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Duration: | 35:56 |
Uploaded: | 2023-09-29 |
Last sync: | 2025-02-02 05:01 |
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MLA Full: | "pizzamas day 5." YouTube, uploaded by vlogbrothers, 29 September 2023, |
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vlogbrothers, "pizzamas day 5.", September 29, 2023, YouTube, 35:56, |
In which John continues to livestream.
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Hello, welcome back to another live stream.
I do these every night, no matter how tired I am. Which lately has been quite tired, but that's ok.
Um, I am currently broadcasting to nobody, which is-- that's the best part. I like it when I'm broadcasting to nobody. There are so many good Zoom backgrounds in my house, why -- it's just that I love this chair.
And it doesn't have a good background. I feel like I should move. I feel like I should go over here, and livestream while standing, you know?
Maybe I should just like be here. I mean this is a nice background. And I'll just do a standing livestream.
Hey everybody, look at this amazing shirt. It was designed by a nerdfighter. And it's phenomenal.
And it's available now at Look at all my eras! We got the little kid with a mustache era, we got the early vlogbrothers with a mustache era, we got author era, um, we got vidcon era, we got Pizza John era, and then I think it's maybe we got these like, this is like tuberculosis era.
So we got all the major eras. Designed by Rachel, It's a really good shirt. Pizzamas 2023, it's happening.
It's Pizzamas. I'm doing a livestream while standing. Ha-buhbuhbuh.
Boodoodoodoo. You don't know where I'm gonna be next. Alright, so um, really good day for Pizzamas today.
Another good day, another day that's like day 1 was the best day 1 we've ever had, day 2 was the best day 2 we've ever had, this is probably going to be the best day 5 we've ever had, which is super encouraging. Feeling good about that. People really love this shirt, they love teh shirt that's holding up the Pizzamas.
They love the drawfee shirt, honestly they love all the shirts. The postage stamp shirt is doing really well. The shirt Henry wore last night that's like, really cool and black and has my like, big eyes looking longingly at a pizza.
That shirt's doing great too. is where you get all the shirts. And uh, and yeah.
So. That part's going great, I think in general, the Pizzamas part of Pizzamas, the non-ecommeerce part is going well. You know like Hank and I have I think made a range of videos.
Some of them have done well in terms of views, some of them haven't, but I think in general it's going well, in the sense that people like it and are responding to it. Let me tell you about this work of art, I never talk about it. Ok? I'll thank people who are ordering at Pizzamas in a minute. But um, let me tell you about this work of art.
It's by an Indiana-based artist, her name is Laura Foster Nicholson, and um, she makes textiles. This is uh, you know it's like a blanket. But more expensive (laughs) than a blanket.
Uh, certainly more expensive than the Pizzamas blankets that you can get right now at So uh, this is a ... Lara Foster Nicholson makes a ton of stuff like, she has an Etsy shop, you can go there, she makes pillows, she makes all kinds of things.
Um, but this is like, this is her work that is about the relationship between the human-built world and the kind of the world without us. Or the world if we weren't around. These are shipping containers, so it's like..
I like how it's abstract and geometric, but at the same time representational, because these are shipping containers, but they're not just shipping containers. Also there's climate data from the last century that's woven in across -- you have to look-- it's quite subtle. But there, in the distance between the colors and the colors, it represents the shift in the overall average temperature of Earth over the last century.
So I think it's a really cool piece, and also we really like supporting Indiana artists. This is not hte only kind of art that we get, but we do like it a lot. Hold on I'll take you over to a non-Indiana artist.
I love this painting too. Cause it's a TV of nature. From the cooking channel.
But also behind that, is a hint of outside, but outside is covered up because this blind it closed. So you feel like you're in a cabin, but you can't see outside, but you can see the TV that's depicting outside. So that's another t-shirt-- that's another painting I like, um, that's in our house.
I like these two paintings, I mean we have a lot of art in our house. But these two paintings are of the same space but on different media. This is on paper and this is painted directly onto wood.
And so different things happened when you're trying to reflect the same space in different media. The medium is the message, y'all. Pfft.
Ok. So that's a little bit of art. Art history for you.
A little bit of Pizzamas history for you real quick. Look at this. Look at this.
Look at my eras. Little bit of Pizzamas history for you. So like I said, don't worry if you can't order Pizzamas stuff at
Don't feel bad in any way. Please seriously. But just in the last couple minutes, thanks to Carly, and Ahmazan, and Jordan and Ian and Emmett and William and Alison and Sage.
Who all ordered stuff at Emmett. Let me tell you about Emmett.
Emmett got the Pizza John cutter, the Pizza John oven mitt, which hasn't been selling as well as some of the other things, so thank you Emmett. And um, and also got the color changing Pizza John mug. And the pizza John sticker pack.
Our color-changing Pizza John mug is very cool. I used it this morning, and I shouldn't have been surprised that it worked. When I poured my coffee, when my coffee was brewed directly into it, it started to change color.
It was a pretty cool experience. I was like wow, it really is an effect-- it really does work. What's about to sell out?
Great question, I'll tell you. So. A couple of the sizes of the Pizza John holiday sweater have sold out, and um, but I don't want to say that, because I don't want more people to order them because we have a bundle coming up.
I'll tell you what hasn't sold out. That chizza John thing. But the blankets are... the blankets are probably on their way to selling out eventually, the mug is probably going to sell out eventually.
The bath bombs are going to sell out this weekend. The sterling silver earrings will sell out at some point but probably not this weekend. The bath bombs are probably going to sell out today or tomorrow.
And then the neon sign I mean might sell out at the very end, but yeah. The holiday sweater is the one that's the most at risk of selling out. Blanket will sell out eventually.
But then there's no limit on how many stickers we can sell, how much hot sauce we can sell, like, there is a limit on hot sauce, but we're not going to get anywhere close to it. All the people seem to really like the hot sauce. And it's interesting that people are willing to pay that price for the hot sauce, because it makes me think that my mom and I's hot sauce, if we made it in a commercial kitchen, could actually, I mean.. could it?
We're probably going to have 200 bottles of hot sauce this year. We sold them for $20. That's a lot of work for $4000 to Partners In Health.
I mean like. I might just rather give them to my friends. Honestly.
That's a lot of shipping and labelling and everything. But man, our hot sauce is good this year. It's really good.
Maybe I'll show it to you later. It's fermenting right now. And it looks mean.
