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Duration: | 11:51 |
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MLA Full: | "How Do Outbreaks Start? Pathogens and Immunology: Crash Course Outbreak Science #2." YouTube, uploaded by CrashCourse, 14 September 2021, |
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CrashCourse, "How Do Outbreaks Start? Pathogens and Immunology: Crash Course Outbreak Science #2.", September 14, 2021, YouTube, 11:51, |
You may not realize it, but your body is like a fortress, designed to defend you from tiny foreign invaders known as pathogens. This seemingly small world is actually super diverse, and sometimes super dangerous too. That’s why in this episode of Crash Course Outbreak Science, we’re going to get familiar with all different types of pathogens like viruses, bacteria, fungi, and more!
This episode of Crash Course Outbreak Science was produced by Complexly in partnership with Operation Outbreak and the Sabeti Lab at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard—with generous support from the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation.
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This episode of Crash Course Outbreak Science was produced by Complexly in partnership with Operation Outbreak and the Sabeti Lab at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard—with generous support from the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation.
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Crash Course is on Patreon! You can support us directly by signing up at
Thanks to the following patrons for their generous monthly contributions that help keep Crash Course free for everyone forever:
Shannon McCone, Amelia Ryczek, Ken Davidian, Brian Zachariah, Stephen Akuffo, Toni Miles, Oscar Pinto-Reyes, Erin Nicole, Steve Segreto, Michael M. Varughese, Kyle & Katherine Callahan, Laurel A Stevens, Vincent, Michael Wang, Jaime Willis, Krystle Young, Michael Dowling, Alexis B, Rene Duedam, Burt Humburg, Aziz, DAVID MORTON HUDSON, Perry Joyce, Scott Harrison, Mark & Susan Billian, Junrong Eric Zhu, Alan Bridgeman, Rachel Creager, Jennifer Smith, Matt Curls, Tim Kwist, Jonathan Zbikowski, Jennifer Killen, Sarah & Nathan Catchings, Brandon Westmoreland, team dorsey, Trevin Beattie, Divonne Holmes à Court, Eric Koslow, Jennifer Dineen, Indika Siriwardena, Khaled El Shalakany, Jason Rostoker, Shawn Arnold, Siobhán, Ken Penttinen, Nathan Taylor, William McGraw, Andrei Krishkevich, ThatAmericanClare, Rizwan Kassim, Sam Ferguson, Alex Hackman, Eric Prestemon, Jirat, Katie Dean, TheDaemonCatJr, Wai Jack Sin, Ian Dundore, Matthew, Justin, Jessica Wode, Mark, Caleb Weeks
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Your body is a fortress, crafted through millions of years of evolution. And I don’t mean just your fists or your teeth.
The little things like your skin, tear ducts and even the hairs in your nostrils are all designed to defend you. That’s because they’re protecting you from even tinier things: pathogens, the microscopic organisms that make us sick.
You might have heard of them in vague terms like “bugs” or “germs,” but the small world of pathogens is actually incredibly diverse, sometimes weird, and often, pretty dangerous. And in this episode, we’re going to get to know that world really well, from the little creatures that live there to how our bodies protect us from the ones that could make us sick. I’m Pardis Sabeti, and this is Crash Course Outbreak Science! [Theme Music].
In our last episode, we saw how looking at infectious diseases from a microbiology perspective can help us understand and tackle outbreaks better. To a microbiologist, the roots of disease are infectious agents, the microbes and large molecules that are transmitted between larger organisms, like humans. To be more specific, it all starts with pathogens, which is what we call the specific infectious agents that can make us sick.
Pathogens tend to be microbes like bacteria, viruses, protozoa and fungi. There’s a huge variety of pathogens out there– we’d need a whole other series to describe them all! but in general, they have a few key features that help biologists tell them apart. Let’s find out who’s who.
First up are viruses, which are made up of fragments of genetic material, wrapped in a kind of “coat” made of proteins. Unlike most other pathogens, they don’t have cells. And depending on who you talk to, they may not even qualify as living things!
That’s because they need to infect a cell and use its resources to reproduce. I’m team living thing myself. They do this by latching onto a host cell, injecting their own genetic material into it and taking over the cell’s functions to multiply.
