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Last sync:2025-02-07 11:00
Follow Miriam and Adam:
Here's Adam's video about my video:

And here's a Radiolab episode that I did with those good folks!

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Welcome to Hankschannel, and to a converation about geoengineering with two people who know lots about climate and climate change. You've got, uh, Adam from ClimateAdam, which is the channel to follow.

It's not easy to make a climate change-specific channel and have it work, but you've really figured it out.  And Miriam, from Zenturo (?) channel. And, I'll have both of those linked so you don't have to figure out how to spell it. Miriam and I have been friends for a long time, and I uh recently made a YouTube video about aerosols and their relationship to geoengineering, and Adam made a wonderful video that's like maybe even a little bit too kind, but also is very isntructuive.

It is a response to it. And, I wanted to get on -- and Miriam was also in that video -- so I wanted to get on and like talk through some of the - how I'm thinking about this right now, so that I don't step in it if I can avoid it. And, also, becasue like I think that this conversation, and this is one point that we all agree on, is going to become more and more relvant over the next couple of decades.

And, we're gonna have to have it, so it's good to be a little bit ahead of the game. And, if you're watching this, you're way ahead of the game. So, know that.

I should say as well that Miriam agreed with you that I was too nice to you.

(laughing) I could see the smile come up when I said that. Uh I guess the thing that I want to start out with is like - I may have intentionally underplayed the magnitude of the controversiality of geoengineering just to not like be inside of that as much for people who were new to it. But, let's talk a little bit about the magnitude of the controversiality of geoengineering.

I mean - I would say that when I've spoken to different climate scientists about

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