It looks like it's supposed to look. Any chance of getting a Pizza Hank shirt? I mean I think it's a good idea, I just don't know that we have the right design, and I don't know we have the right time frame to get -- well yeah, if we had the right design, I think we would do it probably, is the short answer.
Yeah I mean the oven mitt is expensive. There may be. I mean I wish I could just, pfft, give everybody watching this a discount.
But of course I don't know how to do that. Um. How do you do that?
How do you. Oh you Create Discount. Alright hold on.
Uh. Alright. $1 off of... Know what?
We'll do 10%. I've never done this before, so I don't know if this is going to work, full disclosure. No minimum requirements, all customers.
Doo doo doo. Doo doo doo. Doo doo doo.
And... save discount. Let's see if that works. One error with this discount: specific collections must be added.
Applies to. I just wanna apply it to all products. Um.
Uhhh.... Is there an all? No.
Well that's a problem. Hold on. I'm gonna get this.
This is happening live, y'all. I'm problem-solving live. I don't want it to go to specific collections OR to specific products.
Search collections? Ok, I'll search collections. All products!
Yes, yes, yes! Ok. I think I did it.
Alright. Hold on. Did I do it.
Right now, if you use the code-- I'm getting a shareable link-- (sniffs). If you use the code JOHNLIVE right there on that link that I just put in the chat, you get 10% off your order. Don't tell.
Do not tell our CEO LJ that I did this. Ok? Hopefully she won't notice. 10% all products period.
I think. I'm gonna try to do it right now. I'm gonna go to
I wanted to buy a different size of something anyway. Um and I'm gonna buy this shirt in XL. And I'm gonna add to cart.
I'm gonna make sure that this works. I'm gonna view my cart. I'm gonna delete that out of the cart.
I'm gonna delete that out of my cart. And then I'm gonna go to checkout. Where do I-- where do I put in my...
Wait, where do I put in my discount or gift code? JOHN... LIVE....
Apply. YES! Wait?
Yes! (sniff) It seems to have only taken the 10% off -- oh no it took the whole 10% off. 29... 2.90.. it only took the 10% off of the one thing. It didn't take it off of the sticker sheet subscription. Um, oh because that's a subscription.
But it'll take it off anything that isn't a subscription. That's the basic rule. Okay.
It worked-- I did it! I'm a marketing genius. Let's just say the truth, ok?
Which is that I'm a marketing genius. The code, the code is JOHNLIVE.
Put in the code JOHNLIVE 10% off. Boom Boom Boom. Don't tell LJ.
And them I'm gonna delete it after this because I don't want to get in trouble. 10% off all your purchases except for subscriptions at I'm a marketing genius. I'm having a cup of water and bourbon.
It's my usual Friday evening drink. Just a little bit of bourbon and a bunch of water. So that it doesn't taste like liquor, it just tastes like spicy water.
You know, that's what I'm going for. I'm going for Spicy Water. You don't do this with nice bourbon.
So. I don't even know what it is. But it wasn't like anything fancy or special.
Yeah. (sniffs) I don't know if you have to use JOHNLIVE is all lowercase or all uppercase. I don't know if it matters. But I did it in all lowercase and it worked, so.
Yeah. Um, so I'm having my cup of spicy water, Sarah's out of town this weekend. She's on a girls trip which is great.
So I would be parenting Alice and Henry, but they're so old now and uninterested in me that they're off doing stuff with their friends on the internet. Am I in a hotel? No, this is my house.
And again, I have a beautiful look, I have a beautiful home. There are so many wonderful views in this home. This is a lovely-- look at this lovely room.
And if I have this as a background, then you're like oh that guy's not in a hotel, he's in his beautiful home. But i don't know why I always go into this corner because that beautiful chair there. And then it looks like I'm in a hotel but I'm not in a hotel, I'm in my house.
But I know it looks like that, and I'm sorry. I feel responsible that I don't have a better live streaming background. I'm never going to be Mr.
Beast or Carl. With this live streaming background. I'm never going to make it in the world.
Yes i'm wearing sweatpants. Alright it's just a really good chair. It's a really, really-- it's hard to even explain how good this chair is.
It's the only chair that works for my old man back with my ruptured disc. Ah god I'm 46. Yeah.
So that's the deal. It is a nice chair. It's kinda pricey but it seems worth it.
Well, I mean there's a lot of expensive things in my house. I'm not gonna lie. But I don't think this chair is one of them because I think it's a knockoff.
But I'm not positive, but I'm pretty sure it's a knockoff because we've had it for a long time, and usually the stuff we bought before 2012 is a knockoff. (laughs) I could have sworn I glanced at him in Walmart today. This guy? It's unlikely.
Did I leave the house today? Well I took the kids to school, I picked the kids up from school. Did I enter a commercial establishment though, or did I only enter uh sites of education?
I went to the office. I don't think I entered a commercial establishment today, unless you count my office. I'm making a podcast, a secret podcast.
That's going to be great. I don't want to brag. But.
It's so good. It's uh, I can't tell you what it's about. But it's so good.
And I'm making it with a friend adn she is so good. She is the star of the podcast. I'm just the village idiot.
But yeah it's really good. Really really good. But ok, so again, you can go to to and use the promo code JOHNLIVE, all one word, to get 10% off your order.
It's the only pizzamas cross- cross-site discount that we've ever had. Is that true? I think it is.
Yeah., 10% off your order. I'm a marketing genius, I'm gonna delete it after the livestream.
I dunno if I'll delete it right after the livestream, maybe I'll delete it in the morning. Um. Can I tell-- can you tell us when the podcast..
When the podcast? It'll come out... ah geez, when will it come out? Probably next year, if I had to guess.
Early next year? Next year is gonna be nuts. Next year is gonna be the year hopefully, that pays off all the work I did this year, the year I was supposed to take it down a notch, but I chose not to.
I never really want to have a year like this again, obviously, but I've learned a lot. But I yeah, I definitely learned a lot. But yeah, I am so good at marketing, it's not even fair. you know like, I feel bad for all the people who aren't me.
Because I'm the best at marketing. You saw how I just did that 10% discount like a complete pro. Like someone who's done it a million times before.
By the way, I don't even know if we make money on a 10% discount. I probably should have looked into that before I offered that 10% discount. But if you click on the link that John shared, you don't even need to type in the discount.
Alright, I'm gonna share the link again. There, you don't even need to type the discount if you click on that link. Alright, here's the deal.