If they attack enough cells, viruses disrupt the workings of our organs, causing us to get sick. Smallpox, the common cold, flu, Ebola, Polio, and COVID-19 are all caused by viruses. Wow, that’s a lot of diseases!
That’s part of why we often focus on viruses in outbreak science. Our next microbe, bacteria, do have cells. They’re single-celled organisms.
But while other kinds of cells keep their genetic material inside a nucleus, a bacteria’s genetic material is wrapped up in circular loops that float freely inside them. Not all bacteria are bad. There’s friendly bacteria like the ones in our stomachs that help us digest food, and the ones we use to create fermented foods like kimchi and yogurt.
But the pathogenic kind are much nastier. Once inside the body, they can kill your cells through direct attacks or by creating toxins that paralyze them. Other kinds of bacteria multiply so rapidly they damage entire organs!
That’s what the bacteria that cause diseases like cholera and tuberculosis do. Protozoa, the next microbes on our list, are a little more like us. They’re single-celled organisms, yes, but they are eukaryotes, which means they have a nucleus like our cells do, and they’re undoubtedly alive.
When they get into our bodies, they can harm us in ways similar to how bacteria can. One of the most widespread infectious diseases, malaria, is caused by protozoa carried by mosquitoes. Then, there are fungi.
These are your molds, yeasts, and mushrooms, and they’re also eukaryotes. Some are made up of single cells, some are multicellular, some are harmless pizza toppings, and some make us sick. Fungi release tiny cells that can reproduce on their own, called spores.
Certain kinds of pathogenic spores travel easily in the air, where they can stick to our skin or be inhaled. During an infection, fungal cells multiply, growing into places they shouldn’t and feasting on the cells they infect! Fungi are responsible for certain skin diseases such as athlete’s foot and ringworm, and other unpleasant things like oral thrush.
Finally, there are a few pathogen oddballs, like parasitic worms. Unlike the others, they’re animals…. Animals that live inside people by feeding off what they eat.
They can even grow large enough to be seen by the naked eye. I won’t mince words here, it’s… pretty gross. So let’s move on to the equally weird and fascinating prions.
Prions are just proteins that have ended up folded into the wrong shape. It doesn’t sound like a bent-out-of-shape protein would do much harm, but they can be seriously dangerous! If they come into contact with other, correctly-folded proteins inside the body, those proteins become misshapen too.
Those newly misshapen proteins bend other proteins out of shape and so on, damaging the organ they’re a part of. That’s why we consider prion diseases “infectious diseases.” Prions can be inherited or consumed in certain kinds of food. One example is Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease, or mad cow disease, which occurs in the brain.
Okay, that sounds… terrifying. But luckily, prions are super rare! Microbiology is a pretty large field and we’ve skimmed a lot of the details.
But it should give you an idea of the many kinds of pathogens that might enter the body. The question is… how do they do it? On close inspection the human body has lots of holes.
As I mentioned in our last episode, science demands clarity, so there’s no shying away from the details here. Some of the holes in the body are obvious, like your mouth and nostrils. Others aren’t as apparent, like your tear ducts, ears, anus or genitals.
And although your skin is quite a good barrier against pathogens, tiny scratches, wounds or bites can create holes too. All of these holes are the routes pathogens can take to get inside you. For example, pathogens can be transmitted by direct contact with an infected person’s skin or bodily fluids, which is often the case for sexually transmitted infections.
They can also be picked up from the surfaces we touch with our hands, and enter our bodies when we later touch our eyes, mouth or nose. Or an infected person might release droplets containing pathogens when they talk, cough or sneeze which then get inhaled by someone else. It could even be more straightforward!
Some pathogens find their way into our food and water, which we then unknowingly put straight into our mouths. Others, like malaria, are carried by animals known as vectors. Vectors are typically bloodsucking arthropods, like mosquitoes, ticks, and fleas, and when one bites us to feed, they’re basically creating another hole through which they transmit pathogens directly into our bloodstream.
It seems like the drawbridge is wide open for invaders, as far as the human body is concerned, hardly the most well protected fortress! But your body has a whole host of features to defend you from pathogens. Together, these features form the immune system.
