there's an update! Actually, the first poll is closer to $1600! $1,600. So let's see, maybe we can hit 2! Maybe we can hit 2 with this one! We got a lot of really interesting tattoos. And John Green with peanut butter on his shoulder, that's worth at least a grand on its own, I feel like.
H: Yeah, I mean like--
Tyler: How much--
H: it's currently winning, which is upsetting.
Tyler: Well, the question is, Hank, how much (Hank yells) do we have to raise for you to actually get that tattoo?
H: A lot. It would be a much lower number if it were Glen the King of the Glen. Which I can-- which is now starting-- NOOO stop giving for John Green's peanut butter face! I hate it!
Tyler: Don't stop giving! Keep it up!
H: And no one is-- no one is voting for Butt Fartman, who is my favorite. Um but oh well. Beanie Sandfurbs only has $2. I love this.
(off screen) sparkly
S: Should we do another prompt?
Tyler: Yeah I think we're ready for a prompt while we wait
F: Suz, only pick one.
S: Okay, uh...
X: Ah!
(overlapping voices) Hello!... who put John in here? ... That's not me!
S: Let's see... let's just do another texture one. So, furry, slimy, sticky, or smooth?
H: Furry. Slimy, sticky, eugh, or smooth. Gosh.
S: Definitely not sticky I guess
H: I'm not a huge fan of slimy or sticky, and I feel like smooth doesn't give you a ton to work with. But I'm gonna go with smooth, I want to see what an artist can do with smooth.
(4:48:00) to (4:50:00)
A: Ok
S: Alright, next prompt.
Tyler: Whil we're waiting, do you want to vote on what cookie I should eat next, Hank?
H: Uh, I mean. There's a place in Missoula that delivers amazing cookies. And uh, the problem is that I'm streaming on TikTok on the phone that is able to actually order from them, and I'm so jealous. What's that one?
Tyler: This one looks yummy. Uh, it's got a...
H: Yeah. is it stuffed with... my initial impression is that that cookie is stuffed with cookie dough? Which, uh, probably isn't how it works.
(explosion of voices)
Julia: They do have a.. what's it called... unbaked or whatever.
S: But it's like a baked cookie dough with cookie dough in it?
Julia: Yeah
Tyler: Is there always something stuffed on the inside, is that the game? Oh so I have to guess what's on the inside?
S: Yeah, sure!
Julia: They're all stuffed, yeah
H: God, you're -- your tummy's gonna hurt so bad! You're gonna get a tummy ache
(overlapping voices)
Tyler: So what's inside here, what do you think is inside here?
S: Next prompt is definitely going to be related to a cookie
(off screen) Some sort of nut?
Julia: Give it a sniff!
(off screen) Ohh is there a cheesecake cookie?
Julia: There's everything
S: How can I not order cookies tonight now?
H: God
(off screen) That looks like a muffin top.
X: Oh, are we switching quadrants?
Tyler: I don't know what that was. It was good though.
S: Uh... you're working on 'smooth' right now.
A: Smooth
S: Yeah so I don't know if you're all already in your next prompt or now. I don't think--
A: We're working on smooth
S: Right, tyler?
H: Um, I just wanna-- so it's a little-- I just-- update on the poll. It has raised a lot of money. $764 have gone to John Green's peanut butter face. If the people who are voting for all three of the rest of them could all concentrate on Glen.
(4:50:00) to (4:52:00)
I'm not saying-- look, I'm not gonna get this tattoo. But I do kind of want a Glen The King of the Glen tattoo. Now that I'm talking about it. If you could-- if everybody could focus! On anything besides making these poor people draw John Green with a slimy peanut butter face, that would be great. But I-- look, I guess it is what it is. There are--
A: Slimy peanut butter?
H: oh wow
Tyler: I mean, we're beholden to the people's whims, unfortunately.
H: Yeah oh I mean what happens when you put peanut butter on your face is that the peanut butter starts to melt. Because it's warm enough to be at body temperature. And then it starts to drip and gloops. And it gets shiny and is very bad.
(off screen) sounds bad.
Tyler: But it tastes good.
A: I need your expertise on this subject
S: This comment is giving me a lot of contemplation. "Are there gross cookies or just nice ones?"
H: Oh that's a-- that's a Project For Awesome reference. We -- we have in previous years baked cookies. And half the cookies would have good things in them, and half of them will have bad things in them. So it'll be like, ah this one had Reeses Peanut Butter Cups in it. And then it's like ah this one had a lot of mustard. Um.
S: Oh god!
Andrew: oh.
Jack: It's like an Every Flavor Cookie?
H: Yeah (laugh) Earwax. This hour of the Project For Awesome, by the way, is sponsored by Boris Szeplatsky from Switzerland, the Connelly-O'Rourke family, and Dave from London. And also Anonymous. They are our matching donors. So thank you so much to them, they're the reason we're about to hit $1.2 million! But also you are. Cuz they're matching every bit of money that is currently coming in. And when we hit that, you know what -- you know it'll be time for -- to see Beanie Sandfurbs.
(4:52:00) to (4:54:00)
Tyler: Mmhmm
H: I love this smooth--
Tyler: it's peanut butter
H: --smooth boy
S: And so we are currently-- so we've incorporated the fork turning to spoon, smooth from whatI understand, and has John Green won? Has that poll been decided?
H: It looks like yes, it -- I mean, people are working. Like if you added up all of the rest of them, they would exceed John Green peanut butter face, but there is not a close second at this point.
Andrew: So what you're saying is that we should have implemented rank choice voting for this
Jack: Exactly. Are we doing first-past-the-post, or is there-- I think there's voter fraud going on
(all laughing)
Tyler: This is a great opportunity, let's talk about voting systems and where we're at right now
(all laughing)
Tyler: One of my favorite topics. Hank, are you more into uh-- like propo-- proportional? voting? or are you a ranked?
H: I like ranked choice. But let's be honest here, we live in America, where we still vote for the president based on um, how much land there is, rather than how many people there are. So ah. I don't know, or a line that someone drew 250 years ago. So I got-- I got nothing. The only thing I'd like is to not have an electoral college.
Tyler: To be fair, they probably gerrymandered the line like 50 years ago.
H: That's true, they will keep moving the line around to benefit themselves as much as possible.
Tyler: Alright! And now back to cookies!
S: I love that the John Green-- the little John Green head under that
H: (yellling) Oh! $1.2 million!
Tyler: 1.2! Woo!
S: Amazing
Tyler: Wonderful
H: (cheering)
Tyler: I'd say that deserves a-- a fork. That guy is so shiny.
(4:54:00) to (4:56:00)
H: He is so shiny.
(off screen) He's about to get covered in peanut butter, so.
H: Oh yeah
Andrew: We just have to make a video game out of this guy now, smooth boy in peanut butter land.
Flavio: It's tricky to draw peanut butter. The color is like...
H: Yeah, it's --
(all talking at once)
H: It's the color of nothing else, yeah.
Tyler: You wanna guess what's inside here, Hank?
H: Inside where?
Tyler: Oh, it's not showing on me
H: Oh
Tyler: I'm coming back
Andrew: Blind guessing
H: Oh god, I want it! Errgh!
Tyler: I can send it. You know I'm gonna send it
H: I think it's a bunch of Tang. I don't know what Tang is.
Tyler: It's just more M&Ms. It tastes like Smarties, oh...
H: How many cookies are you going to eat?
Andrew: Oh you can't say Smarties, Americans don't know what that is
Tyler: I'm only taking a bite. I'm only taking a bite of each one.
S: Smarties are not American?
Andrew: No, Smarties are--
Jack: those are our Rockets.
H: No, we don't have them
J: Our Rockets are their Smarties.
(overlapping voices)
Julia: Our Rockets?
Jack: No that's the thing-- we have Rockets, and Americans call them Smarties.
Tully: Oh??
(Canadian confusion)
(all Canadians) Oh.....
Jack: The chalky candy...
H: Yeah!
Jack: That chalky, tart, fun candy, that's Smarties in America but Rockets to us. Our Smarties are like knockoff M&Ms.