I hope we still make money, because otherwise this was not... this was not my strongest plan. (laugh) Thanks to William and Emmy and Abby and Joel and Sarah and Callum and Matt and Anna and Erin and Daniel and Callie and Milo, possibly mee-lo, and Simon or possible Simone, and Tess and Mikey, who all ordered in the last minute. So, if nothing else, it's going well in terms of speed of ordering. I just don't know if we're going to make any money, don't tell LJ.
Abby, if you're here, don't tell LJ about this, this is between me and my community, alright? I got Milo right the first time. Alright, thanks Milo.
I really like that name by the way. One of the early early Nerdfighters was named Milo. Milo Wendt.
And uh. Yeah, great guy. Still hear from him occasionally.
Yeah so Pizzamas-- haha we don't tell. If we make a Don't Tell LJ shirt, then LJ might find out for sure. And anyway, LJ would be cool with this.
She's cool. She's cool. Gotta get $67 off The Works bundle.
That's right, for just $670, or now, if you use the promo code, $603, you can get the entire everything, every- everything, everything Pizzamas. Every-- literally everything. That we released in this year's Pizzamas.
If you are a completist who has a spare $603, there has never been a better time to invest in the works for Pizza John. I'm always surprised actually, we do that bundle every year, and every year I'm like nobody's gonna buy this. And a few people do.
So you never know. What is.. let's see. Uh.
What is my favorite Taylor Swift album? Ah... I mean I don't know. 1989 is probably the one that I have like the closest emotional connection to, but I really like Midnights.
I like folklore a lot, and I like some of the early albums too. But 1989 is probably like the one that's like closest to my heart because of when it came out, and what my life was like then, and how on the set of Paper Towns, we would always sing those songs. So that one's pretty close to me. (sniffs) Um wait.
You need to know what. Come on John, we need to know. But I don't know what you need to know.
So you gotta ask me the question within one comment. What's my favorite type of cheese? Uh...
Dutch cheese for sure, um. Yeah. I mean I guess my favorite type of cheese, like some type of manchego that's still like that's got a little softness to it, that would probably be my favorite.
I like a sheep's cheese a lot. Um, but in terms of like standard cheeses, I'd probably say Gouda. Did I say that right, Dutch people?
All the Dutch people are asleep, who are we kidding. But um, I love a sheep's milk cheese. I feel a little bad, but you know, just because of the sheeps.
Which company had the coolest-seeming UN representative? Which country? Um, well I got to see the minister of health from Sierra Leone.
Which is always cool, I'm a big fan of his. And um, he does great work. He worked for the Centers for Disease Control in the United States for a long time before going home to Sierra Leone and agreeing to become the minister of health, and I think he's done a really good job, so.
That was probably my favorite person to see there. I'm Dutch. I'm in Australia.
Well that explains it. Some Dutch people are still awake, so hopefully I said Gouda correctly. I -- um-- Tom says I said it very ok.
I uh, my kids make so much fun of me whenever I speak in any kind of foreign accent, they always say that I sound like I'm uh, like I'm both wrong but really confident, you know? So yeah. That's one of the things that they love to make fun of me for.
But there's lots of other things they like to make fun of me for too, don't worry about that. Alright, um, We've had so many orders, I hope I don't get in trouble.
Um, for uh, um, for instance, Thomas reports, "Thank you John for my 10% discount and your potentially bad good business sense." Yeah it's hard to know. It's hard to know. Um, it's hard to know if that was good business sense or bad business sense.
Maybe it should have been 5% if I'm looking back maybe I wish it were 5%, but I'm gonna delete it right at the end of this episode so I hopefully won't get in too much trouble. Um they'll just be like what was this big spike in sales? And I'll be like, I guess I'm just really good at marketing.
And they'll be like, why did we make less money? And I'll be like, what now? Um, but yeah.
So right now, at, you can get 10% off if you follow this link. I'm just gonna put this link in the chat, then I'm going to delete it right after. Sean says, "I guess we'll never know." Which is kinda true, um.
That's why LJ is the CEO now. Because I wasn't that good at it. Time to buy the chia head.
Jennifer, there's never been a better time to buy the chia head. It's only $45. It used to be $50.
But you can get 10% off right now. Jazzy wants me to commit to the bit. I'm committed to the bit.
I'm leaving it up right until the end. Are you gonna grow a chia john? Yeah, so I just found out that you can actually spread the chia seeds across the mustache.
And they will sprout from the mustache as well as from the head. So what I'm gonna do is I'm going to grow a mustache and hair, but I'm gonna have a mint plant coming out the top of my head that I'm gonna use to make mint juleps. So I have fully figured out what I'm gonna do, and it's gonna be hilarious.
So you just sort of shave the chias as you go, so they don't get too big. And uh, and they keep growing for quite a while. So that's gonna be hilarious.
I can't believe that I get to have a mustache that's hilarious. Is there a link to directly support TB treatment access? Yeah, it's
That's the link. Don't buy Pizzamas stuff if you just wanna support TB. Only buy this if you wanna wear this sweet t-shirt.
If you wanna support TB treatment and access, I recommend Partners In Health and uh, who I think does a tremendous amount of good work in the tuberculosis space, and I'm not just saying that because I'm a long time supporter. If it weren't for PIH, I think we might still live in a world where we don't treat multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis at all, or we would have lived in that world for much longer. Um, and also MSF, Doctors Without Borders, does really important work in getting TB treatment to folks.
You know for better or for worse, the main, the biggest forces in that world are governments, number one, governments of India, Indonesia, Brazil, Ukraine, Romania, governments with high TB burdens in middle income countries. USAID, is very important in that space, and the Global Fund. Because the Global Fund exists to fight malaria, HIV/AIDS, and tuberculosis, only 17% or 18%, I think, of the money, goes to TB, but it's actually 71% of the lives that have been saved since the Global Fund started, so it's pretty incredible what TB caregivers have been able to do with relatively limited funds.
It's just frustrating that we can't get far more funds, because we should have... because we could... you know we could end TB. It would take billions of dollars, but we could end it. We could make it so -- I mean we couldn't end it, because it has animal reservoirs, like it's not gonna be like smallpox where you get rid of it, but we could end it as a public health threat.