It all starts with physical barriers, which prevent pathogens from entering in the first place. Skin physically stops pathogens from getting into our bodies. What’s more, it’s slightly acidic, which prevents bacteria from growing on it, and our sweat contains enzymes that break down bacterial cell walls.
Our eyes are similar. Our eyelashes and eyelids physically prevent airborne pathogens from reaching our eyes, while our tears contain antimicrobial compounds that kill anything our eyelashes miss. Other potential entry holes into the body, like our nostrils, lips, ears, genitals and anus are lined with mucus, which physically traps pathogens, stopping them from getting any further into you.
And though it might spread disease if we’re already sick, coughing and sneezing can eject unwanted material from our airways that contain pathogens. Finally, we can eject microbes out the other end. Every time we use the bathroom, we’re also flushing out lots of unwanted microbes from our systems.
These physical barriers are like the walls, turrets and moats of the fortress, providing a first line of defense. But should any stubborn pathogens manage to break through, the second line of defense kicks in: the innate immune system. This system has dedicated cells that attack any trespassers, so we'll call it a nonspecific barrier.
Monocytes cruise along your bloodstream looking for anything suspicious, while macrophages and dendritic cells keep an eye on your tissues. If they find something, they can digest the intruder. And macrophages will eat anything dangerous looking, even tattoo ink in your skin!
When a macrophage begins its fight, it calls for help by releasing proteins called cytokines as a distress signal. At that point, tougher cells like neutrophils and natural killer cells — yes, that’s their real name — will swoop in to help destroy tougher threats. So the cells of the innate immune system are like the guards of the fortress, well trained to neutralize most enemies that make it beyond the physical barriers of your body.
But occasionally, the body needs a more specific approach in tackling a pathogen, and calls for special forces. That’s where the adaptive immune system comes in. Unlike the innate immune system, the adaptive immune system is highly specific.
Its cells target distinct pathogens and continually, well, adapt to be stronger the next time. Two important members of this specialized team are the B-cells and T-cells. B-cells are a type of white blood cell that creates antibodies, which are special, custom-made proteins designed to stick onto one specific pathogen.
If an antibody binds the pathogen it’s looking for, the body triggers an immediate immune response to rapidly destroy the threat. That can look like blocking pathogens from getting into our healthy cells, or making pathogens clump together, stopping them from infecting more cells and making them easier for other immune cells to eat. T-cells also look for specific pathogens, but do it a little differently.
While B-cells and their antibodies seek out pathogens directly,. T-cells recognize our own infected cells. When they find one, they call in reinforcements:.
Cytotoxic T-cells and Helper T-cells. Cytotoxic T-cells are in charge of destroying the infected cells, while Helper T-cells coordinate the rest of the response. They help B-cells produce antibodies by nudging them into action or releasing cytokines, the protein distress signals we talked about earlier.
Our adaptive immune system has a secret weapon that gives us an advantage against repeated infections from the same pathogen. It remembers pathogens it’s seen before so it can recognize them more quickly the next time. When T-cells or B-cells are exposed to pieces of a digested pathogen they can specialize into memory cells.
This process is called immunological memory. Memory T-cells are like historians, documenting the invader’s attack and storing that data in our bodies’ long term memory. Memory B-cells, meanwhile, hang out in the body after the first immune response, ready to spot the pathogen and make antibodies quickly if it shows up again.
The adaptive immune system is like an elite guard of soldiers and military intelligence that strategizes to defeat the more serious threats to your body. And it’s this system that we take advantage of when we make vaccines. They help our T and B cells recognize a particular pathogen and prep to defend our bodies against it, without making us seriously sick.
We’ll be talking about vaccines in more detail in future episodes! Unfortunately, even with all of these remarkable layers of protection, sometimes things can still go wrong. Pathogens are often sneaky, and have multiple ways of evading even our strongest defenses.
Sometimes we do get sick, or even get sick multiple times from the same virus. Our immunity also varies from person to person, so what makes one person too sick to get out of bed might look like it doesn’t affect the next person at all! Our immune system can even overreact to something that isn’t actually a threat, like a particle of pollen.