Julia: (gasps)
H: Yeah
(overlapping voices)
X: Those things from Halloween trick or treating that you don't want
Andrew: Accurate
Tyler: Hank, have you given up on this poll?
H: Whoah whoah whoah wait wait! wait! ButtFartman the Space Man has made a tremendous come from behind! I know that you guys have drawn a lot of John Green with peanut butter face, ButtFartman the Space Man is now within $100, within striking distance, of John Green's peanut butter face. So should we keep it alive?
(4:56:00) to (4:58:00)
(overlapping voices) Keep the polls open!
Andrew: I vote we just integrate it as the next one.
S: Yeah, let's do it!
A: Is there any reason why Peanut butter John and ButtFartman can't coexist?
H: Okay, well I'm gonna get a picture of ButtFartman for you guys. Cuz.. uh... Gosh, he's not great
S: And I'm gonna -- I'm gonna challenge you guys to connect it... like if you have separate elements, use this as the connector to complete your creature.
Tully: Ooh... I like that.
Tyler: (giggling)
H: Well that's sort of the basics of ButtFartman. He's got a black stripe on the side, he's yellow all the way around. And imagine that his feet are hands. And that's basically it. Does he have a second head in between his legs? Uh. Nobody knows for sure.
Andrew: Where are we looking at this?
H: Oh sorry--
S: Oh right
Flavio: On the stream. On the stream.
S: Yeah
Andrew: I don't have the stream open.
S: I'll send you a screenshot, Andrew.
A: Perfect, thank you
Jack: So the feet are hands. That means he has four hands?
H: Yeah. And zero feet.
Jack: Or are they swapped? Oh, four hands.
H: Nah nah nah. Ok. Yeah.
Jack: Four hands.
H: That's what they call him.
Tyler: Maybe two heads. Maybe. Wow, that was quick, who's in top right? Just flying.
(Hank laughing)
X: Oh, top right? I'm just privately creating this like, monstrosity over here. I dunno.
A: It's a beautiful thing.
X: (laughs) Thanks
H: So sad.
X: Were we supposed to switch this or something? I dunno, I'm just going right now
Tyler: Oh yeah you are supposed to rotate.
(4:58:00) to (5:00:00)
(overlapping voices)
F: Yeah, I just switched it.
X: I didn't, so.
Tyler: Oh maybe that's why you're so fast.
X: No one stepped into this project, so.
H: ButtFartMan the Space Man is now ahead of John Green's peanut butter face. It happened.
Tyler: What a move. So --
H: What a move
Tyler: If you get that tattooed, Hank, if you get that tattooed, I'll make uh, I'll make it dance for you.
H: What?
Tyler: I'll hook you up.
H: How will you make it dance for me?
Tyler: If you get that tattooed, send me a picture, and I'll make it dance for you.
A: Yeah there are apps that do that
H: Ok. Alright.
A: Augmented tattoos, yeah. That's a thing.
S: Oh, of course! You can just make it the clothes of the creature, ok.
A: Okay, alright
S: I see
X: Is he flatulent?
S: yeah, is he actively farting, Hank?
H: Wait, is ButtFartman currently farting? No. That's just what he is-- In his language, it's just his name. It's just his normal name.
X: Oh okay
H: Yeah
Tyler: (laughing) You're so-- obviously not! Like--
(overlapping voices)
Tyler: Um, so, do you think we can squeeze in one more poll?
S: It's going to be interesting. I think-- well, what do you guys-- what do the people drawing think?
A: It'd have to be super fast
Tyler: Yeah, it'd be--
X: Yeah
A: I'm still trying to figure out how to work in ButtFartman over here.
S: Yeah, maybe we can get another prompt in, but I don't know if... there's time for a poll. Because we're off at 5.
Tyler: What do you think, Hank? It's your call
H: What-- what do you-- what
Flavio: First thing that comes to mind.
Tyler: to do one more poll.
H: Uh....
S: Or just a prompt
H: Uh.... we'd have to do it real fast.
Tyler: Yup
H: Can we do it fast? I dunno. Ok, let's try
(5:00:00) to (5:02:00)
Tyler: Yeah, ok. Coolest animal combination you can think of that you'd also like as your pet or companion.
H: Um.... A pelicat.
Tyler: (snaps fingers) Pelicat.
Andrew: Pelicat, you say?
Tyler: What do you got
X: Like a pelican cat?
Tyler: What else you got.
H: Oh right! I have to come up with-- I'm gonna come up with three. A pelicat, um, a um... I almost said a zebrafish, but that's a thing. But a zebrafish.
Tyler: (laughs) A zebrafish
H: But not the real one. An actual zebra mixed with a fish
A: Got it
H: And... let's see. Uh. Lemur mixed with uh... with pikachu. A lemachu.
S: I like that
A: I want that very much
Tyler: Yeah... that's a tough one to say no to. That's exciting. Exciting, alright. So we're squeezing in one last poll. So if you're going to vote with your donations as soon as it goes up, it's basically gonna be speedround. And it'll probably be like 2 minutes of voting. Available for that but our, our amazing illustrators are drawing just a little bit overtime --
H: Get ready
Tyler: -- today to bring that amazing combination of cute animals to life in this sticker pack that you'll be able to purchase later at DFTBA.
Hank: You can also get it right now, as part of the Project For Awesome
Tyler: Oh! Oh yes, sorry!
A: Both of that
H: It's $10, and the poll is up now. It's there !
Tyler: Poll's up.
H: You got a pelicat, a zebrafish, or a lemachu. And it's up to YOU to decide!
H: You can get it with any perk, so you get to decide. Lemachu is currently winning. Lemachu is in the lead! With $1!
(5:02:00) to (5:04:00)
Tyler: Which one do you think's the fastest? Like if they were just racing, and we had a three animal race-- it's kinda like a 6 animal race
H: It really does depend on how the zebrafish is designed.
Tully: I'm saying the pelicat
H: Well, yeah, because it flies. Which yeah it has to. If it flies, it's gotta be fast
Tully: Yeah
H: But if the zebrafish has like real zebra legs, then I could see that going pretty fast. Zebras don't fall
Tyler: Oh yeah
H: Ooh, lemachu just pulled into the lead! What I-- I don't want a lemachu, I want a pelicat, but that's just me. But oop! Pelicat's coming up! You can get that-- you can get John Green's workout playlist, like Carolina just got, you can get the Project For Awesome t shirt like April just got, this donation is in memory of my loving daughter, Shea. So that's lovely, thank you April. Larissa just got the uh, Dear Katherine and Sarah, and Beanface just donated $100 just for pelicat. It is a tied ball game. No one has voted for zebrafish at all, but uh, pelicat and lemachu are neck and neck.
Tyler: Back and forth
H: Pelicat is currently winning by just a little bit. Oop! Not anymore! Not anymore! It is -- it is a tight one!
Tyler: I wanna see this as an actual race right now. Like you're calling it like a horse race. They're running
H: Oh!!! Lemachu just got a big, big $50 donation.
(noises of surprise)
Tyler: The second poll raised $4,362, thank you! Everyone!
S: Wow! That's amazing
Tyler: John Green's peanut butter face would only rival the FartMan himself.
H: Pelicat is in the lead again!
Tyler: We're climbing
H: Somebody just--
(5:04:00) to (5:06:00)
Tyler: We're climbing
H: Somebody just voted for the zebrafish, but for no good reason, because there's no way it's going to get there. Uh unless someone would want to drop some serious cash.
A: Maybe they just wanted to have their voice heard
J: We just need Elon Musk to tweet out "Zebrafish" and then it's going to skyrocket
H: Oh no. Zebrafish to the moon
Tyler: That's not enough
H: Emily just donated $1 for the zebrafish.
Tyler: The latest stock that we're going to use to take out hedge funds is called ZBF (transcriber's note: He says Z like "zed," like a Canadian). ZBF, on the market?
H: Yeah.
H: Alright, pelicat has now taken a substantial lead over lemachu. And that lead just grew!
S: This is a compelling race. So I guess we'll probably incorporate one after the fact, but it will be incorporated into this exalting sticker set of random uh... you know, imagination-infused creature body parts. (laughing)
H: Uh huh. Oh gosh, now lemachu has climbed into the-- climbed up. And now they're within striking distance, within $10.