We could make it like diphtheria, or typhoid, or mumps where it's not a huge driver of human suffering. It's always gonna be-- it's always probably gonna be part of our story, it's always-- it's been part of our story since before modern humans existed, like it was part of the human story before our species existed, so it's hard to imagine completely getting rid of it. But we don't need to completely get rid of it, we need it to be a disease that doesn't kill 1.6M people a year even though it's curable.
Yeah so we need a lot of support to do that. Part of that is gonna come from NGOs and fundraising. A lot of it is gonna come from making it clear to our governments that we won't live in a world with this much TB, and that we don't have to.
And that's about lobbying your congressperson, and making the case at a higher level that Global Fund money should go to-- first off there should be more money in the Global Fund, and that more of it should go to TB and all those cases. That's uh, you know, one of the problems in this space is that diseases get pitted against each other a lot of the times, you know, people will be like oh we shouldn't spend this muc money on HIV, we should spend it on tuberculosis. Well, we shouldn't be in a situation where we are having to cut up a tiny pie and figure out how to best cut up the tiny pie, we should be in a situation where we are treating human health as a public good instead of as an opportunity for profit.
And once you do that, you start-- you free up far more resources, because you're like oh, the point of this is not to make sure there is an opportunity for corporations to make money, the point of this is to reduce human suffering. And if that's the point, we know how to do that. We have the resources to do it.
We just need to like, use those resources. But it does require sacrifice, right? It requires either higher taxes or not spending money on other things.
Like that's just the nature of how this stuff works. But I would argue that there's been no better investment that the United States made in the last 30 years than in PEPFAR, the massive investment spearheaded by the George W. Bush administration to reduce the burden of HIV/AIDS in poor countries.
Like that has saved millions and millions and millions of lives, maybe tens of millions. And so I think-- and also like, has been very good for the US's reputation around the world. So I think we could do something similar with TB, obviously it seems hard right now since we're not gonna have a government in 48hrs, but things that seem hard get done all the time.
So. Yeah. So that's how I feel about this overall.
Again, if you go-- I'll put the link in the chat, if you go to this link, you can get 10% off you Pizzamas order for the next, I dunno, how much power do I have left in the battery? 12%. For the next 7 minutes. Izzy says, "Thank you John!
My friends are gonna love Pizza John sticker packs." So uh, thank you Izzy, for leaving a comment when you made your order. And Em also left a comment to say "Thanks for the discount, for your most dedicated followers! How do you pronounce nugigi?" I guess I pronounce it noo-GHEE-ghee.
But I don't really know what that word means. I hope it's not offensive. Can we combine it with the sticker pack order for cheaper shipping?
Oh I don't know how that works, Milo. That's the kind of thing that I don't know how it works. (sniffs) But it should be possible, I just don't know how. So maybe the people at DFTBA will be able to figure it out, I'm not sure.
They're gonna have a big influx of orders in the morning. Jana, or perhaps Jjjana, or John-a? Jana?
Just got the neon sign, thank you! Jana or Jana or Jana! I'm not very good with names.
But we are having a lovely time here. Lots of people at Lots of people making orders.
I'm gonna leave it up until-- I'm gonna leave it up until 9. But again, you can't tell anybody. This has gotta be our secret.
Thanks as always to the mods in chat for doing a great job. When are we getting a Turtles All The Way Down trailer? It's a great question, Audrey.
I wish I knew the answer. I've seen the trailer. It was great.
I think they're trying to figure out how to release the movie. I think that's the issue. Not whether the movie's great or the trailer's great.
I think the issue is that uh, you know, it's hard to figure out how to release a movie in 2023, you know? Like, we thought everything was going to be streaming. But now there's a lot of things that are theatrical.
And streaming doesn't seem like the amazing investment for corporations that it seemed like a few years ago. So, there's a lot. There's a lot to consider there.
But it'll come out one way or another. I hope. (laughs) I hope. You never know.
You never know until it's out. If it's going to come out. But uh it's a really good movie, so I hope it comes out.
Um yeah so the reason these are more expensive-- oh Abby's here. The reason these are more expensive is because they're printed differently to make them look and feel more like how we want them to look and feel, and that printing process is much more expensive. Also there's lot of, as you can see, lots of colors.
But it's a very like, soft... it's uh, it is a slightly better shirt. Um, but it is much more expensive which I feel bad about. Alright, I'm now at 9% battery so I've gotta go soon.
When is the sequel Turtles All The Way Across? I don't know I'm gonna write a sequel. Satsune notes, correctly, that corporations ruin streaming for themselves.
Which is exactly right. Um, I am in no way defending the choices of large media companies, just to be clear. (laughs) I think they've done a not-the-best-job. But, I want people to see and like the Turtles All The Way Down movie just as much as I like it.
So hopefully that'll happen. Hopefully that'll happen, we'll see. DFTBA shirts are great for summer, lighter than my other t-shirts in a nice way.
Yeah, they are pretty light, they don't have that like thick, super... some of my t-shirts, some of my thicker t-shirts feel uh, almost rigid. You know? Like, they don't wrap around my body in quite the same way.
Whereas these shirts do feel quite comfortable. To me anyway. While we're speaking about comfort, I have to say that I love the blanket.
The blanket is the most comfortable, uh, I was just uh, snuggling with my kid. Sort of. He was playing Fortnite with his friend.
And I was trying to snuggle with him. And he was like Dad, I'm playing Fortnite. So that was nice.
That was nice. It didn't make me feel at all old. They have good drapes.
Thank you. Thank you, we worked hard on these. We had a lot of discussions when we first moved into this house about the color of these drapes.
And here they are! in real life. Ok. Ok.
So uh. I'm gonna leave the link up until 9. Which is in 39 minutes.
And then I'm gonna take it down. Alright, then I'm gonna go back to trying to snuggle with my kids who have no interest in me. That's my plan.
The last question I will answer is from Ludwig, who says, "Thoughts about Lost In Translation?" It's the first movie I ever saw with Sarah! We saw it on a date! It was such a nice date!
That's my main thought. Is that like, you think movies are about movies, but it's actually about your experience with movies. And your experience of movies can be very different than the movie.
I don't even remember what the movie was. I don't even remember if I liked the movie or if I just liked being with Sarah on our first date. But there you go.
There's my answer. Alright y'all. DFTBA.
Thank you for being here. If you want help, if you want customer service help, you can always email DFTBA. So if you go to, there's a really easy way to get in touch with our amazing customer service staff, or if you go to and go down to the bottom link and go to Contact Us, you can just type in your name, your email, your order number, and you can ask those questions, or you can email us at
Either way, we'll get the message. And our amazing folks at customer service will help you out. So that's the news.