In that case, the body will start up the immune response, releasing the same cytokine distress signals it normally would, which can cause inflammation and swelling. You might already know this process by another name: allergies! In the case of hay fever, it may just be annoying.
But a serious food allergy, for example, could cause anaphylaxis, when the throat swells up so much that you can suffocate. Similarly, an autoimmune disorder, like Multiple Sclerosis, is when a body is essentially allergic to itself and the immune system attacks our own healthy cells. On the whole though, the immune system does a remarkable job fending off the many kinds of pathogens it faces.
Understanding these threats and supporting the immune system is a crucial part of tackling diseases during an outbreak. Individual bodies are just one part of the picture. In our next episode, we’ll be zooming out to look at how when groups of people change, the way diseases affect them changes too.
We at Crash Course and our partners Operation Outbreak and the Sabeti Lab at the Broad Institute at MIT and Harvard want to acknowledge the Indigenous people native to the land we live and work on, and their traditional and ongoing relationship with this land. We encourage you to learn about the history of the place you call home through resources like and by engaging with your local Indigenous and Aboriginal nations through the websites and resources they provide. Thanks for watching this episode of Crash Course Outbreak Science, which was produced by Complexly in partnership with Operation Outbreak and the Sabeti Lab at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard— with generous support from the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation.
If you want to help keep Crash Course free for everyone, forever, you can join our community on Patreon.
The little things like your skin, tear ducts and even the hairs in your nostrils are all designed to defend you. That’s because they’re protecting you from even tinier things: pathogens, the microscopic organisms that make us sick.
You might have heard of them in vague terms like “bugs” or “germs,” but the small world of pathogens is actually incredibly diverse, sometimes weird, and often, pretty dangerous. And in this episode, we’re going to get to know that world really well, from the little creatures that live there to how our bodies protect us from the ones that could make us sick. I’m Pardis Sabeti, and this is Crash Course Outbreak Science! [Theme Music].
In our last episode, we saw how looking at infectious diseases from a microbiology perspective can help us understand and tackle outbreaks better. To a microbiologist, the roots of disease are infectious agents, the microbes and large molecules that are transmitted between larger organisms, like humans. To be more specific, it all starts with pathogens, which is what we call the specific infectious agents that can make us sick.
Pathogens tend to be microbes like bacteria, viruses, protozoa and fungi. There’s a huge variety of pathogens out there– we’d need a whole other series to describe them all! but in general, they have a few key features that help biologists tell them apart. Let’s find out who’s who.
First up are viruses, which are made up of fragments of genetic material, wrapped in a kind of “coat” made of proteins. Unlike most other pathogens, they don’t have cells. And depending on who you talk to, they may not even qualify as living things!
That’s because they need to infect a cell and use its resources to reproduce. I’m team living thing myself. They do this by latching onto a host cell, injecting their own genetic material into it and taking over the cell’s functions to multiply.
If they attack enough cells, viruses disrupt the workings of our organs, causing us to get sick. Smallpox, the common cold, flu, Ebola, Polio, and COVID-19 are all caused by viruses. Wow, that’s a lot of diseases!
That’s part of why we often focus on viruses in outbreak science. Our next microbe, bacteria, do have cells. They’re single-celled organisms.
But while other kinds of cells keep their genetic material inside a nucleus, a bacteria’s genetic material is wrapped up in circular loops that float freely inside them. Not all bacteria are bad. There’s friendly bacteria like the ones in our stomachs that help us digest food, and the ones we use to create fermented foods like kimchi and yogurt.
But the pathogenic kind are much nastier. Once inside the body, they can kill your cells through direct attacks or by creating toxins that paralyze them. Other kinds of bacteria multiply so rapidly they damage entire organs!
That’s what the bacteria that cause diseases like cholera and tuberculosis do. Protozoa, the next microbes on our list, are a little more like us. They’re single-celled organisms, yes, but they are eukaryotes, which means they have a nucleus like our cells do, and they’re undoubtedly alive.
When they get into our bodies, they can harm us in ways similar to how bacteria can. One of the most widespread infectious diseases, malaria, is caused by protozoa carried by mosquitoes. Then, there are fungi.