J: This is-- I've never seen a back and forth race like this, between two things that don't exist yet
H: no, this is intense.
F: More exciting than the superbowl.
S: (laughs)
H: I mean, this year, it doesn't take a ton. Uh. And now lemachu is winning again!
A: Oh my god
H: We're gonna have to call it at some point. Alright, we're gonna let it go until 3:05. Does that sound good?
Tyler: 3:05. Let's do it.
H: we got another guest coming at 3:15, so you guys will have to draw fast. Or just start now. Or maybe we should draw both
(5:06:00) to (5:08:00)
A: Perfect, because I already started
Tyler: I think we should just give them both. It's so close.
H: Yeah
A: I've been drawing both this whole time, so.
H: Ok (laughs) Excellent news.
Jack: I can't tell if that's a tiny ButtFartman, or like, John Green's just huge.
A: it's definitely a normal-sized ButtFartMan.
S: I love that
A: It's orbiting around John Green's head.
H: Yeah, and he's a cat with wings. I see it. Ok.
(off screen) I think he's in space.
H: In space
S: Awesome
H: Thanks to Michelle for getting the laptop decal. And donating for the third year in a row. Kelly just got the Dear Katherine and Sarah perk. Um. You can get the $10 sticker pack that will have all this lovely stuff that we are inventing, as we do this. Is that a bunch of peanut butter? I hate it.
H: Oh and that's a pelican bill.
H: That's a pelican bill! I recognize that! It's pikachu ears and a pelican bill. And a lemur tail. But the tail is bifurcated
A: Imma be honest, I've just been freestyling this whole time.
H: Whoah... I love that kitty cat!
S: And there's also.... and there's also a perk of being able to get animated into a Crash Course episode, so like we did last year and years prior, it's the Get Animated perk. There's going to be 20 of them available, and you can be created into a character and put into a Crash Course episode. So that's another perk we have as well
H: Shelby from Tuataria got that one, thank you. And you can be a part of Crash Course forever, and it will be bragging rights that will uh, be in perpetuity. And uh, maybe your visage will help to educate someone.
S: Yes
(5:08:00) to (5:10:00)
Tyler: I think I found it, Julia. I think there's gummies in there
S: It's going to be really challenging to separate these into different sticker pieces, or like...
H: I don't know how you're going to do it. Yeah
A: We've really gotta work cut out for ourselves for that one
Tyler: We got layers, we got layers. I also got a cookie that has gummy worms in it.
H: Oh that's not-- that doesn't sound that good
S: Mmm!
A: Wow
(overlapping voices)
T: It's good, it's good
S: I think a cookie can be (unintelligible) -- cookie gummies are great
J: Yeah. Agreed
H: We got one minute ish left in our poll. Lemachu is currently about $100 ahead of pelicat, but that difference has been made up several times over. Though lemachu just pulled a little bit more into the lead
Tully: Is there anything we can do to make the zebrafish more appealing?
H: I dunno. All I can say is that a pelicat will be less cute but I think better than a lemachu. But I love the pink cat
S: I wonder how many people are going to be eating/ordering cookies today after this. Because there are a lot of cookie comments.
A: I have a cookie waiting for me in the other room that I will be decouring the second I am off this.
Tyler: Just uh.. reminding that you gotta eat apples too, folks. (crunches apple) Don't just eat cookies!
H: If you're still hungry ... somehow
Tyler: should always eat apples too
S: Still going
F: You can eat an apple cookie
Tyler: Cleanse the palate. I should be eating apples in between the cookies to understand the complex ...
(5:10:00) to (5:12:00)
H: Yeah. Palate cleanser. Yeah, Lemachu has officially won, everyone! At 3:05, lemachu is the winner of the poll
H: some of you have worked both in, but I'm glad I got a pelicat our of this. That pelicat with that-- that sporn-- spornfork. Sporn fook. It's my...
Andrew: Hold on, let me throw a cat eye on that fork first real quick
H: Throw a cat eye on that fork
S: I think we're gonna cause like a bump in cookie profits. There's so many people either ordering cookies or that have the cookie order page open. If you're contemplating it, I say just go for it. But also as Tyler suggests, eat an apple.
Tully: Keeps the doctor away
S: Yeah
H: Yeah, there's a place called Mary's Mountain Cookies. I never go there, but ooh... it's Project For Awesome, you guys. I feel like maybe I have to
S: Yes
A: I think you've earned it
S: Yeah I agree
Tyler: Gotta stay powered
A: I don't see how you can materially decrease world suck without cookies
H: I am hungry...
A: There
Flavio: They're asking-- they're asking in the chat like, where we got the cookies in Toronto
H: Oh, where is that place?
Julia: They're from --
Tyler: They're from Julia
Julia: They're from Craig's Cookies in Toronto. So shout out to Craig.
Tyler: Craig, if you're here, you should donate to Project For Awesome. Cuz it's a good thing to do
A: true
F: Hashtag not sponsored
T: Not sponsored
Tyler: But you can sponsor. It can be a reverse sponsor, right? The onus is on, Craig, the onus is on.
A: Well I think we created something beautiful
(5:12:00) to (5:14:00)
i think we did create something beautiful yeah im a big fan. uhh and uhh yea we have i only have a little bit of time before our next guests so thank you so much for coming by and making this weird stuff! if you wanna get the uhh podcafe stickers that they have made, you can find them. They're ten dollars. Uhh they're gonna make these things into stickers in various ways. i'm not entirely sure how they're gonna do it. but i trust them. i trust anyone in the world to make a good sticker pack it's you guys. And uhh you could also get animated into an episode of crash course, and you can go to to find out how to do those things. And Becky just did that! Hello thank you Becky. And the three hearts that came along with it. Uhmm so thanks for--
A: Heck Yeah
H: thank you guys for spending your time uhh you know making stuff with us all the time, but especially during the project for awesome, uhh giving us a little like moment of your talent and joy. So thank you it's been great to see you guys i missed you.
ThoughtCafe: Thank you! Thank you for having us!
H: byee and it's me now! Uh we are right now streaming here at youtube dot com slash vlogbrothers for the project for awesome! If you're watching on tiktok, which some people still are-- i'm gonna have to turn you off so that i can order some cookies sometime soon. But in the moment uhh i'll just let you guys stay there. And uhh but if you're here on vlogbrothers, you know that you can go to projectforawesome dot com slash donate and you get all kinds of cool perks. I'm gonna be on for another hour. I've got a friend joining me shortly, and after i'm on uhh well i'll uh you know do some family things. But ill also be planning some other perks, because all of my all of my good hanklerfish are sold out, so maybe there's something else i can do and im excited about it. And in the mean time first of all i wanna show you this because it's amazing
(5:14:00) to (5:16:00)
That.. I don't know where that came from, but uh.. somebody, I think-- Oh I think Julian made that! I think! It was in the chat. Or maybe somebody else made it, and he just found it. Um, and uh yeah. In the meantime, we have a very little amount of time, I'm very brief amount of time. I want you to make sure that you go to, click on the little rewards button and see what it is you want next. Do you want a shirt, do you want a coin, do you want that digital download bundle, do you want a... the project for awesome sticker set? Or socks? Or the stickers that ThoughtCafe is making for us? But uh in the meantime, we are also going to load up another video at Which is where we will be watching the videos together. Of course, part of the Project for Awesome is always to uh make videos for various charities to promote them and to bring attention to the amazing work that they do. And part of that, if you don't know about this, is that you can also go to and find charities that you like, and vote for them, and during the second half of the P4A, the money that we raise will go to those charities that are selected by the community. So you can do that voting work at And you can watch videos at Or the video that we are all going to watch together shortly. Which I think we should probably just do right now! So if you go to, I am there. We're going to watch this together. During this period of time, I will be silent. So it will be boring if you do not go to right now to watch this video.