Alright. DFTBA. On several levels.
Thank y'all. Take care.
I do these every night, no matter how tired I am. Which lately has been quite tired, but that's ok.
Um, I am currently broadcasting to nobody, which is-- that's the best part. I like it when I'm broadcasting to nobody. There are so many good Zoom backgrounds in my house, why -- it's just that I love this chair.
And it doesn't have a good background. I feel like I should move. I feel like I should go over here, and livestream while standing, you know?
Maybe I should just like be here. I mean this is a nice background. And I'll just do a standing livestream.
Hey everybody, look at this amazing shirt. It was designed by a nerdfighter. And it's phenomenal.
And it's available now at Look at all my eras! We got the little kid with a mustache era, we got the early vlogbrothers with a mustache era, we got author era, um, we got vidcon era, we got Pizza John era, and then I think it's maybe we got these like, this is like tuberculosis era.
So we got all the major eras. Designed by Rachel, It's a really good shirt. Pizzamas 2023, it's happening.
It's Pizzamas. I'm doing a livestream while standing. Ha-buhbuhbuh.
Boodoodoodoo. You don't know where I'm gonna be next. Alright, so um, really good day for Pizzamas today.
Another good day, another day that's like day 1 was the best day 1 we've ever had, day 2 was the best day 2 we've ever had, this is probably going to be the best day 5 we've ever had, which is super encouraging. Feeling good about that. People really love this shirt, they love teh shirt that's holding up the Pizzamas.
They love the drawfee shirt, honestly they love all the shirts. The postage stamp shirt is doing really well. The shirt Henry wore last night that's like, really cool and black and has my like, big eyes looking longingly at a pizza.
That shirt's doing great too. is where you get all the shirts. And uh, and yeah.
So. That part's going great, I think in general, the Pizzamas part of Pizzamas, the non-ecommeerce part is going well. You know like Hank and I have I think made a range of videos.
Some of them have done well in terms of views, some of them haven't, but I think in general it's going well, in the sense that people like it and are responding to it. Let me tell you about this work of art, I never talk about it. Ok? I'll thank people who are ordering at Pizzamas in a minute. But um, let me tell you about this work of art.
It's by an Indiana-based artist, her name is Laura Foster Nicholson, and um, she makes textiles. This is uh, you know it's like a blanket. But more expensive (laughs) than a blanket.
Uh, certainly more expensive than the Pizzamas blankets that you can get right now at So uh, this is a ... Lara Foster Nicholson makes a ton of stuff like, she has an Etsy shop, you can go there, she makes pillows, she makes all kinds of things.
Um, but this is like, this is her work that is about the relationship between the human-built world and the kind of the world without us. Or the world if we weren't around. These are shipping containers, so it's like..
I like how it's abstract and geometric, but at the same time representational, because these are shipping containers, but they're not just shipping containers. Also there's climate data from the last century that's woven in across -- you have to look-- it's quite subtle. But there, in the distance between the colors and the colors, it represents the shift in the overall average temperature of Earth over the last century.
So I think it's a really cool piece, and also we really like supporting Indiana artists. This is not hte only kind of art that we get, but we do like it a lot. Hold on I'll take you over to a non-Indiana artist.
I love this painting too. Cause it's a TV of nature. From the cooking channel.
But also behind that, is a hint of outside, but outside is covered up because this blind it closed. So you feel like you're in a cabin, but you can't see outside, but you can see the TV that's depicting outside. So that's another t-shirt-- that's another painting I like, um, that's in our house.
I like these two paintings, I mean we have a lot of art in our house. But these two paintings are of the same space but on different media. This is on paper and this is painted directly onto wood.
And so different things happened when you're trying to reflect the same space in different media. The medium is the message, y'all. Pfft.
Ok. So that's a little bit of art. Art history for you.
A little bit of Pizzamas history for you real quick. Look at this. Look at this.
Look at my eras. Little bit of Pizzamas history for you. So like I said, don't worry if you can't order Pizzamas stuff at
Don't feel bad in any way. Please seriously. But just in the last couple minutes, thanks to Carly, and Ahmazan, and Jordan and Ian and Emmett and William and Alison and Sage.
Who all ordered stuff at Emmett. Let me tell you about Emmett.
Emmett got the Pizza John cutter, the Pizza John oven mitt, which hasn't been selling as well as some of the other things, so thank you Emmett. And um, and also got the color changing Pizza John mug. And the pizza John sticker pack.
Our color-changing Pizza John mug is very cool. I used it this morning, and I shouldn't have been surprised that it worked. When I poured my coffee, when my coffee was brewed directly into it, it started to change color.
It was a pretty cool experience. I was like wow, it really is an effect-- it really does work. What's about to sell out?
Great question, I'll tell you. So. A couple of the sizes of the Pizza John holiday sweater have sold out, and um, but I don't want to say that, because I don't want more people to order them because we have a bundle coming up.
I'll tell you what hasn't sold out. That chizza John thing. But the blankets are... the blankets are probably on their way to selling out eventually, the mug is probably going to sell out eventually.
The bath bombs are going to sell out this weekend. The sterling silver earrings will sell out at some point but probably not this weekend. The bath bombs are probably going to sell out today or tomorrow.
And then the neon sign I mean might sell out at the very end, but yeah. The holiday sweater is the one that's the most at risk of selling out. Blanket will sell out eventually.
But then there's no limit on how many stickers we can sell, how much hot sauce we can sell, like, there is a limit on hot sauce, but we're not going to get anywhere close to it. All the people seem to really like the hot sauce. And it's interesting that people are willing to pay that price for the hot sauce, because it makes me think that my mom and I's hot sauce, if we made it in a commercial kitchen, could actually, I mean.. could it?
We're probably going to have 200 bottles of hot sauce this year. We sold them for $20. That's a lot of work for $4000 to Partners In Health.
I mean like. I might just rather give them to my friends. Honestly.
That's a lot of shipping and labelling and everything. But man, our hot sauce is good this year. It's really good.
Maybe I'll show it to you later. It's fermenting right now. And it looks mean.
It looks like it's supposed to look. Any chance of getting a Pizza Hank shirt? I mean I think it's a good idea, I just don't know that we have the right design, and I don't know we have the right time frame to get -- well yeah, if we had the right design, I think we would do it probably, is the short answer.
