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Submit an override word (or as many as you would like)!

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Good morning, John.

There are some days when I know, like, exactly what my job is and some days when I definitely don't. And, like, it's not unusual to finish cancer treatment and then take a little step back and be like, "What is this? What am I doing? Is this my life?" That's also not that unusual when you turn 43 and I turned 43 the day before I got diagnosed with cancer so like, this is new and I don't love it. Side note: If you found yourself thinking over the last few months, "Boy, Hank sure does talk about his cancer a lot." Yeah, just imagine what it's like inside my head!

Anyway, we've done a lot of different things on this YouTube channel. There was a fairly long period of time when we were trying to figure out whether or not our dachshund pooped in our Nintendo when we were children. We've also tried through a number of high-impact strategies to reduce the barriers to higher education in America. Those are two pretty different things. We don't have, like, a shortage of things we're trying to do. Like, last week, I announced that during chemo, I had very meticulously designed eight pairs of socks, delightfully patterned socks, that I spent a whole lot of time trying to make perfect and now we're selling them so that more people in the world can have access to cancer treatment 'cause let me tell you, having access to cancer treatment is great. It's so good.

Also just FYI, if you do not live in the U.S. and you want to get these socks or anything from or the amazing Complexly Calendars or indeed anything from or or the Dropout TV store, this is the last day for a standard shipping order to be guaranteed by Christmas, so like maybe after this video you wanna go shopping, even if you are in the U.S. you might as well 'cause it's not like you don't have people that you'd like to buy gifts for. Also for people in the U.S., today and tomorrow, you get free shipping on any order over $50 at, and we sell for a ton of amazing creators so trust me, it's not hard to find $50 of stuff to buy.

But that's not what this video is about because even after all this time I feel like this is all so new, like, all of this stuff that we're--that people are doing on the internet that there are lots of ways to do things that people literally just haven't thought of yet. Which brings me to another thing that I did while I was getting chemotherapy. I kinda like impulse bought a piece of a mobile game. Now, if I had impulse bought a mobile game on the App Store, that would not be weird. That's not what I did. I saw this amazing gameplay trailer on TikTok and I reached out to the developers and I got early access and I played it and I loved it and it was so delightful, and then I got on the phone with the developers, and they told me that publishing a mobile game is really difficult and fraught and they were really close to the finish line but it was really hard and I said, "Yeah, I love your game. How about I buy 10% of it? You'll get some money so that you can make sure the game is perfect before launch and then I will get 10% of the game's revenue forever and I'll donate that to the Foundation to Decrease World Suck." And so, everyone, I own a piece of Gubbins.

I was told to not make any significant serious decisions while I was going through chemo. I don't get a new car, you're not in your right mind, but I did pay, I don't know around the price of a new car for 10% of a mobile game. And yeah, some people did try to talk me out of it, but look, I wanted to be alive. So everybody, download Gubbins ''cause look, I don't regret this. It's kinda amazing. Basically Nerdfighteria has a game that's ours now. Like, not all ours but it's some ours, and it's a great game and we didn't have to develop it. We had extremely talented artists and developers that did that and they'd already almost finished it when I came along. It's so fun and 10% of whatever money it makes is going to go into the money that we distribute as part of the Project for Awesome. And it gets better if you could believe that 'cause you have a chance to actually add to the game. How's that work? Gubbins is a word game and when you make a word and then clear it, it'll pop up with a nice little message congratulating you. But sometimes, those messages are different. They're little easter eggs. For example, if you put in Obi it will say, "You are our only hope." There are hundreds of these override words—that's what they call them at the studio.

So three things if you could do this for me: One, download Gubbins. It's a free game. There aren't even any ads. You only get to play once per day unless you pay six bucks. I suggest you pay the six bucks, it's a lot of fun. You get, like, cool in-game prizes when you play but you can also buy in-game prizes. They're not necessary to play the game though, they're just fun things.

Two, when you finish playing, you can make a postcard. Here are some of the postcards. They're amazing. If you post the postcards, people will see the postcards and they'll be like, "What's that from?" and you can tell them or you can just use #Gubbins. People will see it more and more and they be like, "I need to play this game," and that will be good for us.

And third, in the description I have put a form where you can add a suggestion for override words. Basically, you just submit the word and the message that pops up when you get that word. Obviously humans will curate this list so know that we'll be looking at them before they get put in the game. We're not gonna pick everything, but it is going to make the list of override words much longer, like, maybe instead of hundreds of words, it will be thousands of words. But, you have to do it in the next week. I'll be taking the form down after that.

Gubbins is on IOS and Android. It's the number two word game in the App Store right now. It's the number 14 free game in the App Store right now, which is amazing. I mean, honestly, why don't we just do this together right now. Do you have your phone? It's probably nearby. My phone is right here. Here is my phone. Open up the App Store. Did you open up---I'm not joking around. Have you opened the App Store? Now, you're gonna type in the search bar in the App Store. You're gonna type in Gubb and it's going to autofill to Gubbins. and that--or the Google Play Store on Android. That's also a thing you can do. After the advertisement, because it wants me to download Toon Blast—which I'm not gonna do—I'm gonna go click on Gubbins and I'm gonna download Gubbins, which I've already done. Did you do it? Did you do it!? Did you do i-!? It's a lot of fun and the entire project is a thing that, definitely to me, in this moment of a little bit of existential anxiety and confusion. Is my job, like I have other jobs, but that doing something like that, that's my job and that's a pretty dang good job.

John, I'll see you on Tuesday. Also, everyone, in the description there are links to the various stores where if you are not in the U.S., you have only today for standard shipping with guaranteed delivery by Christmas, including various holiday boxes, which are anywhere from $25 to $99. You probably know this, but all products on donate 100% of their profit to help make the world a better, more equitable place. And we are already running out of some styles and sizes of the cancer socks, so if you wanna get those, there's no time like the present.