These are your molds, yeasts, and mushrooms, and they’re also eukaryotes. Some are made up of single cells, some are multicellular, some are harmless pizza toppings, and some make us sick. Fungi release tiny cells that can reproduce on their own, called spores.
Certain kinds of pathogenic spores travel easily in the air, where they can stick to our skin or be inhaled. During an infection, fungal cells multiply, growing into places they shouldn’t and feasting on the cells they infect! Fungi are responsible for certain skin diseases such as athlete’s foot and ringworm, and other unpleasant things like oral thrush.
Finally, there are a few pathogen oddballs, like parasitic worms. Unlike the others, they’re animals…. Animals that live inside people by feeding off what they eat.
They can even grow large enough to be seen by the naked eye. I won’t mince words here, it’s… pretty gross. So let’s move on to the equally weird and fascinating prions.
Prions are just proteins that have ended up folded into the wrong shape. It doesn’t sound like a bent-out-of-shape protein would do much harm, but they can be seriously dangerous! If they come into contact with other, correctly-folded proteins inside the body, those proteins become misshapen too.
Those newly misshapen proteins bend other proteins out of shape and so on, damaging the organ they’re a part of. That’s why we consider prion diseases “infectious diseases.” Prions can be inherited or consumed in certain kinds of food. One example is Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease, or mad cow disease, which occurs in the brain.
Okay, that sounds… terrifying. But luckily, prions are super rare! Microbiology is a pretty large field and we’ve skimmed a lot of the details.
But it should give you an idea of the many kinds of pathogens that might enter the body. The question is… how do they do it? On close inspection the human body has lots of holes.
As I mentioned in our last episode, science demands clarity, so there’s no shying away from the details here. Some of the holes in the body are obvious, like your mouth and nostrils. Others aren’t as apparent, like your tear ducts, ears, anus or genitals.
And although your skin is quite a good barrier against pathogens, tiny scratches, wounds or bites can create holes too. All of these holes are the routes pathogens can take to get inside you. For example, pathogens can be transmitted by direct contact with an infected person’s skin or bodily fluids, which is often the case for sexually transmitted infections.
They can also be picked up from the surfaces we touch with our hands, and enter our bodies when we later touch our eyes, mouth or nose. Or an infected person might release droplets containing pathogens when they talk, cough or sneeze which then get inhaled by someone else. It could even be more straightforward!
Some pathogens find their way into our food and water, which we then unknowingly put straight into our mouths. Others, like malaria, are carried by animals known as vectors. Vectors are typically bloodsucking arthropods, like mosquitoes, ticks, and fleas, and when one bites us to feed, they’re basically creating another hole through which they transmit pathogens directly into our bloodstream.
It seems like the drawbridge is wide open for invaders, as far as the human body is concerned, hardly the most well protected fortress! But your body has a whole host of features to defend you from pathogens. Together, these features form the immune system.
It all starts with physical barriers, which prevent pathogens from entering in the first place. Skin physically stops pathogens from getting into our bodies. What’s more, it’s slightly acidic, which prevents bacteria from growing on it, and our sweat contains enzymes that break down bacterial cell walls.
Our eyes are similar. Our eyelashes and eyelids physically prevent airborne pathogens from reaching our eyes, while our tears contain antimicrobial compounds that kill anything our eyelashes miss. Other potential entry holes into the body, like our nostrils, lips, ears, genitals and anus are lined with mucus, which physically traps pathogens, stopping them from getting any further into you.
And though it might spread disease if we’re already sick, coughing and sneezing can eject unwanted material from our airways that contain pathogens. Finally, we can eject microbes out the other end. Every time we use the bathroom, we’re also flushing out lots of unwanted microbes from our systems.
These physical barriers are like the walls, turrets and moats of the fortress, providing a first line of defense. But should any stubborn pathogens manage to break through, the second line of defense kicks in: the innate immune system. This system has dedicated cells that attack any trespassers, so we'll call it a nonspecific barrier.
Monocytes cruise along your bloodstream looking for anything suspicious, while macrophages and dendritic cells keep an eye on your tissues. If they find something, they can digest the intruder. And macrophages will eat anything dangerous looking, even tattoo ink in your skin!