Yeah I mean the oven mitt is expensive. There may be. I mean I wish I could just, pfft, give everybody watching this a discount.
But of course I don't know how to do that. Um. How do you do that?
How do you. Oh you Create Discount. Alright hold on.
Uh. Alright. $1 off of... Know what?
We'll do 10%. I've never done this before, so I don't know if this is going to work, full disclosure. No minimum requirements, all customers.
Doo doo doo. Doo doo doo. Doo doo doo.
And... save discount. Let's see if that works. One error with this discount: specific collections must be added.
Applies to. I just wanna apply it to all products. Um.
Uhhh.... Is there an all? No.
Well that's a problem. Hold on. I'm gonna get this.
This is happening live, y'all. I'm problem-solving live. I don't want it to go to specific collections OR to specific products.
Search collections? Ok, I'll search collections. All products!
Yes, yes, yes! Ok. I think I did it.
Alright. Hold on. Did I do it.
Right now, if you use the code-- I'm getting a shareable link-- (sniffs). If you use the code JOHNLIVE right there on that link that I just put in the chat, you get 10% off your order. Don't tell.
Do not tell our CEO LJ that I did this. Ok? Hopefully she won't notice. 10% all products period.
I think. I'm gonna try to do it right now. I'm gonna go to
I wanted to buy a different size of something anyway. Um and I'm gonna buy this shirt in XL. And I'm gonna add to cart.
I'm gonna make sure that this works. I'm gonna view my cart. I'm gonna delete that out of the cart.
I'm gonna delete that out of my cart. And then I'm gonna go to checkout. Where do I-- where do I put in my...
Wait, where do I put in my discount or gift code? JOHN... LIVE....
Apply. YES! Wait?
Yes! (sniff) It seems to have only taken the 10% off -- oh no it took the whole 10% off. 29... 2.90.. it only took the 10% off of the one thing. It didn't take it off of the sticker sheet subscription. Um, oh because that's a subscription.
But it'll take it off anything that isn't a subscription. That's the basic rule. Okay.
It worked-- I did it! I'm a marketing genius. Let's just say the truth, ok?
Which is that I'm a marketing genius. The code, the code is JOHNLIVE.
Put in the code JOHNLIVE 10% off. Boom Boom Boom. Don't tell LJ.
And them I'm gonna delete it after this because I don't want to get in trouble. 10% off all your purchases except for subscriptions at I'm a marketing genius. I'm having a cup of water and bourbon.
It's my usual Friday evening drink. Just a little bit of bourbon and a bunch of water. So that it doesn't taste like liquor, it just tastes like spicy water.
You know, that's what I'm going for. I'm going for Spicy Water. You don't do this with nice bourbon.
So. I don't even know what it is. But it wasn't like anything fancy or special.
Yeah. (sniffs) I don't know if you have to use JOHNLIVE is all lowercase or all uppercase. I don't know if it matters. But I did it in all lowercase and it worked, so.
Yeah. Um, so I'm having my cup of spicy water, Sarah's out of town this weekend. She's on a girls trip which is great.
So I would be parenting Alice and Henry, but they're so old now and uninterested in me that they're off doing stuff with their friends on the internet. Am I in a hotel? No, this is my house.
And again, I have a beautiful look, I have a beautiful home. There are so many wonderful views in this home. This is a lovely-- look at this lovely room.
And if I have this as a background, then you're like oh that guy's not in a hotel, he's in his beautiful home. But i don't know why I always go into this corner because that beautiful chair there. And then it looks like I'm in a hotel but I'm not in a hotel, I'm in my house.
But I know it looks like that, and I'm sorry. I feel responsible that I don't have a better live streaming background. I'm never going to be Mr.
Beast or Carl. With this live streaming background. I'm never going to make it in the world.
Yes i'm wearing sweatpants. Alright it's just a really good chair. It's a really, really-- it's hard to even explain how good this chair is.
It's the only chair that works for my old man back with my ruptured disc. Ah god I'm 46. Yeah.
So that's the deal. It is a nice chair. It's kinda pricey but it seems worth it.
Well, I mean there's a lot of expensive things in my house. I'm not gonna lie. But I don't think this chair is one of them because I think it's a knockoff.
But I'm not positive, but I'm pretty sure it's a knockoff because we've had it for a long time, and usually the stuff we bought before 2012 is a knockoff. (laughs) I could have sworn I glanced at him in Walmart today. This guy? It's unlikely.
Did I leave the house today? Well I took the kids to school, I picked the kids up from school. Did I enter a commercial establishment though, or did I only enter uh sites of education?
I went to the office. I don't think I entered a commercial establishment today, unless you count my office. I'm making a podcast, a secret podcast.
That's going to be great. I don't want to brag. But.
It's so good. It's uh, I can't tell you what it's about. But it's so good.
And I'm making it with a friend adn she is so good. She is the star of the podcast. I'm just the village idiot.
But yeah it's really good. Really really good. But ok, so again, you can go to to and use the promo code JOHNLIVE, all one word, to get 10% off your order.
It's the only pizzamas cross- cross-site discount that we've ever had. Is that true? I think it is.
Yeah., 10% off your order. I'm a marketing genius, I'm gonna delete it after the livestream.
I dunno if I'll delete it right after the livestream, maybe I'll delete it in the morning. Um. Can I tell-- can you tell us when the podcast..
When the podcast? It'll come out... ah geez, when will it come out? Probably next year, if I had to guess.
Early next year? Next year is gonna be nuts. Next year is gonna be the year hopefully, that pays off all the work I did this year, the year I was supposed to take it down a notch, but I chose not to.
I never really want to have a year like this again, obviously, but I've learned a lot. But I yeah, I definitely learned a lot. But yeah, I am so good at marketing, it's not even fair. you know like, I feel bad for all the people who aren't me.
Because I'm the best at marketing. You saw how I just did that 10% discount like a complete pro. Like someone who's done it a million times before.
By the way, I don't even know if we make money on a 10% discount. I probably should have looked into that before I offered that 10% discount. But if you click on the link that John shared, you don't even need to type in the discount.
Alright, I'm gonna share the link again. There, you don't even need to type the discount if you click on that link. Alright, here's the deal.
