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Lauren Fairweather rocks the stage at LeakyCon Portland singing "Nerdfighterlike" with an impromptu appearance by Hank Green.

LeakyCon is a fan conference. We come from the Harry Potter fandom and celebrate everything about it, and everything about the pop culture fandoms our community is growing to include. LeakyCon is a place where fans can, finally, be their true selves. Where that's the coolest thing in the world to be.

For more info about LeakyCon, head to:

Register for LeakyCon Orlando 2014 starting on October 19, 2013
Lauren Fairweather: So, the cool thing about LeakyCon is that I think there are a lot of different fandoms that everybody's involved in now, and lots of little online communities that have all come together, and this is a song that I wrote about one of those communities.  How many Nerdfighters do we have out here?  That's a lot, that's awesome.  So, uh, this song is called Nerdfighterlike. 

I've seen your videos, and I think they're so jokes,
and now we're getting flirty with a couple Facebook pokes,
I confess that I've adapted to your timezone.
At least now I don't have to watch YouTube alone.

Even though tonight I've got a date with my bookshelf,
I'd much rather touch and hug you, and nothing else.
Won't you be in Nerdfighterlike with me?
Won't you stay up all night on Skype with me?
We could go on a date to the library,
Too bad you don't live anywhere near me.

Hank: Over a romantic lunch we'd blurb some lolbooks,
and blenderize our meals while other tables gave us dirty looks,
Do a reading of
Pooh Gets Stuck in my pants,
if we could hang out IRL I'd do my happydance

Oh, even though tonight I've got a date with my bookshelf,
I'd much rather touch and hug you, and maybe something else,

Hank & Lauren: Won't you be in Nerdfighterlike with me?
Won't you stay up all night on Skype with me?
We could slow dance to music that's royalty-free,
Too bad you don't live anywhere near me.

Lauren: Even though tonight I've got a date with my bookshelf,
Hank & Lauren: I'd much rather touch and hug you,
And something else,
Won't you be in Nerdfighterlike with me?
Too bad you don't live anywhere near me.

(Applause & cheering)

Hank: Lauren and I had a conversation when we rehearsed this song that we weren't going to sing the whole last verse.  Chorus.  And I agreed.  And then every time we rehearsed it, I did it wrong, and then I did it wrong just now.

Lauren: But you did it wrong very well.

Hank: Oh, thanks.