(5:20:00) to (5:22:00)
H: i'm back! I am back. I was like, am I back? I am back. Uh... that's awesome! I do think that finding personal connection is so important and can be hard, and the uh opportunity there to matter in someone else's life and to allow someone else to matter in yours is so important for our getting uh... getting on the right page. Understanding our place, understanding our value as people, and people interacting with each other in the world. Uh, you can vote for Letters to Strangers at
(5:22:00) to (5:24:00)
and you can find their videos at if you didn't see it. If you hopped in recently and didn't know what was going on, though I think you should have.
Um. I've got a new image behind me. This is... Matthew Gaydos made this. I don't know if you remember this fish that we had. I can't remember its name. Which is sad. And then it's me and the... that girlfriend gif... that meme. And I'm now into beanie sandfurbs. I can't remember Beanie Sandfurbs name! Why is Beanadict Cumfurbatch so much easier to remember! Um. (clears throat) Oh gosh.
I just love that I have a waiter. Just show off the world. Was it Dave Green? Did we name that fish Dave? Maybe. Maybe. Maybe. There's only one way to know.
Um. And gosh. There's so much... there's so many weird things... Dave the fish. That fish was named Dave the Fish. We have another guest that's going to be joining us shortly, I don't know how shortly. Because it's not currently happening. Um. Technical difficulties. But in the meantime, we have raised $442,000 at, where you can go. There's a video and above there, a little .. it says Rewards. And your Rewards can get you all kinds of cool things. The top thing right now is a digital copy of Ceri's 2014-- err 2019 Hank Art Perk. So I had a draw-- I will draw you something perk. And uh, Ceri said "Make it good!"
(5:24:00) to (5:26:00)
And look. I didn't say I was going to make it good. She told me to make it good, and I made no promises. But Ceri was underwhelmed. So she's going to make it better, and this is the digital version of making my art that I made for her better, because it wasn't good enough for her. Which is what it is. For $7, you can get Space Dance, which is me doing the Space Girl uh dance from TikTok, and you can get John Green's workout playlist, which he has been talking up and has been very impressed by. $10 for the ThoughtCafe stickers, $10 for a sample pack of Noises from Andrew Huang, $10 for the Glennendale sticker pack, $10 for the project for awesome laptop decal. Uh $11 for some Nerdfighter knitting pattern, if you're into that kinda thing, $12 for my short story about April May going to vidcon and rescuing a pig. It's called Bumper Doesn't Die. Is the name of my short story that I wrote about my character meeting me. Um. And what other cursed images have we got out here today? There's so many. I mean wow. Oh wow! That one's bad, I hate it so much. Uh but I will let you see it. Because I know you want to. Didn't you want to? Gosh. That was done fast. Uh, thank you by the way to our -- to last hour's matching donors, Boris Zaplotsky, -- Uh Zatapolski, I say that wrong every time I said it-- Zatapolski from Switzerland, Connolley O'Rourke family, Annie and Dave from London, and also Anonymous.
Oh gosh, and I said that with this bean furbie buttfartman on the screen! (giggles)
Uh, I'm gonna check out the chat real quick and see how everyone's doing in the meantime.
(5:26:00) to (5:28:00)
If our special guest is here, she is welcome to join us. I don't know. Oh she's not, she's not, ready to join us. A looong furby! Very cursed. Very cursed. I don't know what's going on with my hair. There's that thing that happened for a while, where dudes that have really sort of smooth hair in the front, and then they have this teased up mess in the back. That was like a thing. While I was an adult. And so I wasn't connected to-- so it may have been 2 years ago, it may have been 20. I don't know. But I feel like I look like one of those guys now.
Uh and this hour's matching donors are Natalie Sang, Erin Biles from Queens, NY, and Alyssa from New York City. Also Anonymous as usual. Yeah. That emo, that myspace emo haircut. I... yeah... scene kids. I (laughs) -- Hello, it's Hank, this is Scene Hank. Man. I would go to vidcon, and I'd be in like fun hotel rooms with those people, and I'd be like, this is a very weird scene. I guess that's why they call this "scene." Oh gosh. Uhm.... right now during the Project For Awesome, we're raising money for two amazing organizations, Save The Children and Partners In Health. Both of them are organizations that take on some of the hardest and most important problems in the world. They interface with them very efficiently, they make sure that people-- that kids can get food. When they need food. They make sure that people can get medicine, they get medicine. So when you're donating, we're having fun, you're getting a weird thing, and it's gonna make your life exciting and better, but you are also making the world a better place by helping these organizations do amazing work. Our guest is ready to join, I've heard! So, if I say now! Will she appear? Now! Oh!
(5:28:00) to (5:30:00)
Anna Akana: I'm here!
H: Ah she will! Hi, how are you?
AA: What's upppp! I'm you know, existing, how are you?
H: Yeah, I'm good. I need a sandwich.
AA: Oh! What kind?
H: But I'm gonna power through it. Ah gosh I--
AA: Like a breakfast one?
H: Ooh breakfast sandwich would be great! I was thinking like a like a Cuban sandwich.
AA: Oooh! Too bad this isn't Twitch so people can't send you sandwiches whenever they want.
H: That would be great. Like honestly, if we could set up Project For Awesome next year so that like a very small portion of donations goes to cookies and sandwiches for me, then I might let that happen
AA: (laughs) Oh someone just donated $10 for Hank's British Accne,t
H: Oh is that (laughs) Let's see! Do you have a British Accent, Anna, that you can bust out?
AA: (in a British accent) I do! It's not good at all, and all of my UK friends hate it, but I personally love to talk like this. (giggles)
H: This is the thing-- (in a British accent) It's a thing that I think about my British accent, as well. People say it's very bad, and yet-- and yet, I think it's very good.
AA: I mean, I think it's --
H: I dunno who to believe! (regular voice) The British people or me.
AA: (regular voice) Man, this is so-- thanks so much for having me on this. I love that you guys do this every year.
H: Yeah, well it's a ton of fun and I'm very happy to do this. I am very deeply intimidated by your whiteboard. So I'm just gonna put that out there
AA: Oh yeah for sure. You should be, it's pretty. And also there's Congress, just hanging out, I dunno if you see him
H: Hey kitty cat... where's -- is there another cat on the couch? How many cats are there?
AA: There is. I have four, but there's only 2 in the room right now, Beetle and Congress are hanging out.
H: Nice. Nice.
AA: Yeah lil babies
H: Oooh we just got a $750 donation from Kathy, who says "You've changed my life, and I'm sure many others, and thank you for pushing us all to be better and change lives. Very excited for this perk!" Which is the Sarah Urist Green original collage. DFTBA!
(5:30:00) to (5:32:00)
Thank you so much for saying that. That's really, really lovely.
A: I personally have a question, Hank, what is it like now to be known as a TikToker instead of Daddy Internet?
H: (laughs) Well I mean-- alright, take me back for a moment-- sorry, I was streaming live on TikTok, but it's just stuck because my phone is running out of battery.
A: Oh!
H: It's back, I think it's working again. We'll just put TikTok down here. TikTok, we're going to have to end soon, not that anyone is still watching. Uh, but I need to order cookies, and this is the only phone that I can do it on. Uh. what's it-- I dunno, it's fine. I think it's honestly, Anna, everything is temporary. I don't expect my TikTok celebrity to last for very long.
A: I think you have a long-- a long long career on TikTok.
H: I'm hap-- I'll be happy for that. It's fun, I get to tell people science stuff. Which is, I'm good at. It's nice to like, have stuff you like doing that you're good at.
A: I remember-- my thing has been just reacting to people reacting to information they've heard from you. And all the things that are like, "Hank has said that? Wait, my teeth are alive? What the-- what the hell? " Um. I love it. You're like a little science dad.
H: Yeah, uhm, I think Science Dad is ok, I think Daddy Internet is not. So if you could just take that back, that'd be great.
A: (laughs) I will never
(both laugh)
H: Oh god. Um. Yeh, it is weird, I will occasionally be in a place where someone has to introduce me, and they're a person who knows who I am. And the things that they say, do make me uncomfortable sometimes.
(5:32:00) to (5:34:00)
A: Like what? What's the most uncomfortable one?
H: It's just like uh... He-- There's sometimes a bit of like, "You don't know who Hank Green is? He's a legend." And I'm like, calm down.
A: Ooh!