I hope we still make money, because otherwise this was not... this was not my strongest plan. (laugh) Thanks to William and Emmy and Abby and Joel and Sarah and Callum and Matt and Anna and Erin and Daniel and Callie and Milo, possibly mee-lo, and Simon or possible Simone, and Tess and Mikey, who all ordered in the last minute. So, if nothing else, it's going well in terms of speed of ordering. I just don't know if we're going to make any money, don't tell LJ.
Abby, if you're here, don't tell LJ about this, this is between me and my community, alright? I got Milo right the first time. Alright, thanks Milo.
I really like that name by the way. One of the early early Nerdfighters was named Milo. Milo Wendt.
And uh. Yeah, great guy. Still hear from him occasionally.
Yeah so Pizzamas-- haha we don't tell. If we make a Don't Tell LJ shirt, then LJ might find out for sure. And anyway, LJ would be cool with this.
She's cool. She's cool. Gotta get $67 off The Works bundle.
That's right, for just $670, or now, if you use the promo code, $603, you can get the entire everything, every- everything, everything Pizzamas. Every-- literally everything. That we released in this year's Pizzamas.
If you are a completist who has a spare $603, there has never been a better time to invest in the works for Pizza John. I'm always surprised actually, we do that bundle every year, and every year I'm like nobody's gonna buy this. And a few people do.
So you never know. What is.. let's see. Uh.
What is my favorite Taylor Swift album? Ah... I mean I don't know. 1989 is probably the one that I have like the closest emotional connection to, but I really like Midnights.
I like folklore a lot, and I like some of the early albums too. But 1989 is probably like the one that's like closest to my heart because of when it came out, and what my life was like then, and how on the set of Paper Towns, we would always sing those songs. So that one's pretty close to me. (sniffs) Um wait.
You need to know what. Come on John, we need to know. But I don't know what you need to know.
So you gotta ask me the question within one comment. What's my favorite type of cheese? Uh...
Dutch cheese for sure, um. Yeah. I mean I guess my favorite type of cheese, like some type of manchego that's still like that's got a little softness to it, that would probably be my favorite.
I like a sheep's cheese a lot. Um, but in terms of like standard cheeses, I'd probably say Gouda. Did I say that right, Dutch people?
All the Dutch people are asleep, who are we kidding. But um, I love a sheep's milk cheese. I feel a little bad, but you know, just because of the sheeps.
Which company had the coolest-seeming UN representative? Which country? Um, well I got to see the minister of health from Sierra Leone.
Which is always cool, I'm a big fan of his. And um, he does great work. He worked for the Centers for Disease Control in the United States for a long time before going home to Sierra Leone and agreeing to become the minister of health, and I think he's done a really good job, so.
That was probably my favorite person to see there. I'm Dutch. I'm in Australia.
Well that explains it. Some Dutch people are still awake, so hopefully I said Gouda correctly. I -- um-- Tom says I said it very ok.
I uh, my kids make so much fun of me whenever I speak in any kind of foreign accent, they always say that I sound like I'm uh, like I'm both wrong but really confident, you know? So yeah. That's one of the things that they love to make fun of me for.
But there's lots of other things they like to make fun of me for too, don't worry about that. Alright, um, We've had so many orders, I hope I don't get in trouble.
Um, for uh, um, for instance, Thomas reports, "Thank you John for my 10% discount and your potentially bad good business sense." Yeah it's hard to know. It's hard to know. Um, it's hard to know if that was good business sense or bad business sense.
Maybe it should have been 5% if I'm looking back maybe I wish it were 5%, but I'm gonna delete it right at the end of this episode so I hopefully won't get in too much trouble. Um they'll just be like what was this big spike in sales? And I'll be like, I guess I'm just really good at marketing.
And they'll be like, why did we make less money? And I'll be like, what now? Um, but yeah.
So right now, at, you can get 10% off if you follow this link. I'm just gonna put this link in the chat, then I'm going to delete it right after. Sean says, "I guess we'll never know." Which is kinda true, um.
That's why LJ is the CEO now. Because I wasn't that good at it. Time to buy the chia head.
Jennifer, there's never been a better time to buy the chia head. It's only $45. It used to be $50.
But you can get 10% off right now. Jazzy wants me to commit to the bit. I'm committed to the bit.
I'm leaving it up right until the end. Are you gonna grow a chia john? Yeah, so I just found out that you can actually spread the chia seeds across the mustache.
And they will sprout from the mustache as well as from the head. So what I'm gonna do is I'm going to grow a mustache and hair, but I'm gonna have a mint plant coming out the top of my head that I'm gonna use to make mint juleps. So I have fully figured out what I'm gonna do, and it's gonna be hilarious.
So you just sort of shave the chias as you go, so they don't get too big. And uh, and they keep growing for quite a while. So that's gonna be hilarious.
I can't believe that I get to have a mustache that's hilarious. Is there a link to directly support TB treatment access? Yeah, it's
That's the link. Don't buy Pizzamas stuff if you just wanna support TB. Only buy this if you wanna wear this sweet t-shirt.
If you wanna support TB treatment and access, I recommend Partners In Health and uh, who I think does a tremendous amount of good work in the tuberculosis space, and I'm not just saying that because I'm a long time supporter. If it weren't for PIH, I think we might still live in a world where we don't treat multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis at all, or we would have lived in that world for much longer. Um, and also MSF, Doctors Without Borders, does really important work in getting TB treatment to folks.
You know for better or for worse, the main, the biggest forces in that world are governments, number one, governments of India, Indonesia, Brazil, Ukraine, Romania, governments with high TB burdens in middle income countries. USAID, is very important in that space, and the Global Fund. Because the Global Fund exists to fight malaria, HIV/AIDS, and tuberculosis, only 17% or 18%, I think, of the money, goes to TB, but it's actually 71% of the lives that have been saved since the Global Fund started, so it's pretty incredible what TB caregivers have been able to do with relatively limited funds.
It's just frustrating that we can't get far more funds, because we should have... because we could... you know we could end TB. It would take billions of dollars, but we could end it. We could make it so -- I mean we couldn't end it, because it has animal reservoirs, like it's not gonna be like smallpox where you get rid of it, but we could end it as a public health threat.
We could make it like diphtheria, or typhoid, or mumps where it's not a huge driver of human suffering. It's always gonna be-- it's always probably gonna be part of our story, it's always-- it's been part of our story since before modern humans existed, like it was part of the human story before our species existed, so it's hard to imagine completely getting rid of it. But we don't need to completely get rid of it, we need it to be a disease that doesn't kill 1.6M people a year even though it's curable.