When a macrophage begins its fight, it calls for help by releasing proteins called cytokines as a distress signal. At that point, tougher cells like neutrophils and natural killer cells — yes, that’s their real name — will swoop in to help destroy tougher threats. So the cells of the innate immune system are like the guards of the fortress, well trained to neutralize most enemies that make it beyond the physical barriers of your body.
But occasionally, the body needs a more specific approach in tackling a pathogen, and calls for special forces. That’s where the adaptive immune system comes in. Unlike the innate immune system, the adaptive immune system is highly specific.
Its cells target distinct pathogens and continually, well, adapt to be stronger the next time. Two important members of this specialized team are the B-cells and T-cells. B-cells are a type of white blood cell that creates antibodies, which are special, custom-made proteins designed to stick onto one specific pathogen.
If an antibody binds the pathogen it’s looking for, the body triggers an immediate immune response to rapidly destroy the threat. That can look like blocking pathogens from getting into our healthy cells, or making pathogens clump together, stopping them from infecting more cells and making them easier for other immune cells to eat. T-cells also look for specific pathogens, but do it a little differently.
While B-cells and their antibodies seek out pathogens directly,. T-cells recognize our own infected cells. When they find one, they call in reinforcements:.
Cytotoxic T-cells and Helper T-cells. Cytotoxic T-cells are in charge of destroying the infected cells, while Helper T-cells coordinate the rest of the response. They help B-cells produce antibodies by nudging them into action or releasing cytokines, the protein distress signals we talked about earlier.
Our adaptive immune system has a secret weapon that gives us an advantage against repeated infections from the same pathogen. It remembers pathogens it’s seen before so it can recognize them more quickly the next time. When T-cells or B-cells are exposed to pieces of a digested pathogen they can specialize into memory cells.
This process is called immunological memory. Memory T-cells are like historians, documenting the invader’s attack and storing that data in our bodies’ long term memory. Memory B-cells, meanwhile, hang out in the body after the first immune response, ready to spot the pathogen and make antibodies quickly if it shows up again.
The adaptive immune system is like an elite guard of soldiers and military intelligence that strategizes to defeat the more serious threats to your body. And it’s this system that we take advantage of when we make vaccines. They help our T and B cells recognize a particular pathogen and prep to defend our bodies against it, without making us seriously sick.
We’ll be talking about vaccines in more detail in future episodes! Unfortunately, even with all of these remarkable layers of protection, sometimes things can still go wrong. Pathogens are often sneaky, and have multiple ways of evading even our strongest defenses.
Sometimes we do get sick, or even get sick multiple times from the same virus. Our immunity also varies from person to person, so what makes one person too sick to get out of bed might look like it doesn’t affect the next person at all! Our immune system can even overreact to something that isn’t actually a threat, like a particle of pollen.
In that case, the body will start up the immune response, releasing the same cytokine distress signals it normally would, which can cause inflammation and swelling. You might already know this process by another name: allergies! In the case of hay fever, it may just be annoying.
But a serious food allergy, for example, could cause anaphylaxis, when the throat swells up so much that you can suffocate. Similarly, an autoimmune disorder, like Multiple Sclerosis, is when a body is essentially allergic to itself and the immune system attacks our own healthy cells. On the whole though, the immune system does a remarkable job fending off the many kinds of pathogens it faces.
Understanding these threats and supporting the immune system is a crucial part of tackling diseases during an outbreak. Individual bodies are just one part of the picture. In our next episode, we’ll be zooming out to look at how when groups of people change, the way diseases affect them changes too.
We at Crash Course and our partners Operation Outbreak and the Sabeti Lab at the Broad Institute at MIT and Harvard want to acknowledge the Indigenous people native to the land we live and work on, and their traditional and ongoing relationship with this land. We encourage you to learn about the history of the place you call home through resources like and by engaging with your local Indigenous and Aboriginal nations through the websites and resources they provide. Thanks for watching this episode of Crash Course Outbreak Science, which was produced by Complexly in partnership with Operation Outbreak and the Sabeti Lab at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard— with generous support from the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation.
If you want to help keep Crash Course free for everyone, forever, you can join our community on Patreon.