H: And then there's uh, then they can sort of go on uh, and -- I'm like "This isn't about me. It's about you!" They're like-- uh yeah. But it's just like, what is any of this. Of course. And what is anything. You know that I'm into that conversation, and so I think that there's uh--
A: Yeah. I think you should try to accept like -- compliments into your heart.
H: I mean I do. In the moment, I-- that is a great point. I accept a compliment graciously, outwardly. In my heart, I don't know, never.
A: Yeah. It's gotta pierce the heart.
H: No. I had someone-- I was recently talking about some things that I have to do and should do, and so there was two categories, and they said to me, um, "But yeah what about like what do you want to do?" And I was like (uncomfortable laughter)
A: Whoah!
H: Get way out of my business with that talk! I don't need to -- I don't think you understand what you're talking about right now. Do people do what they want to do?
A: Yeah no, who? Who has the time? I don't even know what I--
H: Who has the time to want.
A: I thought like when the pandemic hit, I would have so much more free time. No, now because you don't have to drive anywhere, your meetings just get scheduled back to back to back. What is this meme??
H: Yeah
A: Beanie Sandfurbs is better than Dave the Fish
H: Yeah you know, you kinda have to watch a lot of Project For Awesome to get all the jokes.
A: Yeah
(5:34:00) to (5:36:00)
H: That one ... that one's got several deep cuts, but one of them is Beanie Sandfurbs. Do you know about Beanie Sandfurbs?
A: No! Ugh, I hate him!
H: I know he's awful, and the amount that you hate him is exactly equal to how much I love him. So if you hate him more, I will only love him more. That's how it works.
A: He is gross!
H: Yeah. It's just a furby made out of baked beans. And uh, and so there's a lot of talk about various legends of Project For Awesome, Dave the Fish. Glenn the King of the Glenn. Buttfartman. Etcetera. Who are the best mascots. And very few people like, uh, there are not a lot of people on Beanie Sandfurbs' team. But some people are. And that's what this meme is about.
A: It looks like he's inside out
H: In fact, before-- one of the-- this artist that made Beanie Sandfurbs, has an inside out furby. And it's very bad. Furby... Uh no skin I think, probably? Wow, I found a lot of very interesting images with that google, but none of them are the one that I was looking for.
A: (laughs) no thank you!
H: Oh gosh
A: I don't want it
H: I love it. You can donate, and many people are! In fact, it looks like we're getting 10 or 15 donations a minute right now, which is really amazing. A lot of people have gotten the digital download bundle, including Megan and Kaitlin, and gifted by Ryan, Jackie, also. And wow. That's just scrolling too fast. And Mrs. K Queen just got the Project for Awesome t-shirt, which I'm wearing right now. Here it is.
A: Woooo
H: Get this. And uh, I got a large. So, for clarity, I'm on the edge-- I'm a cusper, as they say, between a medium and a large.
(5:36:00) to (5:38:00)
H: And I think I could have pulled off a medium in this shirt. So don't think they're gonna be too small. Uh. Yeah.
A: Good to know. Ooh! Maddie Jones, $100!
H: Thank you Maddie Jones! What was that for? It was for the April May short story, which is only a $12 perk, you could have gotten the digital download bundle that includes the April May short story. Bye kitty.
A: Yeah
H: Are you watching your cat like a hawk? What, you worried?
A: Well yeah, he just had heart surgery not that long ago.
H: awww
A: And he's been limping kinda weirdly, so I've just been trying to keep an eye on him when he seems weird.
H: Ok.
A: Yeah
H: Ok. Um, so did you know that I wrote-- I know that you like my books. Which is lovely.
A: I do
H: Did you know that for the Project For Awesome, I wrote a short story in which April May goes to VidCon?
A: No!
H: And they're just doing the normal VidCon stuff, but then the celebrity pig gets kidnapped, and she gets roped in by the owner of the celebrity pig to rescue a kidnapped pig named Bonker.
A: I'm gonna have to buy this perk right after this life stream! I'm gonna make a note. P4A perk: April May. Uh huh. I love it
H: So in the fiction of the world, I get to meet my character.
A: Yay! Oh my god, I want spoilers!
H: You just have to read it, it's not that long. It's like a short story length, so 5,000 words or so. So.
A: Are you working on another book?
H: You can go through it in one sitting. What?
A: Are you working on another book?
H: uhhhh I mean in the way that you do. Where I think about it all the time, but I've written basically nothing since-- I've written basically no fiction since the last book I finished.
(5:38:00) to (5:40:00)
A: I was very angry to find out that it's not a trilogy. I was like wait, what it's-- over.
H: It ended. That seems really end-y.
A: (laughs) Wait I thought this was a trilogy! I want more!
H: And that's the thing. And I never said it was--
A: Yes you did!
H: I never did
A: You did! You told me at an internet event, I think it was New York, you were like, yeah it's probably going to be a trilogy. So I've had trilogy in my head this whole time.
H: Ah, well then you got exceptional information, there was a time when it might -- when I was playing with the idea of making it a trilogy. And it was creating a tremendous amount of stress in my life
A: Oh
H: So I was pleased to find a way to make it not a trilogy.
A: Well sad news for me
H: I just got offered to get someone to pick me cookies up. So heck yes.
A: I love that
H: Me too. Ray just got John Green's workout playlist. Uh. And. I -- I'd want to get this perk because John has talked it up so much. He's been really vocal about how good his workout playlist is. Which like. Do I believe it?
A: I dunno. Does it come with like a photo of his before and after of listening to this steroid-ed playlist?
H: Yeah, yeah. Like, does-- can John Green have good taste in music? I feel like yes. Like he might kinda seem like he doesn't, but he -- I think he does. What?
A: Does he run? Is it like a running playlist?
H: He runs. And he does other things.
A: Hm
H: I don't know what he does. I think he mostly runs and like. They have some kind of workout machine. I don't know if it's like a Peloton or what. Some thing.
A: Ok.
H: Somebody has made a Beanie Sandfurbs with an engraver. So now that's on your screen there.
(5:40:00) to (5:42:00)
A: No
H: Because why not? It's beautiful
A: That actually doesn't look bad.
H: It doesn't! Jim, if you can make one of those during the Project For Awesome, how many can you make outside of the Project For Awesome, and can it be a perk? Can people own a piece of Bern-- of Beanie Sandfurbs? Oh no, Anna, they just keep getting worse.
A: What! What?
H: Just the things people are making of out this baked bean furby.
A: Ahh!!! God!
H: (chuckles) Actually I kinda love it
A: I don't know how to feel-- cuz it's a very large one
H: Yeah I think that does -- that's the big problem, he went from being like sort of hand sized to being a solid 3 feet tall
A: oh no. Oh no no no. Beanie Sandfurbs. I regret ever coming on this stream and learning that that exists (laughs)
H: Now he's just peeking out. He's just peeking out a little but.
A: (laughs)
H: What are you-- what are you working on now in your life?
A: I'm creating and writing a bunch. I'm working on a pilot. Um. Everythign else kind of in development limbo town, but just working on writing. While the pandemic rages on.
H: I hear that. Um. I have not been working on writing, and I thought for a moment, just then, "Ah I should be working more on writing." But I shouldn't. I have a lot of stuff to do. I have a lot of Crash Course and DFTBA stuff to do that I just need to get done.
A: Yeah
H: So I should be focusing on that and I am. So I'm happy.
A: Yeah. How much time does running the company take? Is that like most of your mental space?
(5:42:00) to (5:44:00)
H: Ah, it depends on the week, but yes. Often it is. Probably most weeks it is.
A: Wow. Do you love it? Do you love running a business?
H: There are days when I do. But it's the same with writing. There are days when I hate it and I'm so mad. And like, I feel like a complete failure. So it's very similar. I think it's kind of a state of mind, it's like a me-thing, more than anything else. That I'm never going to be... I'm never not going to feel like a failure on some days.
A: Yeah
H: No matter what I'm doing
A: Sometimes I'm like, I would love to not feel worthlessness, but I wonder if that's like my prime motivator.
H: (laughs)
A: You know what I mean?