Yeah so we need a lot of support to do that. Part of that is gonna come from NGOs and fundraising. A lot of it is gonna come from making it clear to our governments that we won't live in a world with this much TB, and that we don't have to.
And that's about lobbying your congressperson, and making the case at a higher level that Global Fund money should go to-- first off there should be more money in the Global Fund, and that more of it should go to TB and all those cases. That's uh, you know, one of the problems in this space is that diseases get pitted against each other a lot of the times, you know, people will be like oh we shouldn't spend this muc money on HIV, we should spend it on tuberculosis. Well, we shouldn't be in a situation where we are having to cut up a tiny pie and figure out how to best cut up the tiny pie, we should be in a situation where we are treating human health as a public good instead of as an opportunity for profit.
And once you do that, you start-- you free up far more resources, because you're like oh, the point of this is not to make sure there is an opportunity for corporations to make money, the point of this is to reduce human suffering. And if that's the point, we know how to do that. We have the resources to do it.
We just need to like, use those resources. But it does require sacrifice, right? It requires either higher taxes or not spending money on other things.
Like that's just the nature of how this stuff works. But I would argue that there's been no better investment that the United States made in the last 30 years than in PEPFAR, the massive investment spearheaded by the George W. Bush administration to reduce the burden of HIV/AIDS in poor countries.
Like that has saved millions and millions and millions of lives, maybe tens of millions. And so I think-- and also like, has been very good for the US's reputation around the world. So I think we could do something similar with TB, obviously it seems hard right now since we're not gonna have a government in 48hrs, but things that seem hard get done all the time.
So. Yeah. So that's how I feel about this overall.
Again, if you go-- I'll put the link in the chat, if you go to this link, you can get 10% off you Pizzamas order for the next, I dunno, how much power do I have left in the battery? 12%. For the next 7 minutes. Izzy says, "Thank you John!
My friends are gonna love Pizza John sticker packs." So uh, thank you Izzy, for leaving a comment when you made your order. And Em also left a comment to say "Thanks for the discount, for your most dedicated followers! How do you pronounce nugigi?" I guess I pronounce it noo-GHEE-ghee.
But I don't really know what that word means. I hope it's not offensive. Can we combine it with the sticker pack order for cheaper shipping?
Oh I don't know how that works, Milo. That's the kind of thing that I don't know how it works. (sniffs) But it should be possible, I just don't know how. So maybe the people at DFTBA will be able to figure it out, I'm not sure.
They're gonna have a big influx of orders in the morning. Jana, or perhaps Jjjana, or John-a? Jana?
Just got the neon sign, thank you! Jana or Jana or Jana! I'm not very good with names.
But we are having a lovely time here. Lots of people at Lots of people making orders.
I'm gonna leave it up until-- I'm gonna leave it up until 9. But again, you can't tell anybody. This has gotta be our secret.
Thanks as always to the mods in chat for doing a great job. When are we getting a Turtles All The Way Down trailer? It's a great question, Audrey.
I wish I knew the answer. I've seen the trailer. It was great.
I think they're trying to figure out how to release the movie. I think that's the issue. Not whether the movie's great or the trailer's great.
I think the issue is that uh, you know, it's hard to figure out how to release a movie in 2023, you know? Like, we thought everything was going to be streaming. But now there's a lot of things that are theatrical.
And streaming doesn't seem like the amazing investment for corporations that it seemed like a few years ago. So, there's a lot. There's a lot to consider there.
But it'll come out one way or another. I hope. (laughs) I hope. You never know.
You never know until it's out. If it's going to come out. But uh it's a really good movie, so I hope it comes out.
Um yeah so the reason these are more expensive-- oh Abby's here. The reason these are more expensive is because they're printed differently to make them look and feel more like how we want them to look and feel, and that printing process is much more expensive. Also there's lot of, as you can see, lots of colors.
But it's a very like, soft... it's uh, it is a slightly better shirt. Um, but it is much more expensive which I feel bad about. Alright, I'm now at 9% battery so I've gotta go soon.
When is the sequel Turtles All The Way Across? I don't know I'm gonna write a sequel. Satsune notes, correctly, that corporations ruin streaming for themselves.
Which is exactly right. Um, I am in no way defending the choices of large media companies, just to be clear. (laughs) I think they've done a not-the-best-job. But, I want people to see and like the Turtles All The Way Down movie just as much as I like it.
So hopefully that'll happen. Hopefully that'll happen, we'll see. DFTBA shirts are great for summer, lighter than my other t-shirts in a nice way.
Yeah, they are pretty light, they don't have that like thick, super... some of my t-shirts, some of my thicker t-shirts feel uh, almost rigid. You know? Like, they don't wrap around my body in quite the same way.
Whereas these shirts do feel quite comfortable. To me anyway. While we're speaking about comfort, I have to say that I love the blanket.
The blanket is the most comfortable, uh, I was just uh, snuggling with my kid. Sort of. He was playing Fortnite with his friend.
And I was trying to snuggle with him. And he was like Dad, I'm playing Fortnite. So that was nice.
That was nice. It didn't make me feel at all old. They have good drapes.
Thank you. Thank you, we worked hard on these. We had a lot of discussions when we first moved into this house about the color of these drapes.
And here they are! in real life. Ok. Ok.
So uh. I'm gonna leave the link up until 9. Which is in 39 minutes.
And then I'm gonna take it down. Alright, then I'm gonna go back to trying to snuggle with my kids who have no interest in me. That's my plan.
The last question I will answer is from Ludwig, who says, "Thoughts about Lost In Translation?" It's the first movie I ever saw with Sarah! We saw it on a date! It was such a nice date!
That's my main thought. Is that like, you think movies are about movies, but it's actually about your experience with movies. And your experience of movies can be very different than the movie.
I don't even remember what the movie was. I don't even remember if I liked the movie or if I just liked being with Sarah on our first date. But there you go.
There's my answer. Alright y'all. DFTBA.
Thank you for being here. If you want help, if you want customer service help, you can always email DFTBA. So if you go to, there's a really easy way to get in touch with our amazing customer service staff, or if you go to and go down to the bottom link and go to Contact Us, you can just type in your name, your email, your order number, and you can ask those questions, or you can email us at
Either way, we'll get the message. And our amazing folks at customer service will help you out. So that's the news.
Alright. DFTBA. On several levels.
Thank y'all. Take care.