H: Yeah, I uh.. so I have a therapist type person, but she works with a lot of people like us creatives and entrepreneurs. And I said that similar thing to her, I said, If I solve all my problems, what will then my motivation be? And she was like, you would be surprised to find that every single entrepreneur I talk to says that. That like, if I'm happy, like, how will I motivate myself to do all of this very hard work? And she's like. There are ways. And this is such a wonderful analogy that I'm happy to gift to everyone, including you. Um. She was like, You can be chased up the mountain, and it's going to be scary the whole time, you're going to fall down and cut yourself. You might not make it up, or you could just climb the mountain because you want to. Not because you're scared of the thing that not climbing the mountain gets you. Which is like, are you scared of seeming like a failure, or are you scared of not being wahtever it is. So climbing the mountain because you want to climb the mountain, not because you're afraid of what is beneath you if you don't go up the mountain. And I was like, that's a very good frame to look at that through.
(5:44:00) to (5:46:00)
which is you know like, are you scared of seeming like a failure, are you scared of not being... whatever it is. Um. So climb the mountain because you want to climb the mountain, not because you are afraid of what ... of what is beneath you if you don't go up the mountain. And I was like, that is a very good frame to look at that through.
A: That is a very good reframe. I don't like it. I don't like the idea of being motivated by joy? (laughs)
H: You're saying I should just want to get to the mountain because it will be lovely??? Yeah, no.
(both laugh)
A: Cannot fathom this!
H: Uh huh. Yeah I'd like to ... uh... April ... I don't know what that -- Sometimes it bleeps out words. So I don't know what that says, but it says "April May's" and then 5 asterisks. Is the username. April May's... probably B-I-T-C-H would be my guess.
A: Oooh... yeah.
H: And says, "I'm broke! But I had to give this $12 for April May short story."
A: awww
H: Yay! Do you want to see a TikTok?
A: Yeah! Show me that TikTok.
H: So this is the TikTok stream. And uh. And TikTok, here's Anna, we're hanging out. And this is what you're missing if you're not going to Instead, you're only hearing half of a conversation, which is why I should have this little note up all the time, which says Go join us elsewhere. But it's backwards and upside down. Because I did it wrong. There's a kitty on the desk!
A: Yeah there's kitties everywhere!
H: There's kitties everywhere. Ah! Fuzz got my perfume! I created a perfume that's called Shtonk by Hank. And it's definitely not Adam Levine For Her mixed with Adam Levine for Him.
A: (laughs) does it smell good?
H: It smells great!
A: Yeah?
H: Yeah it smells a lot like Adam Levine For Her mixed with Adam Levine For Him. Which is so-- that's how people get confused. Um.
(5:46:00) to (5:48:00)
So it's not a masculine or feminine smell. It's sort of fruity. It's apple-y. I made a bunch last year, and I had some left over, so I put it in a thing that freshens my office. So my office always smells like Shtonk by Hank.
A: I love that. I would like Adam Levine For Baby, that's the smell I want.
H: You want Adam Levine For Baby? Adam Levine For Kitties. Mm! Aw, that's the thing I didn't do, I have no water. God I dropped TikTok again!
A: Aw but you want -- aren't you getting cookies?
H: Uh that's what I heard.
A: If you're getting cookies, you gotta have some kind of beverage to wash it down.
H: Oh wow. Um.
A: What
H: My friend said that she was walking out of the cookie place because I didn't text her. I almost didn't get cookies! And then they said what do you want, and I said nothing because I was on the Project For Awesome stream. And so they said, never mind, I'm just getting you random ones. So boom! Cookies!
A: What's your favorite cookies?
H: That's exactly what I want
A: I think anyone who likes Oatmeal raisin is not trustworthy to me.
H: I don't-- because I don't -- not because there's something wrong with liking oatmeal raisin, but because they are lying.
A: Yeah. Oatmeal raisin is -- it's a deceitful cookie.
H: Yeah. Oatmeal raisin is lying to me about how good it's going to be, and people who say their favorite is oatmeal raisin are lying because... many other cookies are better than that
A: Chocolate chip is the best.
H: Yeah, I mean, the only way to say like ok like, what's something that is better than chocolate chip is if it's like an exceptional chocolate chip cookie. Like chocolate chip plus something. I sometimes might prefer an M&M cookie to a chocolate chip cookie, but it's basically a chocolate chip cookie.
(5:48:00) to (5:50:00)
A: basically chocolate chip.
H: Just got a crunch. Yeah.
A: I love those cookies--
H: So yeah, chocolate chip cookie is my favorite cookie.
A: Like a fresh chocolate chip cookie right out of the oven where the chocolate is still like, melting.
H: Yeah. I like em-- you know what-- I like the gas station chocolate chip cookies that they have in the... there's like the door. There's a cookie door. Where they're in there with the donuts.
A: Yes.
H: It's amazing
A: I agree.
H: Um.. Oh! Let's do a cookie poll! Paola suggests. So, we're gonna have a poll, and you're going to get to vote as you donate. So if you donate, you can get a perk, but you can also select what thing you would like to -- what cookie you would like to promote or say is best. And here are the cookies we're going to do. We're gonna put oatmeal raisin in there for the liars. We're going to put chocolate chip in there because it's obvious. What are the other cookies we should do? Should we do molasses? Should we do peanut butter?
A: Oreo?
H: Oreo.... oh! Just an oreo?
A: Just an oreo
H: I was thinking like cookie with oreos in it??
A: What other cookies are there? Macadamia nut?
H: Yeah, white chocolate macadamia is a common cookie.
A: I gotta google this. Kinds of cookies.
H: I did. Uh huh
A: Gingerbread man!
H: Yeah gingerbread slash molasses is a good one.
A: Snickerdoodle?
H: Snickerdoodle is a cookie. Sugar cookies are all lies. Why are we doing this? Why are we deciding to be the most boring we can be?
A: Nobody wants that.
H: We can only get 5 options. Um. Yeah I think that that-- So our 5 options are chocolate chip, oatmeal raisin, um... what was the other thing I said?
A: Gingerbread? Did we say gingerbread?
(5:50:00) to (5:52:00)
H: Gingerbread. Um. And... I've-- I'm losing control of my mind.
A: (laughs) Wait, snickerdoodle?
H: White chocolate macadamia. I liked that one. And snickerdoodle.
A: Yeah
H: And I know everybody's going to be like, 'but my favorite kind of cookie is a macaron! and I'm like that's not a cookie. I'm sorry.
A: That is not a cookie. That is a dessert. Distinctly a dessert.
H: Yeah so if you get in my business and you say my favorite cookie is a black and white cookie, I will say ok. That points. I get it. We didn't include that and black and white cookies are very good
A: Milano cookies as well. So good.
H: Yeah they are good. But they're not as good as a gooey chocolate chip cookie. The poll is live! At Uh so you can choose a cookie and then you can donate, and you can get a perk, you can choose a cookie, you can donate to charity, and you can make your life better all at the same time. All of those things will happen simultaneously. And it's possible that your donations are no longer being matched. I think that is the case. We've blown through our entire match. I don't know if you guys can see the screen here, but that number below me? $1,219,154.46. That's the amount of money that we've raised during the Project For Awesome, which is just ridiculous.
A: (cheers)
H: Especially considering that we're 4 hours in.
A: Wow! What's the biggest goal that you guys have to beat?
H: Um I don't know! What do we-- do we need one? Our goal was $300,000, so we're good.
A: No like what's the most you've raised in a year? Or a day?
H: I can't-- I dunno. I can go back and look at the data. And I could also ask. The core team. Hey guys. Are we tracking with previous years? It feels like we're doing even better.
(5:52:00) to (5:54:00)
A: Wow, in 2013, you guys raised $721,000. So you've already beaten 2013.
H: Dang.
A: You've beaten 2013 in 3 hours!
H: Well, it's been 7 years.
A: (laughs)
H: So. Uh. Things have grown. Mostly, it's not that our audience is bigger, it's that they're more grown up, and they have more money now.
A: Ah, that makes sense. So it looks like according to Wikipedia, your guys... 2016 is the most supreme with $2,151,285.
H: That's a lot, but it does seem potentially beatable.
A: I think you guys can beat it this year.
H: Ok. Right now, chocolate chip cookie is winning, and 2-- but! Second! Is oatmeal raisin.
A: What???
H: I just need-- I need those people to defend themselves! Get on Twitter, hashtag P4ACookie, tell me why you think oatmeal raisin -- a cookie that was designed by people who didn't have access to chocolate chips. Why you think that's the best cookie. That's the only reason oatmeal raisin exists. It's because people in the past had to -- that was the only sweet thing they could put in a cookie, was a raisin.
A: Mmhmm. Mmhmm.
H: They didn't have the good stuff
A: I agree
H: #P4ACookie, let me know what you -- uh. So people are like, do you know you're live on TikTok right now? Yeah, I know I'm live on TikTok right now.
A: (laughs)
H: Uh. My uh. My son and wife are maybe gonna come out here momentarily.
A: (gasps) Yay! I want to be able to vote on this cookie thing, but I have to donate first.
H: Yeah you do.
(5:54:00) to (5:56:00)
A: So I'm donating now. Chocolate chip forever. Is what I have decided. Oh here we go-- chocolate chip cookie, there we go. Poll selected, and donating now... And I have selected the April May perk!
H: Yus. Um. I mean I guess it's not a shock that chocolate chip is winning, but it is a shock that oatmeal raisin is second. And P4ACookie. (reading) Chocolate chip cookies are the best, no contest. Oatmeal raisin is great.
Dean, that is not a defense of your position! It is a statement of what you've already let us know! (reading again) They have wonderful texture. I hate raisins! But they taste really good in a cookie context. Ok if you say so.
My cookies have been delivered.
A: Yay!!!
H: It's a small town! We went from asking for cookies to cookies arriving very quickly. Oh gosh. Uh. I just found another cursed image. There are so many!
A: Oh my god
H: Adam LeBean. For Bean!
A: (laughs)
H: Oh my god, well that's-- that's a whole new development in Project For Awesome, these cursed images.
A: (laughs) It's like all the horcruxes you need to collect are just memes.
H: Yeah. Um. At hour 3 last year, we'd raised $133,000. And this year we'd raised 367.
(5:56:00) to (5:58:00)
A: Wow
H: I dunno man, I don't know! I guess we just got good perks this year, that's wild.
A: Yeah. What is the number one perk that's been purchased so far?
H: Well the digital download bundle is always the -- is always number one because it's like-- it includes basically more than half of the rest of the perks in one perk.
A: Oh that's awesome
H: It is the best value in the Project For Awesome. But as far as physical perks, it's like a bunch of the things we don't have very many of. So I did these like artworks that-- I have one right here. Like spray painted Hanklerfish.
A: Aw!
H: So. Those ones sold out very fast, and we'd made quite a few. Hello? We have a visitor!
A: Oh is it baby?
H: It's not a baby anymore, Anna.
A: (gasp)
H: Hi, what did you bring me?
Orin: Cookies!
H: Cookies???
A: Aw!!!
O: Can I have a cookie?
H: Can I have a cookie? Wow, you look really cute right now, Orin. You wanna say hi?
A: Hi Orin!
H: No, wanna turn away. And not-- keep looking at the light.
A: Oh ok. He's just looking at the wall, he's just like my cat.
O: Wow, it's so beautiful!
H: Aww, he says, "Wow it's so beautiful."
A: Wow! Hi, Orin!
H: Hi, that's Anna, do you want to say hi? No? Ok.
A: No? That's ok, I wouldn't say hi to me either.
H: Do you want to sit on my lap and have a cookie?
O: Wow, why's that blue??
H: It's blue light so that I look fancier! Like a Twitch streamer. Wow. Do you want to sit on my lap and have a cookie? Oop! Oh gosh. Anna, did you know that my son is the cutest thing in the whole world?
(5:58:00) to (6:00:00)
A: That's becoming abundantly clear to me right now.
H: Ooh cookie. Wow. He says.
A: Wow... Oh and it's M&M? Good choice. Mm!
O: Mm..
H: Mm? I know. We're talking. Mhm.
A: I love how the--
H: Thank you Sylvia!
A: ... you say
H: What?
A: He just repeats everything you say
H: That's one of the things they're good at. Are you lucky? Do you want to say Thank you Sylvia? No? Ok.
A: (laughs)
H: (inaudible).. that was a lie. Mm!
A: How old is Orin now, 3?
H: How old are you?
O: Four
H: Four.
A: Four! Oh my god. Time flies, I feel like just yesterday I saw the Instagram photo of him as a tiny bean!
H: I know! It's not fair! Do you want to go upside down? Oh what's that? Oh yeah. Thanks, you're putting my pop filter on? Thanks buddy. He's a professional.
A: Oh he knows.
O: (whispers)
H: Can you blow in?
O: I blowed on this. But the microphone wouldn't hear it.
H: That's right. Good job.
A: Mmhmm
H: Pop filter. He knows all about audio equipment.
A: Yeah, where's his YouTube channel?
H: What's your YouTube channel, Orin?
O: Mm... Marble Race.
H: Marble Race.
A: Marble Race? (laughs)
H: That's his favorite YouTube channel. Uh.
A: There he goes. There he goes! What a fashionable outfit.
H: Did you like that cookie?
(6:00:00) to (6:02:00)
H: Did you like it? Is it good? It looks pretty good. Yeah. You look happy.
A: Are you going to have more, Hank?
H: More cookie?
A: No, more children.
H: Oh--
(both cackle)
H: uh no, I don't think so, I think we're going to have one children.
A: Yeah?
H: And uh. I dunno. When you get a perfect one first try,
O: Are you saying this into the -- the microphone?
H: Am I singing into the microphone?
O: Are you saying it into the microphone.
H: Yeah, I'm talking into the microphone. That's what I'm doing. Do you want to talk into the microphone?
O: Hi!
A: Hi!! (laughs)
H: Good job, buddy. What is your tongue doing? What are you doing with your tongue? He's like, I want more cookie.
A: And our next guest is...
O: A chocolate chip cookie
H: A chocolate chip cookie! Ok, now we have to check on the poll and see what's the best kind of cookie, Orin. It look like Chocolate chip is still winning! And oatmeal raisin is now no longer in second, having been overtaken by gingerbread and nearly snickerdoodle!
A: Mm!!
H: What are you doing?
O: I'm trying to get up.
H: Oh.
A: He wants to be in that lap.
H: (grunts) Thanks bud. Wow.
O: Wow
H: Um. I'm so glad that I got cookies. So if you want to donate to the Project For Awesome, you have to go to
(6:02:00) to (6:04:00)
You can vote on your favorite kind of cookie. $2000 of donations have already been waged in favor of chocolate chip. Oatmeal raisin is now vying for second place with gingerbread, and snickerdoodle. And white chocolate macadamia are coming in last. And second to last. What's your favorite kind of cookie? That one? Chocolate chip?
O: And that one.
H: And that one? That one's also kind of chocolate chip. It was just M&Ms.
A: He's not wrong.
H: (hums) Oh no.
A: What?
H: There are lots of-- (laughs) there are some real good memes.
A: Of the bean guy?
H: Yeah
A: Oh no.
H: are you doing a dance, buddy? Why are you doing a dance?
A: Oh no! (laughs) This is awful. Take it away.
H: This is what I get. Ok. Wow, it's late! It's almost time for John to come on.
A: Oh snap!
H: Anna, thank you so much for joining us. And we're going to close the bean poll
A: Thank you
H: So thank you to everyone who has been part of our bean poll, where we raised over $4000 voting on -- not beans, I was saying beans, wasn't I?
A: you were saying beans
H: Cookie poll. Over and over-- I got beans on the brain! And John will be joining us momentarily as well, so we will invite him in. And then I will take care of this boy.
A: (cheers) Bye guys, bye Orin!
H: Bye Anna, thank you! Say bye bye! (chuckles)
(Orin screams in delight)
(6:04:00) to (6:06:00)
H: Right. That's right. Oh it's just me, and it's just my image of Barack Obama and me meeting. And me giving him a baked bean furby. So I'll turn that off. That's good. What are you looking for, bud? You want that-- you want to see
O: I want to see a video about how a -- how people make baked beans
H: Oh you want to see a video about how to make baked bean bees?
O: Not a TikTok.
H: Not a TikTok? A whole video.
O: A whole video.
H: Not just a TikTok.
O: Not just a TikTok
H: You want it to be long and horizontal!
(Orin laughs in delight)
H: (repeats Orin's sound) Does that make a squeaky noise?
O: Yeah
H: Yeah. Um. Let's see, what's next? It looks like John Green will be joining us-- what what?
O: Hey-- stop-- talking!
H: Stop talking?
O: Yeah
H: Why? Cause you want to hear that? Oh it does squeak, huh.
(O squeaking the toy)
H: (laughs) Stop talking! I'm gonna have to say goodbye to the TikTok audience, everybody on TikTok, go to project for -- uh no-- to watch the actual livestream.
O: Why is that flat on the bottom?
H: Why is what flat on the bottom? The baked bean bee? So it will rest. It will rest well. And uh... And... but my phone is running out of battery, so I have to turn it off. Thank you for joining us. You can donate at Bye.
Where-- oh? What'd you do? You made it full screen? You did! I dunno how you even did that. What button did you push? You did it again!
(O laughs)
H: How are you doing that? Oh it's just the spacebar! Apparently. (laughs) Are you ready to see Uncle John?
(6:06:00) to (6:08:00)
O: Hm!
H: You want to see Uncle John?
O: Hm!
H: Say yes!
O: Yyyyyyyyy
H: Yyyess
O: Yes!
H: Yes! Ok!
J: Hello Orin! What's up, my man?
O: Hi Uncle John!
J: Hi baby Orin, how are you?
H: How are you?
J: Are you living the dream, Orin?
O: Hi Uncle John
J: Hey buddy, how are ya?
O: I'm good!
J: You're doing good, are you happy?
O: Yeah!
J: Are you enjoying the project for awesome?
O: Yeah.
J: Orin, can I ask you a very serious question?
O: What?
J: Have you donated?
O: No!
J: Will you donate, Orin, will you consider making a donation to this year's project for awesome?
O: I don't know.
J: Please? You got like a dollar?
O: I'm--
J: Do you have a dollar?
O: Nah.
J: You don't have a dollar?
O: Nah
J: Hey come say hi to Orin!
O: I'm just a boy.
J: I know you're just a boy! But look! These kids have dollars!
H: Oh Henry and Alice are here! Look Orin, Henry and Alice!
J: (grunting with the force of bear hugging his kids)
Alice: Henry, please don't drop me.
O: Hi
A+J: Hi
J: Hello everybody
Henry: Watch watch watch
Hank: Is that too much, are you getting a little overwhelmed, buddy?
J: Hey Hank, we got a Oculus yesterday.
O: Umm a little
J: And boy is it fun!
A: I played a boxing simulator!
J: Alice played a boxing simulator!
A: And I won!
J: And she won, she was victorious. Uh Hank can't hear.
Hank: No, I can now.
J: We got a VR headset, and now the kids-- we've only had it for 24 hours, it's still new. I can't really. I don't-- this is something I don't know how to do, this would be a great thing for mom. That's a great mom task. Ok, so projectforawesome--
(6:08:00) to (6:10:00)
H: Did you hear what Orin eventually said after he figured-- after you asked him if he was going to donate?
J: What did he say?
H: He said, I'm just a boy.
J: I know, I heard that, but that's no excuse. No excuses. #NoExcuses. is where you donate. Everybody can you be quiet for a second? Just the kids behind me? Wha-- no, you're not playing yet. is where you donate right now. You can donate, you can start a poll. Real quick, and the poll is going to be, what game should Henry play? There is boxing and--
A: Beat saber!
J: And beat saber
H: Ooh beat saber is so fun.
J: Well, you're only going to get to see him moving his hands, so it's really which one do you find funnier. Uh, we're going to start a poll at, um, and Hank, you're going to go and hang out.
H: That sounds good. You want to say bye bye to Uncle John?
O: Bye!
H: Bye!
J: Bye buddy! You're awesome, see you soon!
H: Thank you everybody!
J: Thanks to everybody! Alright, so quick update on where we are,, we've raised $1.227 million, which is incredible, thank you everybody who's donated. is where you go to donate, I was gonna try to set it up for uh.. TikTok livestream, it just didn't happen for me. I'm not very sophisticated ... utilizer of the internet. Many of you have donated very recently, thank you for donating. If you go to polls right there, there's two options right there. What game should Henry play? Boxing or Beat Saber? And whatever gets the most votes in the next 10 minutes is what Henry is going to play starting at 6:15. So Henry, you're prepared to play either Boxing or Beat Saber, correct?
A: And then--
(6:10:00) to (6:12:00)
(pause for technical difficulties)
J: Uh-- I no, hello I'm back! Uh. You try livestreaming while parenting! Ok. Yeah, you are not supposed to play right now, you have to wait for the donors to tell you what to play. Ok great! Everybody doing good, is where you choose which game Henry is going to play, Beat Saber, which he's never played before, or Boxing, which he's only played once because we've only had this thing for like uh. I dunno, 8 hours? 10 hours?
A: No, we've had it for this whole entire day!
J: We've had it for this whole entire day, but much of this whole entire day, some of us were at school. That's for celebrations, Henry, and we have not reached a milestone! If we reach a milestone, I'd be more than happy --
A: Dad, confetti fighting --
J: What?
H: Let's have a confetti fight
J: Oh ok, yeah you guys have a confetti fight in the background, that's a great idea. I want to let you know if you go to, some of the things you can do in addition-- only $30 for Henry to play boxing, it's such a good game though. Um, can you guys do that in the background, so it's a little easier-- huh?
H: I'll do Beat Saber
J: Beat Saber is definitely going to win, but we're still-- we still hold out hope for boxing, it only takes one big donor to donate to boxing, and it all turns around, Henry. And I know how much you enjoy boxing. Um. So are you guys having a good time back there? That's perfect. That's lovely. It's-- a fascinating and beautiful challenge to parent while hosting a Project For Awesome, but you can get lots of great um-- on the livestream-- the money counter on the livestream isn't working. Ok. We'll work on getting that fixed, you can get lots of-- it's super important not to knock over the VR headset, because they are -- they do not make more of them.
(6:12:00) to (6:14:00)
J: The VR headset because they do not make more of them, actually that is the only one you'll ever own. So if you break it, it will be a sort of permanent tragedy. Um, I am a little frazzled just because there's a lot going on in the background. Uh, also I woke up from a nap not long ago. So ah, I couple of the rewards I wanna highlight, uh, Alice made great art. Where you guys going?
A: [yelling] Henry, come back down here!
H: [laughs] Alice made great art, and she's agreed to make ten more works of art. Is that correct, Alice?
A: Yes.
J: Okay and we're gonna put those up soon, like here's an example of Alice's art, right here, if you haven't seen it already. Um, she makes really good art and um she's gonna make more for. You brought down a Nerf gun?
A: It's the best!
J: Okay wonderful. Um are you going to donate that...
H: No.
J: ...should we put it up for auction?
H: No.
J: Okay, it was just to kinda show off, you got a cool Nerf gun. I dig it. Already, so we got um, we got that Nerf gun that is apparently not available. It is just there to taunt you and um then we um we've got all kinds of different things you can get at Let me give you just like a recent example of things that people have gotten. I'm just getting back into the vibe. Alright, so let's go into my secret-[Nerf gun fires]-No,no,no, absolutely no shooting the Nerf gun. That's, that add way too much stress to this evening. Uh, Emily just donated as did Melany and Kellen and Pams and Helen and Megan and Nicole and Grace and Pia and Pasty and Alex and Dakota and Kelton and anonymous and Roman Penawho says "Beatsaber is awesome". I'm excited for Henry to play Beatsaber if that's what ends up winning. We've still got two minute left in the Beatsaber vs Boxing dilemma at You can donate either way its at the polls. You can either go to rewards or polls. Oh Henry! Boxing is winning, someone made a significant- Oh now Beatsaber is winning. It's a thrilling race! Somebody made a significant donation to boxing though cause they know how good you are at boxing.